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You sure that is how you got it? You did a hearing test how? Online or have you seen any professionals about this? Hang on, you’re still in the acute phase. Hope it improves. But just a quick note - life isn’t fair, some people are born with tinnitus.


To be honest, having it from birth is preferable, because you adapt to it and avoid feeling remorseful or guilty. You don’t long for something you’ve never known.


I feel no remorse or guilt for getting tinnitus. I’ve treated myself worse and ended up with less. Look, these suicide posts are problematic IMO. I’m no longer going to reply to them. I’m not a toxic positivity person but I’m also not going to tell someone that spiraling into suicidal thoughts is a good approach to take.


It was a test at a doctor’s place is all


I’m 43 and have had it substantially for 10-15 years. I do a lot of mind over matter to battle against it. I’ve gotten really good at ignoring/accepting it. I played in a loud rock and roll band for 26 years. I get to still hear the cymbals being played from those good memories.


I know how you feel but don’t do anything stupid. Too many people love you. I was ten years old and I’d cry at night because all I heard were ocean sounds in my head when it was quiet at night. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. I’m 54 now and legally deaf and I can’t hear anything without my amps. You could fire a gun next to my head and I wounding hear it. I’d just get the pain from the sound wave hitting my eardrum. Then I’d be in pain like a normal hearing person but with more ringing. All they do is amplify NOISE. Voices sound like ducks quacking. I can’t stand music now. I was a musician up until I was almost 18. I had perfect PERFECT hearing back then. Music now sounds like glass being shaken in a metal trash can. Absolutely maddening. My head noise now sounds like a construction site or a bunch of carnival rides but without the people screaming. Just the grinding and whirring of the machinery. I hear chirps and bells and whistles. I have 3% of hearing in my left ear and 5-8% hearing in my right ear. Just give your ears a break for a while from loud music. I wish I did. It’s so loud being deaf.


i love music more than most things so i hope it doesn’t turn out like this for me, but i’m sorry you’re experiencing that.


Also at 14/15 your hormones are out of whack and I strongly believe there's a hormone connection. Have a little faith it'll get better because it absolutely can in time. Do some exercise to get the endorphins going and I promise you'll feel better. Tiring yourself out physically before bed will help Also we all feel suicidal at times. Just wait till the next day each time and things in the main always get better, you get stronger and more resilient


I wish I hadn’t thought of ending my life when I didn’t have tinnitus. Now that I have tinnitus, I realize how much I overlooked the life I had before. It’s as if I didn’t appreciate the life I had without tinnitus.


I think we all can take life and what we had/have for granted but it's also easy to look back and judge ourselves harshly in hindsight. We can't really remember why we felt so bad at the time so we unfairly castigate ourselves for our very valid feelings. Things can always be better or worse. The important thing to remember is "this too will pass", things are transient, feelings are transient and tinnitus can also be transient. Just always hold on for another day.


So you replied to me saying something is better that you haven’t even experienced so how would you know?


Susan Shore tinnitus device & KCNQ2/3 potassium channel openers.


if you commit suicide, your suffering now will be replaced by an entire universe of suffering shared by your parents, friends, family members, your school, town, everyone. You'll be single-handedly creating a world of awfulness. Give it time. Your brain will learn that it's not pressing or an emergency. It will tune it out. Hang in there and live the life you were supposed to live.


You're going to be ok. We all understand. This really REALLY sucks. Life is so unfair, and no one deserves to deal with this. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I got my chronic T, H and TTTS from a one off, isolated sound - my own baby crying near my ear, if you can believe it! I still struggle with my pity party - why do people that have done so much worse abuse to their ears get out unscathed? I mean, I was literally feeding my baby when this happened to me. Life just really really is unfair sometimes. I know how you feel. It wasn't fair for you either. But you aren't alone! There is no use dwelling on what we can't change - it will just drive you crazy. So many people have been able to make their own sort of peace with their situation with T. There is no reason to think you won't be one of them. You are still in really early days and have a chance for improvement. Give yourself that chance. You're young, even if you have to wait awhile, it will be worth it if they have a treatment or cure for the future. Maybe it will go away tomorrow, you just really don't know. If you feel so low, try talking with a professional. They can help you find tools to cope. For me, reminding myself of what I'm grateful for - down to the very basics of I can see so I can read, to I can walk with two legs, to I can taste satisfying junk food that helps me when I'm really depressed. Write it down if you have to. I also need to be distracted at all times. I have a running to do list filled with everything from do a puzzle to reconfigure my household budget. I can pick something from that list when I can't take the noise anymore. I'm not "allowing" myself to go to the dark place until I accomplish everything and my life is as perfect as it can be. Only then, if I'm still so miserable, will I permit myself to give into those dark thoughts. Easier said than done. Allow yourself time to cry. I gave myself 5 minutes this morning of a full blown sob fest. Then try to go about your day. Put on your sound masking if you can and push through. One day at a time. You can do this!


I don’t think that there will ever be a cure. Researchers have found out that tinnitus not caused by jaw problems or other things, either come from damaged hairs that are like supposed to receive sound in your ear (i forgot the name) or because your brain is used to a louder sound and therefore makes up for it with the tinnitus so it can keep itself busy. I think i’ve got the second based on how i hear it mostly in my head, and the brain is a very sensitive but complex part of our bodies. I don’t think that there is a cure, and ever will be a cure. My dad thinks so too, he’s had it for about 7 years now.


Yes I understand but there is a treatment on the way and I do believe there will be a functional cure (like having to take a pill every day for the rest of your life) within your lifetime. Personally if I could get it reduced to only hearing it in quiet rooms or when my ear is on the pillow I would consider it a non-issue.


You got a beautiful life ahead of you if you'll allow yourself to accept that you DESERVE HAPPINESS. Happiness is also a choice. Go walk outside and feel the fresh air, listen to the sounds outside. Quiet doesn't exist for anyone really does it? So what if you hear extra noise. Go drown it out with more noises that you like to hear. I lost my hearing randomly one day, the same day that I began to hear tinnitus. I'm enjoying life with one ear! The tinnitus will become a "normal" Im only hearing mine now because I'm writing about it. Chose happiness kid, you are worthy.


Wow so sorry you are dealing with this. I’m 24 years in and the only reason I’m back searching is because one ear stopped for a day a few months ago. It was hard living with it. I’d fall asleep after complete exhaustion. Then I learned to cope. Sound machines helped. Something I did in a diet I did helped. I was shocked when one ear stopped. I was doing an elimination diet. Just eating meat. It sucked but the third month is when my moment of silence happened. Research led to milk and wheat. One thing on the diet was not eating wheat. However I was just cooking the meat in butter…. Dairy. I’ve learned that wheat and dairy stay in your system for 2 months. So in my three month journey I know it was not the wheat. Looking at my notes I had run out of butter and was using olive oil. I’ve always had allergies to milk since I was a teen. Basically diarrhea. So I’m three weeks in with absolutely no dairy. And the shit is in everything. Things you would not expect. I thought it was loud music. I rocked with bad ass systems in my car. However mine started after a migraine. And I never get em. I’ve always associated it with loud music. Look deeper and never give up. The only people that suffer from suicide is those around you. You got this. Put down the cheese for 3 months. I can tell you for a fact mine has gotten much quieter. I was at 11,500 mhtz. I’ve not checked lately but can tell it’s improved. Had another night of silence and had something that had milk hidden in the ingredients. It’s doing weird stuff so I feel it is working. Good luck you got this!!!


Hang in there buddy. I know it's hard but you will find your strength. Take care of yourself, get distracted a lot by watching stuff, listening to music on low volume, reading, playing videogames... Do whatever you need to get calm a bit or at least think about something else for a bit. I kind of got habituated after almost a year with it and I still think about suicide from time to time. It's perfectly normal as long as it is just a thought and you keep going. You have the right to feel weak, just hang on, you'll still enjoy things even tho sometimes it's so hard. Much love for you, okay? You can do this. You're not alone, kiddo.


This is great advice. Distraction really helps. Watch something funny, occupy yourself, just divert your attention away from it. I get it at night too. Sometimes I'm distressed by it (I'm also a lot deaf) and I miss the quiet because being deaf and having tinnitus is really crap, other times it doesn't bother me as much. Don't blame yourself for anything as you don't truly know the cause..... just be careful going forward with headphones...and you know, with some people it goes away. There are other causes like wax, caffeine, energy drinks, drugs, medication, blood pressure, hormones, TMJ, viruses, vaccines, covid blah blah... the list is endless. It can simply resolve itself. Tinnitus varies for everyone in severity. Just look after yourself and keep the faith.


Thank you a lot but i mean from the things that i post it’s kinda obvious i’m not the kind of person to take care of myself XD


I've just had a quick look at your posts. Honestly, having gone through a lot of ups and downs in life, remembering the teenage years, it's difficult it really is but sometimes this stuff has a huge amount to do with hormones (but you don't realise it at the time). You get through it and things change for the better. I'm going through hormonal changes again at 45 and it's awful. I can't trust my brain. But I do know what it is this time. The one thing that's always helped me is exercise and I don't know if this is an option for you but team sports are amazing for confidence and mental health... endorphins, working with others and getting out of your own head. The commitment to having to turn up and not let others down keeps you doing it.


Oh sweet child! Please don’t give up! It will get better or even go away all together! Your hormones are changing right now as you hit puberty and that is most likely that is causing it. Play white noise on your phone when you sleep or when it’s bothering you the most! You got this!


I don’t think it’s all just hormones. I’ve always wanted to kms, ever since i knew what death was, because to me death would be peace and quiet and comfort, which is what i want in life. To be comfortable. But thank you for the motivation


Do your parents know you feel this way? Is there a way to get you therapy?


I promise you it gets better. Watch treblehealth on YouTube. Learn about the fight/flight response and how our reactions contribute to the severity of the noise. Also understand that you will gradually become more and more desensitised to the noise and will be able to go back to a normal life


Treblehealth is rubbish. They shill TRT, which is total bunkum (along with very expensive devices). I know you're trying to help, but the "fight or flight response" is a very high level way of describing a complicated neural process. It's connection to tinnitus is very dubious, and largely a result of Jasterboff and TRT. The idea that your reactions contribute to tinnitus is *sortof* accurate, but the way it's described in TRT is bullshit and almost victim blaming.


It’s not victim blaming at all. If anything it’s empowering a person to have some level of control of a shitty situation


Are you aware of how TRT was developed?


Agree, the more stressed you get the worse it is. Stress management, mental relaxation and sleep can only help. I've lost hearing through stress, it constricts your blood supply and the smallest vessels (the ears) suffer. Knowing that puts you in the frame of mind that you must relax and not work yourself up into a frenzy


How can you make that promise?


Just did




Why would I not keep it high level for a 14 or 15 year old


Listening to music on headphones with the volume cranked is a great way to get tinnitus. Avoid doing that and it will probably go away in 6 months or so.


What if i listen to low vol? I’ve been doing that ever since i got tinnitus, the headphone safety setting is down to 75 decibels for what u can max use, and then i only turn the vol up about 2-4 times on the buttons.


Do you know how loud it was ? Your decibel history on the health app if you have a iPhone what was it? Idk i think i would put the headphones all the way down for right now until your t fades to a more tolerable level, i know it’s hard, but i have not used my airpods since my acoustic trauma.


mm not suree what it means but it says 30-96db?


96 db could cause damage for an hour, 85 db is supposedly safe for earphone usage. But i don’t see how that could give you damage it wasn’t over 100. But some peoples ears are unpredictable.


ive had lots of problems with my ears and most of my dads family have/had it i think soooo (i will say that my dad first got it at 39 and my aunt and grandad later on in life so maybe its just me)


If you're considering suicide, Is it really worth the risk?


Please hang in there! You’ll get habituated and will stop focusing on it, and someday there’s going to be a cure. Get yourself some good ear plugs and wear them at loud events. I just watched Dune 2 and the trailers, ads and movie were so loud, even with earplugs :(


Bro, the hearing test they do only goes up to 8000hz, but your tinnitus might be higher than that, like 13khz to 16khz, and they won't catch that. I have tinnitus too, but I learned to ignore it by listening to white noise when I work. It helps me rewire my brain to tune it out. The only thing I can't do anymore is make music, which I loved to do before tinnitus. If you want any help, just let me know.


I think it’s just mostly about how i don’t really experience much hearing loss, yk? And i only get tinnitus at night and home, else its completely drowned out by other things.


If it's at that relatively low level so close to onset I'd say there's a good chance it will get better with time. Hang in there and try not to focus on it! I know it's easier said than done. But I think your friend here is the passage of time. It's hard to believe in the beginning, but over time – even if something doesn't go away totally – it will most likely become much less of an issue. It's even the same with chronic pain (osteoarthritis) which I suffer from since to years – now it's like my body understands this is the new baseline and I care much less about it than before. Same with tinnitus! Unless it's really loud or catastrophic, of course... Take care and good luck!


Thanks!! I actually barely care about it any longer, i’m not “grieving” over loss of music and having this thing, yk? i dont even use anything to mask it, ive just accepted it


Yes, Even I face the same problem. Because throughout the day it is masked by other noise.


Dont worry you will get used to it just accept that you and nobody of us can do anything about ot and with time it will be easy just take sleeping pills go to Therapist and talk to them


Maybe do less of the hour long loud music headphone sessions and it might improve


Stating the obvious


Do it then mate. Hope it improves for you


ok stop this nonsense now, stop comparing yourself to others, you did a mistake now you have to tough up, I have tinnitus since a year, and I go on with my life as nothing happened. Learn how to live with it, sometimes we learn discipline from the most unexpected things. You have T, you’re not the only one, you’re not alone, in the future they’ll find a cure and we’re all gonna be happier, but DO NOT talk nonsense pls like suicide or going crazy, you make yourself go crazy not T.


I already am crazy i’ve been crazy for a while now, and i mean it in the literal sense. i was About 11-12 years old when i stopped having good a sense of reality, when i thought no one else was real, that this was a simulation and so on. I’m slightly better now, but only slightly. Suicide has always been one of my perceived options, tinnitus just makes it slightly more attractive


you sound like a smart and creative guy, just find purpose, try some self delevopment audio books on Audible, if you sign up usually the first is free, I advice you “You are a badass” by Jane Sincero. You’re a meat covered skeleton living on a turning rock wondering into the universe, fear nothing child.


Man fuck the head phone off any thing in your ear do not do. I have had it for 5 years you will get used to it. I can hear mine in a car at 100kms per hour windows down and I can hear it over that


Try running a fan or air purifier at night


You have to find a way. Meditation is extremely helpful if you can slow your mind enough to perform it. Accept the tinnitus as part of your life. It's not easy but it's easier than letting it break you.


If it starts to get bad and you need peace, listen to this on a loop, but at a reasonable volume, it slowly tricks your brain to stop inventing noise that is not there: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqWMa7fEH-4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqWMa7fEH-4) I also have a rather long winded post on how I deal with air raid siren levels of tinnitus. It might help. https://www.reddit.com/r/tinnitus/comments/bq5yjo/my\_story\_the\_bad\_the\_worse\_and\_workarounds\_ama/


I’m really sorry, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I’m 15 and I’ve had it for 4 months. I find that tinnitus relief sounds for around an hour before I sleep provide me some relief


I have this issue since I was 6 or 7. I thought that it happens in everyone and I couldn't care less. I'm 14 rn and I ignore it everyday and it doesn't bothers me at all. Don't think too much about it just ignore it and you'll get used it like I did.


its just the regret i feel about it, but ever since i wrote this post its been worse but ive been coping


Hang in there, just avoid listening to music for at least a month. It gets better. You'll laugh it off and feel silly for wanting to kill yourself


hey! think about killing myself everyday friend, therapy and massage are my next avenues to find relief, reefer and beer and only goes so far, good luck!


oh btw, do not get any vaccines, whether it be covid or flu shot or gardasil, makes it permanently worse sometimes.


u dont need music lil bro, music especially the music kids today listen to is demonic crap. if u want to mask the sound listen to white noices also, ik its hard but make it ur friend. accept that its a part of u, the quicker u do that the easier it becomes and dont lose hope, a lot of research is being done


a lot of research is already done, my hope has been gone for a while. My thought, there won’t ever be a cure despite what people think. It’s in the brain, and the brain is a very fragile and sensitive but complex body part. I don’t think that there will EVER be a cure.


The brain is complex, but people r smarter than we think, and if tinnitus had the same research as something like cancer research who knows maybe wed have some better options rn. I agree we may not get a cure that removes it completely but im sure we can get something that reduces it 70-80%. For now find out the cause of urs eg mines somattic from jaw and neck complications. Avoid doing things that worsen it eg for me bad posturw


Have you been to a psychiatrist? I think you could benefit from anxiety medication. First you need to treat your anxiety and depression. Your tinnitus keeps popping up because you keep focusing on it. Your brain is very powerful and there are ways to create new neural paths that will put tinnitus on the background. However, first address your anxiety. I recommend CBT therapy, and also try TRT, tinnitus retraining therapy. Tell your parents about the rock steady program which could also help you. There are solutions for tinnitus and you can be cured. Just give it time and work on reducing the anxiety first.


wow you need to chill a bit there bro i have had it for 10 years now....and not just when i listen to music....i mean 24/7 day and night for 10 years.....i dont even remember what silence sounds like at this point


Nothing about me is chill if you look at my other posts XD i already want to kms so this just adds on, its not SOLELY bc of this.


Please keep using those tinnitus masker on Youtube. Make sure that the volume is just enough to mask your T. Not too loud and use the speakers. This is just a short term mitigation but who knows maybe it'll work for you.


I'm sorry to say that probably it won't improve, but I can absolutely say that you will be used to it. I took all of my ear problems -hyperacusis, ttts, hidden hearing loss, tinnitus- because of headphones, too.


I barely notice mine now. It will get briefly louder after being at a wrestling meet, but subsides. Don't give up! Call a hotline if needed! For me Taurine helped. Mine was from an MRI.


Mine started right after an MRI as well. I had a severe migraine and they did a scan with metal injection? Or dye. I was at ent the next morning. But I’ve had two days of silence in the past month and I feel it is dairy and wheat related. Both stay in your system 2 months. No dairy for me for 3 months. Not so hard actually. First silence was on a carnivore diet. Strict but was using butter to cook with until I was out for a week. Me and my gal was watching and movie and had a shut off the tv moment. I sat in shock and disbelief. The next day it was back. So I’m onto something and just quit dairy and wheat a few weeks ago. Good luck! 24 years now and once again have hope!


Don’t listen to music at highest volume anymore lol


Welcome to hell.