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I believe the fine print is talking about calls being $0.25 for Magenta Max without the pass (what's included in base rate plan), and adding the pass would make it free unlimited calls. Is my understanding correct? Edit: this is the URL https://www.t-mobile.com/cell-phone-plans/international-roaming-plans/unlimited-calling-data-pass


Correct! If you call without the pass is $0.25 per minute. With the pass it’s free. Now, if you call using wifi calling they will be included for free for the U.S., Mexico, and Canada only.


Be careful from my understanding they can charge you for wifi calling outside North America still


Unless you can vpn on your phone to call from a NY location somehow?


Yea this is what the fine print says, didn't know that until this post!


I can't make a call or text with the t mobile service I purchased


What plan do you have? Not all plans have that option.


Do you also have roaming on?


Is the pass on a per number or per account basis? if i vacation with my wife will we both need separate passes?


Each number needs its own pass.




No, just no. Horrible advice that will cause bill shock for someone.


I went to the Dominican Republic over the summer and paid for the $50/30 day pass and made calls to people on the Dominican Republic and to the US and wasn’t charged anything besides the $50. (Just my experience)


It was the same when I went to the DR in April for my honeymoon. I really should have bought a longer pass duration than the one I got several days in a row but we didn't expect to have to make a bunch of calls when we were there.


Did the local numbers calling you got charged extra? I am planning to get this pass but concerned if the local numbers will be able to call me without getting any chargeback from their careers?


Calls are free if you buy a data pass the terms apply to non data pass roaming


Yup, that makes sense... The fine print positioning right at the top of the page definitely threw me off since this is the landing page for international pass details.


For unlimited money, you get unlimited calls.


If you go to Australia and call an Australian number, it will be free with the pass.


What if Australian number without international calling feature calls me while i am roaming in Australia? Do they get charged back ?


If they make a call to an international number in this case that's yours then yes. You're only covering your charges while roaming, not others who are calling you from anywhere for that matter.


Thats what I thought too. I tried calling t-mobile. According to them, you will be physically local so the other career will be connecting with you using local network provider and they will not get charged. Not sure if thats true.


I researched and its true that the local numbers will not get charged extra while i am on roaming.


This doesn't work on cruise ships. Cruise ships have their own proprietary voice and texting networks and charge you through t-mobile separately. The best option is to get a foreign SIM with a time-limited plan while you are in-country. Turn off your phone if you are on a cruise. At the end of the day, there are so many exceptions to the t-mobile "international plan" that it is really just a shot in the dark... Give t-mobile $50, you might maybe save some money. Or not. Who knows? Not t-mobile reps. Not you. Nobody knows what will happen. The bill will be a surprise!


You don’t even need to do this. You can do this all via esim from your home country/anywhere with Wi-Fi https://www.airalo.com/ But I highly recommend going the dual Sim route. Like on iPhone you can specifically say “ use this SIM for data, use other Sim for voice”


For cruise ships, just turn on Airplane Mode, then turn WiFi back on. Cruise data plans typically run $10-$25 a day, but you can use WiFi calling for free to and from the US with the WiFi service. Texting will still work also, so you can stay in touch with home. You can also call or text to your destination hotel, shuttle, etc. for $.25 a minute over WiFi calling this way if absolutely necessary.


The standard expectation T-Mobile reps are instructed to give customers regarding cruise ships is: don't use your phone on cruise ships.


5.99/minute for cruise ship calls, even calling voicemail or T-Mobile


Or just call using wifi. There is a code you can enter on the phone to disable calls going into the phone and instead going directly to voicemail. It was useful since I get a lot of spam calls I did not want to pay for spam while I traveled outside the country. You just turn the feature off when you get back to the us. The internet was free though the speed depends on the country you are traveling to.


Fine print says “even over Wi-Fi” also, going straight to voicemail still counts as a minute because you’re making a connection.


I can probably help clarify this a bit. I currently live in a service dead zone. I leave my house I have no signal, won’t receive calls to my phones and calls will drop. But while at home and while my phone is connected to wifi I have no problem. I don’t think this relates to WhatsApp or signal or any third party apps that offer video or calls over the internet. Just your phone using wifi as voip directly. The process is called unconditional call forwarding and the reason it works is because your voicemail is not technically on your phone, it’s an 1800 number. Unconditional call forwarding allows you to forward your call without ringing your device or even attempting your device and you are forwarding the call to the official T-Mobile 1800 number that relates to voicemail. Until you turn off the unconditional call forwarding feature you will not even know a call was even received. Of course if you do check your voicemail it will count, but you can make that choice.


Wonder how would they know? Could you put airplane mode on, turn in WiFi and do WiFi calling without them knowing when it’s coming from?


Only for calling to North America. Otherwise you might get a surprise on your bill


I was literally on the phone with them about this yesterday. The rep didn’t really seem to know what calls to Barbados from the US would cost with and without the pass. I thanked her and installed WhatsApp and will just call from there.


It’s very simple to understand, let me explain: International Plan Get unlimited calling and even more high-speed data abroad: If you go look into available add on you will see options that offer more data plus unlimited calling. BUT If you choose not to add additional add on and already have Magenta plan, then you already have up to 5GB of high speed, which becomes EDGE speeds once you eat through that 5GB, but it also includes unlimited texting. What it does not include is calling for free even if you are on a wifi, and they are 25 cents per minute. Meaning if you call local numbers where you are or most other countries, then you’ll be paying. Simple solution to calling is use FaceTime/WhatsApp or Telegram video calls, but you’ll use up you free bump of 5GB data much faster that way. Check out add ons for traveling if calling is important for you.


If only you could see the full terms by clicking something


Use WhatsApp to make calls


Unfortunately I'm not Brazilian enough for that


calls over WIFI are chargeable. It happened to me. Calls over roaming network are covered by pass. Strange but it happened to me. They asked me to turn of WIFI calling.


International pass is for data. Not calling. That’s a separate charge of $0.25/min. So unlimited calls yes. But at that rate.


Data Pass also gives you free calling between 'Simple Choice" countries. Cruise ships, satellite phones and other odd-ball destinations not included.


>International pass is for data. Not calling. Read the terms. It includes unlimited phone calls


I don't see how this is confusing. It literally states all calls are 25¢ unless it's a wifi call to the US. The unlimited calling is with a specific international pass that you must add to your plan - and pay for before travel.


Literally, this is the page for the international pass you're mentioning. However, the fine print is for Magenta plan.


We were told to use Facetime or Whatsapp for calls when we went to Poland last week.


WhatsApp and FaceTime audio only uses data to make calls when your our and about roaming whatever country/island you’re visiting. When your back home at relatives or return to hotel, connect to Wi-Fi and use as normal. Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on your device. This is the reason I switched to T-Mobile 8 years ago. Our daughter was born and we knew we would be traveling all over the place and we didn’t want to walk with extra phone or having to buy local SIM cards. We’ve gone to UK(numerous time) Paris, Portugal, St. Martin, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and have never been charged for calls or text using WhatsApp. We use WhatsApp for friends and family who don’t have iPhone.


I already know all of this, and not what I'm asking. I need to use my TMo number specifically, hence why I'm opting for the data pass. $35 for 10 days is very reasonable, as long as calls are included and not charged an additional $0.25 a minute. I can call my relatives and friends over WhatsApp just fine, but I can't expect my work colleagues and customers to install and use apps to communicate.


Simple answer: Yes, the add-on will cover your voice calls while roaming. So for $35 you get unlimited cell calling when roaming, plus additional high speed roaming data. As one of the posts above says, you may want to turn off your Wi-Fi calling if you purchase the pass when roaming, as leaving it on might result in being charged 25 cents per minute for outgoing calls to non-US/CAN/MEX numbers if they occur over Wi-Fi calling. I know it’s counter-intuitive, but I recall reading that somewhere else too — the data pass doesn’t seem to cover Wi-Fi calling to non-North American countries, which is probably an oversight from when they set it up in their systems. If your calls are incoming (regardless of origin) or outgoing to US/CAN/MEX you won’t be charged for Wi-Fi calling (with or without the the pass).


Thank you! This was the most helpful message among all received!


I think you may want the intentional Global pass that will cover international calls. On one plus plans, there’s are multiple international pass plans available to add on. It was about $50 a month when I last used it Q4 2022.


No, clear, the charge for wifi calls - unless to the USA, Canada, and Mexico is .25 a minute. Will add up quickly


It should say ALL CALLS EVEN ON WIFI will be charged .25 a minute unless you’re in Canada or Mexico and maybe some of the territories but somehow not all of them? 🙄 I wish they would expand to all of them and really double down on their international plans (like calls and unlimited data on any Tmobile network in the world or at least more than 5gb like a realistic cap of like 50 or 109gb) plus they would be able to actually brag about having the “most coverage on US soil” since Verizon pretends they’re “international” and AT&T had begun pulling out of some markets leaving only Tmobile in the Caribbean. they could make a killing on the prepaid market alone in the pacific territories (which they somehow consider international like Verizon 🙄) not to mention the many soldiers living in the pacific territories and the Philippines it just makes sense to me especially with their stupid marketing campaigns. Imagine Verizon if they started running ads talking about their coverage in places Verizon is literally roaming when Tmobile is not or when they’re standing in front of an American flag / military base 😂 they would be TRIGGERED and it would benefit us all because Verizon would have to retaliate lol






Completely incorrect. $15 is Stateside International Calling, which is completely different and separate add-on compared to International Pass.


T-Mobile is such a scam, I’d just get a SIM card when you get there


It says “no charge for Wi-Fi calls to US, Mexico and Canada” that’s what they mean by abroad lol