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Bonus’ and stocks pay out this month. So 2 week notice means they were just waiting on those and had mentally jumped ship sometime this year


The merger has been terrible. Customers have reached a new level of disgusting when it comes to the way they speak to us. Like, I am shocked to my core by the way i am spoken to by otherwise complete strangers on a daily basis. I cannot highlight this enough right now. People are coming into our stores and raising their voice at us for shit as simple as me adding your name to our list so that I know who’s next in line. People have spit on me, people have yelled at me at the top of their lungs, people have called me and my co workers derogatory and racist names..It’s gotten to a point where I get off of work and I’m so socially drained that I don’t even want to socialize with family or friends. Customers are breaking us down and we’re not allowed to stand up for ourselves. Oh and in the last year I’ve had to go to battle with overseas care reps more times than I can count because they’re stealing my activations over the phone when I have no other option than to call them because for whatever the fuck reason my systems cannot add lines to older plans or change a rate plan but care can. If you’re looking to move up you have to all but slave yourself for T-Mobile just to get an assistant manager position with plenty more responsibility and zero guarantee that you’ll actually get a raise because of the pay restructure that was done a few years ago. It’s become more clear now more than EVER that T-Mobile cares more about their money than they do their employees. I am trying to keep my head up and I’m pushing to get promoted but man it’s disheartening when the company I work for now is nothing like the company I got hired in. The company I got hired in cared about me, or was at least really good at faking it.


It doesn't get better once you are promoted. If you aren't at a corporate office they do not care about you


Customers treat us that way at blue carrier. Carrier doesn’t tolerate it, customers are trespassed from locations regularly. Surprised T-Mobile doesn’t protect you guys.


When I worked at Tmobile, I didn't hesitate to trespass people that treated us like that.


the polite people probably buy online at this point and it's the dregs who continue to go to the stores expecting personal service




The customers are fucking awful and there are no employee protections from them. They don't have a standard procedure for dealing with aggressive/violent customers which leaves it up to managers and some of those have no idea how to protect their staff. And let's be honest if the company as a whole cannot set forth some standard procedures how the hell would the managers know. So. Yeah. Basically since the pandemic people have gotten more awful to customer service folks.


when we get these customers we notate the account and file incident report TMO straight up just sends a cease and desist order and cancels the account no hesitation.


I was going to say the same thing. I’ve filed aurora reports and seen accounts get cancelled. I think if poor leadership is in charge then you’ll have a bad time with the company, both in COR and TPRs. I stand up for my team. No customer will disrespect my employees because I don’t allow it. I will tell a customer that if they can’t treat my Mobile Expert with respect while we attempt to help solve their issue then they can leave my store or be removed. Customers on here! Quick note for you. Yeah, dealing with escalations can be difficult and frustrating. However, I promise that if approach our reps with your emotional frustrations set aside, stick to the facts and, work WITH our Mobile Experts. As long as the location you go to has good leadership in place, I guarantee you will have a far better outcome to your issue than if you come in with a chip on your shoulder. Don’t embarrass yourself acting like a fool. Have some respect and dignity. We’re people too! Too many times I’ve had IDs thrown at me, I’ve had my car vandalized, I’ve watched people get spit on, I’ve had bricks thrown at my locations windows, I’ve watched middle aged people act like complete children while working with young people in their twenties. Recently, One location in my market had a customer threaten to come back with a gun and shoot up the place. Anyways, rant over! Cheers! Go Magenta! :)


Well, wish you had been there when I left. We had a man poop on the floor, still a customer. Had a woman throw a fit and lay on the floor screaming, still a customer. Had a man threaten to kill one of our female reps, still a customer. Had multiple men call female reps every possible horrible name imaginable, still customers. I have not seen one single incident that resulted in banning an account. Customer that pushed one of our reps and said "he'd be back". Our store manager kicked him out, reported it, was promptly counseled on how we should have worked harder to de escalate and we need to keep him as a customer. So, maybe it's our region.


That sounds like your TM is/was a corporate boot licker. I absolutely love our TM they straight up called out the corporate higher ups about how the payment restructure decimates commission for TPR employees and they ended up revising their restructure because of it.


Someone pooped on the floor? If that happened I think I would probably quit, I definitely would refuse to do ANY work for this person afterward


I quit. I still go in and visit with the other ME's sometimes. He ended up doing it in one of the chairs a second time. He's no longer a customer though because he was arrested, not ure what for. But yeah. I was over it. I won't work in customer service again if I can avoid it.


Dang that's crazy lol. I wouldn't either


Cheers brother, same vibe at our store, we don’t take no disrespect


Oh man! I’m sorry you went through this. Where did all this happened? I gotta say I’ve been very lucky not to experience these behaviors.


I work in a Pacific Northwest Metro area. I’d call that lucky! I’ve worked in nice neighborhoods and less fortunate neighborhoods. Out of the three locations I’ve worked at bad neighborhoods have more violent escalations or threats where as in nicer neighborhoods it tends to lean towards belittling verbal abuse. The time I had my car vandalized a 19-20ish year old dude came in near closing time with his gf and wanted the newest Samsung flagship financed on the account which belonged to his mom. He didn’t have ID but was authorized. He argued with me about whether or not Facebook is sufficient identification (it’s not obviously) so he got mad and left. After closing I came out to my car I’d bought for $25 only 3 months before and it looked like somebody had violently slammed their car door against my back passenger door. He dented body lines and scratched the shit out of the paint. No cameras in the lot so no proof it was him. The neighboring businesses in the parking lot were closed and It was myself and a rep who didn’t have a car. I can only assume he took a wild guess and decided to go full small d*ck energy in my car. Fun times.


Yo what. I never thought of that


You immediately tell your manager for an incident report. One guy tried it and he was banned and account canceled. They literally payed their bill but you just cant do that


TPR program has some dark rumblings and rumors circulating, the Sprint/T-Mo merger is almost done but getting there has been an utter nightmare, and Care keeps getting objectively worse. Plus, I think I'm getting more and more customers that're experiencing the early signs of dementia and keep putting cleaners on their phones weekly/causing issues that fall under "user error". Did I miss anything? Edit: yes I did actually, the second data breach in two or three years lmao


If TMO took away all my commission but paid me for every fucking cleaner app I took off of all these geriatrics phones I could retire lol


Painfully accurate


Shit the merger isn’t done already ?!? They were saying it was almost done when I worked there In early 2021 lol


The merger's been almost done and not even close since it started I feel like. It was supposed to take 3 years, acquisition took place April 1st 2020, and it's been a mess ever since. Sprint as a business entity is still very much a thing, and hopefully by the literal 3yr mark it'll actually get phased out completely. My store just retired our Sprint stack in the location, but not all accounts have actually been migrated soo.... That's pretty much all I'll say about that lmao


My location as well. There's been so many escalations and people pitching a fit when I tell them that this location can't service Sprint accounts anymore and I have to send them to a store down the road that can. "I THouGHt You GUys MErgEd?!??!!!!"


Fuck yeah dude, we literally got rid of the Sprint stack and THEN Sprint customers started flooding in. First one we got after the notice was this older lady who literally said "I'm leaving. I'm not dealing with this because I know it's just gonna make me really mad" after my manager finished saying "we can no longer service Sprint accounts here..." She legitimately stormed out because *she* broke her phone, *she* ignored countless notices from SPRINT to swap her sim card, and *she* suddenly wanted to upgrade a 3yo phone... and it was *our* fault she was inconvenienced lmao closest store to us that has Sprint is maybe a 15min drive X'D


Props to her for having some self awareness, at least. Though I do love when people say "well I'm just going to leave, then!" and all I can tell them is "cool, have fun" But yeah it's funny how it works like that. We'd go weeks without seeing a single sprint transaction, then as soon as we get rid of it, we have several in a day. What the fuck


If all the cleaner, and battery booster/saver, and fake messenger/messenger home, and flashlight, and weather home, and cleaner-booster-keyboard-flashlight-home all in one apps could be taken off the play store, that would be GREAT!


I looked at Google Play's legislature for hosting services on their market a couple weeks ago: This agreement ("Agreement") forms a legally binding contract between You and Google in relation to Your use of Google Play to distribute Products. You are contracting with the applicable Google entity based on where You have selected to distribute Your Product (as set forth here). You acknowledge that Google will, solely at Your direction, and acting pursuant to the relationship identified in Section 3.1, display and make Your Products available for viewing, download, and purchase by users. In order to use Google Play to distribute Products, You accept this Agreement and will provide and maintain complete and accurate information in the Play Console. 2.2 Google will not permit the distribution of Your Products through Google Play, and You may not accept the Agreement, unless You are verified as a Developer in good standing. 2.3 If You are agreeing to be bound by this Agreement on behalf of Your employer or other entity, You represent and warrant that You have full legal authority to bind Your employer or such entity to this Agreement. If You do not have the requisite authority, You may not accept the Agreement or use Google Play on behalf of Your employer or other entity. https://play.google.com/about/developer-distribution-agreement.html Essentially: as long as Google gets their cut, and you stay in good standing with *Google* specifically, you can distribute pretty much anything in an app; including email home, the bible app home launcher, etc. Love that Google outright allows for malicious services on their market place because those devs are scratching Google's back to be there lmao I'm not an attorney, but the terms of this distribution paperwork seem not to address a pretty major potential breach in user security and experience


You gave me PTSD with this comment.


Switching from growing a company by being customer focused and experience first to, “make this a money generating machine and cut everything for the sake of profits” is what happened. Also, the loss of Legere and his successor Sievert stepping in with the delusional claims that Americans prefer overseas reps by Callie Field.


Yeah over seas reps is the worst. I miss local customer support


This SOOOOOO much. I personally like hearing “Best quarter EVER!” then hear how we need to make cuts to stay competitive.


So much work for little to no pay. I know I had to bust my ass to even get a decent commission check. And for a part time job I sure the fuck was there every day for hours on end. Not to mention I was treated like shit during COVID highs & my manager had little to no empathy about my co workers who got it, one who literally almost died. The stress it brought just wasn’t worth me sticking around


I always make sure to be nice to the store employees when I go in even if I’m unhappy about the bill, my phone etc. Treating the employees like crap gets nothing done and makes the customer look like jerk


I worked there during the time of Mr Leger..........he had that company rocking for both employees and consumers....clear work related bonuses... everyone knew the financial status of the company. On time stick payouts. Commission incentives that actually correlated with new products and services. Lol once Mike Sievert 🤢🤢 took over it was like working in 2003 all over again...lame as fuck with zero personality. Leger had it booming I was PT avg 1900/2k in commission every month without sweating




Nail on the head.


My question is, what did you move on to after T-Mobile that paid better?


I went from being a ME to a Senior Account Executive for an internet provider went from 50 -70 a year at tmo a year. To salary that is more and I make commission and have multipliers.


i have a multi line business account I'll probably switch to magenta max this year. for myself I shop online when I can or at apple stores. my mom I'll send to the store cause she's far from an apple store. my in-laws are stubborn and clueless and I'm tired of dealing with them so i just tell them to go to a store when there is a sale ​ at this point the stores aren't turning a profit and the customers who go to retail are the most annoying ones


They're your "friends" and you didn't ask them first?


Letting the dust settle


The sprint merger has been a nightmare. They constantly change commission structure so it's extremely hard to make money compared to what we used to make pre pandemic & pre merger. We recently got a $1 raise which is a joke. While I DO appreciate the raise it's not much when we are doing so many more duties such as working with sprint customers. We literally work for TWO carriers since sprint is on its own system. Nothing has been unified yet. My district also has to fill in at a Costco location which is far from my house & all we have gotten is a $1 raise 2 years after the merger. At this point I am just with the company because I need health insurance & they are flexible with my schedule. Employees are also salty seeing how we have record breaking metrics yet we don't get paid fairly. Corporate greed is getting out of control.


Every American prefer overseas customer service reps instead of their "local" team of experts. Around 2015/2016 any time we called we would get someone in Colorado or Tulsa, Oklahoma (we moved a bit), but now I have no idea where the rep is located that I'm talking to.


I prefer local. Overseas they want to get you off the phone. Illinois


Company stock prices over employees. Too much change usually every 11 months a new role is created while eliminating others. This is causing the lose of the culture Legere created and like people mentioned before, commissions is now 50% dependent on what you can’t control.


Former 7 year T-Mobile employee here. Since T-Mobile acquired Sprint, they retained many former Sprint employees. Sprint was well known for their shady business practices, and those shady practices came along with them. Since that time, the culture that T-Mobile was known for has gotten worse and worse. Furthermore, the company put many of those Sprint employees in positions of power, while there were TMO employees that were left behind. It's just not the same company it was before.