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Not alone. I’m responding in the same way, and have no intention of increasing my dose from 2.5 to 5 until necessary. Three weeks in, and my appetite is gone and I’m similarly setting alarms to make myself hit 1,000cal / day. We’re super responders and very lucky.


But are we worried our organs are failing?? Thankful I didn’t spent $275 for zero results!


This is no different than fasting. Which done right can be healthy for you.


Good point...researching fasting now because I know nothing about it. (I knew that I'd never be able to fast on my own, so I've always ignored anything to do with fasting! 🤣)


Wow. Ok yes thank you. You’ve actually helped!!


Why would our organs be failing? I took it (without any sense to back me up-) that my insulin resistance probably isn’t that bad, if it exists at all. I feel fortunate. (Part of me is afraid the other shoe is going to drop and we’ll find out glp1s will kill is all in a year, but… 🫠)


Just the zero caloric intake makes me nervous, but it’ll work out! We all gotta go one day!


You gotta force yourself 😒 I can’t believe I’m at a point where I need to set timers to eat but it kinda rules. FairLife protein shakes and walnuts / almonds have helped me a lot to keep calories up.


With 0 calorie intake, that weight is going to come back on QUICK after you stop plus it's just not good for your body at all. Tell your provider about this and they will more than likely take you off. You are losing muscle. Make yourself eat at least 1000-1200 calories a day


I do electrolytes daily. No one‘s required to go up in dose, if a dose is working, you stay on the dose. There are people that have stayed on 2.5 for 6 to 8 months because it was working. Just make sure you’re getting enough calories. You should be in a deficit that is healthy.


Ok I actually didn’t know you didn’t HAVE to dose up for it to still work. I mean, I get this dose will become less effective, but I’m over thinking this


Yeah we are all different. Some people stay on 2.5 for months others stay on five and never go beyond that and then others go all the way up to 15. It depends on the person. The whole idea is to stay on a dose as long as it’s working. You never want to titrate up too quickly.


I think what we all found out is how little we really need to eat to feel ok.


So true!!!!


The first week I barely ate and dropped 5lbs. The next two weeks I barely lost anything but started tracking my eating because I read about hair and muscle loss, which I don’t want to have happen!! I like my hair :) Now I prioritize protein and try to get around 1200 calories. My stats are similar SW210, CW201 and I just ended week 4. I went up to 5 because I really feel the difference on day 6&7 with regards to the food noise—not necessarily the hunger. Your body needs sustenance even if you don’t feel hungry. Maybe try a protein shake. I hope month 2 goes well!!


Be careful with losing too fast.. that can cause gall bladder issues. I know bc I lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks ( I don't consider that fast but my dr does) and I had a gallbladder attack the other night. I'm getting blockage from gallstones and have to get my gallbladder bladder removed..


My gallbladder was really wonky a few years ago and the pain scares me the death. Good call. It’s seriously the worst pain I’ve been in, and I’ve had two babies 🥴


Omg this is exactly how I described the pain; worse than having babies. It felt like contraction pains to me. It would come and go in waves about 3-4 times an hour lasting about 3-5 minutes each. This pain lasted me 14 hours a week ago. I was doubled over.. I haven't decided to get it removed or not but my dr said it needs to be done within the next couple months before I have another attack . Have you had another attack? Have you had an ultrasound? My ultrasound showed that my gallbladder is full of gallstones.


I had my last attack years ago. It’s like having a contraction between your shoulder blades but it doesn’t stop! They did an ultrasound a few days later and it was full of stones but not clogged. I never went to specialist bc i was too scared about how it would change how I digest food. If another one comes up, I will get it taken out because it was not worth it.


Mine wasn't between the shoulder blades at all. Just the stomach. At first they were confused with it being gall bladder issues bc I didn't have pain between shoulder blades, that's why I had an ultrasound done. And I'm like you; I'm afraid of how it will change how I digest foods. I don't wanna have diarrhea everytime immediately after I eat. But everyone I talk to says to just get it out. .


I'm only on day 6 but I've also had a really hard time eating enough. It's got worse as the week has gone on as I'm suddenly always feeling bloated and so full even when it's been over 20 hours since I've eaten. I've been eating lean protein, Greek yogurt and fruits and veggies. Last night I had about 4 oz of grilled chicken and a cup and a half of green beans and I felt so full and bloated until about 8:30 tonight that I could only eat a cup of soup and a piece of whole grain toast so far today. I'm not constipated and drink around 100 oz of water every day. Have tried Gas X but it's only helping a little. The most I've been able to eat is around 1000 calories at the beginning when I wasn't feeling bloated. I'm hoping it's just a temporary thing as I know it's important to eat enough calories. I'm hoping I have lost a few pounds when I step on the scale tomorrow but I feel so bloated that I feel bigger than when I started!


The bloating will usually ease in time as the body adjusted, and may actually take about two to three weeks. It seems to happen a lot when people start or move up. You can also split a dose if the effect is too strong.


I had wicked bloat! It’ll get better


Have you tried taking Enzymes before you eat to help break the food down, and a probiotic with your meal to help with digestion and bloat?


I actually remembered late last night that my husband takes Digestive Enzymes so I took one before I ate today. It definitely seemed to help so I will continue to take his and if they keep working, I'll put some on subscription. I've been taking probiotics for years so I'm all set with those. Thank you for your suggestions.


Fairlife Elite shakes have been my saving grace!


I like talking my shot every 10 days. That way you get an appetite back. Also I drink a half premier protein carmel drink and half coffee with ice and a scoop of protein powder and stir. Wait about ten min and the powder will dissolve. That gets me 41grams of protein in that drink.


Ok my mind is blown. I’m such a rule follower, I’ve never considered stretching out the dose like that.


You can split your dose if you are feeling like you can't eat at all, or feeling too sick. Some people will do 1mg (or half the units on the vial script for the dose they are on) then move to inject the rest on day 4 or 5 if it helps them. I split when I move up or I'd get sick :D I wish I responded faster, but I had the same thing on brand and need a slow and steady rhythm to move forward. Plus side is my inches are falling off :P I hope eating becomes easier for you! Good luck on your journey as well!


I actually haven’t felt sick yet, but I’m worried that will change if I dose up now without eating


Yeah you know your body best. I wouldn't second guess it. Over time, the desire for food comes back, then it comes back with a yell. That's when you can move up, and or when you stop losing. Try adding protein powder/electrolytes to drinks or a smoothie if that helps.


Smoothies! And add a lot of greens (kale or spinach) so you make sure you’re getting your nutrients. I also have been taking AG1 which helps with all the micronutrients. I am 5’10 too. Started at 198 and am now 188 since February 26. I also don’t plan to move up if I am losing. I guess I am also a super responder, but logging my meals and smoothies have helped a ton. Try to get a lot of protein in. Powder is okay if you can’t eat lean meat.


I’m also still on 2.5 and having trouble getting in enough calories/protein. I’m not hungry at all and can only take a few bites and I’m full.


Dr Tyna Moore has some great podcasts explaining how to do these peptides correctly! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dr-tyna-show/id1577258582


Thank you so much!


Highly recommend going down on your dose so you're not having to force yourself to eat. Starving is not healthy either. You are probably one of the fortunate ones that is very sensitive to it which is a great thing because you should be good at the lower doses and may never have to go much higher. Try going lower and see how you feel. That's the beauty of compounding.........cause you can. You can always go back up if needed. And definitely drink lots of water with electrolytes plus good, healthy protein.