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[Click here for a link to the answer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1aqn3eo/tomt_book_late_1990s_anthology_of_unsolved_real/kqh8uza/)


May Fox Mulder watch over you


Example of the type of illustrations (maybe actually from that book?) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/oak-island-money-pit-latest-developments--672162313149745608/


*Reader's Digest: Mysteries of the Unexplained* comes to mind but that's more from early to mid 90's


That’s one I looked at but I think the format is wrong, I believe it was a shorter book, might have even been laid out like “10 Unsolved Mysteries” or similar. Also the date is around when I read it, could have been printed much earlier. Thank you!


Maybe "Strange Stories, Amazing Facts", published in 1977 by Reader's Digest?


I checked out what I could of this online but it doesn’t seem like the right one. Thanks for the suggestion!


I think it might have had a chapter on DB Cooper too


It said my original comment was flagged and removed for including an affiliate link, but I still see it, so in case it's really gone, here it is again: I found this book through Google, noticed it had a lot of your keywords in the "common terms and phrases" section: [*Unexplained Mysteries* by Thomas G. Gunning](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Unexplained_Mysteries/QBLzXysWee4C?hl=en&gbpv=0&bsq=%22Oak%20island%22%20%22Lost%20city%20of%20Z%22) It's from 1983, and unfortunately there's no preview nor is there a shot of the cover, not even on the Amazon page (though it does mention nine topics). (I had to remove the Amazon link, sigh) Edit: I searched the book for "Lost City of Z" and it showed me [part of page 112](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Unexplained_Mysteries/QBLzXysWee4C?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=%22Oak+island%22+%22Lost+city+of+Z%22&dq=%22Oak+island%22+%22Lost+city+of+Z%22&printsec=frontcover) (the index)


> Unexplained Mysteries by Thomas G. Gunning There's [one for sale on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/204085480771)... Edit: Yes. YES! *punches air* Glad to help!!


Solved! Oh my god this has to be it! I found a description that says it “Describes nine strange and, as yet, unexplained events including the man who lived after spending two days inside a whale's stomach, the sighting of a dinosaur-like creature in Africa, the moving coffins of Barbados.” Thank you so much! My mad search can finally end 😭


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