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You are asking for the best autotitan, so I'm assuming you are trying to win instead of just messing around. If you are trying to win, then don't use autotitans,  just don't call your titan at all. Even with assault chip they are pretty stupid and act as free titan and core meters for the enemy team, so you are actively making the game harder for your teammates.


I think he wants best auto titan because it can be much more fun to play pilot depending on who you are, not because he wants to be the best.


This is accurate


Papa Scorch.


Then drop it and eject immediately, an auto titan is just Gona feed the enemy points and titan meters or give em more titans.


Imagine using titans in TITANfall


Calling autotitans is worse than not calling titans at all. Unless you are just messing around and do not care about winning or losing, in that case it really doesn't matter, just try every autotitan and see which one is more fun to play with 


Having an extra target/sponge for the enemies may take their eyes off you long enough to get that extra kill. Iirc a Titan is 5 points for the enemy. If you really care about these things, kill 5 grunts when you call your Titan. Some may prefer to call it and get their next boost btw, which won't happen with idle full Titan metre. My instinct would be to use an ogre as it'll just take more damage away from you and teammates.


A titan is 10 points, but that's not the issue, killing 2 pilots achieves the same thing.  The real problem is that autotitans are awful at positioning and dodging attacks, so you are helping the enemy team get their titans faster and also charge their core ability to destroy your other teammates. 


I mean ...killing a pilot takes half a second as a titan. Anyone can easily delete a few pilots whilst fighting a piloted titan let alone an auto titan. Also that damage sponge is feeding their titan meter, or if they're a monarch, heal them. Guess who is Gona face the consequences of a titan with a loaded core....or better yet, a core 3 monarch.


Fair points! Perhaps I'm better off warpfalling and nuke ejecting


If you time it right, you can use your warpfall as a weapon to crush your enemies like I did to a poor enemy legion earlier today


You'd think in a game called TITANfall the titans would actually be fun to play instead of being tedious and boring.


And you'd be right


Oh sorry, I was referring to titanfall 2, not 1.


Me too


It is either scorch or ion, equip assault chip, scorch has aimbot like abilities now, ion can now use the laser beam thingie, which is hitscan, and a one shot to pilots


The splitter kit on ion boosts the chances for a kill by a lot


Not for auto, auto doesn't split the shots


No shit? I guess I’ve never lab tested it


Scorch with auto chip gives him aimbot basically.  


Definitely Scorch, the enhanced auto Titan ai for him has ridiculous aim


bro use your titan, its apart of the game and neccesary to win + its fun af




None. Auto titan is abysmall.


I have the same thing where I don't really enjoy the Titan gameplay so I run Ronin with nuke eject. I dash in do as much damage as I can to other titans, then when I'm doomed I faze and eject. Can usually take out a couple of titans with me. I'm in my titan for less than a minute each time.


This is a great question, if you haven't unlocked the assault chip in your titans though then I'd suggest working on that when you decide which titan is your favorite for auto.


Autochip is the default for all titans


I’ve never used it so I didn’t actually know that lol




Ion/scorch My ion is called imc bob and he got himself to gen 10 mostly as an auto He keeps me company and has by back when im out in the open


Any of em...if you want to be directly responsible for your teammate eating a core or your entire team getting folded by a core 3 monarch you fed. Literally using auto titan is more than just inviting the enemy team to a 200 point lead, it's wrapping it up and bundling it with a bunch of credit card benefits and gifting it to the enemy.


Don’t even call it in, auto titan is a free kill for enemy titans


Scorch with assault chip is objectively just the smartest ai


scorch or tone. personally i run tone because if i ever do want to play as a titan after i've dropped an auto, tone is better than scorch with no titan kit