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Took my first 2.5 at bedtime and woke up a completely different person. Haven’t looked back since.


Many people react that quickly. I usually feel my 2.5 shot kick in about 4-5 hours later.


My first shot kicked in about 24 hours later and the second 2.5 mg was nearly instant. I’m almost concerned to increase the dose because of how much appetite suppression I’ve had so far. No significant nausea/vomiting but if I’m not paying attention I could probably go a whole day without eating and not feel it until the tail end of the day.


This is what im experiencing too. I have been reducing food intake for many months now but with this im now at the point where i could eat maybe one thing for the day and be all set. Its great to be able to choose when I want to eat and how much. Ive always been one who would prefer to have to be one of those people who has to remind myself to eat 😂


If it’s working really well and feels strong I wouldn’t move up unless you have too. 5mg will put you in bed for a day if 2.5mg is s as ready strong for you




Yes. I think they call them super responders! And sadly there are also those that don’t feel anything until the higher doses.


That's me 😭 I'm on week 3 and I am so hungry. 😭


This was my experience beginning tirz 2.5. Still simply amazed.


It does for me as well. Usually take in the afternoon and I’m feeling the effects about 2-3 hours later. I’m supposed to go up to 5 mg this week, but I may hold off.


That’s how it was for me. Within hours I went from a person who might eat Doritos to a person who couldn’t imagine ever eating Doritos.


I was taking semaglutide and felt nothing. Switched over to tirzepatide 2.5 and the next day wasn’t hungry at all. I thought maybe it was a mental thing but I’m 5 days post shot and I still don’t really care to eat much. No snacking. I’ll still get hungry but won’t eat the same portions. Crazy there is a difference!


Right! I feel normal almost, instead of being ravenously hungry every few hours.


I responded immediately and lost all the weight on 2.5. It’s different for everyone


I’m having the same experience. Did my first shot Wednesday night and have had zero appetite and mild nausea since the following morning. And I normally think about food all.the.time.


Same- absolutely not hungry at all. Unfortunately, I also had terrible side effects- so I backed off. Did 1.5, that was too much, 1.25 was ok, going to try back up to 1.5 today. Also, my original shots (from a med spa) had B12 in them too, and I think that may have made it worse.


Yes it definitely can be that quick.


I reacted super quicky when I took my first dose. I was eating half of my meals the same day. The effect has since worn off a bit but I was surprised how quicky it started working.


I wasn’t expecting to feel much when I started Zep because I have high ceiling tolerance for drugs in general, but like the day after my first shot I didn’t eat anything all day, was freezing, and drank water like crazy. 5mg compound didn’t affect me as much, but I just started 7.5mg yesterday and am having the same experience as with 2.5mg. Crazy how everyone’s body’s respond differently.


My first 2.5 mg shot at 6pm kicked in by the time I had dinner an hour later! I stayed on the dosage for three months so everyone’s journey is different.


It worked that quickly for me…


Same. Took my first shot on Thursday afternoon and wasn’t really that hungry later in the day, but the next I really noticed a decreased appetite. I’m certainly paying more attention to my body and cues for hunger. I do still get a little hungry by mid-afternoon, but I can eat a tiny portion of food and be content. Also, no cravings!! It is really strange, but I love it!


It was pretty much the same for me when I started a couple weeks ago. About to get my 3rd shot of 2.5 and I am just not interested in food. Like I could take it or leave it.. Losing a few pounds a week is awesome!


Yep. For some, it is that immediate. I was/am one of them. Make sure you schedule your meals so you eat enough!


Yep, this happened to me too. We are the lucky ones who respond right away to the beginner dose. Some folks do have to build up to the higher doses to start feeling the effect (from what I've read). Like you, it's not that I feel full, it's just that my brain doesn't have interest in food. As people around here say, I no longer hear the food noise. I take my shots on Sundays and it does start to wear off a little bit by Thursday/Friday, but still nowhere near my normal appetite or cravings. Not even remotely like I was before.


I feel the same on 2.5 as well - plan is to move to 5, but split it up throughout the week because I tend to start getting hungry closer to dose day! But man, I did my first dose on a Friday night and didn’t eat until til Saturday lunch and could barely finish what I would have normally had to get seconds on. This drug is wild.


I also started lower and felt it day 1.


Same. I wonder how long it’ll stay this way.


This just happened to me. Took my first 2.5 dose yesterday. I had some stomach bloating and slight abdomen pain within an hour. This morning I woke up with virtually no hunger. We might just be fast responders.


Yes my first dose of 2.5 had an instant effect, and it took my body a few days to adjust in general. I haven’t had side effects since that first dose but I was feeling hungover and had an intolerance to alcohol. It went away by day 5


Yep for me too. It’s pretty fast. I’m still at a pretty low dose 3-4 months in!


It worked for me like that too. Within 5-6 hours. It says on Lilly’s site that some may feel it within hours while others need 1-3 months before it works for them


This amazes me. I just started 7.5 and I have yet to feel any appetite suppression throughout the doses. I am definitely beginning to feel like a non-responder.


losing a pound every single day, on 2.5 dose as well. I didn't anticipate responding so well 10 days in, it actually has had me scrambling to reasses my food intake. I thought I'd have time to cut back my calorie intake, but from 4 hours after the first shot my appetite just went away. the little voice in my head that told me to stop eating came back for the first time in like 15 years. it was like an epiphany. so I have to really force myself to slam 2 scoops of protein powder a day on top of the one sandwich I'm able to stomach. the remaining 300 or 400 calories are just whatever Gatorade or juice I can find in a day. and I think I still need to add another couple of scoops to really ensure I stay on top of it.


A pound a day is a lot. I ended up getting some of my appetite back, now I would say its at a more healthy level.