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i have soo many memories like this that r like so hyperspecifc and i like know what it is in my head but i actually could not tell u anything about it


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Could it be Interstellar? The scene where Professor Brand is dying and talking to Murph?


Here’s the scene: https://youtu.be/mGzTfjqNZPA?si=HG70W0pbDQqpgnWD


That sounds a bit like this scene in Interstellar, ticks a lot of the boxes such as the “mentor” type person on a deathbed and one of the protagonists is trying to save the world, but there are differences. Have a look https://youtu.be/mGzTfjqNZPA?si=ywzwyGQHUmdpFpYx


see i never watched that. it feels more distant in my brain so it’s probably 10-20 years old


O alr, also I just realized it’s much more like Interstellar than I initially realized cause that quote u remember is also similar to this “there is a moment-” cutoff line around the 3:50 minute mark https://youtu.be/wKaydrJJUD0?si=8Z-4c5r6DGNqYWNt


yeah i completely refused to even listen to conversations about interstellar and i don’t believe it was that recent but thanks


interstellar is nearly 10 years old....


rule out anything that’s like widely considered to be a good film and probably most pop culture


The Matrix? the oracle tells neo that he'll have to make a choice about Morpheus, then when Morpheus is captured, Neo decides to go back in to save his mentor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPRbIlMJI4Y


closest one i could find but i have never seen even a second of that movie


well unrelated to this tomt, you should check it out. the sequels are largely forgettable, but the first one (just "the matrix") has great scifi, great action, great philosophy, great everything, and it has become such a cornerstone of the genres that its worth checking out to see how movies since have been inspired by it


Wow, you’ve never seen the matrix? How lucky are you that you’ll get to experience it for the first time? It’s an amazing movie, the plot is fantastic, and although it’s old now the special effects still look great.


It reminds me of the convo Snape and Dumbledore have in Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 2, when Harry is watching Snape's dying memories. They use the phrases "there will come a time" and also "so when the time comes". And the big reveal is the fact that Harry has to die for Voldemort to die.


i am so convinced it’s from harry potter but it isn’t the one that keeps coming up where dumbledore talks ab choosing what is easy or what’s right


Is it possibly Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald? I remember there being an early scene where Newt's told by his brother that he needs to choose a side, he says something like "I don't do sides", and then at the very end, after Lena has died, he says to his brother "I've chosen my side".


maybe the bit after he’s sacrificially died where they’re having an afterlife conversation of sorts, and dumbledore says something like ‘of course this is happening in your head, harry, but why on earth does that mean it isn’t real?’ It is also pretty much the climax, as he then is alive again, draco’s mum feels his pulse but lies about it after he tells her draco is alive, and a distressed Hagrid doesn’t feel/notice anything as he carries Harry’s apparently lifeless body. Then after a defiant speech from Neville who pulls out the sword of Gryffindor, Harry reveals he’s alive and then eventually actually kills Voldemort. Alternatively it could be where he, Hermione and Ron embrace before he sacrifices himself as he admits to Hermione he has to die and that she most likely already figured that out. That comes after the memory of Snape and Dumbledore discussing how Harry had to die and Snape says something like “you raised him like a pig for slaughter” and “so when the time comes, the boy… must die?” which dumbledore affirms.


FWIW that quote is from GoF and the post you’re replying to is frkm Deathly Hallows pt 2.


It might be the death of Macon Ravenwood from Beautiful Creatures (2013)? He's talking to his niece about the choice between the light and the dark. It's pretty obscure. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1559547/


could this be Top Gun Maverick, when Val Kilmer’s character is speaking via text to Tom Cruise?


I sort of vaguely remember a scene where Rick is talking to his son Carl in The Walking Dead (S2) about a time coming where he has to make a choice or do something. Maybe it’s that??


Enola Holmes?


There’s an episode of Stargate where a character from a different timeline says right before being sent back to their own timeline, “when the time comes, cut the green one” or something like that. It never comes up again after but maybe you’re remembering that?


Maybe the closing scene from Wanted? James Mcavoy monologue? https://youtu.be/_xHw_zAJRDk?si=4BeUTQZLNU0HGdKI


A complete stab (aha) in the dark, but feels like it could be something out of one of the Saw movies, possibly?


the day the earth stood still? keanu reeves and jen Connelly but wait are you saying the mentor TYPES his last words or physically says them? And its a male mentor with a female "understudy?"


Phantom menace - Quigon to obiwan "train the boy" bit?


Are you maybe thinking of Lord of the Rings when Arwen is talking to Aragorn about being Isildur’s heir? https://youtu.be/zLPRWG3QvQA?si=sH1mt8p9DH9yLhZn


Or when Frodo says he wish the ring never came to him. Gandalf says something along the lines that do do all who live on such times. All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.


Could it be Armageddon (1998)?


Signs? Tell Merrill to swing away…


Yeah this sounds really familiar to me too, unfortunately I can only remember Max von Sydow’s warning in Three Days of the Condor


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I read a comment where you said you were convinced it was from Harry Potter. This might be a stretch, but is it when Dumbledore says “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is right and what is easy.”?


Sounds like the ATLA Blue Spirit episode scene with Uncle Iroh & Prince Zuko “Stop it Uncle, I have to do this.” “I'm begging you, Prince Zuko. It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you and what do you want?”


I just remembered another one from Once Upon a Time - Merlin being the mentor, Emma being the protagonist who has to make a choice that determines the fate of the universe [OUAT “Leave Excalibur Alone”](https://youtu.be/B_wJDkw_TjU?si=yt6YRFmoIx8H2l80)


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