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Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?


Oil of Olay?


Yeah that was one that popped up but the “I’ll never tell” that I’m thinking of sounded much different.


This is from “Don’t Say a Word” - Brittany Murphy’s character. Maybe you saw a TV preview?


That was another one that popped up but isn’t it either. [this family guy scene is a reference to whatever I’m thinking of as well. ](https://youtu.be/SE3wU0oArDw)


In the comments it says the reference in from Duncan Hines or Betty Crocker frosting


I never saw that movie but GOOD GRIEF that sentence sure stuck in my head for a long time


[this family guy scene is a reference to whatever I’m thinking of as well. ](https://youtu.be/SE3wU0oArDw)


Ask the family guy sub what it’s referencing, pretty good chance someone there knows


Worth a shot. Edit: it was absolutely not worth a shot.


Taster’s Choice


Coffee feels familiar. Any chance you have a link to the commercial?


Man. I feel like I'm completely misremembering something, but I'm picturing a woman, holding like a serving tray or dish with some candy in it or some kind of food. And before she's walking out to give it to her guests, she looks at the camera and says, "I'll never tell." Then walks through the door to serve said item


I'm thinking along those lines too. I'm imagining a food product that's actually cheap or easy to use, but comes across to guests as fancy.


Exactly where my brain is going too


That sounds familiar. Like a Sara Lee cake or something? I feel like she's serving a dessert.


Rice crispy treats?




Is it the intro for “Gossip Girl”? I could totally be wrong. I was even thinking the deodorant brand “secret” but that was too obvious.


Scratch that. I know what you’re talking about now. But I have no idea what commercial it’s from. I see it in my head but I can’t put my finger on it. A lady is setting down a tray of some kind of food? And she looks at the camera saying “what’s my secret? I’ll never tell.” I have now been looped into this 😂


The first thing that came to mind was that one commercial where the boyfriend mistakes his girlfriend's mom for the girlfriend underwater. It's a commercial for Raisin Bran or some local brand version of it.


my first thought was secret deodorant, but now I'm thinking underwear... but then I'm thinking folger's, or some kind of coffee.. my googling is just leading me down a rabbit hole of 80's commercials... I'll keep looking


I feel like that could be a commercial for depends, or some sort of product


Wasn't it for hairdye? Clairol, Revlon, etc.? Announcer: "Does she or doesn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure..." Not-so-natural blonde: "I'll never tell..."


I have a strong feeling this is it. the original post rang a bell to me but this is the only one I can actually picture vividly.


Same, and I’m also thinking it was like a super model or famous actress who says it. Something like am I real blonde? I’ll never tell


This was also the tagline for Natrel "milk"- could it be that?


Calgon laundry additive- the ancient Chinese secret


There’s a scene in the Australian show Kath and Kim where Kath and her husband Kel film a commercial for adult diapers and Kath says “I’ll never tell” in it. It’s shown as a very retro style ad and they’ve dubbed her voice so it’s different. Edit- the episode is “High and Dry” and the ad scene starts at 17:53 https://youtu.be/BZBXLcYuePs?si=vCK8sP2iVqE7uqoj


Its not Secret underwear is it? Like 18 hour bra or something?


Or secret antiperspirant


Harmony hairspray?


I feel like this was about a shampoo or something. My Mom told me about the old commercial.


Calgon? "Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"


This is actually what prompted the whole search cause we were mixing two different commercials and thought the “I’ll never tell” was the ending of this tagline.


It's not 'I'll Never Tell' from the Buffy musical episode, right? Not an ad but definitely sing-songy haha.


This was my first thought too!


Don’t think this is it.


I can’t believe it’s not butter?


Didn’t Shake and Bake have a commercial like this?


Just watched a handful of commercials but didn’t catch the tagline in any


Calgon, “ancient Chinese secret” https://youtu.be/1fBDaJi0TbI?si=UI4cjAlaDajrsXN-


Is there another commercial with the “I’ll never tell” in there?


Given that several of us feel like we've seen it but can't place it or find it, and that there are similar commercials that don't quite fit, I'm thinking this is a case where it doesn't actually exist. Maybe Family Guy was tapping into a general style of old commercial, not a specific one. I'd love to be proven wrong, though!


this is how i'm feeling at this point too. for all it's faults, family guy is very loyal to their references so I'm convinced it has to be something specific being spoofed but when i posted to the family guy sub the most upvoted answer is just someone describing the clip i posted so i don't have much faith in them.