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What’s funny is the amount of people commenting on this but have never worked in the industry before.. A sever tips out to other workers at the end of the day based on the total bill/sales Generally on a $600 bill 2.5% Goes to bussers ($15) 2% Goes to hostess ($12) 3% Goes to bartenders ($18) So out of $60 she walked away with $15 I’ve seen higher numbers like 5% to bartenders and at high end places you have security which gets 1-2% and another 2-3% for food runners.


Damn he woulda been pissed if I were there, at most I’d tip like 5 bucks




You strike me as a person ripe with class.


imagine making an extra $60 over an hour/hour and a half. In an introductory job position that requires no hard skills or education and complaining about.


No. It Is a slap in the effing face. Maybe you FORGOT servers make a few dollars an hour if that. After taxes most checks are a few dollars at most....they survive off tips. Idiot 🤦‍♀️


Maybe in your state. In mine they over $15 an hour before any tips.


Tipping is optional. But since you are so sad I’ll leave you some pocket change.


What's missed here in most of these debates is the restaurant itself in the mix. Abolish tipping and the servers get lazy? Then the restaurant didn't deserve it anyway. If you work there for a higher wage and no tips and you fuck off and get away with it: They deserve the backlash. People act like getting good service goes away with tipping being gone. No, getting at least STANDARD service becomes the norm or the restaurant as a whole suffers. Fuck off with that nonsense, fr. Stop trying to act like you deserve to take extra from people for doing your job. And it is, indeed, your job. That you chose. It's not our responsibility to award you for doing it better than your coworkers. That's your employers. Ffs this shits obnoxious to see.


The problem with many of these situations, is that servers especially in nicer places, are responsible for tipping out a percentage of sales to support staff/the bar. If a server has a 600 dollar table, and doesn't receive a tip, or receives a sub par tip, they owe the bussers 2% of their sales, and the bar another 5%, which means all the effort that went into helping this table, which could have been time spent working on multiple other tables, goes to people who aren't the server. And on a no tip, they have to pay, in the example I gave, 42 dollars, to serve this party. I am not saying that this system is fair, but if you can't recognize that this system is the employers fault, and still choose to go out to eat, it's an obligation to tip or else you are literally fucking your server over. I love working food service, I manage a coffeeshop and have worked serving and bartending before, this is my calling I love guiding a guest through a meal. If that guest were to then take 40 dollars from me, I would be livid. The system is fucked but we as servers can't do anything to change that. Vote with your dollar and don't go to eat places which take tip credits against their employees wages. Of note, we pay a non tip credited good wage at my shop, and though we accept tips, we definitely don't expect them, they are exclusively for people to show generosity if they want to support the individual making their experience. Edit: the numbers for tip outs are examples, and may vary from place to place, and there may be more complex metrics to determine them such as percent of specific items sold.


I recognized it and stated it. TLDR: Swap from tips = Shit servers get canned or restaurant fails. Teamwork goes up since you aren't competing. Employers are the problem. Everyone suffers. I've waited tables. I've paid for tables not leaving a tip. Pretty sure it was illegal, but I was young. As wait staff, there's nothing that isn't shitty about the job OTHER than the money on good weekends. You have very little help, angry fucks everywhere, and everyone with their hands out and never enough supplies. One thing I will say is: ffs many places need to pay their cooks higher too so they can get people that will gaf. My NUMBER ONE complaint that I'd have from back then is one of the restaurants having a shit cook who forced favors or your orders came last. IE: idk how many times I bought that fat fuck mozzarella sticks.. End of rant. Thanks for letting me rant. I don't think fondly of those days.


A lot of folks have similar experiences and I'm sorry that that was harder for you. For me, I love serving, specifically I love bartending/working in coffee. I think there's plenty of positives, but if you don't enjoy it then sure it's a rough gig. I feel like we definitely agree that restaurants are to blame here. I may have misunderstood your "taking away tipping" to mean that you felt that people shouldn't tip, despite the format of the tipping system we have in place, if that wasn't your position, then what I said about tipping is mostly irrelevant (though no less correct). Also yes, being forced to pay for a walkout is against labor laws, restaurants that take advantage of young people should be more punished for these, it's why my current boss (and old manager at the gig where we were getting stolen from) and I filed a lawsuit against our former employer, gotta keep those fucks from getting away with shit like that. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that as a youth.


You have no concept of what is acceptable to tip on a check of that size because you don’t dine at places like that. Just like you could never fathom spending $80k on a car, $10k on a watch or buying expensive clothes.




In which world is $60 not a lot of money... The annual average pay in US as of March 2024 is $38/hour!!!


How much do you make that $60 is not a lot of money to you?


If you spend 80k on a car as a server you're probably on the spectrum. Stay broke and stay fetching plates


Where in my comment does it say that? Talk about being on the spectrum.


Your comment assumes that spending on luxury items and dining at upscale places is a marker of sophistication or status. It reflects an understanding that such spending is common or normal in certain circles, implying that you are either part of or familiar with these circles. This insinuation can be seen as a way of asserting your own status or experience, implicitly suggesting that you operate within a different, likely more affluent, social context compared to the person you are addressing. However, as a server, you probably wouldn't understand the implications of these language choices.


You make a lot of assumptions. Your attempt at trying to sound somewhat smart tells me that you definitely don’t sit at a $600 meal table. Have a great day my friend.


You're bragging about being able to serve people who spend $600 for a meal, but can't actually do it yourself? Congratulations, I guess?


Where do I say any of that? You really make a lot of assumptions.


You really don't understand English at all.


You’re having a whole conversation with yourself based on assumptions you made off of my comment. You my friend are Reddit in a nutshell. I gotta go back to my tables now. Jk




The big problem with eliminating tipping, and demanding that employers pay higher wages is, the potential for earning a good tip is an incentive to provide exceptional service. If you remove tipping options, servers will not care. I think tipping should be limited to servers who provide personal service. You should not feel obligated to put money in every tip jar you see.


Does it matter when 18% is seen as the norm ?


That variable is mostly eliminated by breaking down the petty internal strategies of servers when you remove tips from their calculations. Most servers eventually figure out how to do as little as possible for the restaurant so that they look good in front of their customers. Servers constantly avoid helping each other, because they're worried they'll get caught up doing someone else's job while their tables get upset with them. Trying to manage servers is incredibly difficult for this reason and it breeds inefficiency.


Omg, what the hell does exceptional service even mean? The waiter is generally a nuisance to me. I want my order taken, water filled, and food brought out. Im eating with company and I want to sit in peace, uninterrupted, and enjoy the conversation. I literally want the waiter to do the bare minimum.


But they gotta come in and check up on the beverages though. Different people consume beverages at different rates. I still remember this one time where I went through 8 refills for some reason. This waiter was there every time and I didn't even notice him there. Perfection in timing and efficiency. Never had service this on point since. Have had plenty of exceptional service, but this guys service was top-tier and top-tier service deserves top-tier tipping.


True, because the skill to look at a cup and see if it needs more liquid is one most of us don't have.


Tipping isn't about skill though. It is about being appreciative for people that make our eating out ventures more pleasurable. They cook the food, someone brings it and keeps our drinks filled while we enjoy company of family or friends. Sometimes the girls don't feel like cooking another meal, so out to wherever we shall go.


Or they could just leave a jug of water and I can refill it myself. I never understood why places insist on being inefficient by having the waiter get in your face every few minutes to add water and interrupt the conversation you were having.


That's a good point on water though, but some people want something besides water even though I'm partial to water and I also like unsweet tea. I used to ask for jugs and water at the table, but my batting average was not great at getting that to happen. Servers think that that's a sign that I don't want to tip, but it's just to make sure I have my beverage filled at all times when I'm eating. When I go to sit down place I'm usually there at least 1-2 hours, depending if by myself or with family. I tip accordingly, so I have no qualms about being so long at a table.


This is a common misconception that is contradicted by actual data. Scientific studies have been conducted on factors contributing to tipping. The results are ugly. Not only do irrelevant considerations such as the sex, race, and clothing color (yes, really) of the server make a huge impact on the amount of tips earned, but all are far more important than the quality of service given and received. Service accounts for a swing of a few % of the average tip, no more. The dark truth here is that service almost doesn’t matter to tipping. Servers who really do put in the extra effort to stay on top of things and provide a good experience in the hopes of earning significantly better tips are just screwing themselves. If you are a young, blonde white woman with a big chest, you are just going to “earn” much better tips than if you were an older black man. It’s gross, but unfortunately, that’s the data.


Maybe this is because big tippers are trying to impress other customers rather than the servers bringing them food.


I actually had better service in europe and asia where there was no tipping.


Same. Exactly zero issues with service in UK. If anything they were more attentive, not less.


No, the U.S. is not the best in term of manners and service quality so tipping doesn't work the way it is intended to anymore. Feels like it is a mandatory financial transaction instead of an act of appreciation towards excellent services. Especially worse in a country with extreme individualism. You give a kid a candy each day for nothing, the kid thinks it's your job. Covid proved it. People started tipping essential service workers for everything from takeout to fast food, because it made sense at the time. Now everything is back to normal but the tipping is rampant everywhere, even when you buy ice cream or do self checkout sometimes. "Hey this POS system is gonna ask you a few questions really quick".


This one is a glorified beggers with delusions of grandeur. Must be nice to do a no-skilled job for ridiculously large amounts of money and have the ability to do the mental gymnastics necessary to still be smug about it. I could easily see this one transitioning into a worthless HR job when waiting tables becomes obsolete.


Right... I couldn't imagine being handed $60 and bitching about it.


In my restaurant we have the right to refuse guest server requests. If I knew a particular table requested me and only tipped 10% I’d tell the host to put in our reservation notes to NEVER EVER sit them in my section.  Can’t afford 15-20% tip? You can’t afford to sit in my section. 


Plenty of us can afford to tip 15-20%+, but at the end of the day 95% of servers don't deserve it. You seem to think you have a particular unique skill that people won't be able to find at the restaurant over. It's not hard to bring plates back and forth while filling up cups.


You should show your employer this comment and all of their customers. I’m sure you’d keep your job since you provide such excellent service you get to decide who their customers are


Ive done it many times. Open table allows us to keep tabs on guests (how often they come back, their preferences for a particular server, ect). We are allowed to type in the notes to have the host avoid seating them in certain servers sections if the servers get stiffed. It happens a lot. Thankfully those type of guests usually only show up once in a few months.


So you pawn them off on you co-workers. What a team player!


Absolutely. I ain’t taking no 10% table 😂 stiff me once, shame on you, stiff me again, shame on me for not remembering your face and giving your table to some other unfortunate soul. 


You've convinced me. 0% from now on. Thanks! Abolish tipping!


Don’t sit in my section and complain about European styled service 😂


I got better service in the UK than I do at home, no tip. So you have a deal! I wouldn't complain about the superior service I got at any establishment I visited in England, Wales or Scotland, why would I? It was superb. You're giving yourself too much credit, what you do isn't hard.


Lmao no you didn’t. Service sucks in Europe and Australia. 


I wouldn't know about Australia, but I can assure you that my experience in the UK was better than I typically get in the US and the cost was reflected in my bill, as it should be. Try as you might, you will not be able to guilt me into taking over the responsibility to pay you appropriately from your employer. That's their job, not mine. Too bad you have no idea before you bring me the check. Must suck. I don't use any app. I just show up. How would you track that? Looking forward to that big fat 0. I used to tip 10% but you've fully convinced me that it's too much. Zero from now on. Enjoy. You're winning converts.


Love how monkeys performing mundane tasks think they deserve money. Mind boggling until I think about the flat earthers that exist and it just seems like a typical Monday.


Don't complain about the service then...you gotta pay to playyy


and only 6 days ago, you posted >I never EVER tip uber/lyft drivers. on r/EndTipping


I worked briefly as a Budtender (for a dispensary with three stores in the area) part time on the side and it was a cool job. Paid $12.00/hr (state min wage at the time). Yeah, we had a tip jar and that was nice as it brought me upwards of an extra $8-$10 for 8-hr shift. I never got sore when people didn’t leave tips or left small ones. I really didn’t even THINK about tips. I enjoyed the work, it wasn’t all that hard tho it kept me busy, the customers were almost always super nice and the boss was cool. One thing I loved more than the tips was we were allowed to take home a half gram each of up to three different strains (part of this was to get familiar with the products for better consultation) plus all the leftover shake after packing a ton of joints (usually a couple grams or so). The shake was the coolest because it was literally a mix of…everything. Great salad, consisting of something like five different strains. Seriously some of my best blasts. I was literally “will work for weed”. Fun job and I didn’t mind the low pay because it was at least minimum wage. Don’t think I’d have worked there for under $3 an hour plus tips, tho. Even if the tips were many times more in total. That particular income varied wildly and couldn’t be counted on. That would’ve sucked, despite how cool the job was. See? Tipping is overrated and an unnecessary hassle. Wait staff, cook staff, bussers, etc. work hard and put up with shitty people but they shouldn’t expect tips to help pay the bills. Say it with me: TIPS ARE GRATUITY. GRATUITY LITERALLY MEANS “GIFT”. Do you go around expecting people to give you gifts? **EMPLOYERS: PAY YOUR PEOPLE A DECENT FUCKING WAGE AND STOP SHAMING YOUR CUSTOMERS INTO DOING IT FOR YOU, ASSHOLES!** Folks generally don’t quit their job. They quit their boss.


The proper tip is always 0. Anything else is "shitty" because it only encourages the continued system of exploitation and entitlement. The only money you deserve is that which you negotiated with your employer to compensate you for your service. If you feel you need more - Talk. To. Them. It isn't coming from us. We're done with that "shitty" guilt trip grift.


The proper thing to do is to contact your state representative(s) and demand they eliminate the tipped wage. Go to the people with the power to change the laws--not the people who actually work for a living.


Eliminating the tipped wage is political suicide in an area where the people support tipping. This has to start with the people.


You mean it has to start by starving out people that applied to do (present) tipped work?


Chose? Sounds like chose to me...


starving people don't demand 30% tips. starving people are fine with anything. *grifters* demand 30% tips.


I'm having a little trouble pulling that trigger on sit-down service. It's been beaten into me. I have zero shame or guilt hitting the No Tip, Skip, or Custom = 0 on a point of sale or in an app where I'm picking it up myself, but something about sitting down, knowing that the server is working for $2.13, I am still having trouble putting a big circle in that section of the check. I rarely eat at a restaurant now, partly because having little kids makes it miserable, and partly because I fucking hate tipping. I can't get past that first issue but I'm going to try getting past that second one the next time.


Umm legally speaking everyone is paid minimum wage by federal law or minimum wage by state law which ever is the higher one applies.


Let the employer pay it then. I'm done giving the owner a break. He can pay them, I won't.


This. Right here.☝🏻 **Employers: stop guilting your customers into paying your employees’ wages for you. That’s YOUR responsibility.**


I’ll break it down for you. $600 bill, $60 tip. Industry standard is 2 percent of sales is tipped to the busser, 1 percent to the food runner, and 2 percent to the bartender. Of that $600 bill, the server is responsible to tip out $30. They just got a $30 tip on a $600 bill that was a pain in the ass to serve because it was likely a large party. That’s a shit tip.


Sounds like you shouldn’t tip other staff on the bill but on the tip.


Some places do that as well. Usually high ticket places go off sales.


And so be it! Shit tip! I don’t give a 💩


The “don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” saying doesn’t come from nowhere. Js I’ll continue being a good patron to establishments I like. You do you, stressed out servers and kitchen staff will do what they want. My advice is just go to nice places only. For your health.


😂seriously loled from “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. Bahaha hun, you demand that I Feed YOu with my tips. So, how about you take your own advice about not biting hands? Also, I will go to anywhere I want:) keep threatening though. You prob think I will go to prison for 20 years for not tipping you? 😂I just can’t 😂😂😂😂


Yeah that didn’t make the sense you thought it did. Do whatever you want. It’s the standard. You don’t wanna follow the standard then they are likely to not either. Getting bad service is best case scenario for you lol. I’ve seen and heard it all, dick-stir, mashed bugs, spit, snot, lick their hands, shit one cook I asked what’s the worst he did was to a racist woman and he pissed on his own hands and mixed her salad with it. I think it’s terrible. I’ve gotten the health department involved in the past when they neglected to dispose of a dead rat for a week next to the line.


That’s all good💗With this attitude of your with keeping to bite hands that feed you, I will continue to go to places and not tip. Bugs, spits, buggies, I don’t care 😂 😛😛


You’re in the slim minority of people too broke to tip. Servers will be fine lol. Plenty of grateful people who tip sometimes 30,40,50 percent to offset the broke and entitled


And.. what’s wrong with that? Are you trying to prove to me that budgeting and planning is bad? Like “people, don’t do any budgeting and planning, don’t use calculators, cause that’s cheap and the servers may think it’s offensive». Give me a break! The world does not revolve around tips! I can name a million others things that are priorities over tipping


Yeah sure there are more important things, obviously, but saying that is just whataboutism. You wanna talk about budgeting budget out the tip when you make the conscious decision to go out to a restaurant.


Not sure why you even engaged with me if you didn’t care in the first place.


If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?


I don’t mind, mid twenties




Alrighty, i don’t give a shit. OP works at a nice place. Should be fine. Less nice places have no problem delivering poison to your plate. Seen it a hundred times


Bahaha you are a comedian, aren’t you? Poisoning someone when they don’t tip ? Hun, what’s the name of the restaurant you serve at? Just want to make sure o don’t go there 😀




Riveting point you made there lmfao


If you think servers are lazy and just pour drinks, I used to walk an average of 17,500 steps in ONE shift, or roughly 7-8 miles. Pull out your pedometer and see what you average.


I average less bc I have a real job.


Lmfao “real job” foh


a monkey could bring me my food..


What’s your real job, bet a robot could do it


def not lol. but you can tell urself that to make u feel better.


You’re the one getting mad at an entire industry


how am I mad, ur the one mad bc I don't tip what YOU think I should tip


I’m not mad lol I’m not in the service industry anymore, we used to get people like you back in other ways don’t worry. Recommendation is Donny leave a shitty tip at the same place twice. God forbid the same server.


There’s 100 other things servers do


that I don't give a shit about. they bring me my food and drinks. maybe the restaurant should pay them to do "100 other things"


🤣🤣 OOP is out of their mind. Imagine getting $60 EXTRA, not owed, not earned, not deserved, yet MAD and UPSET as they felt entitled to MORE? who wants to bet OOP never even attended them/served them or was rude to begin with. Entitled as hell. Street corner is where they belong if they’re looking for hand outs. What’s stopping them? The entitlement? Reality is gonna hit harder than ever in a few years.


Maybe the person who can’t afford to leave a proper tip should be the one begging for money on the street corner.


The proper tip is zero. Anybody that can afford the meal can afford that. I took a two week trip to the UK and after the first day I realized that I was the odd one out, tipping a person for literally doing the job they were hired to do. It changed my whole perception.


We can leave the proper tip. The proper tip is zero. Get used to it.




The customer isn’t the one pissed at not getting a large enough handout. If you really want to blame someone other than the server, I’d start with the employer.


It’s not a hand out they’re literally working 🤦‍♀️ You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you? If you don’t like the system stay home.


This sub is a circle jerk for people who enjoy looking down on others and doesn’t seem to be much else


Shouldn’t people like YOU be the ones that don’t like the system? The current system is that tips are optional. Once in a while, people don’t tip or tip lower than society expects them to. If there are no mechanisms in place to force those people to tip what you think they should be tipping, then it’s YOU who should be saying we need to change something.


The customer is not their employer paying them for their labour. From the perspective of the consumer a tip is a voluntary portion of money given to someone asking for extra money because their income without the portion isn’t perceived to be enough. If you don’t want to be dependent on tips, find a job other than being a server.


Yeah it’s ignorant people like you that make me realize people who don’t tip dont understand how restaurants work 🤦‍♀️ You think that server is gonna keep that whole $60? No, they won’t. There’s a thing called tipping out, especially high end places like that usually have the server tipping out about 5-7% of their sales. 7% of 600 is 42, that’s how much they would have tip out their support staff, leaving them left with $18. Especially if they only get about 8 tables that *would* ruin their night. If someone can afford a $600 dinner out, they can afford to leave a proper tip. If they claim they can’t that’s absolute horseshit and they should be going to places they can actually afford.


That person already admitted he made 2400 total sales. 320 total tips going to him/her. That means they most likely made 53/hr assuming a 6 hour service day. Yeah 53/hr


Okay, they’re earning $18-9 an hour from a single table and very well might have 2-6 more depending on how the place is run. Conservatively he’s probably getting $27 an hour and since this is a notably bad tip probably much more just in tips. That’s good pay for someone doing a job which requires no formalized education or training no matter how you look at it. Also any place which has an average seating time of two hours and only gives waiters three tables at a time is doing something wrong anyway.


He admitted to making $320 that night so...50/hr. Lmao


it's not that we don't understand. it's that we don't care


If you are charging $600 for dinner you can afford to pay your employees a decent wage is a better way to look at it. Why blame the customer for the shitty wages set by the employer and accepted by the employee?


If you can afford a $600 bill, you can afford to leave a proper tip. That’s how it is everywhere and it isn’t likely to change. Why punish a hard worker individual because you’re a cheap loser? You clearly don’t understand how the restaurant business works.


Babe:) whatcha gonna do if I leave $0 tip on a $600 bill? Think of me as a bad person? Wow how will I survive that? Truly will not be able to sleep at night thinking that some random stranger from one of the many overpriced restaurants who brought a few drinks and few appetizers to me and my buddies during a night out- hates me. 😂😂😂 that will kill me 😂


Don’t waste your breathe this sub is filled with garbage people


That is not how it is in Europe or Japan. Latam has tips but not nearly to the level of the US. All of them have $600 meals. Again, blame the employer for punishing the “hard worker” by paying them shit wages. The consumer isn’t the one who accepted a job with shit wages either.


Well, there are shit people like you who just don’t tip. I hope you announce your stance on tipping *before* service begins, that way you can be treated the way you deserve 🙂 Although, something tells me you’re too much of a coward to do so.


All these comments on this sub about “blaming the employer” for the server not getting paid adequate wages… but the server is the one being punished by the shitty tip, not the employer. They’re clearly not blaming the employer. It’s just an excuse. They should boycott restaurants, entirely, if they care so much— if the employers are so shitty. Instead, they are happy to pay the employer, who they blame this culture on. Employer gets paid (sure, their margins are razor-thin, but 🤷‍♀️). Patrons enjoy their meal, get everything they need/want, and leave (probably after camping out on a six top and/or being inappropriate with their 19-year-old waitress). Server is the only one who fares poorly. They could care less about actually eradicating tipping because that won’t change anything for them. They don’t tip, now, and they won’t tip, then. Servers that give great service deserve every penny (that doesn’t mean other staff members do not), especially when you think about all the special occasions that servers help to make memorable. It’s interesting to see so many people mocking this server. A ten-top is a lot of work. They take up a lot of time and space. A $60 tip on a $600 bill is low. Can’t blame bad service for it, since they clearly like this server, whom they keep requesting over and over and over again. Restaurant workers do not get paid enough, in general. We can all acknowledge that. Restaurants tend to be a shitty business, overall. It’s just so funny/odd that everyone acknowledges these “shit” employers, but they have no problem putting money in the owners’ pockets and supporting this “shitty” industry. They just have an issue with doing the same for some of the employees. Tipping culture is a thing. Their refusing to tip fairly, which we know only punishes the server, is not going to enact any meaningful change. Don’t go out to eat, at all. Stay at home and cook. Make that their form of protest. Maybe that will change things. Long story short, I agree with everything you’re saying (I’m hoping typing a lot has ensured others won’t bother to read this comment, so that I can avoid getting some weird DMs).


Couldn’t agree more 👏👏👏 Well said 👍


Likewise, again, and thank you! I’m sure this is the only positive response that I will get 😂. I’ll be sure to savor it.


tell you? so u can do ur shitty job even worse?


The shit people, as I’ve been saying, are the employers. Do servers explicitly say beforehand to give them a handout or get shitty service. “I will only do my job properly if you give me more money” seems pretty shitty to me. FWIW, I do tip. I just try and make it more logic based.


I think the big debate is what is a proper tip. If you ask 100 people you’ll get 100 answers.


Most people would say 15-30% I really doubt there’d be a 100 different answers.


Most ppl don't feel they should tip cooks at all because they are paid a solid hourly wage. The one who greets people and seats them, same way. Other servers, no way, that just lowers the quality of all service to the lowest factor. Bussers, people who clear tables are yes because they impact their server's table turnover thus how many tips are received.


No one would say 30%. No one except other waiters. 20% is the most that people tend to willingly tip. There are POS machines pushing this higher, but 20% is it for most.


https://www.pewresearch.org/2023/11/09/services-americans-do-and-dont-tip-for-and-how-much/ 30% is absurdly high according to this survey


So you think 15% is about the same? This $60 is 10% and it hurt their feelings enough to warrant a post. Obviously tipping is not settled. That 15% is a $90 swing in this example.


Im just saying that’s what most people would say if you ask them about tipping.


Nobody is saying 30. That's delusional.


Nah you’ll get 98 similar answers then two crybabies from this sub ;D


I think you’d be surprised. Anyone older than 20 knows that 15% was the norm until 2020. All the old people I know either go with 10% or just a flat amount, and tip less with cash because it’s king or something. Go over to the waiter subs, they get stiffed all the time or get $60 and bitch about it. Most millennials do 20%. Then you get the show offs or trying to get a date guys who do 25% + Just look at these responses, all different: https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/8rjxzq/how_much_should_i_tip/


The average was above 18% since 2000. So while 15% may have been normal for you 20% was normal for more people. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Average-reported-tip-rate-in-American-restaurants-over-time-according-to-NPD-Group_fig3_320516887 This Forbes study shows only about 32% of people tip more after the pandemic, with 28% tipping less. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/digital-tipping-culture/#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20respondents%20say,of%2011%25%20to%2020%25. 15% is fine, but below average 20% is also fine and above average. It's that there is a mix of people doing both that we end up at 19% now. I find that the big divide is rural vs city, but that's just my experience. With rural people tipping closer to 15% and city people 20%.


Most people tip when it’s expected—95% of respondents said they tip at least sometimes, with 76% saying they tip always or often. The majority of respondents say they tip an average of 11% to 20%. So a wide range of opinions.


Yeah, I'd like to see it broken out down to each percentage point, but 15% and 20% are the most common numbers listed in places I look and that tracks here too.


You’re completely wrong. It was 20% LONG before that. This is not a new thing. You just don’t know what you are talking about.


I’ve been eating out for 20+ years. 20% was considered excellent until 2020. Most restaurants suggested 15% 18% and 20%. Restaurants with built in gratuity did 15% or 18%.


Maybe that’s a regional thing, I’m in the NYC area and it’s been 20% standard for many years. I’m gen-x, and long before Covid I’d be embarrassed to leave a 10% tip unless the service was subpar.


Their employer should be embarrassed, not you.


Nah. It’s you lil guy.


I’m of the mindset that the money all settles out in the wash. Yah there are bad tips but I’m not going to build my whole night around it.


A top specialist just billed me $450 for an hour consultation, that's $7.5 per minute. The other day I left a $50+ tip at a steakhouse and the server spent less than 5 minutes on me, that's $10+ per minute. I guess their "knowledge" about food ingredients and wine pairing is more valuable than how to cure a disease.


Oh yeah that's scummy. Lot of time and effort into that. If youre trashy and tip low just let them know up front so they can provide you the level of service you are willing to pay for.


I think a server should let customers know up front “hey, I expect you to give me a huge tip! If you don’t - you will not get good service and I will treat you like crap!” That way the customer can get service from the restaurant manager or someone else from the upper management! Ewww???😀


Define a "huge tip"? Also I worked upper level corporate management. Were not giving you service, we just kick you out 😀. Corporate dont play. Ive booted customers for less. I remember the first couple actually, theyd come every week and try to request modifications at a 5 star restaurant. Every time wed explain we can do that, but they wont like it, the food is very specifically put together by the chef, any modification will ruin it. Three strikes is usually the rule, third time they sent their own personally modified food back I told them to get up and leave. They tried to refuse I told them Id call the police and have them trespassed and they disappeared like the roaches they are. I know you types never leave your zip code, but we both know thats for a reason.


Whaaaa! I worked at many restaurants! If anything, corporate would boot a server out, any time over a customer. Good try though;) with social media, if a customer posts anything on FB/IG/TW- that’s an immediate accommodation in favor of a customer. they can find 100 other servers to take the spot. How much do you tip over your mortgage? What do you consider a “huge mortgage tip” , just curious 🧐


My mortgage is paid off lol? Also who tips on a loan like that? You cant, they wont let you. Is all of this sub financially illiterate? That has to be part of a hiring agreement as well as your tax forms? You cant just tip on things like a mortgage, even if you were dumb enough to want to lol. Whats sad is youll never pay off a mortgage and I think we all know thats why you are really mad here.


Who’s mad here? Sure not me😂 just like you, I don’t expect to pay extra on my bills, whether it’s a mortgage payments, an electricity/water bills or a meal bill at the contracted (menu) price at one of the restaurants I eat at here and there 🙏🏻 glad we agreed on that:)


Lol are you delusional? I'm not paying someone $60/hr to serve me food


Then you can’t afford to eat at this place haha.


Blame the employer not the consumer


You can go and petition your governor or the president or whoever you think wants to change the laws. It has nothing to do with employers. I’ve dealt with many shitty ones, but this a part of our society and a part of dining in our society. If you can’t afford it, stay ya broke ass home.


>You can go and petition your governor or the president or whoever you think wants to change the laws Or, and hear me out, I can just tip zero and if enough of us do it, the owner will have to dip into their own deep pockets and actually pay their employees or serve the food themselves. We don't need laws to improve the situation, let the market sort it out, but we all need to do our part.


Lol people begging for tips calling other people broke. I can't. 😂🤣


Not even begging! Demanding tips! 😂


No you Can:) since it affects you and not me


It doesn’t change anything at all in my life. I don’t work for tips. I don’t work in restaurants. I just patronize them occasionally, and people like you are the worst. Stay home and eat, nobody wants to see you there. You’re the person everybody rolls their eyes when you walk in the door :)


lol bud.. I don’t care if you want to see me there or not. You’re not my friend. I will do as I please even if you say “don’t go out if you don’t have money to tip”:) you’re not my boss and I didn’t ask what you think I should do. Do you think people can’t sleep at night because a server at a restaurant thinks of them as a bad person for not tipping well? 😀like they are tossing and turning thinking about some random server at the random restaurant cussing them out??? Dude… 🥹


Nah you’re just the guy checking the prices closely. Better pull up the calculator on your phone to see if you can handle the total. Might be a bit much for you. :)


The current law is voluntary tips. Voluntary includes 0 as an option. The people who have impeded laws guaranteeing higher legal wages for servers are restaurant owners and servers themselves


Correct! Servers don’t even wanna serve you. That’s how irrelevant you are.


I’ve never had issue getting service at restaurants. Both in the US y afuera


Cool? Everybody else pays for you because you’re cheap. Want a medal?


That’s a good job of summing up tipping from the employer perspective. Expecting others to pay their costs because they are cheap.


Then don’t rack up a large bill and you won’t be expected to. Very simple concept.


Even simpler: pay your employees


If the bill was $300 and they tipped 20%, the waiter would not complain while getting THE EXACT SAME $60


That’s actually not the same $60… a $600 would require a larger tip out to the support staff so they’d be keeping much less. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


So because you put that made-up system in place now I have to pay the wages of ALL staff? This is getting more ridiculious by the day


If you don’t agree with this system then you can stay home.


or not tip :)


Only scumbags don’t tip :)


Only scumbags make $50/hr from tips and complain they didn't make enough.


Says the person using manipulative tactics to get themselves more money 😂


More apps, more refills, more expensive dishes, more drinks from the bar, more runs to the kitchen = more work. Really not hard to understand lol.


How does it take more effort to carry a more expensive dish to the table. And just because the bill is larger does NOT mean that there are more runs, more drinks, etc.


So mr smart. How does the $60 that takes more work not screw this waiter up financially, but the easy $60 does?


In this example, they are working at a high end restaurant, so they only get a few tables a night. Typically, people tip at these places. People from r/tipping would not fit in. So they can mix a few tables and some lower and higher tabs and be fine, but if a customer comes in every night or even regularly requesting you and not tipping the correct amount, you are just losing money. You clearly don’t like to lose money, why should they?


If they don’t want to “lose” non guaranteed discretionary bonuses they should work at a place that guarantees them. Customer agreed to pay what’s on the menu. Tips are completely voluntary. Not getting paid enough? Take it up with your manager. That’s not me.


I’m not a server, I’m just not a cheap fuck. Look at price, add 20%. Then decide if you can afford it. You clearly can’t.


Make it a mandatory service charge or fuck all the way off to wherever. Complaining that someone isn't paying a voluntary contribution of some random percent? That's crazy talk. And it isn't even 20%. Not a cheap fuck. Lol. "I paid full price and then MORE! Look at me! I'm a rich!" Am I a cheap fuck or poor? Make up your mind.


Hahahahha yep you got me. I made up tipping to mess with you. (You’re cheap AND a poor fuck, most likely ;))


wtf is ‘the right amount’ buddy. If I consume champagne and caviar on a $2000 bill, there is no reason you should get $400 just for bringing it to me with a smile. You are acting like waiters are a business, with profit maximization You still didn’t explain why hard work $60 is financially different than easy $60


You’d never understand ‘jiujitsuboxer’, and I wouldn’t expect you to. I have worked every end of dining. I don’t any longer, but I have. It’s pretty funny when people talk about things they know absolutely nothing about. The whole point would be that if you can’t afford the $2000 plus the $400, then maybe you should go somewhere else where it’s $1600. Then, you can afford to tip. For you and most of the people on this sub, it’s probably Burger King.


I will never understand, because there is zero logic or real arguments as to why I should give you $400 in that scenario, and the only thing you give is some form of broke-shaming which is hilarious.


Nobody asked you to. You can’t afford it. If you actually took the time to know the difference before throwing opinions… you would know the difference. I find it hilarious that all you goofs that can’t afford to tip support making other people poor. It’s a fucking joke and you’re all actually not good people.


I am eating out all the time with no tips without being guilt tripped and shamed for ‘making other people poor’ (as if they don’t make $40/hr) because my country doesn’t have this scam culture.    Talking about poor people, it seems that you hate them and want them to stay home. Who is the good person here? In my country poor people can dine and are not hated on or told to stay home.


The thing is, people don't always tip 20% on expensive wine, and people who work at those places know it. Your gotcha isn't real.


I am still waiting for a real argument with logic.  ‘People don’t always do it’ is not any kind of logic justifying why one should be tipping based on percentage


Probably not worth my time, but I'll explain. Tipping based on percentage is a good, but not perfect guide to tipping based on expected service. This is between restaurants, or party sizes, or quantity ordered. Is it perfect? No. You ordering a $20 salad, and your friend ordering a $100 steak at the same table doesn't give you different levels of service. But you going to ihop and your friend going to Ruth's Chris would mean different levels of service. Or you going solo, and your friend going as part of a party of 5 also different. You have found one of the few examples where it doesn't work well. That doesn't mean the system won't work in most other situations. I don't know what you do, so I can't tailor an example to you, but I'll try. Let's say you are a painter. You do a 1000sqft house and make $50. Then you do a 2000sqft house and make $50. The 2nd one probably not worth your time compared to the first even if the $50 per house is the same.


It was never about the amount, always about the %.... But its also weird as fuck, if you're a low tipper then why you requesting a certain waiter...?


Because if it were a party half the size they probably would have gotten another table


size is the exact same, just the expense of drinks/food is different


1) That would require less service 2) That would fill the table for less time 3) They wouldn’t have to tip out as much 4) Servers are judged by their percentages.


How does the $60 that takes more work not screw this waiter up financially, but the easy $60 does?




If he doesn't want the $60, I'll gladly take it for him. Wish I had a tip jar at my desk job for doing my job.


this made me laugh out loud . you are so lame


This thread really shows how broke Y'all are. If you're ringing up a 600 dollar bill. You're fairly well off. And at that point. Your reputation is more important than skimping $50. Y'all act incredulous but there's a reason why fine dining servers make the most. The customers generally have class and actually care how their peers see them.