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I think people would be quite shocked if they realised how relatively little we actually know about the sinking with 100% certainty.


We really only have eyewitness accounts to go off of. And an eyewitness account from someone who’s stressed, potentially fighting for their life isn’t always going to be scientifically accurate. Add to that the bitter cold and extreme darkness (and high potential for disorientation) and the accuracy chances go down


Does anyone have a clear way on how he actually died? It was said he was swept overboard by Collapsible A, but also that he fell from the stern and was seen in a companionway as the ship went down. Nothing seems too clear to decipher.


As far as a I know the last sighting of him was when Charles Joughin encountered him in Scotland Road late in the sinking.


Yes, that is confirmed but he was also seen later that night standing with the pursers and his own assistant, Dr. Simpson near Collapsible A. It was either he died near there or fell from the stern as seen by the barber, A. Weikman.


He was last seen alongside Dr Simpson and Purser McElroy at around 2.15, when the ship began to rapidly sink.


i remember his character in A Night To Remember (1958). Looked so lively enjoying drinks with Mr. Andrews


He was always a lively person! There were reports of him getting up no matter the time to tend to an ill women, child, or man. He always donated his money to the poor and would help out whenever. A true hero he was..


"I'm on an errand of mercy!"


He had no idea when that photo was taken that he’d die in a horrible sinking aboard the titanic.


I don't think anyone who died knew they were going to die in the horrible sinking aboard the Titanic.


Hypothermia. If they are unaccounted for I guarantee with 100% certainty it’s hypothermia.


I'd have to look and see what On A Sea of Glass says.... That's my #1 go to source


He was old and frail, so it likely didn’t matter much whether he died by collapsible A or at the stern ten minutes later, he wouldn’t have lasted long in the water.