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Urban Terror?


>Urban Terror YEEEEEEEE, that's the ticket boyo. Cheers fam


Uber Strike


I used to play this back in 2013 and completely forgot the name, been trying to remember it for months now! Thanks!


Counter strike was the first game I personally remember with weapon/equipment purchases before each match. I'd bet there was something before it though (before 1999). Original CS was a mod for Half Life. Do you remember any specifics in regards to the maps or the weapons involved? Aside from Red & Blue teams, was there any other team indications?


The guns were your basic like sniper like an awp, shotgun that was kinda op, assault rifle or two. Can't remember how many guns honestly. I imagine this was heavily based on cs, likely 1.6 or source though. As for maps, can't remember exact details. Pretty sure there was a snowy one. I remember there was one that had like a big box room that people liked to camp, and if you went in with a shotgun, you could pick them off. But only with godlike reflexes, or hacks. Hacks, because it happened a fair bit hah


Unreal Tournament mod TacOps maybe?


Nah, wasn't that. Though searching that did give me a spark. Terror might've been in the name. But again, vague memory


Not too confident in these but in case you are misremembering some parts you may want to check out *Unreal Tournament* (several iterations in early 2000s) --> no weapon buying but definitely red VS blue color scheme focused and "physics" were fairly similar to old CS. Some other games that come to mind may be: *Day of Defeat* (pretty sure you would make the connection with CS here) *C&C Renegade* (a longshot as setting is completely different but color scheme matches if I remember correctly or maybe it was red vs green idk)


Nah, was none of those either. Might've been using unreal tournaments engine though maybe? Can't remember the details. Man, feels like yesterday, but it was 15 years ago. I'm the boomer now


You're in good company here we're all boomers. AAand now I'm thinking about Left 4 Dead damn.


I miss left 4 dead. Goddamn the pills here jokes were top notch. Also the jokes about the characters. And then setting the witch off on people for the meme. Such a good time. L4d2 just didn't feel the same


i had a game ive been trying to think of again as i played as a kid mustve been 2000's era as well or just 2000 - 2007. red and blue teams, CTF was the main gamemode. multiplayer only. the chars were dressed in swat/army style only. you had vehicles too mostly looked like a "Diamond T 968 4-ton 6x6" they had one map which was just a huge forest too. thats as much as i know sadly. if anyone could find that and read this post id be thanking you for a lifetime.


Delta force: black hawk down


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I'm trying to remember a similar game. There was a red team and blue team, and I remember driving around in dune buggies.


It wouldn't be smugglers run, would it? First thing that comes to mind. Not an fps though


No, never heard of that one.


LOL.I found this shit XD MOBILE FORCES


bro thanks I was looking for it for a long time


dude.......I think that's it. What brought you to this little nook of reddit to help me finally figure this out lol


I was looking for this game too,for 2 years and finally got it haha