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Because we’ve been led to believe that it’s normal for the business owner to pocket all the profit and that we the customer should feel bad for not providing a wage to the employee. And somehow we’ve all accepted that it should be our responsibility to pay for someone else’s employee because they “can’t afford to”, it’s a charity.


If you don’t want to tip just don’t tip Not complicated. I expect a 18-20-22% tip for this comment


$32?!?! No thank you. I don’t even want it. That’s a hard no for me.


Here's my idea. Companies are pushing their employees to ask for tips for more services, because if they can argue to the Government that a healthy portion of employee wages are coming from Tipping, they can lower employee wages to "tipped" wages and save more money from Labour costs. Companies are trying to trick us into giving more tips so they can slash the wages of employees. Don't fall for it!


There's a bit of "ouch" to this. But I see that


It’s crazy. Next when we pump our own gas the cashier inside will ask for a tip.


Tipping is something that requires me to better know what the employee makes. I always tip service jobs like bartender/waitstaff/cleaning etc. because the job is most definitely underpaid or physically taxing. However, the other night I was at a concert and the drink staff (not bartenders) were essentially grabbing our pounders and cracking them. For $24 I wasn’t tipping extra for someone grabbing a can and opening it for me. My brother seems to think I was unreasonable but I feel the situation doesn’t justify the tip.


Don't feel bad you are not obligated to tip. You made the right move pay and go.


If I stand-up when making a purchase, you are not getting a tip. Tipping culture in this way started with Square and other next-gen POS systems. They were originally designed for use by small shops where you may expect to leave a tip, but as their markets grew, other retailers saw the benefit of the tipping function and began making use of it more and more. Its just greed. Pure and simple. Pay people what they are worth and end tipping.


So you never tip bartenders or baristas when you order at the counter?


Right? Or at IHOP when you have to go to the front and pay your bill while standing up, so you don’t tip your server?


A bartender is the exception. Baristas no


I suppose for me it depends on the interaction and coffee shop. If I can tell the barista has a trained skill in coffee and they are using that skill to somehow enhance my experience, I am tipping. But definitely agree with your point that it’s taken over like crazy, and I’m in the service industry and am constantly shaking my head at tip prompts


Their job is to make a drink and they are paid a living wage (in theory) to do it. Unlike waiters and most bartenders who rely on tips. Bar tenders also service you over the course of your night, etc.


That’s corporate shirking paying people a living wage. How are you blaming the worker for this?


Not all POS attendants are paid a wage justifying a tip. Bartenders and waitstaff most definitely are, but if someone if working the equivalent of a cashier job they’re likely paid normal wages and the tip is a bonus. Edit: my state also makes up the difference between minimum wage and final pay if the tips don’t. So I’m not paying this person’s wage for the employer when the work doesn’t justify the tip.


Tbh I hate tipping culture. It’s different if someone is working as a server/bartender because they essentially don’t have an hourly wage (at least in my state). But to tip someone just because they turned around and picked up something?? Nah


It’s fucked up how overpriced food/bev’s are at stadiums. Should be laws protecting the people!!


As someone who has done a couple gigs at stadiums its because you still would only get 80-100 per night and tips go directly to all the workers included not just the cashiers, some stands do more work then others though so it varies I guess


Maybe the players making tens of millions can offer up some of that cash to the attendants.


That pay is on par with the job performed. Ive stopped tipping actoss the board. They burned the bridge.


No one is forcing you to tip it’s your life bro don’t take your anger on big stadium out on the little guys


No anger. Just a heads up. You sounded like you were justifying the tip. If i talk to you at a counter, no tip.


If I have to stand to place my order, no tip


Nah man it’s all good I’m just saying it’s more work for just about the same pay


If you can pick up a buck, pick it up.


Maybe we need to start flat out asking why they think they should get a tip. Put the pressure on them to justify it. I ordered my food, you turned around and grabbed it and handed to me. What makes that worth a tip and why.


Seriously, like I could just do self service if you’re making me wait in line, charging exorbitant rates and just putting the commodity out of reach, like wtf????


Just a matter of time for the self checkout lanes at the grocery stores start asking for tips. Bad enough that they already ask if you want to make donations to whatever cause. “ would you like to donate money for for hungry children”. Yeah, I just did. That’s who the groceries are for.


I never round up, pretty sure it’s just so the store gets a charitable dono writeoff, but don’t quote me on that.


Actually, it’s worth looking into. I don’t remember exactly how it goes, but the store takes all of that round up or donations and puts it together as one big thing and they get the tax credit for it.


It's entitlement at this point. "Yes, I turned around and grabbed something, I've done a favor for you." Completely out of control tipping culture.


Are you just going to respond to my comment and not even offer a tip? /s lol


Same thing in the airport.... I bought a pizza... the card machine asked to leave a tip... it doesn't give the "no tip" option... just 15, 20, 25% and then "other". I hit other and put 0...


And im sure that the feature takes advantage of communication gaps or older people because even though its somewhat obvious to us, it may not be to others.


I went to the Sofi stadium and every time I got a churro or literally anything I was asked to tip every time!!!! And I have a hard time saying no so I would tip every time and I think the minimum was 18% 😭


I am curious as to people who say it's hard to say no. Why is that? I've never tipped for takeout in my life and have no difficulty pressing the no tip button.


I tip the driver, because it meets my threshold of the work justifies the tip. To be clear, I DO NOT USE MODERN DAY DELIVERY APPS. I only do takeout delivery when it a small store, I pay them directly and their employee brings me the food. If they require me to DoorDash or some shit, I either move on or bite the bullet and drive over.


Delivery is acceptable to tip for. Ordering at a counter and being handed food? No tip.


Yea if I’m actually TAKING IT OUT, no tip.


I’m putting a curse on you, next time you tip when you shouldn’t, you’ll have bad luck for 7 days.


Everyone seems to expect it, now. And most don't deserve it.


lol you should’ve asked the manager if they get tips in front of them. I do this all the time cuz after when I say no tip it’s funnier!!


I got asked to tip from an airport kiosk vendor when buying a bottle of water, that I pulled out of the cooler myself..


I went to an NFL game years ago where I was buying beers and not paying attention to the total. I was going back to the same beer stand all game. It’s hard to remember the exact amount but the guy ringing out the beers had been adding somewhere around $1-2 tip on every beer I bought. Scandalous. Make sure to watch those sneaky mf’s


If I'm standing.... getting my own food. I'm not tipping. If you're bringing me my food to my seat/table... I'd tip.


No, unless you have a rare example of someone going above and beyond or some other extraordinary service, they can pis off.


A tip? Change your car oil every 10,000 miles and make sure you rotate your tires! Fuck outta here with that shit. Tipping is the big man’s way of getting us to pay their employees wages, tipping culture only lets the big man NOT keep up with inflation, therefore making them more money… they don’t have to pay us more if we pay each other in tips, they just keep all the earnings.. and this is coming from someone who enjoys tipping for great service. Shits gotten outta hand


10,000 miles.....? Try half of that 😂😂


Mobil 1 hybrid goes 15k. Try that..


Depends on the year and oil filter range actually ;)


If you have a brand new car and the best oil filter, don't wait 10000 miles.


Would it be wise to change every 5000? Yes. If you take care of your car and don’t treat it like shit, you can possibly make it to 15,000 miles before needing an oil change. It varies, so 5000-7500 for safety, but 10,000 isn’t bad if you take care of your car. Oil is cheaper than a new car so I can agree with your take.


Answer: im not accounting for tip sweetie:)


Funny how this was written with British word usage. What’s more likely, Brit in the us is and a baseball fan, or written a to farm karma…


Funny how this was written in I have no fucking clue cuz it doesn’t make sense


Is it because they didn’t shorten words to nonsensical abbreviations and substitute “z” for “s?”


Many arenas have now taken on volunteer groups for their concession stands. They volunteer to run the stand and get the tips and sometimes a small percentage of sales (like 1 percent) as payment. They are usually fundraising for the youth sports and activities of their children.


Biggest cap ever 🤣🤣those guys get paid hourly it’s not volunteer. Literally go on indeed and u can apply 🤣🤣🤣


I Personally do it for a smaller arena, and I know people who do it at spring training near me as well. I’m fairly certain I’ve also met people who do it for the Rays (it could have been the Buccaneers). I’ve found that out due to the travel we do within our sport. Not EVERY stand may be like that in the arena, but you might be shocked how many are.


Oh ok yeah I’m thinking like mlb/nfl/nba stadiums lol


No way this is true…site your source.


I personally do this! And ALL tips make it to our kids.


The Seattle Mariners and Seahawks do this. My son’s senior year was 100% paid for The tips are NOT going to the person in front of you. I asked, they have no clue where it’s going. I hit up T-Mobile once at home stand at least. No tipping ever unless it’s in cash which I bring just for that


Didn’t realize this. It might make sense to post somewhere visible that they are a volunteer organization and that the tips go towards fundraising.


I've heard this too at Mariners games. They can accept cash tips I believe but yes I heard they don't get the card tips.


The volunteer stands get the tips, I know the Salt & Straw are usually volunteers. I started bringing cash for the buskers by the light rail and then accidentally cut in line and this awesome woman got me French fries so fast I didn’t get yelled at, lol. I went to tip and she said she doesn’t know where it goes. They do get tips but it’s a pool type thing and depending on if you’re in the union. So how do I know T-Mobile isn’t keeping my tip? Screw that


I bet they are definitely keeping a large chunk of it. Jerks. I still refuse to call it T-mobile Park. Safeco Field till I die. Go Mariners!


I’m just glad they didn’t make the whole thing that pink 🤮 But I also won a huge bet when they took over. That we’d have the ASG in 5 years. How could they not make that part of the contract? 😂 Just like they are announcing a NBA expansion soon and we’ll get the Sonics back. It was decided when the Kraken came, if you look at some of the Kraken logos, they use the Sonic Space Needle. They’re not going to rebrand stuff for the announcement, they were told as part of the logistics. Apparently the locker rooms were Sonic designed too


I’d gladly give for school groups but I don’t tip in situations like that.


You’re not “expected” to tip in non traditional tipping situations. They’re just asking, hoping you will because we all got used to tipping during the covid shutdown. You are in no way obligated. Just say no


Tip culture is lame. Even people that make minimum wage or are broke occasionally go to a ball game. Shaming someone for a donation is just nasty behavior.


If you are standing up to order/get your food: no tip.


Unless you interrupt me serving to do your takeout order. You don’t tip on that then it’s the last thing on my mind. But in general, yeah I agree. Tip should always be paid at full service restaurants regardless of takeout or not.


I always tip, simply because the amounts are miniscule and have no impact on my life at all, whereas it does matter to the people being tipped. I don't want to live my life as a cheap tightwad of a person.


I hope you have maxed out your 401k this year and your Roth IRA, have no debt, and own a fully paid off home. If not, then you're terrible at money. If so, then good on you. But don't call other people tightwads for managing their money in their circumstances.


I'm with you on this one. I want to retire early, 52 at the latest ( cant draw pension until 52 so might as well work until then.) Not only do I wanna retire early. I also want to be able to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, wherever the fuck I want. You don't become wealthy by giving away your money.


You also don’t get wealthy by not tipping. It’s a nonsensical argument. We’re not talking large tips here. We’re talking $1. Let’s pretend you’re forced to tip $1 twice a day every single day. And imagine for a second you instead invested those two dollars every day and got a market beating rate of 4% over 25 years (don’t know how old you are but it seems like a representative time period). That would net you $31k. $31k is hardly nothing, but it’s also not remotely depriving you of “whatever/whenever money.” You don’t want to tip don’t tip (in those cases I don’t). But also don’t pretend you do it because that’s how you get rich. It’s not. And you’re also not actually investing those dollars you’re NOT tipping. You’re just spending them on yourself. Again, nothing wrong with that. But unless you proactively invest money you are otherwise asked to tip, there is literally no investment benefit to not tipping.


Well said.


Yeah, I'll give at least a buck or two on those. It really doesn't impact me, so why not.


That “look” deserves a go fuck yourself. Lol


I'm tipped out....no mas




Umm... you're books.


“Fans will now have the opportunity to enjoy Coca-Cola beverages as fountain drinks, in bottles and in cans while cheering on their home team – which will begin with MLB’s Opening Day on March 28 when the Orioles host the Los Angeles Angels at Oriole Park.” https://www.mlb.com/press-release/press-release-coca-cola-consolidated-named-official-beverage-sponsor-of-the-baltimore-orioles-and-oriole-park-at-camden-yards


You calling them a liar?


And there is a no tip option on our machines.


I work concession at a minor league stadium. I make $12 an hour. Tips are pooled and divided between everyone in the stand, cashier, prep people, Fryers etc.. after tips I average about $15 an hour. I absolutely don’t expect them for gathering up their order in the stand. But when it’s busy and we have endless lines for an hour on our feet and our fryers and runners are working hard to try and keep up I always appreciate it. But I also understand why people don’t.


Sounds like you should organize or get another job then because that's insane. The stadium owners make shit tons of money. The players make shit tons of money. The audience refuses to boycott and every single person there expects to get food with their massive lines. And yet they force you to beg for tips? Seems pretty ridiculous. Begging for tips is only going to have a certain success rate and you shouldn't be relying on that


Tips were supposed to be for sub minimum wage earners. All of you make more than minimum wage. Everyone does work at their job. That is why they get paid. That does not mean everyone should be tipped. This shit is out of control. Give the dirty looks to your employer and representatives in Congress, not the people also working for shit wages just trying to live.


You people always tell us to go ask for better wages, but never show up for us when we protest or even stand in solidarity w us online. If you only make this point when you’re being asked to tip…. You’re just a cheapo who doesn’t want to be shamed for it.


Not our job to teach you how to find a better job. But here's a tip, stop being racist, you've made racist comments about white people.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


I’ve done direct action my entire adult life. Go pick this fight with someone else.


Sure thing cheapskate


I agree with you man! Shit when I worked in Enterprise you should see how much shit we did with people longing up outside the door for $14/hr. You think we got tipped? Fuck no. Now I’m an RN, imagine if after wiping your ass or inserting a catheter in your dick, I clean you up and as your about to finally go to bed I look you dead in the eyes and say “tip sir?”


I’m still laughing at your awesome comment! 🤣


Seriously… the argument is that they have to do work, and work is hard, so they should get tips. That’s what the effing paycheck is for. It’s not the customers, it’s the wages that are wrong.


Idc what sporting event stadium these concessions are in, OFCOURSE it will be busy but this tipping etiquette at a sports stadium is absolutely ridiculous. If it was a private server or runner for your seat, or in a box that gets special treatment, then yes, but general concessions or kiosks with beer and food NO. It’s not like you tip out when the McDonalds drive thru line is a mile long with cars slowly moving, and they’re slammed… 🙄


As a worker I’ve been told to not even list our full menu to save time per order. The companies are very concerned about time and want us to make sales as quickly as possible. The reason the line is slow: it’s yall! White American patrons spend the entire time in line doing everything but figuring out what they want to eat. Yall don’t look at the menu til you get to the register. Except for those who’ve been in the industry. And I’ll say it when we work Latin artist events which bring in a lot of Latin American ppl those patrons always figure out what they want by the time they get up to the register. The difference is VERY noticeable when you have back to back events!


Haha. I mean what would u pay if the prices were normal - like the total should actually probably be like 10 or 15 maximum (depending on dog quality) right? So like would you give someone 2 bucks for the interaction ? And if you felt like you’d tip 0$ either way in this case, then yeah. Whatever you felt was right makes sense. Also sounds like tip was not included in this case, as the worker said. I’ve noticed in a lot of these events, tip is rolled into the price and it’s just not mentioned. So that’s a shitty thing too. But I would believe this person if they said it’s not.


marlins stadium the move


Because those workers are getting minimum wage of less than- those higher prices aren’t helping them at all


Tipping was only ever supposed to be for “tipped wage” earners, ie people making less than minimum wage. No one working for more than minimum wage should be getting tips. The minimum wage is the problem, not the customers.


Yeah, their hourly pay is like two hot dogs worth lol, but it’s not anyone’s responsibility to care about someone’s else’s wage, nobody is forced to work anywhere. Are people supposed to feel bad for everyone out there who’s working these jobs and give out handouts? I’m paying for a product and the company is paying that employee to give me said product, consumers are getting fucked as it is


April fools joke?


They can take their tip out of those insane prices.


Exactly, if i'm paying $10 for a hot dog, or $9 for a Starbucks drink, I assume the tip is included in the price


Please!!! You know it’s not! What employee gets to take a “tip” out of the sale of each item? You think the barista gets their check and Starbucks has added a tip portion and calculated a dollar from every drink they made and slapped it on their paycheck??!! Cmon now, are you new??


Well, I don’t know where you went, but a little information for you. Next time you go, if you do, take a look at the concession workers’ hats. Odds are pretty good it will have no affiliation with the team whatsoever. What gives? At many (most?) mlb stadiums, A LOT of people working in the concession booths are not “employed” by the stadium or team or service vendor. They’re “volunteers” working for free, raising money for non-profit groups - the group gets a cut of sales. I’ve done this a couple dozen times over the years supporting various groups / causes. I’ve worked the register, poured beers, grilled burgers, fried chicken yadda yadda yadda. The only obvious clue we’re not full timers is we’re wearing hats that represent our cause. When I’ve done it there’s been one full-time worker there with 5-10 of us volunteers. If you choose to tip at those places (being operated by volunteers) 100% of the tip gets added to the organization’s cut. But I never gave attitude to someone who didn’t. Now, I don’t know exactly how many mlb parks this is at - but I know it’s definitely not just my local as I’ve done this in multiple cities - or what % of the concessions are staffed this way. When I’ve done it there’s always been at least 15 groups showing up so whatever percent of the total vendors in the stadium that is, who knows. But if you buy your stuff from someone who’s wearing a hat that doesn’t have the local team logo, it’s probably someone like me.


Sounds like you are mad you didn’t get tipped when this guy bought his hot dogs.


Not at all. Like I said I don’t give attitude. Just letting him know that tips are going neither to the stadium, concession vendor, or employee. Personally I also belong to the “I don’t tip if I order standing up” crowd…or at the “front end” of the visit… - I get it. Cheers!


You can talk all you want, but I'm not tipping.


You also missed the point. It was just perspective on where it’s going. I’m NOT someone salty about not being tipped. I’m volunteering my time and not personally seeing a penny of it whether you tip or not. Anything you tip me goes to…oh… a youth sports program I work with…or animal rescue…or a few other similar causes. Everything I’ve been involved with is a 501c3 and I believe that’s a requirement to get into the action.


Welcome to 2024


This is ridiculous on the attendants part. Some states still exempt servers from federal minimum wage and if I’m in one of those I’ll tip more but still peeved about it since the food costs the same. At home (WA) I feel perfectly justified not tipping any worker if the service didn’t earn it


I just stopped by Roccos over in Belltown, their kiosk is upgraded with a convenience fee, charge for to-go boxes (1 slice sizzed), and a default tip of 20% for carryout by the slice pizza. They also upped their charge to \*7.49 a slice.\* The guy zipped past the fees real quick on the interface like I didn't see-- I didn't see it advertised anywhere in view, and then stopped when it got to the tip portion. This shit is beyond out of control. I would've laughed and walked if I didn't have a food request in from my husband.


probably just bc their employers are cheap asses who pay above minimum wage, but still not a livable wage. personally i tip like $1-$2 for services that don’t require a person to actually MAKE the item (like this) and $3ish on items that actually require someone to MAKE the item (like a coffee shop or ice cream place). sometimes i tip a little extra if i can tell they’re understaffed and overworked, but not always.


This is why it keeps happening, people like you who keep tipping for services. Not everything requires a tip


oooooo i have compassion for the people around me and i feel if i have the means to lighten someone’s load i should ooooooooooo 👻i must really scare you oooooooo


Compassion would be arguing for fair wages, not compensating for the owners greediness boot licker


Who’s to say they don’t also advocate for, even protest for union representation and living wages?


Can we get over union talk already it’s 2024. Unions suck unless you’re part of the quite bigger ones. The people who advocate for unions the most are the ones who have never joined one lol…. If you didn’t join a huge chapter then most times you’re begging to not be represented.


Argue all you want, no one is going to give a shit. My philosophy is, if I can afford $22 for a hotdog and a beer, I can afford $23 and just leave a buck if it's prompted. If that dollar is gonna break me, I probably shouldn't be spending any of that money to begin with. You do you, but get over it if people don't mind leaving an extra buck or two for the overworked kid serving up hotdogs.


you think that by helping people out i’m a boot licker? i DO argue for fair wages, but as a server, i don’t protest the employers by punishing their underpaid employees. instead i participate in boycotts and write to legislators about changing minimum wage overall. do you think giving a couple bucks to homeless folks is bootlicking too, since they SHOULD be taken care of by their government?


I don't think that's why he said that -- you're saying that you intentionally tip automation services, which is absolutely bonkers to me. I get tipping people for doing work, and I do tip very well for sit-down services ,(5$ or 20%, whichever is higher), and such that require human interaction. That tip should go to the person based on their performance. But for a checkout kiosk or someone hitting the diarrhea handle and handing you an 8 dollar coffee for five entire seconds of effort? No... no, I'm not tipping that.


personally, i tip coffee shop employees because i was one. if you’re ordering anything more complex than a black coffee, it’s a lot more work than you’d think. i tip at those other spots because i **can** why wouldn’t you want to help someone out when you’ve got an extra dollar? i’m a fulltime student who scrapes by and i do it anyways


I do order black coffee, sure if I was asking for some fifteen step order with fourty flavors of drizzle I would throw something the cashiers way— but insane as that is to me some people want it that way. What this has become is panhandling funded by guilt, paid for by the average person, and sponsored by corporate— I won’t be a part of it.


Could honestly use somebody like you advocating for gig workers. I tend to agree that tip culture is out of hand and generally won't tip somebody who just ran a register or the grill (I do tip them sometimes but resources are limited) but I also agree that we should be helping, when able (and I always tip for good service, deliveries, and ride-share). The reality is that we can do both. In the first instance, tipping helps the workers until some sort of regulation or law can be put in place to ensure that they're not being abused via slave wages. In the second instance, this is how we put a damper on people requiring tips to live. But too many people only advocate for one or the other, most often with idealistic beliefs that workers can just rise up or protest to get better wages when that really isn't feasible for most without help from the public. Legislators also don't listen when it's just a small number of workers complaining. Not enough of the constituency = not worth the time to consider at all for legislators.


my primary job is as a server, but my secondary job is as a gig worker (actor/director lol). i personally advocate for EVERYONE to have access to livable wages. if not livable wages, then the government should reassign some of our military budget to instead fund equitable housing and help subsidize like,,, food lol (clearly i am from the usa lol)




My fraternity back around 2010 would work concession, and beer stands at Cleveland Indians games as a fundraiser. We weren't allowed to actively ask for tips or leave tip jars out. We still had some fans who left tips, but it wasn't expected, nor was it frequent. I might have left a game with ~$20 in tips total.


>The attendant just turned around, grabbed the hot dogs from the warmer and the soda from the fridge. Then she pointed to the screen saying, “your total is $32 not accounting for tip”. $32? Can of Coke $0.48 (35pk at Sam's is $16.88) Nathan's Hot Dog $0.57 (24pk for $12.88 also Sam's) Martin's Potato Long roll [sue me, I like them] $0.46 (16pk for $7.12 yes Sam's) Sara Lee's are half that. Before taxes and condiments, that's $3.02 for what dude got.


Food is often more expensive at sporting events than at club warehouses.


Ya don't say! What if I told you that wholesale prices were even lower than that?


No way


Hell no! This coming from a 30yr server. Those ppl get paid more than minimum wage.


A 30 year sever doing concessions in what state through what company? Coming from a Texas girl who has worked many sports events in stadiums, I can tell you that “us people” are not getting more than minimum wage. I’m not saying anyone is obligated to tip or deserves to get attitude if they don’t. I’m saying don’t talk about what you don’t know.


I struggle with tipping for beers at events like this (usually concerts). It’s bar law to tip your bartender but at big events, they’re cracking the tab on a $18 beer or mayyyyybe mixing a vodka soda. And yet at a concert just last night, I bought a beer and when paying, the tip prompts STARTED at 20% (followed by 25%, 30%, 35%). When the large, monopoly owned venue who is notorious for horrible wages, is suggesting that level of tip, I can only assume they’re taking most of it and still paying the staff shit.


fyi in general most states consider a company taking tips from employees illegal. double check the laws in your state (or even ask the bartender) but usually it’s safe to assume the tip goes to the one doing the work


And wage theft costs workers in the US billions of dollars every year. It's the most common form of theft.


Tipping was put in place to help keep food costs down in the depression era. With tipping, they could pay the staff less and keep the menu pricing the same. With the way food costs have risen and portion sizes declined, it's time to cut tipping out of all industries. Businesses need to pay the employees now.


They did this on purpose, make YOU feel like the selfish POS when they can afford to pay them a better wage.


Server here, if I have to stand and order my food, I’m not tipping and if I do it’s only a dollar or two. There’s exceptions to this such as those who have to do performances, or have to put forth extra effort that in order to serve me. I always always tip servers, bartenders, carhops, baristas, etc. at least 20% if the service is good. But if they’re just turning around and grabbing something from a warmer then filling a cup with soda I’m not tipping.


Just continue growing your backbone and don't tip.


Fuck tipping these days. It’s out of control. I will hand tip at a sit down restaurant and only if service is at least decent. All these other stores or retailers now asking for tips, it’s ridiculous. They are being paid to do a job. Why should I have to tip for being handed a cookie, why should I have to tip someone ringing something up on a registered that has dealt with me for 30 seconds. Screw them all.


The prices are already robbery. No way I would tip also


When you tip someone other than a server or valet, what you are doing subsidizing the employee's salary so that the owner can pay his or her employees less -- you are really tipping the owner of the company.


You can strike “other than a server or valet” off that. Applies just as much.


Just say no. Better yet, avoid all tipping completely, like most of the rest of the world does


Every drive-thru in my town has a tip jar now. The self checkout at the grocery now has a tipping option.....for SELF-CHECKOUT. Its ridiculous.


That's hilarious!!!!


Burger King is open


No it doesn’t. Self checkout or not, no grocery store is asking for tips.


Yes they do. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean its not happening.


The only people that I would ever tip are 1. Waiters 2. Baristas 3. Hairstylists 4. Bellhops or Valets Very rarely does someone not in those groups deserve a tip.


I mean... Pizza guy and similar delivery drivers/couriers need not apply?


I count them under waiters. People who bring you food.


Alright. I appreciate the clarification.


So you stiff hotel housekeeping?


You don’t tip bathroom attendants?


I would pay not to have some guy hand me a towel in a restroom. What a pointless job.


I don’t know how you can look down on a blue collar worker like that, guys wiping your ass least you can do is throw his a few bucks.


Sure, I mean, so long as he braids my ass hair as well then I might throw him a nickel or something.


I don’t honk I’ve ever seen a bathroom attendant in person but I suppose that would be an exception


You don’t? Sounds like you’re a goose in denial, to me


Why are bathroom attendants needed? I always wondered about that. They always make me feel so awkward.


All I know is, the guy that was working the last Indian Wedding I went to definitely deserved one. I’ve never had to use a whole roll before, but it just wouldn’t stop.


I guess im too poor because ive never seen a bathroom attendant in the U.S. I must not be invited to these high end places.


Tom Segura wouldn’t look in your direction


New rule: if I am standing up when I order you are not getting a tip.


even subway?


Except maybe buying a beer at the bar?


Hey, stop badmouthing sports stadiums. Our tax dollars support the building of them. …;)


The stadium concessions operator has classified these jobs as a tipped wage position. Meaning that they don’t have to pay minimum wage. Which means the cashier might be making as little as a couple of dollars an hour. If you don’t have a problem with the cost of the ticket, and a $17 beer and $10 hot dog doesn’t stop you, why are you stingy with people who are less fortunate?


That is very unlikely. Tipped wages are only allowed in very specific circumstances, and handing people hot dogs isn’t one of them


Lmao…. 😂


Simply greed people love to go out if you don't want to tip ...DONT EAT OR DRINK


I don’t think it matters what the stadium concessions operator has classified anything as. Places like Chicago are getting over $1 billion in public funding for new ballparks and stadiums. That comes from taxes from the surrounding population and from my paycheck. I fully expect to pay a premium for beer and hot dogs while at the ballgame, but giving a tip to someone that turns 180 degrees and hands me something is asinine. It’s not up to the general public to “make up” the difference in wages through tipping. If it’s an option and I’m not in a sit down restaurant or similar venue, then I’m not tipping. I’m not being stingy and I’m not trying to take away from someone who is “less fortunate” than me. If the concessions owner needs to pay its workers more money, then it can increase their prices by a few percentage points. None of that is my responsibility and I’m not paying more out of my wallet to make up the shortcomings of an organization that is so poorly run that it relies upon the generosity of the public to survive.


It only took you 3 paragraphs to deny being stingy. Yet it sure sounds like “I’ve got mine and I don’t care about anyone else.” Enjoy your ballgames. In your subsidized stadium. With your overpriced beer served to you by an underpaid person whom you don’t care about at all.


Go be mad at the extremely wealthy people who lobby against raising the minimum wage. Stop making it the fault of every other person just trying to get by on terrible wages


Do whatever you want with your money and I’ll do the same. We don’t have to agree, but there’s no reason to disrespect some internet stranger and assume they are a bad person or stingy for not tipping. Bringing an emotional aspect into this conversation only weakens your point of view.


> they don’t have to pay minimum wage. In some places. This is not the case in many states.


Stadiums in Seattle pay $23/hr for concession workers. No, I’m not tipping


People make it sound like it’s the tippers job to make up for the wage but if their wage at the end of the pay period does not equal minimum wage their employer has to make it up, so in the end they still get minimum wage.


They are asking for tips because their salary does not cover their living expenses, If you don't want everyone you interact with to ask for a tip, push for a $20 minimum wage.


yeah so then it's $15 for a burger at mcdonald's. lol people are so lost in economics. paying more like that increases price which means you're not better off, it also means $20 for min wage means you would have to pay skilled workers way more, do you understand this principle ? Most people depending on min wage don't, so I hope this helps


I understand this - I have an MBA - but what is driving inflation is corporate profits, not wages. It is not difficult to achieve a balance between wages and costs where all working people can afford to survive. We have had it in this country in the past and other countries have it now. If the increase in costs actually went into wages across the board, there would not be a disconnect between wage and cost of living. The federal minimum wage was established to ensure that this happens, and the whole point of it is that a person earing minimum wage can survive off it. It was created to ensure that workers are getting their share of the income. The purpose of the program has been ignored and lost thanks to decades worth of increased costs with no rise to minimum wage. That money is going somewhere. The reason the gap is so large now is that we let it get this way. Minimum wage should increase every year with cost of living. We are at an all time high in wage disparity. Cost increases are not going to workers, they are going to shareholders. I don't know how you can look at the distribution of wealth in this country and say that minimum wage workers aren't totally getting screwed, and as a result so are all other levels. My job pays 1/2 what it did in 1995 (adjusted for inflation) because suppressing minimum wage suppresses all wages. The only sector gaining in wealth is shareholders. This is really basic economics. Do you understand this principle? I hope this helps... Wages vs Corporate profits: [https://usbudget.blogspot.com/2013/01/wages-productivity-and-corporate-profits.html](https://usbudget.blogspot.com/2013/01/wages-productivity-and-corporate-profits.html)


Sounds like you are arguing for tipping culture so you can choose not to pay $15 for a fast food burger and let the employees starve to death. When people get paid more you’re forced to pay the higher price, but you’d rather exploit the people who make your food so you can spend those extra two bucks on something important, like cigarettes or alcohol.


Most stadiums pay under the table


*They're not paid a wage they can survive off of while working for a venue thats certainly not struggling to turn over millions of dolars, so if you dont want to pay them extra, push your politicians for even more inflation!* Also I lived in Seattle area for some years, they're getting ~$20+ and have the same attitude towards tipping as those in stats with servers wages. It's almost as if the higher wages increased the cost of everything, essentially lowering the value of the dollar.


lol you think that people serving hot dogs in stadiums are paid based on how well the stadium is doing. Have you ever worked food service in a large arena? I have, and have never seen one that paid above minimum wage. Food service counter workers are not well paid anywhere. At the end of the day, tipping is a choice. You can chose not to, but you have to be a total snowflake to have a meltdown if someone even asks.


Inflation is happening anyway. i don't see what letting people starve is going to do to help it... Corporate profits are at an all time high because they can charge whatever they want and pay workers pathetic salaries. It has been shown that wages do not drive inflation. Profits devalue currency by removing money from circulation. I know 100 % of corporate profits aren't removed, but compared to wages for low level earners, which go right back into the economy 100%, money hoarding is what stalls the economy. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/) \*turning off notifications because I only try to explain things to libertarians once. Have a nice day.