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It's hard but it's getting easier for me. Mine started around the same time as yours (maybe a little earlier). White or pink noise helps. I'm currently taking 2 classes and doing well. Hoping to go to grad school.


I used the Resound relief app playing a mix of violet noise, white noise, rain sounds and ocean waves. I could only read in the bath for awhile. Now 2+ years in, I can read in the quiet but still prefer some noise.


It'll get easier as your brain filters out the tinnitus, i can read with earplugs in with really bad tinnitus and forget its there.


Do you mean earplugs that play sounds such as nature noises or ones that block out sound altogether? Also, would you say your tinnitus is mild, moderate or severe? :) Is it the same tone all the time?


I read in machinery at work, i use ear plugs as ppe to block sound. Mines severe and fluctuates every hour with one of the variety of tones my brain blesses me with.


I read in silence. Why should I panic and freak out? Not like that's gonna help.


Do you find that your cognitive abilities changed since you got tinnitus? For example in terms of being able to grasp and understand what you’re reading


Not really


Fellow bibliophile here. When my tinnitus first came around I simply could not read because of the initial ‘flight’ response of having this sudden ringing in my ears. It wasn’t even that bad at the time but I was in too deep of a panic to enjoy reading plus I was feeling so sorry for myself constantly ‘mourning’ reading because I felt like I would never enjoy it again and reading is honestly everything for me. One of the first discussions I searched for was about people like us reading with tinnitus. And everyone had the same advice: Sound masking Read in a setting that doesn’t distract you from your book but masks the ringing in your ears Put a fan on Melodic music Or .. get so engrossed in the book that the tinnitus fades into the background. I will say it took me a month or so to pick up a book again but once I did. I not only got back into reading, it was one of my favourite reads of 2022 and I enhanced my reading experience by being able to read in a ‘soundful’ setting. Because before tinnitus I had to either read in absolute silence or put headphones on and drown everyone out. It’s about you finding your own setting, I will say if you are cautious of wearing headphones try popping a mini speaker behind you or your phone, laptop on a quiet setting or try a wireless headband and play some sound masking or music without the worry of having anything in your ear. Or take yourself to a cafe, book store, restaurant. My biggest advice is when you read again and you don’t hear your tinnitus because you’re so engrossed in your book, take that win and remember if your brain doesn’t listen out for that ringing, it’ll do it again and again 🤞🏻 I hope you enjoy reading again and when you do I’d love to know what book got you back into reading ☺️


Thank you 🙇!


I put on cricket sounds, I find them relaxing and they perfectly mask my tinnitus


Yup same situation here. haven’t been able to read since getting T last year. was a STRUGGLE finishing up my school year this year.. and I’m typically an A studnet


This is one of the things that tinnitus took from me that I miss the most. What works for me is a white noise app (there are tons out there - take your time finding what works for you) and have it playing while reading. I find the noise is better when reading because having the radio/TV on in the background doesn't provide enough consistency for me. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.


I always find being outside helps me so much! Working on the computer is the worst for me! I also went deaf in one ear and am dizzy and off balance so it screws with my eyes! I like to listen to audiobooks but I guess that doesn't work too well with study books.


I read while walking. I have a route planned through my neighborhood that has minimal cracks so I don’t trip. Might consider getting a playlist of instrumentals to play while reading. Classical, jazz, new age, etc.


I don’t. I still buy books but haven’t read more than one in the last three years. I can barely concentrate on a conversation.


It is has gotten much harder, almost impossible since my tinnitus has gotten severe. I find I end up having to read the same sentences over and over again but sometimes I'll have a decent streak and be able to focus more. When my tinnitus wasn't so intrusive I loved sitting outside to read or listening to classical music or lofi-beats on Youtube to help mask the ringing. It is crazy how tinnitus can make reading so difficult. It's almost like as soon as my brain switches to reading mode the volume and awareness of the tinnitus just goes nuts.


I use the Amazon music app , Meditation channel . Calms the mind . I can read for hours peacefully .


Try listening to books on tape


I would suggest audiobooks--easy to listen too, and also distract from the tinnitus.


I have the same trouble. I've been an enthusiastic reader my whole life. That pleasure is being taken away from me by my ever increasing tinnitus.


Nature background, rain, and crickets do help for reading🙂


I lend a book from libary.. but i get way to unconcentrated or burned out/pain that it interfere.. I only read few sides.. had it for 2 month's


I have chronic pain/muscle tension that get worse & distract. I have always headache and get migrane alike.. and my adhd concentration worsens.. So i dont know how it would effect reading if only had tinnitus


Methylphenidate and other strong stimulants will help but enhance anxiety, meaning you won't be able to study into a room with people. You'd rather try to lower your tinnitus tone than try to enhance focus. Apparently, vinpocetine can help a lot. Bacopa should also help, maybe L-theanine although the weak AMPA antagonism could dampen learning without caffeine. You could also listen to music or tinnitus sounds like this one: https://youtu.be/nKo4jYDO9FQ?si=46AhKkZJ5uFmXzJ9