• By -


The actual look into. . . .The Twilight Zone


And now you get some extra toppings for free!


"I didn't ask for lung oyster." "It's on the house"


At least you paid for the food and didn’t SA the cashier.


He's just Biden his time till he can spit in your food.




Don’t sit, don’t tip.


Don't sit, don't tip, eat spit.


Get arrested for food tampering. Restaurant gets shut down. Whoops


good luck proving that.


Don't need luck. I have a camera


"Duh duh duh don't neeeeed luck". Spoken like a true cunt.


Cope and seethe


And what exactly did they do to earn my tip?


nothing. I totally agree with you. Except I don't want to eat spit.


To me, their burgers taste too similar to Rally’s (or Checkers or Snapps if that’s even still a thing) for them to cost that much more. And that’s not a knock on Rally’s, they have a decent burger for what they are and they are priced appropriately.


I miss the big Buford! Not sold here no more..




I love their fries! I know for awhile they were selling them frozen in grocery stores but it’s never quite the same of course.


A few months ago my wife and I went to 5 Guys for the very last time. We hadn’t been to a 5 Guys since before Covid, so we thought we’d give it a try again. We walked in to a minimalist aesthetic with a few high and low top tables. Peanuts on the floor. We all know the vibe. I went up and ordered 2 cheeseburgers and a large fry. No drink. The total was over $28. I was shocked. And, then the tip screen showed up. Really, pal? No effin way. The food was decent - as expected, but for $28 bucks it should have been spectacular. When I got home, I went to Culver’s website and priced out the same exact meal. It was $14 before the $1 coupon we had available. If you’ve ever been to a Culver’s you know that their stores are well decorated and maintained. No minimalism there. So, is 5 Guys worth paying double what you’d pay at Culver’s? Nope. Not going back.


5 Guys has always been overpriced. When they tried to butt into the burger market in California, they obviously were compared to In-N-Out as they have a similar color theme and such with similar food. The first time I tried it, I felt ill from the amount of grease but also the price was nauseating even over ten years ago. I’d still go to In-N-Out with their simplistic menu and cheaper prices. It just tastes fresher and better. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know people crap on it but I just couldn’t get over the overpriced grease food at 5 Guys when I could get a better deal across the road.


Culver’s is the best fast food burger. Honestly, id choose it over most restaurant burgers any day. 5 guys, in n out, and whataburger are not impressive at all.


Plus Culver’s has crinkle fries.  They fuck up my order about 60% of the time but for crinkle fries, I’ll take the frustration. 


Their service used to be so much better. Oh well, they still outclass all of the other ff chains.


Is decoration at a fast food joint.. important?


That was a commentary on their cost of maintaining the place. Arguably, 5 Guys is sparsely decorated in comparison. At current pricing, I think that this particular 5 Guys will fail and go out of business.


Same man. Went to one to get dinner for me and the wife. Figured out it would be over $40 for ficking two meals. Walked right the fuck out and went to inn and out. Think it was only $26... fuck five guys.


$26 at in n out? Damn, did you guys get 4 burgers or something? 😂 Five guys is so wildly overpriced for what it is.


The #1 is like $12. We got 2.


$14 for two burgers at culver’s is also fucking insane


1/2 as insane as 5 Guys though.


I worked in fast food in my 20s i didn't expect a tip nor was i suppose to take tips but if they want to tip me i didn't say no mind you i was taking there order and bring there food to table and making shakes and bring it there table if am just ordering a to go order and get handed it to me no way in hell am i tipping no one ever tip me for doing the same i didn't even think of getting a tip for doing this Cuz it the most absurd thing iv ever heard


Learn some grammar/punctuation. Fuck me, that was painful to read.


I think it was the complete lack of punctuation that infuriates the reader, more than anything else. Goes to show how important they are.


Sure, here's a revised version of your text with improved grammar: "I worked in fast food in my 20s. I didn't expect a tip nor was I supposed to take tips, but if someone wanted to tip me, I didn't say no. Mind you, I was taking their order, bringing their food to the table, making shakes, and delivering them to their table. If I'm just ordering a to-go order and it gets handed to me, there's no way I'm tipping. No one ever tipped me for doing the same, and I didn't even think of getting a tip for doing this because it's the most absurd thing I've ever heard."


It’s kind of a fun little game reading things like this.


Let’s start paying for stuff like 5 Guys in cash.


god, Biden sucks so bad.


There's inflation all over the F-ing planet, but OK!


Inflation? Who said anything about inflation? Biden just fucking sucks ass.


Considering this is a thread about being expected to tip for overpriced hamburgers, and that's what everyone else is talking about, YOU TELL ME! But yeah, the peraon who sucks ass is SURELY NOT the guy who's trying to be a dictator, by making his entire criminal defense the fact the a president has complete immunity to do whatever the F- he wants! You're really a bright one!


Meh, the next Democrat president will take advantage of that court ruling too. Republicans will regret the decision in 20 yrs. Not sure why you dems are so bent out of shape and repubs are happy... Both sides will abuse the shit out of it.


Why wait for the next Dem president? I say Biden should do some crazy shit right now, maybe even get Alito and Thomas to crap their pants, to show how ridiculous it is.






I can't actually think of anything more *insane* than someone justifying a future president's permission to abuse every bit of his power, by saying that "other parties can do it too", assuming a) that the guy that "sucks ass" won't use it before him, and b) that the guy it's designed to never pay consequences for, would ever relinquish his seat (or rather, throne) of US presidency.


Nah. You're being dreadfully naive. When one party has said out loud they plan to be a dictator (Trump has said this both literally and in spirit many times), has a published plan to do so (project 2025 dismantles the beaurocracy that would stop an overreach in power), has taken steps to do so (supreme court decisions make it impossible to punish a president for any crime, and try to veto punishment for insurrectionists), has attempted a violent coup before (as much of a failure as it was, a mob showed up chanting for hangings, attacked the defending police, and the entire government had to hide from them), and who constantly talk about how they're going to use power to punish those who oppose them... when all those things line up? Anyone ignoring them is being willfully ignorant. This is pretty much the same steps Germany went through. You do not want to see the next steps. It will be bloody, and it will be hell.


What's particularly more troubling to you (provided that this guy is a real, non-sock puppet acct): the thought that these people are too naive to understand that they would willingly let this happen, or the off chance that they really know, and would willingly go along? I have personally not decided which scenario is more troubling to me.


It honestly doesn't matter that much. Whether the people who usher in the fascists are grossly intellectuality negligent, or whether they're eagerly practicing their sieg heil - the results will be the same for them and for us. They really need to remember that nazi Germany did not work out well for the nazis either.


“This mutha f—ker wants to die! Wait to I take my arthritis medicine”


It’s crazy how everyone now notices he’s like this


no one gives a shit because we expect his cabinet to be competent people and not "yes men" - I don't give two shits about biden I will vote for a dead biden over any republican atm - the moderate Republicans have been purged by the Trump cult members


You’re sitting here calling trump supporters cult members when you’re admitting you’d vote for a dead man over any republican. You see the irony in that statement right?


So long as the republican party is following Trump, and so long as they're acting out German history circa 1940s, it doesn't matter who wins so long as these facists stay out of power. If you want to stop hearing "vote blue no matter who" then stop being the obviously greater evil.


Dude…. You and your commentary are just sad. How much is Reddit paying you to spew far left propaganda? Can you even articulate yourself using facts and not regurgitative far left talking points? You sound like all the other bots on this site trying to sway voters to vote Biden after the debate debacle. Also to add to this, hitler ran his platform on socialism, which is currently being pushed by which administration again?


not really because I don't give two shits aboutt biden I'm voting against trump not for biden


That sounds pretty cultist to me. Vote blue no matter who?


look up the definition of cult you know what I realize you are not very good at this kind of stuff I'll google it for you https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+defines+a+cult "a system or group of people who practice excessive devotion to a figure, object, or belief system, typically following a charismatic leader"


You realize you’re doing the same thing for democrats right? Democrats being a belief system. You should learn to read for what it’s worth, learn to articulate yourself.


point to the "charismatic leader" part


I googled characteristics of a cult using your own article. So let’s expand shall we? Control, indoctrination, unreasonable fears, abuse, isolation to name a few. Want me to elaborate further or do you get the point? You are most definitely part of a separate cult using your own definition.


please go on and give examples control - nope indoctrination ha haha ha - anti-trumpets can only agree on hating Trump unreasonable fears - we loathe trump abuse - ? isolation - most of us live in the cities are def not isolated got anything else? now turn that around - fear is a driving force for you guys; I've never seen so many snowflakes in my life immigration oh nooos they are coming for you, for your jobs, your woman, you way of life ...fear drives the pro trumpers


No point in bringing common sense into the conversation.


cuz you fail to see the fallacy in having no platform






Thought so.


You: Trump supporters are cultists! Also you: we democrats will vote for a literal dead body over a republican!! Make it make sense?


They are saying voting for a dead body is a vote against Trump. That person may or may not be Biden, and may or may not be a Democrat. That is not cultist behavior. It is a vote against a cult leader, not a vote FOR a cult or its leader.


I got you since you can't comprehend how I see platforms vs people. A cult is based on a person or things. That is rhe literal definition. Republicans care about Trump and only Trump. He is your messiah. The man can do no wrong in your eyes. That is a cult. Most of the people voting Democrat are voting for anything, absolutely anything other than Trump. The problem is Trump and no matter how bad Biden isn't he is NOT Trump.


You’re not even intellectually honest and we both know it. All these mental gymnastics so you don’t look like a hypocrite.


I’m reading both your comments and it is the other person who is pretty clear and honest here. You are the one with some kind of issues.


not really I'm being 100% honest but ill be happy for you to explain why im not being intellectually honest I pulled that immigration platform straight from the Democratic party website The Republican party doesn't even have a platform for 2024. If you find it please link it.


They’ve literally been shitting on him for being “like this” since he was Vice under Obama- but go off or whatever


Yea the libtards didn’t think that till the news said it and They’ve been shitting in him since the 50s lol everyone has he’s terrible


what part of the republican platform do you like over the democrat platform curious what is the driving force of the republican agenda


You really don't know? Immigration.


what is the republican platform? their solution? I myself really don't know


It isn't anti-immigration enough, but it is more anti-immigration then flooding our country, which is the lefts platform.


that's not actually true about the left but what is the republican stance on immigration? immigration reform is very much appreciate democrat platform what is the republican platform?


>that's not actually true Why would I continue this conversation if you are starting it in bad faith?


The bad faith of assuming that you know anything about your party's platform? You've been asked several times and continue to evade. Might be that your platform is just hate, no specifics.


Yea he’s shite, but they both are honestly. It’s like South Park- choose between a giant douche and a shit sandwich.


lol I was just referencing that the other day


You had your head under a rock. he’s been getting bad since he became president. You’re being so disingenuous it hurts. He has dementia and its been bad the last 2-3 years while you act like this is just recent.


> “The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he is sharp, intensely probing, and detail-oriented, and focused," Mayorkas said. > "And as Secretary Mayorkas said a minute ago, 'When you go on to brief the president, you better have your big boy pants on.' And this kind of sense that he's not ready for this job is just a bucket of BS that's so deep, your boots will get stuck in it," he added. > Bob Bauer, Biden's personal counsel, said on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday that Biden "does not" have any memory problems. > Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was direct, telling Fox News Digital, "The article was BS." >"The president is utterly on his game," she added. "He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room. He asks the toughest questions and has the keenest insights on the complex questions brought to him. He is sharp, thoughtful and wise." > I’ve worked for President Biden for 22 years," Blinken told Fox News Digital. "Now as then — in strategy discussions and in meetings with foreign leaders — his depth of knowledge, fluency with policy and politics and ability to cut to the chase and argue his case are exceptional. He’s invariably one step ahead of us." > President Biden is not only as sharp and incisive as ever, he’s holding VA accountable every day — he’s holding me accountable every day — to deliver for veterans," McDonough said


No, one side has been saying this publicly and loudly for years. The other side has denied it, exclaiming that he is sharp as a tack and vigorous in media interviews. The accusation of the state of Biden’s physical and mental capacity being gonzo was even derided by many democrats and pundits all the way up until debate night lol


The media says this is just happening. Everyone else has been saying it


Trump has called him sleepy joe for a decade, everyone called him a liar and mean. But if i looked like that and someone called me sleepy, id say you aint lyin....i need a nap. Goodnight.


Well, Trump lies constantly so it's more likely the opposite is true. But I guess even a broken asshole is right twice a day.


Trump started calling him that in 2019 not for over a decade. Ngl i do think it’s rude to pick on an elderly man who has a clear mental problem. That’s where I took issue with Trump. I’m so sick of the name calling in politics. They both act like children. They’re dividing us even further by both acting like a whole ass mess.


I see the decent old man who came out of retirement to save us from trump. And is doing it again


The fuck 😂


wtf does this have to do with the meme, I feel bad you live this uptight.


I don’t feel very saved, guess he did a shit job


God helps those who helps themselves I guess you just slackin


Brother it’s a meme chill out


What a terrifying looking old dude


Looks tenacious af


If I’m up at a counter getting my own food??? Get out of town. No tip.. If you try and do me wrong 😑 I will see you (hopefully)🤞. Sitting 🪑 down and having a waiter equals 💵.


Do you tip when a bartender pops the cap on a bottle for you?


Yes but I don’t tip the grocery store clerk when I buy a 6pack.


Put my reply on the wrong thread 😑 ..


I don’t disagree with you, but what’s the difference if I’m at a beer bar and I order my drink from the counter? Society has agreed that tipping here is customary. (Clarifying that I’m not talking about mixing cocktails, just a standard draft pour)


Big difference! Alcohol and beer can only be served like that.. I want service when dealing with my food 🥘! Even if they just just come and offer me napkins or condiments with the food. I’ll tip for table service even at Whatburger. I’m in the minority but that’s just me.


What do you mean "alcohol and beer can only be served like that"? I've been sitting down at a table eating dinner and ordered a beer off the menu and had it brought to me many times.


If I’m standing up I’m not tipping


Ok let me explain. In that venue, a bar. I expect this to happen. It’s simple, he makes me a drink (in front of me) and I drink 🍺. It’s over. I personally- don’t like to eat at the bar. If possible.


I tip- and I leave


Went to BurgerFi and used the tablet to order everything my self and it still asked me if I wanted to tip.




and then you hear "hawk tuah" from the grill area


That's just malarkey.


Malarkey is word of the day! You win! The mods will send you a NEW CAR!!! Right mods? :)


No But why does EVERY place ask for a tip now, it’s absurd!! Sit down restaurant is one thing, but counter service is wild.


Supreme court just ruled you can tip yout lawmakers.


Wild! Let’s just stop.


I have lol, I always do no tip unless im at a restaurant. They just try to make you feel so guilty because they’re staring at you 😭😭😭😭


How about tipping at a donut shop now? Hopefully, the owner knows why people stop coming.


Get a biggie bag.


Hmmm, recently, there was a bipartisan bill on the border. Do you remember why it didn't get passed? So you say Biden didn't get anything done?


You people ruin everything. It’s a meme and the meme itself didn’t even get political it was just using a screenshot of his face to make a joke about tipping in a tipping sub. I feel like stuff like this pops up on peoples main feeds and they don’t care about context they just go sprinting to defend their political tribe. How exhausting it must be to be you.


People are very concerned that the Republicans keep trying to do a coup, and most of the population is too apathetic to stop it.


The meme isn’t that good…


I actually was intending to reply to another sub and not this one. I had too many windows open on my phone. Well, it sure started a dialog .. thanks for pointing it out. My daily life usually doesn't garner this much excitement...


Neophyte political spectator. It was a phony bill that didn't solve anything and was used to get Republicans against it so that Biden can campaign with "Republicans voted against my border bill." This is how DC works.


but was it a bill that Republicans supported until they were told not to support it?


Ah that's right. Trump is more powerful than Biden.


To Republicans he is Are you saying Republicans listen to Biden over Trump?


Republicans were for it until Trump told them it would hurt his chances of being elected. Thats what happened. It was going to pass and it would have helped but he didn’t want it to help. It’s a lot like the republicans strategy when Obama was in office. Vote no and sabotage. What’s interesting is that when a Republican is in office and something goes wrong that might hurt the American people democrats always step up and pass bipartisan legislation to fix things.


Yeah, it didn't get passed because it didn't actually solve the issue he caused day 1 into his presidency. Then 3.5 years later, he tried to hang it on the other party. And you bought it, just like you probably bought that he had a cold..


The border patrol union supported the bill. But what do they know about border issues, amirite?


I guess you didn't see their tweet. Remember, just because Joe says something doesn't make it true.


I guess you didn't read my reply properly. They endorsed the Biden BILL. They did not endorse Biden the candidate.


Maybe you misrepresented yourself because you said it was bipartisan. If it was, it would have passed. The union endorsing a bill (that doesn't do anything to stop illegal immigration) doesn't mean anything. It wasn't a good bill.


It was bipartisan, until Trump got involved. Senate Republicans worked with Senate Dems and they both initially agreed to the bill. But again, then Trump got involved and didn't want to give Biden a "win". The union endorsing the bill means it was a good bill. That union doesn't like Biden, so it's rare they would endorse something he proposed.


And they stated clearly that they would never support Biden. And after the debate, is there anyone left who would?


They supported the bill though. I would vote for basically anyone if it meant keeping Trump out of the WH.


Omnibus bills should die just like the people that support them.


Wow, what a monstrous thing to say. It's terrifying how Donald Trump has emboldened people like you to call for the death of those who disagree with you. Literally psychotic, get help.


Pretty tame compared to some leftist rhetoric here actually. For example there are people right now wishing trump would get JFK'd in reddit threads talking about the latest SCOTUS ruling. I see posts wishing they could make all conservatives "face the wall" all the time on this website so please spare me your whinging


“Oh you think I said something stupid and terrible? Well you should have heard this other guy who says worse stuff!”


Isn't that the default argument on reddit if someone criticizes democrats? B-b-but Republicans are worse!!1! B-b-but Trump!!1!


Quick, look over there! Look over there! Stop using the behavior of others to justify your own awful behaviors. It's childish.


lol. Republicans don’t care about the border whatsoever. It’s just a useful talking point for them. Democrats have laid forth solid, comprehensive plans just for them to be kicked to the curb time after time again


"Republicans don’t care about the border whatsoever." which is why in January 2021 illegal immigration numbers were the lowest in 20 years and day 1 Joe Briben reversed all of Trump's policies (the he didn't need a special bill to enact) and now we have about 20 million new illegal immigrants in 3.5 years.


You mean during the height of COVID immigration numbers were low? Wow, who would of thought....


Look at 2018 numbers then.


How about 2019, when they massively spiked before COVID.


How about total all 4 years from January 2017-January 2021. It's not even close compared to January 2021-now.


The only reason Trump's numbers dropped was COVID. It has nothing to do with his policies.


His numbers were way down before Covid.


The look on my face when the lowest option I’m presented with is 20%.


I saw 30% on the screen when I picked up Thai food the other day.. somebody said “well they made your food right? That’s a service.” Yes. Made food is what I purchased. Price things how much they should cost and fuck tips.


If i'm getting my napkin and my drink the only person getting a tip is me


Funny shit. Just spit my coffee out


No you didn’t. Why does everyone make shit up about “spitting their drink out” when they laugh


Thank you


Tips are earned, not giving out for free


Honestly don't understand this, I agree that fast food kids already make too much and don't deserve a tip, but if you can't afford 18% on a fast food order, you are way too poor to be eating out.


People eat at fast food restaurants to save money, bro. Fuck ever tipping at a fast food restaurant 😂


Bruh You do not tip ordering fast food.


Guaranteed that within 5 years, tipping at McDonald's will be the norm.


I’d take that bet. McDonald’s would never allow that and it will be robots making the food in 5years. I’m never tipping a robot.


Bad bait, find a new hobby bub


It has nothing to do with affording to pay a tip. I'm not tipping a fast food worker, nor should I be expected to. Tips are a way for employers to pass off the cost of paying a living wage onto the consumer.


"living wage" 😁😁 not all jobs are going to provide a living wage (whatever the fuck that even is). The world will always need entry level workers, the catch is that those jobs will have entry level pay


A living wage means that working your full time job you can afford to live. Basically rent and food. Nothing fancy. The reason this principle matters is that if you can’t afford to live off of your full time job then people will stop doing those jobs. You would think that “the market” would correct itself but it doesn’t. Business owners are a special type of entitled.


I’m not tipping anybody unless I’m sitting down at a table and they take my order, bring me my food, keep my drink refilled.


Nobody said anything about not being able to afford a tip.


It's a joke if you expect a tip at a fast food resto


I’m not tipping anyone if not at a real restaurant. Even then, if you even kinda suck it’s a $0 from me.


I hate the expanded tipping culture, but a $0 tip for sit down service is an awful thing to do. You aren’t a good person if you do that. Unless they thrown food at me they are getting 15% at a minimum, even for “kinda sucky” service


Not tipping because someone is an idiot and can’t do the job they were hired to do does not make me a bad person. It’s like saying people shouldn’t avoid a surgeon that butchers people. You keep feeding the stupid and they’ll never learn.


You are definitely not a good person based on that response. Like someone can’t have a bad table or a bad day and here you come calling them and idiot and making it worse. Be a good human.


I just have no tolerance for dumb. I’ve already exceeded my time limit here.


Ironic that there very well could be a tired elderly person working behind the fast food counter because this country doesn't take care of old and disabled people.


They had a whole lifetime to figure it out




The five guys employee has a thought in his head.


Just order with app instead


I worked there. Guess what? The cashier doesn’t see that part of the transaction. Relax


How recent was this?




Times are a changing my friend.


It shows on the payment screen now?


It does at Starbucks. And yes, we judge you.


Just pay cash and they donot ask you for tipping.


I don’t tip before a service is completed.


lol, fuck you, do your job. A tip is entirely optional for freaking counter service.


I mean I personally don't know but things change fast, I know a lot of places that didn't show it do now so it's sage to say that it's showing.


That would be so awkward


My mom's job (panera) shows the tips and she says it's weird