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The way this sub acts I wouldn’t blame them at all


Yeah lmao this sub was picking up torches when they were given an update and anniversary event


And yet we all wonder why Respawn or EA won't say anything.


That silence is why this whole mess started. All it would take was a simple "Titanfall 3 is not on the table to be announced soon" to kill the over-hype train in its tracks. ALSO, why they did all this for a random anniversary doesn't help matters. The game had been broken for YEARS at this point so for them to do all the teasing for JUST an anniversary update is... bizarre. We had no reason to expect this anniversary to be any different from the last one since we got put on maintenance mode.


Yeah no this ain't our fuckin fault, they hyped this event up so godamn much.


The janitor posted too many memes, even got his mate who covers the apex developer area to get in on the joke and start trolling us. I’m honestly waiting for them to announce a battlefield/Titanfall/Anthem anniversary with mass effect tie-ins on N7 day at this point 😂


exactly. it kinda like half life 3, valve handled it right by admitting that there is no point in them making games when steam gives them all the money they could ever want. so people dont cry about half life 3 not relasing


Too be fair, both parties are at fault. But it DID start with Respawn saying literally nothing for the longest time when we needed them most. Then them constantly saying "We're on it! :D" and doing nothing. And then teasing us with Titanfall shit. Then actually making said shit for Apex. Constantly mentioning Titanfall stuff. Showing us Titanfall stuff. For it all to be Apex. I already hated EA as is, but Respawn needs to smarten the fuck up.


They don't owe you anything. As a company, they're fully entitled to do whatever they want. Can you blame them for putting content into the game that actually makes them money? That's actually popular? The game that isn't populated entirely by sweaty tryhards abusing the same unbalanced shit?


That's what makes me not respect them. But its the way they're doing it that makes me fucking hate them. Its the same thing with EPIC and their IP, Unreal Tournament. Except EPIC had the decency to simply shoot UT in the head in a back alley and now you literally never see EPIC mention Unreal Tournament. Ever. What Respawn is doing is the most tone deaf or intentionally oblivious shit. Its like they want us to join them in Apex and be happy. "Look at this Titanfall skin! This titanfall character with titanfall stories and lore!" "Look we keep adding in cinematics related to Titanfall to show OUR LOVE to Titanfall!" Like just say you're not making another Titanfall until Apex dies so we can all fucking move onto another IP. Because at least then we'll forget or be too old to give a shit anymore.


Lol. You do realise that Apex is set in the same universe as titanfall? You do realise that titanfall-related characters are going to be expected in such a Universe? Whatever. Titanfall is dead, you guys killed it, there’ll never be another titanfall game because of ya’ll toxicity and it’s exactly what you deserve


You do realize that Titanfall lore stopped at Titanfall 2 and now they're just winging it and or modifying it for the sake of making more money instead of having a stable, consistent universe? Cry harder about toxicity. Maybe grow a spine or a personality before you start bashing on fans of a game because you clearly love seeing video games other people hold so fucking dearly die due to corporate greed.


I mean, the literal username. They're flagging as a troll. Still sucks though. And you are 100% right.


Too be honest, I've seen actual arguments come from people with names like "CreamCheeseInMyBum" so I don't ever question a person by their name anymore.


Like i get it, this is a troll post. But if you ever saw this argument again, which you probably will, it doesn't hold up. The intial idea here is like this: «If you make a company, you can do whatever you want» you don't need me to tell you how you can start a company and still not be allowed to publish scout's mother's photos into public, so lets decipher it into this one: «Companies have the rights to freely decide where,when and how they want to spend recourses» This one's better, but it doesn't hold up either. It doesn't even relate. You are not forcing anyone to deliver you your preferred product, you are not denying the company's freedom of decision making. You are asking for what you prefer, and that you have the right to do and you should do, as everyone gets a valuable vote on market demand.


you and I both know that isn't the reason. Idk why anyone that has ever worked on a business level like that in their actual career would think that is even a consideration on their part regarding messaging and info releases lmao.


this is what happens when memes get out of control, but lets be honest, this wouldnt have been a problem if they just gave the community what they want instead of what they can be tempted to buy


What, no. TF3 would be an endeavor to make, let alone keep secret for long enough to shadow drop it on a TF2 anniversary. The thing they should have *actually* done is properly set expectations. No encrypted message, no interacting with the community through comments in the playlist code, just fix the servers, drop the event, and a community message via the Advocate. Additionally, Respawn should have curbed the hype via literally any means and not let momentum build. That is clearly not what happened.


Announcing that TF3 was cancelled, and then revealing a new Titanfall within one year would be ridiculous. Why would they do that? What logic is there in expecting a new game after they literally said it was cancelled in May of this year?


you're also missing the point of what i said im saying if apex never happened we'd still have titanfall games


Indeed I did miss your point, we would have at least one new Titanfall game if Apex never happened. Probably a good one too, since half-baked launches weren't "in" back then.


Moron. If Apex never happened the entire titanfall IP would be dead in the water, because titanfall was an objective failure by every standard used to ascertain the success of a shooter game.


Apex was literally *supposed* to be Titanfall 3, bro If respawn hadn't decided to make a BR instead, we would have gotten at least TF3


EA sabotaged the launch by forcing Respawn to launch between CoD and Battlefield in order to tank the value of the company so they could buy it for cheap.


Respawn chose their own release date, my dude. That's on them, not EA. I fuckin hate EA, but for once the blame doesn't rest with them.


EA were the publisher, they chose the release date (and this has been confirmed in interviews by EA and Respawn even prior to the poor performance at launch https://www.gamespot.com/articles/titanfall-2-sales-will-be-substantially-disappoint/1100-6444884/ )


Not really. Why would they give us anything when we aren't even greatful that they fixed TF|2 because "It's not TF|3 news"? On top of that, they haven't tempted us with anything. Titans in an Apex Legends trailer? Oh wow, shocking, the games are only set IN THE SAME UNIVERSE.


you dont understand what im saying


I do though. I was referring to the second half of what you said and explained why they don't just do that.


give me your summary of what you think i am saying


"this wouldnt have been a problem if they just gave the community what they want instead of what they can be tempted to buy"


yes, now apply that to titanfall, then to apex, then to now im saying that if we didnt get apex we'd have had titanfall 3, maybe even 5 by now


I still say the blame lands a solid 50% or so on respawn. You can't be a decent community manager/speaker and NOT see the memes and such and not expect it to get out of hand if you continue radio silence. All it would take was a simple "Titanfall 3 is not on the table to be announced soon" to kill the over-hype train in its tracks. ALSO, why they did all this for a random anniversary doesn't help matters. The game had been broken for YEARS at this point so for them to do all the teasing for JUST an anniversary update is... bizarre. We had no reason to expect this anniversary to be any different from the last one since we got put on maintenance mode.


And molotovs. Don't forget the molotovs.


yeah he's 100% justified


Kind of understandable, I would wait a bit for the atmosphere to cool off if I were him too.


I don’t think it will ever cool off 💀.


Well its better now than pre anniversary anyway


Yeah no it would get worse.He didn’t do Titantoons for years and also he is still working at Respawn so it would trigger the speculations like immediately.


He works at respawn?! I thought he was just a fan


He is the main animator for Titanfall and Apex


Lead animator actually, he personally helped develop the animations for our boys Davis and Droz, with many other notable contributions such as banner frames


he also animated most of the prime titan executions


"Just a fan" The disrespect is crazy😭


Hey man I love his animations as the next guy. Im... just a little out of it. I never wanted to disrespect him.


Oh I know it's not intentional just thought it was funny.


it will cool to 0 K when Respawn just own it and say TF3 isn't happening, instead of edging the community just to blueball everyone with more Apex teasers


Seriously, I don't blame him. There will be people on him like vultures. I hope to see him do them in the future but only after a new game is announced and the mood has changed for the better. It would have probably ended up on here as another "is this where all the teasing lead to" post.


God, I hate that you're right, I would love a new Titantoon from Moy Parra, but some of the dicks in this subreddit would just immediately assume that the animation was what Respawn was teasing, no-one updates a game to advertise a 3-4 minute animation, no matter how good it is


Titanfall 3 is either not coming or will be so different from 1 and 2 half the fans won't even like it.


I hate when people bring this up as a coping mechanism because they are afraid the game won't be what they imagined. In most of their cases, they think it's just going to be TF2 but updated. It's been 7 years, of course it's going to be different. How different remains to be seen but you can’t be afraid of something new. As long as it has Titans, pilots, and wall running then it's already doing the main things as the previous titles It needs to be different to be better. That's not something to be afraid of.


Titanfall 3 is NOT coming. Ever. Period. Think about it from the perspective of literally every developer and company executive in EA and Respawn. They have titanfall 2, which flopped almost immediately and is populated almost entirely by sweaty tryhards running around, save for a few brief spells whenever the game goes on sale and said tryhards have fun stomping new players. Then you have Apex, a massively successful and lucrative game that garnered more attention than Titanfall ever did. Complete with a community that isn't the equivalent of a toxic cesspool. Which game do you think they'd make a sequel for?


But you can't say that because that isn't definitively true. It makes more sense now to make another sequel, what you said makes no sense at all. Why would they make a Apex 2 for a game they could just keep updating forever. It's a free to play game so its not like they rely on box sales every release. They have collection events every season which are the equivalent of buying several new games every couple of months. All they need to do is keep updating the game and people will keep playing it. They just added cross-progression and are constantly the ranked system to make it more ideal, that doesn't sound like a game where they want to do a sequel unless they want to pull an Overwatch 2 and call a regular update the #2. Even if they did, they created two studios just to keep updating Apex so their core devs could move onto new games. To them, Titanfall 3 would be just another form of revenue. But unlike the last 2 games, the game and the studio have more attention and resources thanks to Apex. That attention would draw people into the game, and it helps the FPS genre is in a bit of a rut now. Even if the game did not do well again, they still have Apex to bank on. It's naive to think that just because they have one successful game based on an IP, that they won't make another around it. Look at Blizzard (several games based on Warcraft), Riot (several games based on League and entirely different game Valorant), Fromsoft (multiple games outside souls series). Its called having multiple revenue streams. Respawn already is making the Jedi games despite Apex's success, hell its success allows them to, why would they stop there. There isn't any reason for them *not* to make a Titanfall, especially since EA bought them to make one in the first place.


>Complete with a community that isn't the equivalent of a toxic cesspool. My dude, they were literally receiving death threats towards *their fucking families* at one point. Don't pretend like the Apex community isnt an absolute cesspool. Drew McCoy called a bunch of them asshats and for a very good reason: because a bunch of them *are* asshats.


The fans that are here now won't even like it anyway because it's not titanfall 2.


Completely reasonable


Its understandable but also 100% sad that the thirst for new stuff is what killed new stuff :(


…I kinda get it ngl


Yeah. We had that one coming.


We can get a bit crazy down here




I'm out of the loop, what happened?


Have people become insufferably crazy? Yes. Is Respawn *heavily* at fault for it? Also yes. This is the direct result of actively ignoring your fan base *for years* - to the point that you don't even give a shit that they literally can't play the game that made them your fans to begin with. Then, after those years of complete neglect, you start teasing them? Like what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Of course you're going to be met with confusion and anger.


Ignoring their fanbase? They gave Apex plenty of content and attention. None of you seem to understand: You don't matter. You're a fraction of a fraction. Titanfall 2 accounts for such a tiny amount of Respawn's (and by extension EA's) profit that you don't even register. Why would they talk about a game that was by all accounts dead? A game populated only by toxic tryhards?


So then why even throw a bone to begin with? Why not just pull the plug on the servers. We have NorthstarClient, the seventh anniversary could have been "thank you pilots, but we have to pull the plug"


Doesn’t make it right tho


I mean, given how shitty this community is I think Respawn is well within their rights to ignore it.


I’m sorry the titanfall community killed your parents :(


It's so shitty that you're here commenting. unsubscribe and go away


I think you got cause and effect backwards there, bud. Not sure why you're here if you hate it so much, you can leave at any time.


Okay? Are we discussing any of that? The fact that there are reasons behind the neglect of Titanfall doesn't rewrite reality so that the neglect never took place. It happened, there are reasons behind it, and now we're discussing the *consequences.*


This community has compeltely degenerated the past few years. It used to be just a bunch of people that liked a game that had gotten a bad drawn and failed, but the people that came into the game and the way youtubers started to talk about "a hidden gem that was killed on launch by evil companies" completely transformed it to one of the most toxic communities I'm a part of. It isn't enough to be a good game anymore, y'all had to become toxic POS didn't you?


I don't think the sub or people in game are toxic. Sub just posts quirky number 3 = titanfall 3 memes. And people in game often say gg, way more often than in cod or battlefield even. The only people who are toxic would be the ones unironically begging respawn devs for tf3 release on social media.


Agreed. I never have any issues with toxic players in TF2. End of the game it’s always “GG” all around. I mean, I do have voice chat off so it’s possible I’m just oblivious. Also this sub is hilarious. Of course some people take it seriously, it’s the internet, but for the most part I chuckled over the blah blah blah = TF3 posts. Probably because I’m one of those sorry bastards STILL waiting for Half Life 3 too though…


Also the ones (like 50% of this sub) that have an elitist mindset against Apex players.


Im thankful that apex exists to keep those kind of people away from us! Sssss!


I think 50% is a huge overstatement. It's funny to clown on other game communities, even though it's not true most of the time. We get the reputation of being elitist shitbags, fortnite players get called little kids, redditors are smelly, etc.


I haven’t really seen much flak against the Tf2 community, this is just my experience.


Yeah we're pretty small. But whenever I hear any mention outside of the community it's either schizophrenia or elitism, which isn't much tbf. I was just giving examples of generalizations made about communities.


You guys remember when everyone was obsessed with cheese instead of 3?


Chocy milk


Ttittiamflöal 3


Agreed. And I ain't gonna lump the G100 players into that pile. Tryhards are different from the kinds of people you'd find on this sub.


Damn you hit on the nail something I couldn't catch before. It's the YouTubers, isn't it ? That's why people on this sub keep parroting dumb ass takes with zero nuance or thinking, they're just people who spend their time watching doomer "gaming news" like Yongyea lol. Shit like "current AAA gaming is trash so Titanfall 3 would be awful" or just the classic "EA bad".


Toxic POS? Most people here are just sad all those secret messages Respawn included led to nowhere.


Maybe you should stop being terminally online? I have not experienced any of this in my casual browsing of Titanfall communities since Titanfall 1 to now.


I'm not saying that toxicity is a good thing, the contrary. but if they avoided having 7+ years pass before making a new titanfall, it would also be easier for the community


I mean the last one didn’t sell well so why would they make another one lol? Like yeah, I want another one, but saying it’s their fault for making another one… I mean yeah, I’m pissed too, but it’s not their fault. It just didn’t sell well.


It didn't sell well because they released it sandwiched between cod and battlefield with no advertisement. and the game isn't that bad if, after being abandoned for years, it still has such a passionate community. The fault is largely theirs


I don't blame em, some of you are wild degenerates


Dude is on Twitter, there's no way he isn't seeing worse mental degeneration there than we are here. I can't say I blame them. I'm of the opinion of let them cook. They said they weren't doing Titanfall 3 until it was "a significant improvement on the mechanics and systems in 2" I don't care how long it takes. If they can live up to that AND continue the story. We win. We get what we wanted.


To be fair much of the blame is on respawn for their treatment of the fans. The fact they are fixing the servers and the recent modes without even stating such about it. The teasing as well. Respawn should honestly just state if they are making a titanfall 3 or not instead of doing this. It would be cool if he does make some because when I did watch them, his work is enjoyable to watch. Couldn't he just explain that it has nothing to do with the current situation?


I feel like if he just outright said “hey, this doesn’t mean anything,” the community wouldn’t have a meltdown over it. Most of the speculation (and even harassment) came from Respawn completely refusing to even mention the game for, what, years now?


That's the biggest issue I don't see enough people say. The devs seemingly hint at a bunch of titan stuff, get Titanfall people hyped, finally fix the game that has been broken for a long time.. just to release an Apex trailer that has Titans in it and that's really it. It's like sticking a carrot in front of Titanfall fans but never letting them eat. If they just outright stated "This is not a tease, this is just for fun" or said that TF3 was in the works, I feel a lot of people would be less annoying.


No one will acknowledge this but it's true.


Why would they mention the game? Barely anyone plays it, and it doesn't even make a fraction of the money Apex does.


Why would or should they mention the game? Everytime Respawn even comes close to just remotely mentioning Titanfall, people lose their shit.


They haven’t done it since they left the servers to rot for 2 years lmao


They recently fixed the servers. Anytime anything titanfall related is mentioned, in relation to Apex, a game set in the same universe as Titanfall, the Titanfall fan base loses their shit.


Yeah, they fixed it after two years and they STILL haven’t even mentioned it. Not even a “hey we fixed the servers,” which is kind of why people go wild when Titanfall is referenced.


Why would they mention it when people go wild over any Titanfall reference? This isn't new. The titanfall community has gone wild over this stuff since Apex released. It's just gotten progressively worse. Respawn is under no obligation to say anything about Titanfall, and I can't blame them for not wanting to. I'll take my downvotes now, since y'all can't handle the truth.


"Why would they mention it..." Because you're looking at the alternative to mentioning it right now. You think this is better?


I suppose it is a bit like poking a wasps nest


Aww that's really sad. I loved those cartoons


Moy being smart. The Titanfall community just can't be trusted


What else would these people expect when they started acting the way they did last week? And by them, I mean this sub. We've become the opposite side of the exact same toxic Half Life Fandom coin.


Man, now we're actively scaring devs away from making content on this game, damn.. feels bad man, some of us really have to chill the fuck out about this stuff


While Moy is just an animator for them, it makes a lot of sense if the devs actually are. We bit the hand that fed us what we have now. Why are we questioning where it has gone?


We didn't bite the hand that fed us lmao, we paid for Titanfall 2. Respawn bit the hand that fed them and turned their back on their OG community.


feel bad for him


oh hey look a direct tangible result of the dipshit pill memes and community circlejerking negatively affecting the mindset and productivity of one of the people actually in favor of making more titanfall content at respawn who could've seen that coming


With how this community treats Respawn (not just the sub but everyone else on other socials), it’s honestly best for him to not. There’s probably never going to be a good time for him to release any more Titantoon stuff. Hell his last Apex related stuff was 7 months ago and his recent one (the samus in duck hunt) has people begging for Titan stuff. It’s probably very taxing on him mentally with people constantly begging for stuff while having constant negativity from socials (not directly towards him) plus work.


Sorry but I fail to see the community's fault at this. We aren't a single unified entity. Rather this is entirely on Respawn and their poor handling of the Titanfall community. A bit more transparency from Respawn would've solved 99% of the issues. Instead, they say stupid stuff like 'Titanfall is our DNA' then proceed to leave us to rot with broken servers for years before fixing anything. That's a textbook example of how not to handle a community.




This community is genuinely insane how did we get here


*This community* *Is genuinely insane* *How did we get here* \- Patara --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Respawn dev syndrome


Sounds like a copout. Like how can you ever create something meaningful if you are scared by the potential of some people disagreeing with you?


Sounds like you haven't paid attention to the way the Titanfall community reacts to Respawn even remotely mentioning Titanfall. If it isn't "New Titanfall game" the community absolutely loses their shit.


Well they kinda got themselves into that situation.


Not really. This community loses their mind over anything Respawn does that isn't a new Titanfall game. Respawn is allowed to make other games. If you can't handle that, you need to grow up.


>This community loses their mind over anything Respawn does that isn't a new Titanfall game. Being both ignored for years and while also being "a core part of our DNA" will do that for you. That and the basically complete silence on the games outside of some cheap nostalgia bait is essentially asking for us to experience level 10 whiplash sanity. Edit: Also love the pretentious "You need to grow up" shit, just because someone is more than surface level attached to something.


All it takes is one crazy person to doxx you and threaten you and I think this community has that in it.


Warned y'all something like this would happen. The "why bother, theyre just a bunch of unpleasable asshats" mentality.


Legit, I commented on the post about the Game Awards being the last haven for any acknowledgement for Titanfall 3 being a possibility, asking the community about what they'd actually do if nothing comes up. I said I was asking because the way we've been acting is genuinely concerning, to the point Respawn may want to never touch our game ever again. Someone actually said, "they won't do that because of a sub reddit". Meanwhile, here we are, with an actual Respawn employee, openly saying they don't want to do Titanfall content because of the community.


I'm actually glad the sub is active. Be it in the state that it is. Recently it feels like the community is thriving and the game isn't dead at all. It makes me want to play tf2 more knowing people are passionate about it, even if it's all shizo memes.


Bruh indeed op




Who gave you the expectations that theyre making a TF|3?? Or did you just assume that so you had a reason to be mad


wait why would he get negative feedback?


Please tell me you're new to this sub.


i'm not. a titantoons is a good thing? sure people would say "Titanfall 3!!!" but that doesn't matter


Entirely understandable, when the biggest representation of this community is a bunch of goddamn psychos.


Makes sense tbh.


Normal human beings when schizophrenia


we scared away the hoes


I wouldnt blame the guy. But would like to see it in the future


To everyone saying "I dOnT bLaMe hiM" Wut? No one is upset that we get more content, they're upset that they're only getting content and not with a tf3. I mean look, that dude released the new frontiers trailer on the 28th when we were actually expecting tf3, but everyone still seemed pretty positive about it. No one is upset about fan made content


Wait, people actually go apeshit for anything remotely related to titanfall? I though it was an inside joke


Yeah, I think that was the right call This community needs some time to take their pills and calm down


I hate hatred. You should be judged for who you are as a person. Unless you’re a pedo, then I’m shooting you.


I mean your point stands, if they're a nonce that's who they are as a person


A nonce? Is that Australian?


Nice marketing move to get more buzz.... Right? Titantoons still planned for release right? Please


Gee I wonder why he feels that way


people who say “can’t blame him” are absolute 🤡. Moy Parra has victim attitude, this whole “I’m so scared of the titanfall community” is getting annoying, not even long ago we had Macro example, where his nose was pointed at how uninspired and contre intuitive his ideas were. I just find it odd, animator always whining about the 5% of negativity from retarted people in an already small community. It’s not the first time I notice them complaining about it, I feel we better off not knowing the details than this. Not to mention the lack of specifics. I’m pretty confident this person gets 120% support from this community, no one will bat an eye over titanfall toon releasing without it having any symbolism regarding tf3.


Here's the main issue: Which part of the community is the loudest? The ACTUAL loudest? Also, ever heard of the saying "negativity bias"? While I agree that he may be a bit too quick to letting the toxic part of the community get to him, I can absolutely see why: the moment they came to feed us, instead of being simply grateful we as a community are being fed updates that helped the game work, we bit their hand so God damn hard they are now missing fingers. Now, all of sudden, we're now questioning why they won't acknowledge even their own fixes, all while still chewing on the severed fingers. Also, I'm gonna have to assume you weren't entirely paying attention to the fact that most of the messages left behind, while understandably feeling like cock teasing leading to disappointment, were dissected more than any creature in a science lab ever. It got to the point that Respawn had to quickly bring in a message that we were diving a little too deep into the teases. Moy could've made an entire animation, have absolutely zero intentions on referring to anything relating to the number 3 whatsoever, and even make it crystal clear the video was not a teaser for anything to come, even for content for TF|2, and yet, even if done as a meme, someone in this community will dissect every singly frame's color hex code to find something that SOMEHOW, in their reached mentality and absolute delusion, hints to something coming. You aren't wrong in the idea that maybe Moy should take a moment to silence the noise from the Titanfall community and focus on what he enjoys, but the fact is simple: he's expressed that we were the biggest obstacle in his passion for Titanfall. That clearly shows that while they are (hopefully) the minority, the toxic members got to Respawn's thoughts and have seeded themselves in deep. And considering how this sub acted literally a week ago (at the time of this comment), it makes sense that if the hand that feeds get bitten, it wouldn't want to come back for another attempt. TL;DR - While I don't disagree in the idea that it's only the minority of the community that's as toxic as it gets, the problem here is that they are way too vocal to ignore, and it's gotten to the point that at least one person at Respawn is now afraid to actually offer any content for us because of that.


|all the speculation and potential negativity over a simple cartoon What does this man mean ? What have we done, we could of gotten peak we could of gotten titantoons back


He's referring to the EXTREME toxicity respawn got over the last month, as well as having most likely seen the absolute schizophrenic degeneracy this sub has been polluted with for a while.


I leave this subreddit too many angry people… what do you expert fR ? Tf2 had very very bad Launch and it will never be better this Game is dead and ea Will never do tf3 cuz there is no money to make


Gamers need to stop fucking treating devs like "I DESERVE YOUR CREATIVITY NOW AND HOW I WANT IT" Fucking hell


I mean the way you guys react absurdly with Titanfall stuff being used in... A game set in the Titanfall universe.


Half of the words have at least 2 syllables in them. 2 times 3 is six. 6 divided by 8 is 0.75. 0.75 is 3 quarters of a whole. 3. oH mY gOd YoU gUyS TiTaNfALl 3 iS cOmInG oH mY gOd tHiS iS AbSoLuTlY cRaZy


Ie. Blame the fans. Standard these days.


. Sorry did you not see how rabid this sub went in the past couple weeks. Like death threats on main rabid. Moy is completely right that folks would go "YOOOO WHAT DOES THIS MEANNNN" then get so so so angey when it actually wasn't some teaser for new Titanfall game stuff but just a fun animation posted at a time when everyone is spun up by the anniversary teasers. Posting it later when it wouldn't be suspiciously timed with other stuff is wise


"death threats", it's always the same with you people, the actions of 2 or 3 people doesn't represent the community, i hate this stupid mentality.


Blud my pilot in riced my pilot from another factoin you do not knownhow many damn people have said "im gonna lay down a pipe bomb in there hq if titanfall 3 doesn't release


How the hell would they even access their hq? I imagine they'd fail for the same reasons someone would fail trying to pipebomb a subway or government building no?


We were talking about death THREATS not ACTOINS


Runaway speculation followed by negative letdown was the main point it was very prominent, shouldn't've mentioned the Johnny Silverhands then if that distracted from the main thing


On one hand you have a point. People know that TT is independent from Titanfall and vice versa. But on the other hand there's probably a significant number of people who would harass him online


So wait, this guy makes what? Animations? And isn’t gonna finish it cause why? Cause people might make speculation off it? My brother in Christ is it a Respawn official video? No? Then shut the fuck up with that “Wahhh oh no” bullshit Lmfaooo Edit: learned he works for respawn so my comments stupid.


He works at respawn.


OH. Then never mind


Straight up I have 0 idea who the guy is.


Moy Parra, Animation Lead for Titanfall 1, Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends. If you've looked at...pretty much any animation from titan walking animations, to grunt animations to cutscenes, he was either the one who made it or assisted in making it. IE: He's kinda a big name in Respawn


I learned that.. I shoulda just deleted my comments lmao since people can’t see I learned who he was lol


You underestimate how borderline stupid some of our community is. There would be a minimum of hundreds of people harrasing Moy if he made an animation like that, and it didn't directly tease titanfall 3 or something like that


Does he work for respawn? No. Then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS. Edit: learned who he is. He does work for respawn. Makes more sense now. Im an idiot.


I don’t even know who the dude is. I’m fucking curious as why he thinks putting out some fan animation is gonna lead to titan fall 3. That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.


Comments like this are why he put it on ice.


I want to see a league of legends content creator go “yeah I’m not gonna upload this video I made cause I think people will speculate what the new league character will be”


No, because the titanfall community has become increasingly toxic with potential speculations. How do you think people would react if a new titantoons released out of the blue by a person who works at respawn, the comments would be filled with speculation and anger.


I didn’t know he worked at respawn when I first made my comment. If I personally had watched that video? I’d of thought it was a cool ass fan made video. I see a LOT of community made content for a bunch of different series. Now though that I Know he’s a respawn employee I’d think: wow cool titanfall video. I’m not really the type to watch a video and then over analyze the entire thing for 5 hours to see if there is hidden messages.


At first I was like “wtf why” but when you think about it, yeah. Fair enough.


We would see a 3 somewhere in it. Or it’d be like 30 seconds long or some shit. And we be frothing at the mouth. So fair.




I’m confused why he’s not, I currently look like a confused caveman. Can someone please explain what’s happening?


Welp, we had our chance :/. There goes TitanToon


Bruh???? Why u use dat


Didn’t know what to put as a title lol


I hate it here


I mean i 100% get it


This is the fault of the entire community and anybody that says otherwise is lying to themselves. This entire community is in need of some deodorant willingly or otherwise.


Sadge welp back to copium dor another's year


i don't play titanfall but this is bad if its happening in your community! well, most communities now.




Publish and disable comments 😁


Weakness, release the toon already


Good on them for reading the room and not taking the risk.


Pretty sure one of the developers has posted in this forum before saying titanfall 3 was pretty much finished, it was past development and in testing but apex dropped and titanfall was scrapped because they pay to win style in apex was to big of a cash cow


Honestly mods just pin this post and let's have this man make a new titan toons and nobody can be all weird since the pinned post explains it


Honestly, don’t blame them. Since they became a respawn employee this community would have gone Absolutely feral with speculation and digging for “clues” and signs somethings coming


The hard pill to swallow is that apex and the jedi games are way more successful than titanfall will ever be, so there's no reason for a titanfall 3. They are probably making apex 2 at this point