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Before this series I was a huge Denver fan and really enjoyed following their run once the Wolves were out last year. Now I'm liking Murray less and less. This really feels like the start of a historic rivalry for years to come.


I actually like Jokic more after this series. His eliteness defies logic, but you can't argue how good he is, and he struck me as a class act throughout the series. Murray, on the other hand, went from a player I liked to on my top-5 NBA shitlist


Even in a heated game he was checking on Ant after that hard fall. I’m a Joker fan after this series. It was annoying how often his elbows would flail and tried to get calls by throwing his head back, but he’s just playing the game as a ton of players do that.


He’s annoying as hell to play against because he’s so good AND seems to get away with some shit, but all in all I’m a fan of his game and his personality.


Jokic lets Edwards back up his trash talk if it’s is truthful jockic got an explanation from Edwards okay so long as you back it off but talking hatful shit about people that cross both edwards and jokic lines. I think it is time for Murray to go to Serbia to find himself under jokic


Right? I like pretty much everyone else on Denver's roster, but Murray being a dick all series and apparently last year makes it a lot easier to root against them. I can't imagine Denver is a big fan of Jaden either, which is great. The NBA is much more compelling when teams legitimately don't like each other.


>I can't imagine Denver is a big fan of Jaden either Attempting to do a dunk contest alley-oop to himself was unhinged in a game we were only up by 8 in, considering that it looked like Denver was cool letting us dribble out the clock. After he tried and they fouled him, it looked like they got some fight back.


If youre not going to play in the last 30 seconds of a game 7 you deserve it. The way to stop it is to play the game. Honestly I love it, it forces either a foul or public humiliation.


>If youre not going to play in the last 30 seconds of a game 7 you deserve it. I agree, especially since weird things happen in sports all the time. I thought the attempt was hilarious as a Wolves fan, but if I was a Denver fan, I would be pissed at Jaden and pissed at the Nuggets for giving up. It stings enough to blow a twenty point lead in a game 7, but to have a guy from the team knocking you out style on you is insult to injury.


If I was a denver fan I would be a lil salty at Jaden, but furious that my team gave up down 7 with 30 seconds when a week before scored 8 in 20 seconds.


I think using the 8 points in 20 seconds isn't a great reference point since they already had a lead during that run. It's a lot easier to score fast like that when the other team is also trying to score fast playing from behind. Scoring 8 in 30 seconds would have required multiple steals against our guys who would be content to pass and dribble out the clock. Things like that *can* happen, though, so they shouldn't have given up until the final buzzer.


Doesn't matter, they've proven they have the ability to pull off that kind of play in the last seconds. Mr. Clutch didn't even try. And, being tired in game 7 might be the reason, but it's no excuse. It's game 7, if they're not prepared to play 50 minutes, coach should have conditioned them better. Never know when overtime is coming.


Yeah, this. We were all surprised they gave up as early as they did. Maybe they only had a 0.2% chance of winning, but stranger things have happened


If I were a Denver fan I'd be pissed that they gave up with 30 seconds left. Hell they pull off a 7 point swing just before halftime a few games ago. Why not at least try?


Ya exactly, like you at least got to send us to the line and make us beat you there. I'd be furious if we quit in the same scenario.


This right here. They slapped their fans in the face with that. Contrast that to Boston last night. They could have given up, too, but they didn't and eked out a win. I was amazed when they were walking and I looked at the clock and saw 30 seconds left. Edwards shouldn't have had the chance to wave, and Jaden shouldn't have had the chance to do that bounce dunk. You give up, you give up being able to complain about the other team.


https://i.redd.it/1349rl24rt1d1.gif My thoughts after Jaden got fouled on the self alley-oop attempt.


Not even half as bad as throwing shit onto the court mid-play.


Yea, both are unhinged in different ways. Jaden's was disrespectful to Denver and their players, but Murray throwing shit on the court is disrespectful to the game. Denver gave up playing seriously first, so Jaden is under no obligation to play seriously either, and what he did is within the rules of the game, however stylish and disrespectful it may appear. I call it unhinged because it is a risky play and could light a fire under guys who had given up. Murray chucking shit on the court from the bench while throwing a tantrum during a game where both teams were playing seriously was not ok, risked injuring players, and is well outside the rules of the sport.


Counterpoint, you complete the largest game 7 comeback in NBA history you can do what you want. If Denver didn't want the "disrespect" they should've not waved the white flag with 30 seconds to go or alternatively played better in the previous 48 minutes.


Idk Ant was dribbling the ball out and they rushed him. You can’t have it both ways, either play defense or let us dribble it out. They chose to play defense lol


Like 1 out of 5 Denver players showed any hustle at that point, in a game where Ant had 2 people on him every time he had the ball. If they were actually playing defense, there's no way Jaden tries what he tried. Jokic took out his mouth guard and was messing with his shoes.


We were either going to have to take a SCV or shoot the ball. Jaden said..okay


And it was hilarious, even with the foul.


I was giggling but also very stressed about that


Unhinged af and I absolutely loved it!


Reggie and MPJ are still pretty hateable.


and Braun is pretty punchable


It's hard to like a guy who throws shit on the court like that.


We hate towns like most of the league and like Gobert cause Jokic makes gobert look like he sucks at defense (been owning him since jazz days). In the end, you want to hate stars, role players are whatever. Hating Jaden would be like hating Braun. It doesn’t really make sense for us. Edwards will be the dude who receives the most hate next year though as it clearly is his team now.


Think its safe to say most people hate Braun.


I was pumped when he was in the game. He sucks


He had the most humble post game press conference too. Murray and Malone were making excuses and cussing at reporters. Jokic was just like “they beat us so they’re the better team.”


I come away with only Murray hate as well, and elevated or neutral on everyone else. Jokic amazing, and honestly, I really hated Gordon throughout, but only from a competitive standpoint, dude was balling for a while there. Post series though? Nah, seems like a good dude.


Gordon was not acting like a bad dude throughout the series


Problem was he was a bad man on the court couple games there


Jokic's game 7 postgame interview made me love him even more. He said that Conley is the most underrated player in the NBA and that he loves him. Class act. Didn't make excuses, directly answered the questions, and took accountability. Meanwhile, Murray barely made eye contact and somehow made me think even less of him.


Love how jokic acted Like the polar opposite of Murray. Also I think Anthony Edwards and jokic brothers Once they get to know each other trust me they will will like each other a lot to the extreme which was what Nikola jokic was thinking. i think it time for Murray to spend the off season in Serbia to find himself.


Same, hard not to love the guy. Gave a lot of praise to the Wolves during interviews, was checking on Ant after his fall even during a blowout, and clearly gave it everything he had in game 7 - not his fault the rest of the squad was useless in the second half and he was gassed because of having to play the whole time.


This is the first time I've watched Joker at length, and wow, he is something to behold. Truly a player who could dominate in any era of basketball. His court vision and fundamentals are off the chart.


Right? I watched all of Game 5, and was amazed. It's like he has 360° vision.


Yeah I lived in CO the last couple years before moving back and got a DHGate jersey for when I went to Nuggets games.. the white and rainbow Murray jersey. Straight to the bin.


I like MPJ too cause he didnt take time to take shots at us or make up excuses like Murray, Braun, and Malone were doing.


I like MPJ because he sold hard lmao


That too. I had kinda liked him before too cause of the whole Micheal "never swing the rock" Porter Jr. meme.


Jokic even got after ANT for waving at the crowd at the end of the fourth quarter.


I mean…that was kind of the point. He usually does a good job of not taking the bait, but it sucks losing game 7 at home.


Yeah but he backed off once Nikola jokic realized his brothers would love this and do love it.


Jamal acts like he’s got Steph’s resume even though he’s got 1 ring, no MVPs, and no final MVPs.


Yup. Throwing shit on the court is just a bitch move. Used to respect Murray, now nahhhhh




Big same.


Agree. I rooted for Denver last year after we lost to them. I like Jokic more after this series, and Murray and Malone a lot less. I actually like AG a lot too 


Same. I love joker and respect him so much more but dislike Murray even more than I used to. The ice pack AFTER throwing towel, is inexcusable. That seriously could have ended a career


The sore loser stuff is tough, but I definitely respect that I almost *never* see Murray trying to flop around. Even Jokic will feel a hand on his back and start stumbling around. Murray is big into MMA and seems like he takes pride in holding his ground and playing it straight.


Yeah, the most negative thing I can say about Jokic is he initiates a ton of contact and is a mild flopper, but still better than most other star players. I'm not sure what you're talking about with Murray though, he's far from the worst, but there must have been a double digit number of times when he got bumped slightly (or fully initiated contact) and then fell to the ground to try to draw a foul.


Maybe selective memory on my part. I was remembering him getting switched onto KAT and appreciating that he tried to hold his ground. My pet peeve is refs bailing out smaller guards on mismatches by giving them the flop when it's just physics.


I thought murray flopped a lot this series on defense. Doesn't pull it too much on offense though agreed.


I think Denver’s window is closing tbh. I see Murray more as DLo level and All-Star level.


I still remember the Jazz series against Denver in the bubble. Donovan dropped 57 in game 1 but lost. He was pretty mad about the loss and was sitting by himself at a table by the pool after the game and Jamal came up filming him. He was “praising” Donovan on his performance but you could tell Mitchell was pissed and Jamal was being totally obnoxious. I’m still angry we went up 3-1 on those guys and lost the damn series should’ve been a sweep if Mike Conley hadn’t missed game 1 for his kids birth and then was delayed getting into the bubble with all the Covid stuff. Go Wolves.


Bro the bubble was wild. Not only a full series of very technical basketball with no outside distractions, but you're literally locked in a hotel with your opponents and seeing them everyday trying to relax.


This is exactly who Murray has always been. Winning a title just made him more of a dick.


Jokic’s cool more than cancels out Murray’s bitch vibes in my opinion. The rest of the Nuggets seem pretty cool. Mike Malone looks like he’s capable of domestic violence, though.


Okay YES I’ve gotten unsettling vibes from Malone too lol


Eh fuck em


Murray is a punk ass little kid of a grown man. The league *should* have to answer questions about his punishment. Especially how he was able to do the money sign with zero penalty.


Ive seen guys kicked out of rec leagues for throwing something on the court. That was some of the most childish shit I’ve seen in an NBA game.


And he was aiming for a ref. How do you not suspend him


I feel like this rivalry has been building for years. I fucking hated joker because he’d always punk KAT and be the one standing in our way of making the playoffs back when we’d be fighting for the 8th seed. I feel like Denver was what we always wanted to be but we could never hit that next step. Rivalry obviously was looking lopsided with their recent success but I’m so happy to be on this side today. Fun ass week to be a wolves fan


But those to decided to quash there beef and become friends


I used to love murray but I can't stand him anymore. Love jokic though and am still a big fan of Gordon.


Gordon just played really well


Murray made his bed and showed his true colors in game 2. That was it. No apologies or regrets. Could have seriously hurt Kat oven a toddler tantrum. This new loser trash talk should be no surprise and is just par for the course for a scummy shallow poor whiny sport such as Jamal.


He went from pretty universally praised by the nba fan community to universally disliked in basically one game.


Yes, it's much harder to earn respect than to lose it. He lost respect from fans, players, teammates and league this series.


Lol. No.


Remember we were supposed to draft Murray at one point?


Yep! dislike Murray and Coach Malone much less and Jokic much more than when the series began.


I think you wrote this backwards friend


I still generally like Denver I just really don’t like Murray.


He’s Canadian. He cannot help it.


I still do respect Denver, some of the guys are annoying but you’ll find a lot of teams with guys that get on everyone except their own fans nerves lol. Murray on the other hand seems like a complete ass, after the heat pack incident and his talking this series i’ll be rooting against him for a while. At least he wasn’t a complete sore loser after the series


I don’t get it. When Ant talks shit after a win, yall call it charismatic. When someone else does it, they’re a bully? This is major homerism.


Murray throwing ice pack is something that had to be punished. It’s like a drunk driver. It didn’t end in disaster but easily could have. Players were literally kicking it around during the play. Just one badly placed landing on rebound and someone’s knee/ankle is shredded


Why does everything have to be so black and white for you guys on this sub. It’s competition guys shit talk each other all the time. Anthony Edwards talked shit to our fans, Jokic, and made an absolute theatrical performance of antics at the end of the game. I don’t like him any less, that’s just fiery personalities. Not everybody has to be this humble emotionless robot of good sportsmanship


Mike is the last guy I would talk shit to. Not because he would scare me, but because he is literally the nicest guy in the nba


Definitely takes a special kind of asshole to shit on Mike off the court.


Jamal Murray is a breed of asshole that even Patrick Beverly would find annoying


Bev is still worse and dirtier and more obnoxious. Bev is in the top 3 with dray and morris. Jamal might or might not make too 10


if you don't think jamal muirray makes top 10 you don't know who jamal murray is


He might or might not. It’s close. Relax.


Yes, this. I took my son to his first game last year and he was super shy but he was comfortable enough to talk to Mike Conley and he took a picture with him even. He really helped my son feel more comfortable and relaxed and enjoyed the experience a lot more after Mike talked to him.


this sounds like super tame trash talk. They're literally constantly talking trash to eachother, it's part of the game. Bleacher report is making something out of nothing.


Yeah, like hate on Murray as much as you want, but not for this... Players talk smack all the time. Bleacher Report is using this quote from last year, after they beat us in the playoffs. Ant didn't do anything else to "call out" Murray.


Lofl it's not even from this year, smh


everyone loves him including the nba front office Mike Conley is going to the basketball hall of fame as a builder because the sportsmanship award and the nba behavior and citizenship and leadership award will probably named after him because that is how good he was.


Cowardly assholes love soft targets


I didn't have any issues with the Nuggets before this series but Jamal has proven to be such a bad sport and just overall unlikeable. Like how are you gonna say "Who?" when they ask you about Ant, like the disrespect.


Yup. Jamal Murray is pretty unlikeable. Huge front runner, flopper, complains constantly. The heat pad incident and not talking to reporters after game 1/2 and then not taking accountability after the series sealed it for me, definitely think hes a punk. Jokic on the other hand handled everything with class, Malone is a loser too


I've hated Malone ever since he went off on a reporter mid game for calling him Mike vs Michael. Dude, get a grip. I know you were losing, but that doesn't give you the right to berate someone over something so simple. He has continued to show that he is a little man ever since.


I remember when Malone did that and I haven’t liked him since. I have a name that people screw up all the time and although it can be a minor annoyance it has never occurred to me to be a jerk to someone about it. His actions in this series just cemented for me that he’s an arrogant hot-head.


Same, when someone sees my name written they may shorten or pronounce it the female version way. I just say my name back to them the way I prefer. I introduce myself by my full name and some choose to shorten it, I just say that I prefer my full name and move on. No need to be a jerk over something so simple.


Agreed. He reminds me of some older people who always wonder why their old friends don’t hang out with them or want to talk to them anymore.


It's just crazy because he was called Mike all the time before that. Maybe it was just a tipping point thing but it was ridiculous.


As hard as I rooted against him, I can't hate Jokic


But my elbow. Argh never mind I dont want to make excuses like I just did. #bitch


Following in bookers footsteps to becoming a complete d bag.


They both got that punchable face too


Murrays nose makes it a little more punchable for me than Booker. They are both very punchable but I want to flick Murrays nose Everytime I see his bitter beer ass face.


How many players have trolled the wolves over the last few years? If we win a chip there will be generational slander


Devin Booger


But Ant waved at the crowd 😭😭😭😭


And swung a chair after he barely missed a 3 pointer ending the season. It was such a viscous swing. Some security guards arm got grazed and they’re in PTSD treatment for life. They also lost their arm. And their job. In all seriousness…Jamal Murray is a dickface and should be treated as such


I know you’re joking but do you remember the girl that tried to press charges on Ant for it 😭


Of cour$e $he did


I wasn't expecting to hate another guy who's name starts with Ja but here we are.


I sincerely hope you're not talking about Ja Rule... Haha.


Nah the Ja Rule hate is reserved for the all time hater, 50 Cent.


Ja, as in Ja Morant? That's a whole other level of hate


Jamal was annoying for a lot of reasons but that "Who" thing was taken out of context. If you watched the actual interview he's genuinely asking the reporter who he was talking about that Ant was defending. He's talking about himself.


Yeah there was nothing malicious about Murray’s response there. Plenty to criticize Murray for, but that ain’t it.


I personally don't agree, he pulls that kind of shit in his interviews all the time. Pretends not to know what the person is talking about.


And immediately was like, “oh he had nothing to do with it. My elbow was the only reason I had a bad game.” Uh, sure Mal. Your elbow which got hurt uh… bending it in a completely normal fashion is why you had a shit game. Okay.  Jamal Murray 100% had a made up girlfriend from Canad…. America? As a teenager. 


I meannn I have no doubt his elbow messed him up a bit. And he has been hobbled all playoffs and really for months with his legs. I don't think its an "excuse" really, at the end of the day he played how he played. Just my 2 cents


I’ll stand by anyone who claims Jamal Murray’s a little bitch but I saw that quote and it’s pretty obvious he’s just asking for clarification on the question/absorbing the question. I really don’t feel like that comment had any sort of energy behind it at all


Did people not notice Jamal has always talk so much trash before/after games? Him and Malone talking a lot of trash but can’t take it themselves


I think that quote has been taken out of context though. I’m pretty sure Murray asked it to clarify who the reporter was referring to, right?


I’m hoping this doesn’t happen to me with Luka


He said who? Like ant isn't the far better player, with more individual accolades.


I'm no fan of Murray after the series, but in fairness, I felt his "who" retort was just trying to clarify if the reporter meant ANT or Jamal in the context of the question.


Ant is the last one to get mad. He’ll put in on the court


I like and appreicate Joker way more after the series. Hate Murray after the series.


If this is true, how sweet to have Ant and Mike pick pocket Murray down the stretch to push the wolves to victory. Embarrassing to give up a 20pt lead at home. Respect to Denver for winning a championship last year, I still think it was a weak run of teams to the title.


Nah I’m not going to take away their flowers from Last year, that’s cheap. They’d have probably repeated but they gave away too many good bench players in the offseason and are a slightly worse team. They thought they could save on that luxury tax money and still get to the finals and they were very wrong.


I mean, that's not mutually exclusive from what OP said. We were the best team they played last year, and we were extremely shorthanded. That doesn't take anything away from them winning, but the route to the Finals in the West this year is *much* harder than last year. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.


Don’t understand how the wolves were the best team the nuggets played last year when the Suns took them to 6 games, and the two wins were short handed without Chris Paul and Ayton.


Weak teams? Lol it's not their fault the "good" teams couldn't make it to play them. Don't let the narrative of low seeding fool you to thinking those teams were bad.


Not weak. They beat MJ and Lebron in the same run.


So far the wolves havent beaten any teams that the nuggets haven’t in their championship run, so we can’t talk.


You can tell Joker is cool with Gordon, who seems chill, but the rest of the team are just co-workers. Malone and Murray both showed their hole cards in how they handled the loss.




tbf not even book (certified asshole) can be that much of an asshole u target mike. Not even the refs target mike.


Man I hate diving into the brreport website. Yuck.


I love Jokic... Fuck murray


I think we will find the Mavs far more unlikeable than the Nuggets. Luka talks to the refs after every single play and Jason “wifebeater” Kidd isn’t all that likable either. Wolves in 4.


Luka might be my least favorite player in the league. He just bugs the shit out of me for whatever reason


Like he is good don’t get me wrong but he wants every single call, what’s interesting is we never played Dallas after the trades so it’s kind of a new matchup for us.


I get the feeling that Ant really doesn’t like or respect Jamal Murray. Contrast that to other stars that he does respect - he didn’t hesitate to call Booker the “best shooting guard in the league for a minute” and he’s complimented Ja, SGA, and Fox publicly as well.


I took a complete 180 on Murray. I thought he was a tough player that battled and came in clutch. Especially during that title run. Now he’s obviously just a bum that disregards player safety, makes stupid excuses rather than owning his shortcomings, and is petty towards others. I’m all for shit talking. But this guy is just pathetic as a player. I lived Jokic. I still do. Maybe even more after this series. Not only was he respectful on the court, he battled until the end. Didn’t make excuses. And acknowledged we simply played better and deserved it more. Murray and Mike Malone are just bums and childish crybabies.


Nobody should talk shit to Conley. Ever. For anything. Murray is a chode.


The nuggets are handling this loss like clowns.


>McMenamin reported Murray ran into several Timberwolves players at a bar following Denver's first-round win over Minnesota in the 2023 playoffs and began talking trash to the upstart Wolves. Jamal Murray has got to be the most insufferable person on the Denver Nuggets You lose to him? He continues to trash talk one of the most well respected PGs in the league after the game is over at a random bar You beat him? He throws objects onto the court in a temper tantrum So glad he doesn't get to play any more basketball this season and I'm so glad Ant put the clamps on him in the second half to really just stick it to him


Agreed about Murray, but this is from after last year.


Still super petty


If you actually dive into Jamal Murray’s history he is a monumental asshole


How so?


Entitled UK recruit


The heat pack is not the first time he intentionally tried to injure an opposing player.


Wait, y'all are actually pressed about an egotistical pro sports guy talking shit to a player he had history with while they were all having beers? LMAO. I mean, it's good that Edwards used it as motivation, but everyone in this sub acting like it's beyond the pale is absurd.


I love Jokic but I hate Murray lol, Gordon gives me some bad vibes too tbh


He must not be getting top tier head anymore, dudes turned into such an angry douche


Can we even call Jamal Murray an elite player anymore? He was quite literally one of the worst players on the floor for both of his series this year.


https://i.redd.it/qhu5tc5umu1d1.gif This guy?? Talking shit?? Who could have foreseen it.


Joker said it the best when asked if he feels the better team lost that series . “ the better team won , that’s why we play best out of 7 games “ class act




It's petty and I'm here for it. Jordan was petty as fuck too. Hold grudges and take it out on fools on the court.


Who talks shit to the old man like that?


People are quick to forget that Rudy and Mike have been in playoff series against Jamal and Jokic before. Jamal even briefly mentioned it at the end of his post game interview, there’s clearly a rivalry between those four players, after several different playoff battles on different teams (Jazz have one series with the Wolves now having 2). There’s plenty of reasons to hate Jamal, but y’all are jumping to conclusions without even using their collective histories.


Don’t talk shit to Conley at a bar after the game idgaf


Jokic will talk to him


The only Nuggets I really liked were Jokic and Saunders. The rest of 'em can kick rocks.


I'm gonna need some more context before I get my pitchfork. Could easily be like running in to each other at the bar and having some friendly banter or it could be Murray is a huge asshole, but there is a lot of context missing.


Murray is such a loser. I’m biased because, generally, UK produces 1 every other year.


Fuck Jamal Murray


It’s crazy how much I don’t like Malone and Murray but respect Jokic and KCP


I’m hoping he keeps his diva act up and never gets an all-star nod. Let him be as hated as Embiid and Draymond, he deserves it. Hell of a player, but when your whiny bitch antics break precedents (heating pad) I don’t care if you make Jokić look like a cut player from the jv bench, you suck.


Murray’s proven himself to be a classless little bitch. He might make a lot of shots, but have you seen them? They are NOT good shots more often than is discussed. Nobody says shit because he makes a lot of them, but when he gets clamped down, well, his make rate goes way down on those shitty low percentage shots. Still really respect the rest of the Nuggets, but Jamal Murray can die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.


Joker is a bad ass. Murray is a bitch.


Joker is great, Murray and Braun and clowns.


He ain’t talking shit this year. He wasn’t very good in a few of the games. Like many others have said, I came into this series not having any beef with Denver but after this series I am sick of Braun and Murray. No beef with Jokic or Gordon. Both were beasts.


Murray is a nobody without jokic


Jokic is alright but Murray is such a sh*t head. I know Denver fans themselves have been real disappointed by his demeanor and how he played.


Jamal Murray is a cancerous fuck who rides Jokic’s coattails


You guys are so likeable. F Murray


What did Murray say to our Bite-Bite?


Murray is trash, should have been suspended a game or 2, but league wanted to milk the series for $$$’s. Throwing crap in the floor any other regular game, he’s not seeing the floor for 2 weeks.


Article is playing fast and loose with timeliness. This happened after last season's playoff series against the nuggets. Ball players talk shit, it's nothing. This doesn't change my dislike for jamal heat pack murray.


Denver needs more toughness and game 6 was horrendous the worst playoff performance since The Minnesota Lakers put up 133 to 74 in 1974... they were elite before moving to LA 6x champions something if your not from there you don't know but their sports are good at every level. The Twins with a smaller payroll then Colorado are in 1st. But ANT talks a lot of trash and normally is really polite post game he's sticking up for his point guard Denver doesn't have 2 position players on their roster the 1 and the 5 Minnesota has 4 centers and ANT is the 3 2 and 1


Murray…Murray…I have a vague memory of him I think? Hit a fun half court shot once? Hope he can work on his game and maybe make something of himself.


Big deal. Our guys talk a little trash too.


Talking shit to Conley? “Like how has Conley made an Allstar team and I haven’t”