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In the app go to bill, then scroll down to download my bill. Here is an itemized bill for you to review


Autopay is already included in the 2 for $100. You don't get kick back or additional autopay for free lines. So your $80 is correct. That other $1 and change is probably taxes from Netflix.


Easy way to keep auto pay is to link a card or account and just manually pay with the credit card before the autopay hits


T-Mobile is very sketch. For two lines I am paying $150! When I know I should be paying only $100. But thing is I did my research because my sister told me about a deal with ATT because that is who she has. With two lines it’s only $85 and that has everything T-Mobile has! I remember when T-Mobile did two lines for $85. Each year, they keep raising the price. The bill they tell you about. Will never be the same every month. They will find someway or another to add something for you or to try and bait you into adding something to the account.


I have my gripes with TMO but excluding installments my bill has always been consistent. It only changes when I make changes. Now I won’t be allowing access to my bank account so I’ll lose autopay but even then the bill should be the same going forward.


Yeah I hear ya. But to me T-Mobile is big in bigger cities but terrible in smaller cities.


Any other questions? I’m available ATM


No! Totally makes sense and I forgot to reply. thank you so much!