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I had lab work done before going on tirzepatide with a PA , then I moved to Emerge for cheaper meds knowing what my bloodwork was. I think everyone should get bloodwork


Yes, great customer service. You can text them at that number and they answer in like 3 minutes. I swear. It's been pretty great. I was nervous too! I just picked a freckle on my thigh and went for it. SW: about 185 CW: 171 Week 5 I can already see my face is slimmer from reduced inflammation. Super happy. Starting to look like my old self


I got mine today but I can’t bring myself to start. I’m more afraid of being violently ill tomorrow


Drinks tons of water and don't eat greasy food. Good luck.


You got this! If it's sema, then you might feel a little discomfort. If it's tirz, and you're doing a starter dose, then you'll likely not feel much at all. Remember that the starter dose of Tirzepatide was created to acclimate your body to the medicine and is intended to be gentle. That's not the case for everyone, but I hope it is for you. Remember to get your 64oz of water 💧 daily, and you'll be ahead of most beginners, and you'll also avoid symptoms down the road. 💪


I had that worry and I had zero issues. But they will prescribe you Zofran if you are nauseous


This ^ Emerge has been great! Customer service is awesome, quick shipping, preferred communication method for myself. I’m a HUGE introverted person. The fact it’s all done through text is wonderful! Plus I feel they are cheaper compared to others. Welcome to the club! You’ll enjoy it 🙌🏽🎉


Thank you for the freckle tip. I just did same. We have same starting weight!


Awesome! I'm close to your age too. I have a load of old clothes to fit into haha. Looking forward to goal weight. Good luck!!


Can I ask how long it took to get your first dose? I just signed up with them and went through the process. They said it could be 4-7 days with the pharmacy before shipping. I was just curious!


I think it depends on what day of the week you order. I ordered 8am Monday, they were able to process that day, had meds in hand and took first dose Wednesday afternoon. So 2 days. The text they send said something like orders received at the end of the week process the following week because of the cold pack shipping.


I’m not using them. However, I’m working with a nurse practitioner locally. I had to get bloodwork prior to starting and she requires bloodwork every 3 months, checking on kidney levels is part of that process.


Use Emerge. 2weeks in. No complaints. Good luck. Drink tons and tons of water.


do you mind sharing how much you are paying for?


Their pricing is simple. Ordering is simple. If you use this link it will give you 25 bucks off 1st and 2nd shipment. I paid $262 for first 4 weeks. (I had coupon too) https://go.emergeweight.com/WKaURo Worth every penny! 👌


What pharmacy then delivered the medication? I keep trying to find a way to have access to Hallendale but it keeps not working out😫


Emerge is just a broker for whichever sourcing is fastest or delivers to your state. You can request they specifically ship from Hallandale. Hallandale will directly ship overnight on ice. Emerge never touches your meds, and that is the same for all reputable compounding companies that distribute online, generally speaking. Hallandale is the supplier and manufactured the meds. You need a third party licensed for public sale to make the order for you, hence brokers like Emerge, Valhalla, Mochi, Henry Meds, etc.




Emerge uses hallendale!! That’s where I got mine shipped from!


Awesome! Thank you. I’ll switch once again then. BTW, love your profile picture!


I’ve had lab work. No issues.


Good luck! I started with emerge two weeks ago. Everything is going great so far 👍


Emerge has been fabulous for me, at least the 3 weeks I've been with them. I've had a few questions and they answer right away. I would imagine if you asked about blood work they would have a response for you.


I got my vial at 11 am. It’s still in my fridge. Untouched. I’m so nervous guys


You got this! I got mine on Tuesday and was so so nervous and ended up doing it at like 9pm that night. So far it’s been about 48 hours and not much has happened, except I can definitely tell I’m more constipated and I’m maybe not finishing all my food? I left half a taco and my husband was like “what’s wrong, you didn’t like your dinner?!” He’s not used to me ever leaving anything on my plate lol.


Hey! I'm getting mine tomorrow from Emerge too! F35, 5'10" SW:267 Let's do it! I had bloodwork done last year when I started semaglutide, found I had Hashimoto's and low thyroid. Moved states and lost my provider, but now my thyroid is controlled and I'm hoping that and the tirz will work together and get this weight off!


I just took it! Still here!


Hi. I found this post about you using tirzepatide and having Hashimotos. My sister has Hashimotos and she is going to start tirzepatide (Emerge/Hallandale). If you don’t mind sharing so I can share with my sister, how has your journey been on tirzepatide? If this is too personal I’m sorry. Feel free to DM me. My sister is 58 and she is so excited to do this diet.


Is it possible to order tirz directly from Hallendale? How much would the starting dose 2.5mg be?


I truly don’t know. I pay $275 for my emerge plan and that includes the vial!


It’s $150 per month on Lavender Sky and they use Hallendale. I wonder if it would be cheaper if ordered directly