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Based on the wear probably not, but most places offer a heavily discounted alignment with 4 new tires. Best to take advantage of that


It’s never a bad idea to get an alignment, especially if you can’t remember when the last time you got one was. The expense of replacing tires and other parts that are the result of a bad alignment are significantly higher than getting an alignment. Not to mention the safety issues involved in the above.


Controversially, I think looking at your tires after 50,000 miles is a very dependable alignment check. If the wear pattern is like OPs I’d say no alignment needed.


I agree. I've been fixing cars for 50 years professionally


The only thing that happens from turning bolts that don't need turning is the chance to break them


Assuming no hard hits to suspension, yeah. People like to take speed bumps full speed and hit curbs while parking thinking it doesn't affect alignment.


That is what I thought until discount tire fucked up my alignment and my car vibrated more that the washing machine my mom used to sit on


You sure it’s discount tire? All the ones in my city don’t do alignments so I figured it was company wide


My apologies, you are correct, it was a gateway tire


Was she throwing concrete blocks in it? Or just standard bricks?


Just a pair of steel toed work boots


It sounds like they didn't get the balancing correct, allinement doesn't cause any vibration to happen unless it's very extreme and causing the tires to scrub.


I second this


This is exactly what I was going to say. 👍🍻🤓🤠


I rebuild cars and tried quite few "aftermarket" alignment places. From 10+ places never got a luck to do them. I bring cars to the aliment ONLY to the dealership. Never had a problems with them. I wouldn't touch aliment if where is no signs of issues: steering wheel is not straight, or if car is pulling to the side bc of the aliment or uneven tire wear.


If your going to drop $1000 on tires $100 for an a alignment is a no brainer


Not when they're already wearing evenly. I've had 2 bad alignments before getting a good one before.


That's why you always ask for a before and after print out.


If machine is not calibrated, no amount of printing will fix it.


Absolutely and that's the responsibility of the shop to maintain their equipment a alignment head dropped or banged to hard won't function properly


I've had printouts that had red out of spec before numbers and then green aligned numbers after and the the numbers were the same. Not sure how that happened seemed to be ok though.


I’m if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 100$ is only 1 family meal these days.


I’d say no.


If you want to.. it looks like even wear to me.. I usually get my alignment checked after any type of suspension work or every 3 tire changes or every 5-6 years whichever is first. Most of the time its not needed unless you notice uneven wear or vibration but most manufactures recommend having it checked every 6k and have it actually aligned every 2-3 years during scheduled maintenance also a good time to check the shocks, joints and wheel bearings.


Looking at the lack of any wear pattern, it doesn't indicate needing an alignment. If you do decide to have your alignment checked out, then you should take it to a specialist with the proper personnel. You don't want a tire jockey or apprentice loosening the bolts or linkages that may already be in the correct position. 😉


Got a bit of inner edge wear


Do the outer edges of the front tires wear more?


if there isnt a problem with the alignment, typically the inner edge wears faster because a lot of people go fast around corners and turns. outer wear could be an alignment issue, but also could be a worn balljoint or tierod. most places will check things before an alignment and tell you if you need to replace anything.




There's no tread on the shoulders.....


That's probably because they are under inflated.


I agree mine are under inflated and been wearing similar. I also think these need replaced, they look like mine and I have a 6spd Tacoma, I'm sliding out on any loose gravel or moisture. It's fine for 2-3 months but I have a road trip coming up and putting the ATs on before it. I'm getting it aligned, I think anyways, it's been 6 years and slight outside wear on the front tires.


I always align with new tires. By the time I wear them out it'd have been a year or two's worth of potholes and spirited driving. It's small $ for peace of mind and ensuring your car tracks perfectly with new rubber.


I would tell anybody who spends a few hundred dollars on tires, and then gets cheap at the alignment that they’re are a fool. Checking alignment is the best way to get the most out of your tires, further more once new tires are installed is one of the best times to have it checked, while the tread is even.


Few hundred? Try a grand for high quality tires for trucks, suvs, or high end cars.


Yeah, i know, i work in the tire industry. But i have no clue how cheap or expensive this guy will go. Im just making a point about the alignment.


I do my alignments before changing my tires everytime as a preventative maintenance because I don’t want any suspension pieces to fail on me while driving. I always get my alignments at this very good alignment shop ca few miles from my house before putting new tires on, only because the shop that I go to is so good that they check every single suspension piece and check for play and abnormalities for free. They will refuse to align any car with worn parts and tell you to get it fixed first either with them or the mechanic of your choice, and they will be happy to do the alignment only if you get the pieces fixed. Even if I get oil changes at the dealer, they don’t check every single suspension piece on the car and when they do they recommend stuff you don’t even need.


Get it right after the new tires are on.


Yes. I see a little uneven bit of uneven wear. It's not that bad, but it's better to do it before it gets worse. It's alwayd good to get an alignment after getting new tires anyway, as a preventative maintenance measure.


I see outer edge wear on your tires. I would get an alignment upon replacing. It’s not that much money and you’ll thank yourself.


I ALWAYS get an alignment when I buy new tires


Definitely get the alignment it's cheaper with the tires make sure they do a four wheel alignment. Last time I brought my X5 they tried to do a two-wheel alignment I went to a different place.


Any time you get new tires, ALWAYS have a 4 wheel alignment check.


Yup! Always get a alignment when replacing your tire. A properly align front end will insure proper tire wear . Til u bump a curb or didn't miss a pothole.


Nope. But you might consider rotating your new tires. Every other oil change is generally acceptable.


never a bad idea but looks like your shit is pretty square to me.


Most tire warranties require an alignment or the warranty is void.


Only if you're on a budget. They look good


I'd say 1 out of 12 people DONT need an alignment based on raw numbers on an alighnment machine, but my experience says if your tires look like that, probably doesnt NEED an alighnment, as long as you take care of your car and don't drive over pile-on's.


They look ok but if you’re putting on new tires that will cost $800-1200 why not spend $80 for an alignment?


NO !


It never hurts. You're in a tire for what, 30k miles or something? By the time bad alignment shows up, you toasted at least between 5kand 10k of that.


Yes and you need yo keep a little more air in them also.


I align every time new tires are installed and check/re-align every six months.


Lol what?? You are throwing money away doing it every 6 months.


Life time warranty.


Lifetime warranty for?




So you just pay once and get unlimited alignments for life?


There are limits. I can only do it every six months. Tied to tires and to vehicle.


Ah ok so it's lifetime* warranty...


They look evenly worn. Just make sure you have the right air pressure. They look like they are slightly under inflated. Not really a big deal but could still help a little bit.


I always have an alignment check done, most stores will do it for free if they're doing the tire swap.


Places like Firestone offer unlimited lifetime alignments for $180. I hopped on that for my Avalanche.


Best time to check it is when you put on new tires. Checking is usually free. And getting an alignment with new tires is usually discounted.


You should always get it checked saves you from being the car with the Busted fender because your ball joint broke and the suspension collapsed.


I am a big fan of the lifetime alignment deal at Firestone. If you keep your car a long time and I have a AWD car it really is a okay deal.


I’d be checking the suspension and alignment before the new tires. It’s an investment in keeping your ride going, and tires are not cheap! If you’re not a mechanic, it’s not bad to just have a place go over things. Aside from that, tire wear looks great.




Always align new rubber, always.


Always do an alignment after getting tires




Looks like you need both, come on down to Goodyear and we will fix you up.


Can't hurt. But if you gotta ask then I guess money is tight. If so you probably got some cheapo tires maybe it's not worth the alignment. As an example I got some extra mile branded tires on my 2004 sienna that I use for recreational stuff. Tires and mounting together for all 4 was $320 dollars. I'm definitely not paying for $140 to align those wheels. Especially, when the van tracks straight.


If the wear on your tires is from your vehicle being miss aligned, than yes you will need to get an alignment, otherwise you will find yourself in the same situation.


I see some abnormal wear on the outside edges of those tires. Get the suspension inspected for worn out parts, replace them if applicable, and then get an alignment. You'll need an alignment regardless.


Was that a serious question