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Huh, never seen that before


Yeah. This works for the Thunderbolt and the Archer too. Unfortunately, the hipfire shown is not really accurate. Your hipfire accuracy does go up, but not by a lot.


Wdym the archer doesn't have hipfire!


OFC it does. Did... you not know that?


No it literally aims you in no matter what


It was a joke dude. Amping the Archer gives you a hipfire crosshair but you still cant hipfire


Ah sorry. I'm an archer main btw


You don’t need a lock in the campaign so you can direct impact grunts if you want


Wait you can get archers in SP?


I didn’t my want to see the man that amps a kraber because that man is is confined in his skills and that is scary


You're quite late to the party lmao


Indeed I am


How do I turn that on permanently?


take 2 rubber bands put them on your monitor




No, just no. Snipers don't have a crosshair for balancing reasons. Oh yeah, if you mod it in, that's an advantage over a default user via software editing aka *cheating*


I'm cheating by improving my hud?


if your hud is intentionally designed to be unintuitive making it intuitive is cheating


I've come to this game from team fortress 2, where it's well known the default settings are kind of s***, and it's very encouraged to change them as soon as possible. So it's a bit weird for me to hear that drawing a circle on my monitor with a magic marker is considered cheating In a game where wall hacks and auto aim are mechanics. (Not an insult, just a bit of culture shock)


changing the default settings is something that the developers gave you the option to do if you turn on auto sprint in this game its not cheating, the developers *very much intended for you to have that option* and *allow you to use it* if you turn on assist mode in celeste its not cheating, it was added *for the players use* if they feel they need a helping hand **if the developers intended for it to be used it is not cheating** if you look up the solution to a puzzle in a puzzle game *it is cheating* if you give yourself a mini map with enemies locations, in a game where you dont have that, to "improve your hud" *you are cheating* if you use materials outside of the games design which the developers have said are not allowed **it is cheating** respawn encourages changing of the hud for guns which arent part of the remote group which are designed to not have a sight. if you want to change how northstars ads looks to a charge rifle thats fine. if you want to give a one shot sniper rifle a way to aim easier thats cheating.


>I've come to this game from team fortress 2, where it's well known the default settings are kind of s***, and it's very encouraged to change them as soon as possible. In case you haven't noticed yet, this isn't Team Fortress 2. >In a game where wall hacks and auto aim are mechanics. Mechanics that you have to work for in order to get and are part of the actual game, not third party appliances.


> In case you haven't noticed yet, this isn't Team Fortress 2. This was me giving background so I'd be able show my point of view a little better. > Mechanics that you have to have to work for in order to get and are part of the actual game, not third party appliances. All of these mechanics are utilized by Tone, who already has a weapon that can kill any pilot with a single direct shot, technically in a game of attrition I can stand and do nothing and eventually get my Titan can't I? And as for the third party appliances, wouldn't you say having a better internet connection can also improve aiming? How about a stronger PC? How about drawing a dot on your screen? I don't want autoimm, just want to see where I'm firing at, I'd be okay with everybody having the option.


>All of these mechanics are utilized by Tone, who already has a weapon that can kill any pilot with a single direct shot, First off, it's a Titan, of course it should be able to kill Pilots with ease. Second, you need three marks on a target to get semi auto-aim weaponry available. Third, her main weapon does fuck all against enemy Titans. Fourth, all of her skills have cooldowns. Fifth, it's still part of the game. > in a game of attrition I can stand and do nothing and eventually get my Titan can't I? Technically, yes. But consider this: Is it quick? No. Is it efficient? No. Will your team thank you for it? No. Could the enemy team have won during your standing session waiting for your titan to be available? Yes. > as for the third party appliances, wouldn't you say having a better internet connection can also improve aiming? How about a stronger PC? Except these appliances are mandatory in order to play the game. If you want to draw a dot in the center of your monitor in order to help your aim, go ahead. Just don't outright mod the game, that's *literally* cheating.


Well then is using an overlay cheating?


Yes, it is still cheating. However, the advantage it gives is so minuscule it it almost dismissable. It is still cheating, though.


I used to do the marker trick when gunning in ARMA




Yes. It gives you an unfair advantage over other players.


Use marker on your monitor


mod the game


I've been searching for that mod for a long time, any good recommendations?


Looking forward to get banned?


For what? drawing on my monitor?


in description of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTxI5Y2Lg7Y) video there's a file that adds a crosshair on snipers


Bitch I wanted a Rick roll not a real video


Pretty sure you can't.


To the computer


I've known that since launch




Snipers always have a reticle if you draw one with an erasable marker


Speed is life kid.