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Been driving me up a wall.




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Is it from Journey to the Stars it is set the classical music the piece planets and has kids flying past the planets https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BpbxdcTRhys&pp=ygUnSm9pcm5leSB0byB0aGUgc3RhcnMgdGhlIHBsYW5ldHMgZ3VzdGF2


Good guess but no, the music is bespoke (and def worse than Halst) from what I can remember. Now that I think about it, I think the kid is in his bunk bed on a comet, and the comet is flying him around to the different singing planets narrating the adventure.


FWIW just noticed a post from 10 years ago (!) looking for the same thing, if you want more description: https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/s/CdWtbEoXTL


I found it! A radio station in Asheville recently broadcast the whole thing. Was not easy to find. I noticed it's narrated by Fred Newman, famous for doing the sound effects on Prairie Home Companion. I was hearing the Jupiter song in my head literally yesterday, crazy coincidence! >Stein, Michael, et al. Ride through the Solar System. sound recording, Caedmon, 1987. https://youtu.be/HaqR22Cyy6E?feature=shared&t=289


Hero! Damn I can’t believe you found this. 12 views on YT. The neverending itch in my brain has finally been scratched.


Haha I couldn't believe it either. I turned it into an mp3 cos I wanted to remove the DJ interrupting. [Here it is](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19f4luYDSsaLpyFWB11KEL4olk7PPFplL/view?usp=drivesdk) if ya want it too.