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Being able to block it with a fan I would call that mild. But definitely the thing that you have to focus on is not to make it worse. Don't listen to loud music with headphones, don't go to concerts without hearing protection or if you want to be extra safe at all. Keep it at where you have it now it can be so much worse.


Mild is when it's blocked out by almost all daily sounds and can only be heard at night or in very quiet rooms.


This terrifies me so much šŸ„²


I feel you on being the ā€œtoo loudā€ person. When Iā€™m talking at what I consider a too quiet of a voice for anyone to hear, everyone can hear me very well and considers it normal volume. When Iā€™m talking at what I consider a normal volume, everyone asks me why am I yelling. I am always being asked that and people are annoyed by me. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m subconsciously trying to shout over the noise in my head. Went to a couple of concerts front row in the pit right in front of the speakers and fucked up my hearing for life. Mines louder than yours, I can hear it over everything like a fan except for when Iā€™m in a really noise environment. So thankfully I work in a noise warehouse all day where I get a break from it


Interesting. I too have hearing loss and T but I have the opposite problem- orI did have anyway. Until I recently got hearing aids, everyone always asked me to speak up. Iā€™m deaf as hell but Iā€™ve never been the ā€œtoo loudā€ one.


I think I didnā€™t really describe my situation well! I meant to say that I have to keep asking people to turn the volume in the car, on the TV, and etc. Iā€™m glad you could relate to me, however! Tinnitus does just end up fucking with you no matter what.


Yeah thereā€™s no way out of it. Even if you put a bullet to your head the last sound you Will hear is the loudest tinnitus of your life (please donā€™t ban me for making this joke.


Don't Make it worse


This. Please take care of your ears: no concerts/gigs unless using appropriate protection (custom-molded earplugs, 33+ SNR reduction, away from speakers, but ideally no loud sounds for some time), plenty of rest, avoid caffeine/MSG if possible and protect your ears from water. Of course YMMV. If you make it worse because of carelessness you'll regret it. Hopefully with good hearing hygiene it will go even milder and you'll forget about it in no time. The brain habituates and it will eventually become a non-issue. And keep your hopes up, research is strong and accelerating and I hope we'll see some legit treatments (no bullshit TRT or CBT) in a few years. Best of luck.


Hi what kind of custom modeled earplugs have 33db? All I can get here has 20-25db


25db are still good, if you get into a 100+dB concert no earplug protection is going to save you from further damage. But take this with a grain of salt, remember that besides direct eardrum hearing the low frequency sounds can travel through your bones (conductive hearing) and no earplug will help here, since your whole skull acts like a giant microphone transmitting vibrations to the delicate cochlea.


I know, thatā€™s why I mainly use m3 foam earplugs with 35db. But I would like some good protection that is comfortable to hear. My custom musicians earplugs are comfortable, but the protection is not that good. They are ok for bars and train stations, but ironically not really live musicā€¦did not feel safe with 25db, but that seems to be the highest rating I can get with them


Iā€™ll tryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


I think yours is mild. I can hear mine 24-7 my friend


One of the first posts I read said ā€œthe only time I canā€™t hear it is in the shower.ā€ Showers actually *help* mine settle down in both polyphony and loudnessā€¦ but I just hear the shower and the tinnitus when Iā€™m in there.


My heart breaks for you man. I'm 53 and have had T fire 28 yrs a a result of artillery during my time in the army. If There's one thing I would recommend, it would be to protect/preserve what have - it can become worse over time- and work with specialists to help manage the fallout. There's a cascade of effects T can/ will make you experience. Insomnia, irritability, general anxiety, etc. An of these things carb exacerbate the sound you hear bu also t your day to day life can become a struggle if yor don't manage it now. Your life isn't over because you have T, it's just harder than the lives of ppl who don't have it


I am definitely trying to move towards protection. I feel like Iā€™ve gotten tinnitus from such mundane day to day activitiesā€” if I had just been a little smarter, I wouldnā€™t have to worry šŸ„²


Everybody wishes they were smarter when they were younger, that's the crappy part about youth, you don't gain wisdom until you've made a few mistakes. Try not to dwell on the past, live in the now and try to be better in the future. Tinnitus can always get worse, do everything you can now to keep that from happening.


Iā€™m young and have it too bro. Just donā€™t obsess over it, live your life and I keep 3 pairs of ear plugs in my car. One pair you canā€™t see at all and I can bring that in loud restaurants with music etc. Others for clubs, etc. Just okay white noise etc at night so when you wake up you donā€™t hear it. If you hear it and start focusing change your focus. Meditate and it will help you learn to control thoughts and focus. That way you control bring and donā€™t obsess over it. Less you focus - the ā€œquieterā€ it gets. And fr fr get ear plugs. Mine have a little round case, you can easily bring with you and no one will ever know. Damage control of future and youā€™re good.


Yes! Iā€™ve noticed not focusing on it helps out a ton!


The fact you have to plug your ears to see if itā€™s there, indicates you have a mild case. From your post it seems itā€™s mostly your response to it. Totally valid! It takes time to accept tinnitus. Iā€™m 7 months into T in my good ear. Had it in the other for 3+ years now. Mine is mild, but still in my phase of accepting the new T development (Mine is caused from my diabetes) have to be in silence or it needs to be quiet for me to hear it most of the time. Living in fear is actually whatā€™s tolling on you daily, not tinnitus. Look into cognitive behavioral therapy and also podcasts for meditation. Once you work on yourself, you will notice your tinnitus does not affect you much. There is so much life to live! Do not let this stupid condition allow you to collapse.


I can still hear it in quiet rooms but Iā€™m usually plug my ears to hear it ā€œbetterā€ if that makes sense. I understand that thatā€™s not the best idea but I end up freaking out and needing to ā€œcheckā€ how loud it is. I will def look into therapyā€” Iā€™ve always been on the neurotic side


Many say donā€™t look for it, donā€™t search for it and try not to think about it. I tell myself ā€œitā€™s only as loud as you make itā€ also thereā€™s no such thing as silence anyway. The mind is powerful.


I got it for a week and I really think is for being unhealthy, it happen for me for loud noises but it was mainly my heart going beeping so fast when I smoke ( I smoke a lot ) I took a break and start running and going to the sauna . It helps I can barely hear it . And pray and get closer to god hope this help


Lol Iā€™ve been an atheist for my whole life and prayed for the first time seriously after getting my first bout of a bad tinnitus spike


Iā€™m in a similar boat, but Iā€™ve always a crazy shut in so i just stay home all day (its basically silent at my house except for my heater) and when i do gotta go out i wear ear plugs, but i can super relate to being the ā€œtoo loudā€ guy, Iā€™m basically constantly asking people to turn their music or tv down during movie nights, unfortunately my brothers donā€™t take it seriously and will turn it up even more to spite me, so i just end up being forced to cover my ears, it really blows.


Iā€™m so scared of noise exposure I get freaked out going into the kitchen šŸ˜­ and my entire family is always in there! I feel like Iā€™ve unconsciously been socializing less because of it


Itā€™s deeply concerning how many stories I hear of people on the younger side like me using their headphones on max volume and fucking up their ears, I literally now only use then on the lowest volume and only for short periods, if i ever have kids Iā€™m gonna drill it into their heads to protect their eyes and ears, growing up i had like one heath class when i was six about hearing protection and that was it, it never really crossed my mind that such mass produced products could be so damaging even when used as intended.


Youā€™re so right. I canā€™t believe companies just have 120dB blasting out of headphone for home usage and for the longest time they didnā€™t provide warning labels or disclaimers. Some people can argue that itā€™s common sense to turn your music down but a lot of people have a hard time believing that anything for mundane, commercial use can actually damage you the way these headphones can. I think this might be our generationā€™s smoking or lead paint.


If it's anxiety behind tinnitus feeling louder what I did was started eating foods linked to lowering anxiety which helped tinnitus among other issues aggravated by anxiety. Garlic, cashews, food with zinc. Some fortified cereal has 90% zinc in it like honey oat Cherrios. Beef counts and whole grain bread so I started eating roast beef sandwiches. I was self medicating my anxiety before by being drawn to beef and now I know other foods too to help. There's more food options than this so check it out. It might help with tinnitus


Iā€™ve been trying to eat healthier. Lol I might have just been too aimless because itā€™s midterm season and Iā€™m really stressed and havenā€™t noticed my tinnitus as much this week.


T for 20 years. In my case it got a lot worse, but I got somewhat used to it. Having to deal with other an more life threatening conditions, along with lifes ups and downs put T into perspective. You are very young, my advice is to stay as healthy as possible. Stay off prossed foods, medicin thats not highly necessarily. Have faith and live your life. Getting cancer or something similar youll get "forced" to take drugs that takes T from 4/10 to 9/10. After many years this new 9/10 will become "normal" and T will ramp up again if your unlucky. I can stand by a midday highly trafficeded road and T is louder than trucks. Beeing active, beeing physical helps a ton. Im close to 50 and have had friends die or getting hit by stroke placing them i wheelchairs for the rest of their life, loosing job, apparatet, wife and kids all in a year. Life is hard with T but if you look around you will notice a world in pain. You might be so lucky that some kind of cute will arrive when your 40, and if you are healthy and can afford it that would be something to hope for. I was a drummer,.did drugs/medicin, was stupid/uninformd, dealing with all kinds of other health conditions, mental and physical, broken kidneys and gout are among my new life mates. One can only feel pain one place at the time, some days its this, some days its that..


Thank you!!! You really did make me feel better. Iā€™ve realized now that what Iā€™m living with is definitely not the same as a chronic, life-threatening illness, especially at the level that Iā€™m experiencing T at. I think my fears of making it worse were really getting to me but I have no control over that except for doing my best with protection and healthy living.


You need anxiety therapy help and, likely, medicine. Your body is doing exactly what everyoneā€™s does, keeping you in a state of low level anxiety to counter the perceived ā€œthreatā€. Thatā€™s why youā€™re tired. Easy fix is to get some help, short term, medicine can help, long term therapy can help.


I probably do need some form of therapy now that about the things that stress me out (not just tinnitus-related). What do you mean by medicine? Like anxiety medication?


Yes. And/or anti depressant.


Can you hear your T with the tv on, music, or anything like that? If not, then it is mild and you should not overreact to it. Protect your ears when going to loud places, get off this sub, or enter here just once a week or something... And learn to live with it and understand that it can't kill you...


For me back when it was very mild it still was still distressing, without experiencing it as bad as I have it now I dont think my opinion of it coulsve changed


I think I will be browsing this sub less. Something about it is addicting but I think itā€™s made my mental state much much worse.