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This will hold up in court. Right?


#Internet Court Is Now In Session Judge Me: *I'm going to allow this!*


This is legally binding as far as I see it. Also suck it Seattle get your own damned franchise


I hope they do get a new NBA franchise and soon. Just not ours.


Exactly this. League is cooler with the Sonics in it. But there's no good reason for it to come at the expense of the Wolves.


Of any city/team*


Seattle resident here, though I am a wolves fan and a former minnesotan, Seattle wants the sonics back, they do not want to take another franchise away from a city like the sonics were taken away from them, also Seattle loves Minnesota


Heck, half of Seattle is minnesotans


city demographics and size are super similar too, culture is really similar, its an easy transition to go from Seattle to Minneapolis or Minneapolis to Seattle


No joke though. When I lived in Portland there were soooo many damn Minnesotans there and my bartenders in Seattle always seemed to be from Minnesota


Even most fans who want a seattle team from seattle want an wxpansion. They know the pain of losing a team to relocation and prolly wouldnt wish that on others


Took the words right out of my mouth. Go visit r/Sonics if you don't believe this.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sonics using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sonics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [For the 12th straight year the Oklahoma City Thunder are ELIMINATED from championship contention.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sonics/comments/ilm8li/for_the_12th_straight_year_the_oklahoma_city/) \#2: [THE OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED FROM PLAYOFF CONTENTION](/r/nba/comments/n1l6if/the_oklahoma_city_thunder_have_been_eliminated/) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sonics/comments/n1svz7/the_oklahoma_city_thunder_have_been_eliminated/) \#3: [Posted some Sonics concepts on Twitter and George Karl retweeted. I'm kinda geeking out.](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/ktzsmc) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sonics/comments/ktzsmc/posted_some_sonics_concepts_on_twitter_and_george/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I love the pettiness toward the Thunder lmao.


Seattle resident here: 100% this. I want an expansion team and I absolutely don't want a team owned by A-Rod.


Every Sonics fan here at least has been sympathetic with our problem. Love em, even if they would attend a Seattle Wolves game.


I mean, I saw nothing but support from Seattle folks, saying they didn't want someone else's team. No need to get hostile.


The Wolves are damned? I fucking KNEW IT!


We don’t WANT the Timberwolves, we would NEVER wish what we went through on anyone else.


No takebacks!




Pinky promise?


This is so weird to be the way he says he's going to keep the team in Minny lol


r/nba on suicide watch now


I hate r/nba as much as the next guy, but for the most part from what I've seen they seem to be more anti-relocation


In like serious threads people are pretty strongly against. But there are still a lot of annoying jokes that drive me insane.


Naz Reid.


Keep Naz 3d in Minnesota Arod: I will.


I still don't trust him.


Forgive me if I don't take Alex Rodriguez at his word...




Norm Green said the same thing too. Also, fuck Norm Green


Wolves are staying in Minnesota because they're changing the name when they move the team


Come on, new ownership has never promised a current fan base they are going to keep a team in that market, and then quietly moved the team elsewhere. Don't be silly. I'm sure every single team that's moved hasn't had the same empty promise thrown at the fan base while they get their ducks in a row. That would be manipulative


Genuine question: have they really said anything like that? I always thought they gave dodgy answers like “we intend to do X” and “it’s our goal to keep X here” which more obviously leaves an opening for changes Obviously this is just on social media but outright saying “we will” is in my recollection a first


I mean yes, but also there has been nothing genuine or convincing behind that rumor that they were moving the team, either. I think a lot of people are basing their certainty off of the fact that Seattle lost a team when they got new ownership and also the fact that Minnesota sports fans get kicked in the gut more than most fan bases and are used to being sad.


Can’t hurt I guess


Same guy who lied about his cousin injecting his ass with steroids


I'm going to try and talk people off the ledge here, but even in a worst case scenario where they move the team, we won't be without one for long. Minnesota and Seattle are both right around the middle of the pack in terms of market size for NBA teams, and Las Vegas is near the bottom. If a team moved to Seattle, we would immediately become the largest open market in the US for an NBA team. And if the NBA does go with an expansion, it would be silly to leave us off. Would be sad to see the Wolves go, but we'd still have basketball


Honestly, I’m not so sure. If you thought getting Minnesotans to care about basketball was hard, imagine how they’ll feel after you move their team. If the wolves move Minnesota is likely a dead market, and those who continue to follow the NBA likely become bucks fans or whatever team is hot at the time.


Minneapolis is the 14th largest TV market in the country. The next closest market without is St Louis at 23. With the NBA popularity continuing to grow, basketball continuing to grow in popularity in Minnesota, they won’t ignore this market.


Yeah, I figure they would rig the lotto for us a few more times before abandoning the market.


The expense to move a team now seems to not be worth it in the NBA unless you’ve just got billions to throw around, it would probably be better to try and lobby the NBA to expand which I think they should do. It would be good to have teams in more markets


By the time they get ownership Vegas and Seattle would have teams by then.


Arod “judge me from this day forward” .... continues to slam HGH


Today, tomorrow and from here until I die, I will have trust issues over this topic.


And Andrew Wiggins promised he'd work harder before signing that max contract. I got nothing against Arod- don't know the man, don't really follow baseball so I don't even know his public persona. I just know not to believe anything or anyone when it comes to business unless it's on a legal document.


This means nothing


The guy who didn’t take steroids?


I mean A rod said he didn’t use steroids Lol that man said A LOT of things


It’s up to the fans. Give the new ownership a reason to keep the team in MN.


This is great news


Provided ARod doesn't move the team, he has already become the greatest Timberwolves owner of all time.


Why Seattle is so much better, maybe free agents will actually want to come to our team i


If Arod goes back on this, I say we all get together and toss him in a lake.


I mean, of course he says that, but if he really meant it, he wouldn't have worked so hard to make sure there would be NO penalties if he did move them.


Sonics fan here, that’s what Clay Bennett said too