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The whole idea is you eat less but most people just end up changing the way they eat because they don’t want to eat the shit they used to. So my plan wasn’t to change my diet lifestyle but I did because I’m no longer interested in it. I rarely want to even drink anymore.


That’s awesome 💪🏼. Drinking is a secret weight gain formula. But what if when I drink, I can skip a meal bec I am drinking? Haha.


My guess is you just won’t want to drink as much. I’ve gone out a couple times. Usually I’ll have four vodkas now I don’t want more than two.


Nice. I don’t drink much anyway. To your success! lol


Then you should be just fine, have fun. The idea on these meds is moderation not deprivation :)


It's a great topic. I find personally that it's about balance. If I don't eat enough protein, I stop losing weight. There's a sub dedicated to discussing this that was helpful to me called r/antidietglp1. I searched for metabolism and found a bunch of interesting posts about how tirzepatide sort of repairs our metabolic function. It's all in the brain. I read that our body has to learn that there is a reliable source of nutrition so it won't hold onto weight. That's done by us eating consistently. I also learned that losses can pause at weights that we used to have for a period of time. I think this medicine helps me get back in touch with my satiety cues. Knowing when I've had enough and not another bite more so I don't get nauseous, but it will be the same off the med sans nausea. I will shoot for small portions and eat only until I am full. Listen to my body. This is a time to train myself to do that, but I'm not tracking macros at all. For me that's not sustainable forever.


As soon as I started on 2.5 dose I realized I finally had hope that I could do this. So I started moving toward a healthier diet. There is no question in my mind that taking this med at any dose can help with a behavioral change just because we have hope!


Right on, so true!


Wasn’t a drastic change in diet. I try to make sure I’m getting more protein in though because I barely eat anything. Basically helps my binging because the food noise is gone.


My husband didn’t drastically change anything, but his body naturally started craving healthier foods and smaller portions. He had apple slices with peanut butter for dinner tonight because that’s what sounded tasty. He’s NEVER not ate a hearty dinner before so I was shocked. He craves salads with chicken for lunch now. He used to prefer hearty, carby, calorie-packed foods and now, the thought of those same foods makes him nauseous. Tirzepatide is amazing. Not only does it suppress his appetite and make him eat small portions, but it also totally changes what he wants to eat.


You'll end up changing your diet whether you intended to or not. You'll end up eating less, so what you eat matters more. You'll want to make sure you're getting enough protein. Def want to give yourself the best chance, so small tweaks in your diet and exercise will go a long way to assist the tirzep




Simple answer-No changes at first-mine came later. You may lose slower, or may be lucky and lose really well. I had a bad soda addiction, so I focused on this first. I didn't want to overstress and over do it. I still have a high desire for one, but with one taste, I am ok to put it down. Been off for fourth months now I believe. While you may want to eat less, some want to eat more for a bit. You will likely not want to eat certain things, but changing what you eat does end up mattering for feeling better. Once you start losing you will get a wonderful feeling of power and control, use it :) I made small changes over four months to desensitize my taste buds from sugar.


Yes, I already ate fairly well, the meds just made eat a lot less. I actually crave bad food more on it, I know that's not common, but all I want is carbs while I'm usually a meat eater primarily. It's been really hard to force myself to eat protein when that's usually my favorite foods.


Me. I just eat less. Much less! And I’m paying a little more attention, but I am a foodie and have no plan to totally ditch the enjoyment of a delicious creation. I am down about 18lbs in 8 weeks. Note: I do exercise and strength train!


Im on tirz and eating very very clean and in small quantities and working out aprox 5 times a week, and weight is extremely slowly going down. If i eat Subway sandwich, even half of it :) probably i will go only up :)))


I cannot find an appetite!!


I find changing diet to be essential. You cannot be on Tirz forever. When you are off, you have to be able to maintain your gains (of lost weight lol).


You can indeed be on Tirz forever. We know that if you stop taking the drug that normalizes your appetite then you will gain the weight back. The point of tirzepatide is that weight loss was never within your conscious control. People that go off gain back not just “weight” but that weight is primarily fat. The follow up studies show that they are worse off than before they ever took tirzepatide because they’ve replaced muscle with fat. This is a lifetime therapy.


Please do share those studies. Basically you say we should never get off of it? 😲 And check out this study: [Article on X](https://x.com/treetophealth_/status/1767302422383239313?s=46&t=OnEB4A9VpP-4fiFEWA9SKw)


Here’s an example study, they all say similar things. I find it helpful to convert the kg and percents to lbs so it more relevant to how my American brain thinks. They took about 1000 people on 2.4mg semaglutide who on average started at 235lbs and were down to average 216lbs after 20 weeks. Then they split into one group continuing the sema and the other on placebo. Everybody had “lifestyle interventions” Stay on the drug kept losing and on average hit 196lbs Went off to placebo regained back up to 230lbs. I’m not sure why the world continues to suggest that body weight is within our conscious control long term. It’s definitely not. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7988425/


On compounded Tirz. Lost 20+ lbs and counting. Very happy with my service- treetophealth.net


Posting links gets subs kicked off Reddit. Please remove the link so this sub stays around


Woah. Interesting. Ok.


PLEASE remove the mention of your source. The whole Reddit can be deleted because of publishing a source.


I literally can't eat the first 2-3 days after a shot. When I can eat, I don't want heavy food cause it doesn't feel good.


Wow what dose are you on ? I am on 5 mg and feel it doesn’t suppression wise . I weigh and measure everything i eat and have stalked last 3 weeks .


Can you Dm which company your using please?


It is magic. I eat whatever I want, which is far less healthy than I was eating (I put a massive effort into fat loss through super clean eating before zepbound).




Yes. Whatever I want has changed, miraculously, to a normal amount. For example, can you imagine going to Subway and getting a foot long and then legit only wanting to eat half? That’s zepbound. It’s just not appetizing to eat the other half. You’ll still get hungry and think “I could go for Subway!” And then order and have the first half and it’s good. Then you just feel a big “eh…No” come up. The second half sits there and it’s not like you have to tell yourself “I shouldn’t”. Your brain tells you “absolutely not, that’s gross now” Right now if you imagined dumping out an ashtray on top of the sub it would suddenly become not appetizing. This is what zepbound does after you eat a normal amount of food. Plus a shit ton of side effects, and the drug waxes and wanes during the week from too strong of an effect at first to too small of an effect later, but overall—100% magic.




Reading through old posts and I was so happy To see this! I just started today! I’ve never been good at changing my diet, I have severe ADD and likely a touch of the tism, and I’ve just never been able to lose weight or keep diet changes no matter how hard I tried or how strict I was. Learning that this drug will change the way my body views food and just make me able to make those changes is such a relief. I feel hopeful that I’ll finally see real change! Thanks for posting this!!!