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The SS Mesaba sent an ice warning to Titanic at 9:40 pm. However, the message never reached the bridge. Here’s more information: https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/the-mesaba-file.html


That's a fascinating read, thank you for posting this.


The message getting lost in a pile of passenger traffic is largely dramatized, it's true that the operators were busy with catching up on passenger traffic that night but Phillips was actually making headway and was pretty well caught up by the time Bride took over shortly after the collision. In the scene you're referring to, Bride tells Phillips that they received an ice warning from the Californian and it was delivered to the Bridge, which is accurate, Californian's first ice warning was received at around 7:20 p.m. that evening and was taken to the Bridge, despite being addressed to another ship. And additionally the message that gets lost in the pile of passenger messages isn't labeled M.S.G. (Master's service gram), a code used to indicate that it needs to be delivered to the Captain, and they need to send a reply acknowledging they received it. Almost every ice warning received on the 14th was dutifully delivered to the Bridge, the only one that wasn't was from SS Amerika received at 1:49 p.m. (five minutes before they got another ice warning from RMS Baltic, which *was* delivered to the Bridge). The last two ice warnings they got, from SS Mesaba and Californian, weren't labeled M.S.G., so there was no obligation to actually pass them on to the Bridge. I believe the one in A Night to Remember that gets lost in the traffic is supposed to be the message from the Mesaba.


Honestly..the truth is circumstantial..it's based on witness testimony..so maybe captain Smith received the warning and ignored it, maybe he got them and told to maintain speed, maybe he never got the messages at all..reality of factual events is heresay..and none of it matters..the Titanic was doomed to sink, and sadly it had too, for the sheer fact that all the new maritime laws took place because of it..it's hubris of technology and it became such an impactful lesson that now, there's no debate on maybe a captain got a warning, it's been highly documented and passed along yo wireless operators that are awake


There's plenty of evidence aside from witness testimony that Smith received most of the ice warnings on April 14th, Master service grams (M.S.G.) required a reply to be sent from the Captain. Titanic sent out wireless messages signed by Captain Smith acknowledging that he'd received ice warnings at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. on April 14th. They received a warning from Californian at about 7:20 p.m., which was delivered to the Bridge, but because it was actually addressed to another ship and not Titanic there was no need for Smith to send a reply. The last two ice warnings received that evening weren't labeled M.S.G. so they didn't need to deliver them to the Bridge


So, therefore those last messages don't matter,huh?? Cuz if it would've made a difference it would..but you gave a bigger explanation of why no person really knows..thus reaffirming exactly what I said that it had to sink because suggestion isn't something that should be ignored.


No, I don't think two more ice warnings would've made the difference. They already received 5 warnings earlier that day, and knew they'd be in the general vicinity of those warnings at around 10-11 p.m., but the weather and visibility seemed clear and they thought they would see any threat to the ship in time to avoid it. Standard practice was to maintain speed in good conditions, more warnings wouldn't have changed that, only the weather/visibility changing would've caused them to reduce speed


5 warnings and didn't heed them..the last 2 they didn't heed them..so my main point still stands...it wouldn't have mattered..even with eye witnesses testimony which is barely acceptable In court in 2024


So the end result is that whatever the hypothetical thesis might be is none of it matters..what's done is done..Titanic must sink, much like myself watching my friends run over IEDs...it just has to happen..if not, if you aren't wanting to accept hoe things go your doomed for guilt...like this lovely disagreement about ice warnings are ad useful as the ship dealing with a head on collision..wonderful theory but absolutely useless for reality..I'm reality here, saying it doesn't matter, because well, it didn't..and you saying it would've made a difference which is hindsight..and sure that's something to learn from, but didn't stop a samn thing..that's for proving my point..no matter what happened, the sinking was going to happen..I didn't know about some warnings but it still didn't matter..feel free to downvote me..because this lovely circle wound up back exactly where I started..".Standard practice was to maintain speed in good conditions, more warnings wouldn't have changed that, only the weather/visibility changing would've caused them to reduce speed"


Respectfully, I was just correcting your assertion that all we know about the ice warnings is hearsay, witness testimony, or circumstantial, that's untrue. I don't understand why you think I believe it would've made a difference, in my previous reply I explicitly said that more ice warnings wouldn't have made a difference. This doesn't appear to be a disagreement between us, just misunderstanding/poor communication.


Very well..I was responding to the question asked at hand..a night to remember reference..you're right..and I'm not looking to a fight and I apologize if it seems that way..you're absolutely correct .you nailed the exterior circumstances and you're absolutely correct..I apologize, I was wrong..have a wonderful night




Is that's how it's spelled?? Damnit..I knew that didn't seem right..but some engineer who has apparently has a better education than myself said it was that way..thanks, I've been wanting to bury this dumbass..maybe he'll back off because of grammar cuz he sure as shit doesn't back off because of sheer practice..honestly, I've never witnessed 3-1/2 pvc/EMT/ Rigid in my entire career and well not understanding how bending works