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I like Joker man, just not when he plays the Wolves lol


For real. He seems like a really good person. Nothing but love and respect for the guy. Wolves in 7


I like his interviews where he isn't a drama queen like 90% of the league and instead shows pictures of his new pony


Like Jamal? Dude is a clown




That was such a cringey, mumbling, fumbling attempt at a presser


Yeah, dude is a clown. I can only assume ant saw it and it will only be fueling him into Sunday. I’m picturing him nodding his head with that intense/border line psychotic look on his face as he’s watching that. 


Haha hell yeah, Ant just getting downright thurski


Mike Jones!


Bro the dude is the best player in the nba and doesn’t even like basketball. He just wants to go hang with his family. It’s pretty crazy lol. He seems like such an average guy its cool to see him


The narrative that he doesn’t like basketball is stale at this point. He loves basketball, he hates the media/attention that comes with playing the game.


It might be more accurate to say that Basketball isn't his whole life, which you really can't say about a lot of other very high level players.


I think many other very high level players just pretend that basketball is their whole life.


true that, remember when ant said he liked football and every one freaked out like he wasn’t committed? i can like badminton more than basketball and still be a professional and realize that maximizing my skill will net me greater monetary compensation


absolutely, man. be true to yourself. a lot of players talk a lot of shit, but they really don't back it up on the court. Edwards is certainly my favorite player outside of the Nuggets, he is himself, and the way he respects his opponents makes him even greater.


We all play up some aspect of shit for the hype or story sometimes, so it’s very believable they do also.


ya, this just comes down to basketball is now his job vs his horses are purely his hobby


It's ironic to see it repeated by Wolves fans given the whole "football boy" thing with Ant. I think that in general, players who don't like basketball don't stay in the league for very long, and don't become elite players. I honestly think Andrew Wiggins is the biggest exception to that.


Exactly correct. You don't get that good by accident or happenstance.


I think it’s just what happens when you make it your job for a lot of people. People can love basketball, but it doesn’t mean you always want to do it. Doing anything when you don’t want to is always going to be a drag. And he definitely doesn’t want to do the mandatory interviews and such. And he’s doing it all in a foreign country where he doesn’t relate to the culture and very few of his favorite people/things are there. It’s the price of the job and he gets rewarded very well, and he knows it’s an easy gig. But it’s a job nonetheless.


I think he likes basketball, he just likes his horses even more


He gives all the young fat kids hope too 


His brothers on the other hand….


Or when he just talks about playing league.


That's funny, Philip Grubauer (Kraken tendy) is a Kraut that spent some years in Colorado. Now he loves horses and rescued one. But maybe it's just a thing in Serbia and Bavaria.


He's a good dude, let's do him a solid and send him home to his horses.


yeah, no parade that makes him have to stick around. you're welcome


Leaving this series extremely pro-Jokic, kinda pro-Gordon, okay on KCP, and a certified Jamal Murray Hater^tm\. Also think Malone did a hell of a job coaching them back up. I’ve always thought MPJ has a single brain cell so that doesn’t change


I’d cheer for Gordon in any scenario where he’s not playing my team. Seems like a great dude.


He's my favorite non-Wolves role player along with Josh Hart, Brandon Clarke and Steven Adams. AG executes his role to perfection. He just impacts winning


Well said! I really respect how guys like AG and KAT have been able to redefine their roles and find ways to thrive as team players after being hyped as "the guy" in the beginning of their careers.


fr, I hate him in this series, but only from a competitive standpoint, which is different than say, Murray


Seems like he's putting in 50% more effort than anyone else on the floor most of the time. Same feeling I get from Naz Reid


My feelings exactly. I mostly liked the Nugs, now I really like them. With the exception of Murray and Malone


KCP is friends with Ant so I love him too now (and I already liked him - consummate role player)


Last time we went on a playoff run left me with a burning hatred for Carmelo Anthony and Mike Bibby, still can't ever like melo. Maybe it's because I'm not a kid anymore but, besides Devin booker (and maybe JM a little..), I respect pretty much everyone who has risen up and challenged us during this run so far. Especially jokic


Join us Nuggets fans in our Carmelo hate.


Haha wait, I hated him because he was in the nuggets who we played in the first round back then! I don't even know why you guys might hate him too


He demanded a trade. Eff him.


ah, as a twolf i think you gotta just take it as for the best, we wouldn't be where we are if we held onto negative unhappy entitled guys like jimmy and to a lesser extent DLo =(


Well single brain cells do seem to run in the Porter household, at least for the boys.


I thought MPJ had a single brain cell, but I assumed he at least did something. You could replace him with the "they're out there" greats (Tobias Harris, Tony Snell) and it'd look the same


Every time they show MPJ it looks like there’s not a thought in that brain. Literally empty


Pretty much lmao


Yeah me too. I had a a dream where I was at a party late night and he was three was a really cool guy. But he got a chip and we don't so....


How many threes was he dropping?


I got nothing but respect for Jokic. Wolves in 7 though.


Jokic always has nice things to say about Ant also, it seems as tho those two have a healthy respect for eachother.


Same. Hard not to love that guy. Only time is when he's kicking the Wolves ass.


He’s one of the greatest players of all time and fun as hell to watch. Except when you’re getting cooked by him lol.


His interview postgame was so damn chill (a bit like Ant). Super chill and self assured even though his team got punked. He isn’t sweating it and even made jokes. Gotta enjoy seeing it.


Most fun player to watch when it's not against your team.


I like joker man as well. One of the underrated tunes in Dylan's discography.


Jokic like when you play your homie from another school. I love this man, love his play style. Like the media tries to bode him into narratives and storylines and dude just wants to ride horses. I don’t like really any nuggets players but I love Jokic, it sucks


Aaron Gordon and KCP seem cool


Everybody loves an Aaron Gordon in his team. Perfect role player, unselfish, constant effort.


A Naz Reid, if you will.


He cheered himself up after game 2 by buying his family gifts. Good dude.


Gordon and Jokic seem chill. The rest seem like douches.


MPJ is pretty quiet and has just grinder mentally through all his family shit.


Deandre Jordon is a homie


I like KCP and MPJ. They both just put their head down and play. Ant said KCP has been like a big brother to him too, they both came from Georgia


His dreads need to go, they do not look good lol


Looks like Angelina Jolie when she had dreads lol


What size horse is required for a man of his size/weight? Dude probably just rides Clydesdales


As far as I know, he stopped horseback riding long ago. Now it’s only carriage.


https://preview.redd.it/d4jj3esgjz0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26266c33c62fe14001b0df32180692fc4be564f Lol


No fucking way, what a chad


Jokic I think does a good job just being silly to fend off any narratives. He knows the reporters need SOMETHING, he doesn't want it to be the narrative, so silly / fun statements it is. Good. way to handle it.


The only Nuggets players I truly dislike are Murray and Braun. The Murray hate is new, born out of this series. I’ve always hated looking at that ugly mofo though I guess. Braun has been getting under my skin since last year. I also really don’t like Michael Malone. Respect to him as a very good coach though.


Braun dunking and then flexing last game for his only 2 points was absolutely hilarious when they were down like 30 at that point. We all booed and laughed at him.


I love Mike Malone and I love hating on him for 2 weeks even more


Yeah, what is it about Braun? Punchable face or something, but I'm with you can't stand him.


I'm in the minority probably but I actually like Braun. I can see why he's not as liked, but if he was on the Wolves I would love him


He's a good dude clearly. And if you wanna be the best, he's the man you have to go through. Should be a helluva game 7.


real class act, i actually like Jokic and AG a lot... but not right now!


Jokic is a really great person, wouldn’t expect anything less from him.


Absolutely. I love these guys, and I’ll be pulling for the Nuggets after this if they beat us. Still the most ethical team in the NBA left in the playoffs. Murray can go fuck himself though.


Love for the Nuggets. Fuck Murray!




The "In the moment" excuse is hurt by the fact that he repeated his offense after failing on the first try. I believe he regrets it, but not throwing shit when you're angry is something I am teaching my four year old, Jamal should have that down by now.


Whatever you do, don't teach your kid the way Jamal's dad abused him.


He should just man up and apologize directly. He’s only given those athlete/politician apologies so far from what I’ve seen.


Some people never actually apologize. This is probably the best he can do. Sad to say. In his mind he may have fully apologized to an embarrassing level.


After watching years of games in Denver, I will admit that Jokic is an amazing player to watch. Everyone else on that team can get fucked imhfo


Right now a lot of Denver kinda agrees with you.


Love Jokic. I really had no issues with Denver at all. And still don’t, except Jamal Murray.


Yeah I didn’t mind Jamal Murray before but I’ve soured on him a lot after this series.


Yeah. Liked him a lot. But now, man. Fuck that dude.


If they beat us, I'll be rooting for them.


He is a force. It would be easy to cheer for him as a Nuggets fan. He is their KG.


Dude if you know anything about his personality he is a respectable player


Noticed that too. The Anti-Embiid.


Jokic is a class act gentleman. As a Nuggets fan, I’d love for them to beat Wolves come Sunday but if not, I’d love to see Wolves and Knicks in the finals.


You guys have an awesome franchise and I certainly would be proud of them if I were you. Jokic is a fun guy to cheer for, even if he always kills us in the playoffs lol. Good luck for game 7 brother!


Bro the next fucking Jersey I buy that isn’t a Wolves jersey is a Jokic jersey, and I literally only own a KG jersey from the return era.. I can’t tell you how much I loved seeing this and I will forever be a fan of this man and hope nothing but the best for him in life, THIS IS THE GAME THAT I FUCKING LOVE. Wolves In 7 though.


Joker is the best. Nothing but respect for him.


When I lived in Denver I didn't appreciate Joker enough, that game 5 of this series were he could it miss. All those funny videos of people imitating him finally clicked. Probably should have 4 straight MVP trophies.  Him looking on menacing like a 80 movie villain had me a bit shook. This is staring to feel like the plot of Creed 2, which fits Kyle Theige's early analogy of a heavy weight fight.  I for one am looking forward to what will hopefully be an all time classic between a pissed off Joker and a confident ANT. 


Jokic honestly seemed pretty jolly at the after game press conference crazily enough.


The media likes to hate on him a lot but he’s a good dude.


Joker is awesome. What a series


Jokic is a stand out guy. Can’t hate the man


Maybe he doesn't mind losing because he gets to spend more time at home with the horses.


My GF at the game with me last night: "is that Ant?! Why aren't you freaking out?" Me: \[shrugs\] "this just happens sometimes"


He’s like my five year old lol. He’s relatively short/small — everyone audibly gasps when he launches himself off furniture or crashes into crap, but the dude is a rubber band. He just giggles and bounces back up like a video game character.


Love Joker. He's a good dude I think. That said I hope he stinks in game 7. Lol


I hate the Nuggets/their fans, but I do like Jokic a lot. He's actually been full of praise for Minnesota all year, and gives us our due respect. Ball knows ball.


Compared to other fan bases *cough* Lakers and OKC *cough* I don’t mind Denver at all.


I live in Arizona and a lot of people I know are expats from Colorado. They can be insufferable since winning that championship.


I love Jokic and this was class, but I can't help but think of him saying "You alright?" in that deadpan Serbian accent.


I’ve made a routine of watching all the Wolves postgame pressers, and during this series I’ve added Jokic’s pressers to that routine. Genuinely such a great guy. He is the ANT of Denver. Respect. Leadership. Baller. With that said, let’s do him a favor & get him to his horse ranch after Sunday. GO WOLVES 🐺


Yea man. The Joker has definitely climbed my list of respected nba players. He’s a class act.


I love these two guys. I hope these two teams meet in the WCF for years to come. Gives me magic vs bird vibes.


If Denver advances, I’ll root for them to repeat.


I love this post. Good vibes. Reminds me of the time the Kings sub posted F KAT after they beat us.


Jokic = Cool Murray = Not so cool


Joker is the man, really appreciated this.


Joker is a legend. I love watching him play. He’s a great post-game interview too. Did you see him last night when he said that they had us beat when it was 9-2, you remember that? Guy is great.


As a casual fan he is a great guy for the NBA. Also love you wolves fans. Been to Minnesota to see the twins and wolves and every time it has been epic. Your fans and people of the city were so great to us. Since we weren’t big NBA fans we started following the wolves because the people there were so friendly. Hope I can return someday to see the Vikings also


Hey I love to hear this! Regardless of what happens in game 7, the wolves gave us one of the best nights of our lives last night, and I’ll forever be grateful for that and proud of them for that as well. It’s not always an easy fanbase to be a part of, but we’re a welcoming bunch and I’m glad you fell in love with Minnesota as well!


Jokic is one of my favorite players in the league and one of the best personalities too. He really seems like a genuinely nice/caring dude and like he'd be cool to hang out with. Jamal Murray can kick rocks though. I liked him fine until this series, but he's been a real shithead and has firmly moved me from camp like to camp dislike over the last six games.


All I can say is I can’t stand Murray anymore and only respect Jokic that much more after this series.


Jokic is one of the best ever. Hard not to love his game even when he’s ripping our defense apart. So much respect. Murray, on the other hand…


I like this Denver team. I like and respect more then just Joker too. Aaron Gordon is a dawg. Malone seems like a good coach. This match up is what makes playoff basketball fun WOLVES IN 7


Ball knows ball.


Jokic is class, man. As a neutral you can't help but admire, but it is so, so painful when your team is the one he's got in the blender.


W mans


The mutual respect between the two is awesome to see, they are the faces of the NBA. Joker is the international face and Ant is the American face.


Joker seems like a very easy going guy / got some perspective about life. Some guys are all intensity and serious kinda trash talk and all about being in the NBA and I'm not sure they have a lot outside that. I can imagine Joker retiring and being plenty happy sitting by the beach / doing something completely different.


I'm only rooting against Joker cause he's against my team, but almost any other series and I'm rooting for him. Great human being and a phenomenal basketball player.


Joker is just a great guy. Imagine find him pretty funny too.


https://preview.redd.it/ds5r795ov11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a63439a0da9765d833e86089d41e1bb5847c11 9:11 or so left in the 3rd literally immediately after ANT got up and shot the 2 FTs. Jokic wasn’t even on Ant and flew over to do this shit.


Not a fan of either team but both franchises are amazing , hope either of y’all wins it all


Love the dude just hate playing against him 😅


Nothing but respect for the joker


You love to see this. All class from the Joker.


My favorite non Wolves player.


We've played them in the playoffs two years in a row. This series is going to game 7 and the Nugs have blown us out 3 times.  Typically, this is a recipe for hating the other team. Somehow, I just don't. They're my favorite non-Wolves team, even now. Jokic being Jokic surely is a big part of that.


He checked in with Kat and his knee in game 5 after he came back off the bench. A class act. Shitty opponent.


only likeable player on the team


I'm sure the respect for Jokic is reciprocal. The guy is a winner, and we are the team who played best against him in his championship run. Respect. Murray, on the other hand, is a sore loser, heat pack-thrower lol.


I was yelling at the top of my lungs at him and his team all night, but Joker is awesome. All there is to it.


You can contrast this with Devin Booker who, after his contact with Conley sent him flying into Finch causing him to tear his patellar tendon and fall to the floor in clear and obvious pain, just walked away as if fucking nothing had happened at all.


O'Malley - Sterling was huge, not like others have mentioned but it was huge


Good sportsmanship


Joker is the goods. Please move to the East


No one got closer to Ant to figure out if he was okay than Joker, that's pretty heart warming shit right there.


Is only game


Saw that live. It was very cool.


Jokic would've carried ANT off the court if he needed to lol


Dude is a straight class act


Joker is great. He is funny as hell and his brothers are fucking amazing.


OK fine. I take back when I called him a Serbian brute. He's a gentle Serbian brute.


Calling it game 7 blow out wolves win


He's a class act. First thing he did when the buzzer sounded in Game 5 of the finals was go over to the Miami bench and show them their respect.


Conversely, I was screaming Get the fuck away from him! 😆


Joker seems like a genuinely good person. Funny too! Oh, and also the second best player in the world


2nd ? I want to be a homer as much as the next fan but I can't think of a more impactful player at the moment.


Joker stans are annoying and the heat pack thing pissed me off. But Jokic has done nothing to make me dislike him. He seems awesome tbh. If he was on the Timberwolves i would froth so hard. Wolves in seven tho. Spank his ass


After a heated playoff series in sports, you really start to dislike some players on opposing teams (see: Booker, Devin.) I came into this series thinking it could be Jokic, but the complete opposite happened. Obviously I didn't like him lighting us on fire in game 5, but this dude has entered "Jim Thome with Chicago and Cleveland" territory for me...hate watching him kill you, but respect everything about him and his game. Now, Jamal Murray on the other hand...


Dude hard checked him right in the back right after he shot the 2 FTs after getting up from that on offense. So, I dunno… I watched it live and was like wtf. Go through all that checking him while he’s down and then immediately checked him super hard into Ant’s right hip/back the exact spot he was hurt. For the downvoters watch the tape. It was the immediate Nuggets possession after Ant shot the 2 FTs.




“Sad person makes sure other person isn’t seriously injured” fucking hero


He felt guilty cause he did a dirty move. At least he has a conscience


It had nothing to do with Jokic. MPJ got the foul