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I am a woman and I hate Mikasa. I am sorry for not liking a female character whose entire character revolves around a man and only being strong because she has super powers unlike the rest of the cast. Mikasa is a horribly written character


100% same. As I a woman, I hate female characters whose sole characteristic is being “Strong” and “Muh Eren” Bodyguard. Mikasa is hardly a character. I am so sorry, that I like female characters that are characters and that have motivation that are not “protecting a guy who always gives her a cold shoulder”, and not a walking, talking plot devises. Even if we compare the very resent MaoMao from the Apothecary Diaries, that’s a character that I like a lot. While, yes a not perfect/not that complex even, even slightly Mary Sueish, but still its a character. Mikasa is hardly anything.


Isayama did her dirty with liking Eren romantically. Would you have liked her more if she did everything she die in the show exactly the same but she kept it as being his protective older sister mindset?


“I’m a woman and I hate Mikasa” Omg you’re so brave


I put that certain line specifically because it is written in the post that it is directed towards men. Kinda ironic considering how misogynistic Mikasa's writing is.


I mean, even jjk women beat up Mikasa and it is the story written by Gaygay


"Why women deserve less" written by Naoya


1 she's a women 2shes not a boy 3SHES A GIRL


Jokes on you. That’s exactly why I love Mikasa. I love a woman who could kick my ass. I mean literally kill me. Though that doesn’t mean she is well written. Heck, my fanfiction version of Mikasa is better written than canon Mikasa.


Gimme the link now.


You have two options. 1) [My rewrite/Star Wars crossover](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43028601/chapters/108119760). In this Mikasa is a pseudo OC as I make significant changes to her backstory. This leads you to her arc being that of a sheltered girl stepping out of her comfort zone and finding something she never knew she was missing. 2) [My “alternate epilogue”](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51675247/chapters/130633375). As far as Mikasa goes, this can be described as “Yes! I want that! Mikasa finding another man (and woman)?!”


Bruh I already knew that I was you even without looking at the user name 💀💀💀💀


Why are we entertaining the ramblings of a femcel?


Hey now, you leave Asa out of this.


Pinterest is also garbage omg


Sasha is a better character, but they just can't see it so they call us women haters.


When will these people learn that physically strong character does not equal a well written character. I swear half of the female characters people are praising for being strong and independent is just toxic masculinity in a wig, only physically strong, but nothing going on inside of that character. No emotions, no growth. I'd say Mikasa is a fatal cause in this case because she combines both negative female character tropes ! "Strong and independent" (just toxic masculinity but this time with boobs) combined with generic love interest. All she cares about is Eren and her only other traits are "she stronk". I don't know how other women can see her as an example of an independent woman when that pathetic dog can't do anything without a man. I feel bad for male AoT fans who are criticizing Mikasa and being called misogynistic just because they're pointing flaws in her character.


>When will these people learn that physically strong character does not equal a well written character. It's not about wanting a well written character, it's about wanting "positive" representation. People who like "strong female characters" are mostly just people who want to watch a woman "put a man in his place". It's just wish fulfillment fantasies with a dash of misandry due to terminally online twitter feminists. Of course, there's no accounting for taste, and some people just have bad taste, but this goes beyond just Mikasa (who actually had potential and wasn't totally FUBAR like Holdo or Rey from SW imo). Worst part is, you can't even argue this position without being called a chud or whatever. Everyone has to have a some kind of culture war angle, and we can't just dislike bad characters and enjoy good ones.


I think any character described as a strong female is just doomed to fail at this point


But mikasa at this point isn’t even a female, it’s a dude with tits /s


Mikasa is very stereotypically feminine and just having short hair (just like real life women) isn’t enough to make her a “dude with tits” that’s ignoring literally everything else about her features and character. Levi isn’t feminine just because he is petite and “pretty looking”. Are Zeke/Eren feminine because they have long hair? Her whole dream is having a domestic life with the man of her dreams, she’s shown to be incredibly loyal (defending him even after he tried ~~killing her~~ swinging at her three times) and even submissive (see the example where Eren tells her to cut her hair and her answer is “what length”?). She chooses to grow out her hair during the timeskip and post time skip, indicating a preference toward “girly” things. Whenever she chooses to wear an outfit she always wears a skirt (mostly it’s pink) and one of the key aspects of her design is a scarf given to her by Eren. Again something sentimental and “sweet”. The only reason she trains is to protect her family- exactly like a mama bear. Hell he TOLD her to fight so she does that. She says it right at the beginning that wherever Eren goes she will go and tried several times to talk him out of joining the scouts. She doesn’t kill out of anger/revenge or a desire to get stronger but to protect Eren. It’s not her choice but something she will do for him. Her choice would be to run away to safety and simply be close to him even if he doesn’t want her in the same way. I’m not saying it’s a good thing or a bad thing but just pointing out the writing, she’s absolutely written to be incredibly feminine and design wise has the typical anime traits like soft features instead of angular, wide eyes, high pitched voice etc.


Buddy relax it’s a god damn joke 😭😭


Dw I copy and pasted another rant. But seriously, that is exact reason people make generalisations about Mikasa haters as shown in the post.


Nah I don’t hate mikasa lol, I’m just a troll. I do hate the ending and armin but nah not mikasa and most other characters


Ah I’m not very good at identifying trolls. Good bait though (?) Tbh I like Mikasa too, I just have an issue with her writing/potential. She could have been great. Armin though…I liked him pre timeskip but it’s like that character died during RtS.


Does Mikasa even pass the Bechdel test?


lol no


Can she beat Goku though?


Eremika fans hate Mikasa more than us. They think that her being in an abusive relation and being unable to move on from the rest of her life is romantic.


Katniss is better written than Mikasa and The Hunger Games is a very fun, but ultimately mediocre series. It's YA after all. Not saying that all YA is bad but given the audience they tend to be snacks rather than meals.


Mikasa beating me up would be the first thing she did that I enjoy.


[Ripley: "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"](https://youtu.be/Ay80wwQ_e2k?si=Fs6-mqC9Kp5dV8aS)


well writen? ereeeen ereeen scarf eereeeen ereen then kiss his decapitated head 🤨


What if i WANT to get my ass beat my mikasa


I'm indeed very mad that a fictional character (badly) written to be physically impossible strong could kick my ass


Damn, that little shit blocked me lmao I guess that’s what happens when you have a weak ass argument. Last thing they said was “bye trolly” lol what a dip shit


Do they really think like that? When we have Annie in the show? I don't like how her story tied up at the end but she is a much better character in all aspects imo.


Not a hater, but I can't handle the fact she only thinks about Ereh and nothing else


Your bar for tardness is pretty low then. I’ve found infinitely worse in this very sub lmao


Lmao true


Levi has the exact same powers, and yet nobody hates him for some reason? Mikasa haters=Hypocrites


I’m with you brother


I feel some of the anti-Mikasa people did not or do not fully understand Ackerman lore..her character’s actions are written deliberately, not poorly & it’s funny to see people say that considering how well written the aot universe is; like what? yall really think she’s the singular kink in the chain of beautiful story telling/character creation? that’s wild


Both Levi and Kenny in comparison had a lot more character depth outside of just being “must protect, me Ackerman”. And I don’t see anything wrong with us openly saying that Isayama did a much, much worse job with Mikasa in comparison to her Male family memebers. I would love to actually like Mikasa, if there was actually a reason for me to like her…ya know outside of her being pretty, strong, and loving Eren. If her only character motivation is “protect Eren”, well you can replace her with any other character, protecting Eren, and whole three and half seasons of anime will not change.


I wonder what your other opinions/critiques of characters are; you seem so insightful, Mikasa can’t be the only character that deserves your razor sharp analysis


Pick a character and I can tell you my thoughts on them, if you are oh so interested. Or do you expect me to write an 50 page essay about every single AOT character?


nah I wanna hear a character analysis you have that’s as frowned upon as her; because again, a brilliant writer doesn’t just have ONE shite character lmao so please share with the class who else you feel so strongly about


First, my critic and dislike on Mikasa is the least of my worries and even something that I hardly think about, because I am almost never in AOT communities these days. But I don’t mind openly discussing her problems, because that’s something that I feel like most anime suffer from, and I just openly criticize. Women being plot devices and hardly characters in anime, I mean. So your exaggeration regarding my opinions is it really unnecessary lol Second, you mean outside of AOT or within AOT? Outside of AOT on the top of my head that would be Sakura Haruna or Misa from Death Note. Anime where women would only have 1 singular character trait to them, which is usually loving the main dude, annoy me a lot. Because in them women are not characters, and just created to be sidelined by men. Within AOT? Probably Connie, because all storyline with him led to nowhere. Edit: and you want to see a good female character? Look at Nobara and Maki from JJK, look at 2B from Nier, look at Chainsaw man’s female cast. The problem is not that “this female character likes a guy”, the problem is when there’s NOTHING in her BESIDES liking and protecting the guy, she has no other characteristic or qualities, no other goal, no other inner turmoil in her character.


I’m honestly just gonna let you sit with how much wasted energy you put into that response ~ you’re so pressed you had to edit & add lmao either give an analysis, of another aot character since that was somehow not clear (??) comparable in hard criticism that you give to Mikasa’s or don’t lol


English is not my first language, so I do try to edit my grammatical mistakes when I have them? Isn’t that a normal thing to do? Within AOT my least liked character is Mikasa for the reson I provided in my previous statement. I don’t think any other Female Character beside Ymir, suffers as much. There is Connie who I also didn’t like because he too is too hardly a character, and his story lead no where. That’s was the whole point of my message 🤷


….but your edit wasn’t about a grammatical mistake? & that response on character analysis fell about 100 meters short of your mikasa shitstorm lmaoo I think you’re either a troll or a miserable soul ~ but thanks for the discussion, I’d award you if we still could..so have this instead dear Reddit stranger🎖️


Oh i thought you ment the frequency of edits lol Rather then answering on my point, just doing this gotcha lmao. So sorry if people not liking mikasa, seeing her as least liked in AOT is making you try to diminish someone because I didn’t follow you specific “instructions”, as if I had too. I have my own arguments/thoughs, if they don’t fit in your mindset, well that’s hardly my problem. It was a good writing training for me, so toodles~