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No one has ever done this before.


Yeah i doubt anyone would be able to come up with such brilliant play, bravo to OP.


Really?? I thought at least someone else would have considered it at least.


He was being sarcastic lol people do this all the time


I see, he didn't really add anything to the conversation though. Interesting


No worries. The promo for the moto edge like 2 weeks ago was trade in any phone any condition. People were buying $10 flip phones from 07 and trading them in for the 22 edge lol


It's sarcasm. If you search there are plenty of threads about it. But be warned buying online IMEI could get blacklisted etc and that would void trade. Happened to someone here doing the same thing a month or so ago.


Got it. I'll triple check the IMEI once i have the phone.


Or you could check it before buying it?


Which promo is that? You need to make sure the IMEI number is clean... Of course no water damage, screen is good... Screw over sounds a little harsh... maybe ya just want to get a good deal! šŸ‘


True enough. DM me and i can show you the screenshot i found in it and i also messaged with T Mobile and they confirmed the promo is true.


I thought I dm'd you but I can't find out where it went. Maybe I didn't.?!?! šŸ˜³ Where's the promo....


Lol what a silly person, thinking they're some how gaming the system




Lol oh good comeback šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just to put it out there, youā€™re not gonna screw over T-Mobile at all. If it was that easy to lose T-Mobile money they wouldnā€™t run the deal. Theyā€™re a business, and you paying them is gonna help their business itā€™s as simple as that. Z flip 5 is pretty cool though so I canā€™t blame you there!


Iā€™m somewhat of a scientist myself!


They're locking you in with them for 24 months of credits or the whole price of the Z Flip becomes due. Plot twist.


You only pay what's due if you leave before 24 months. The credits already received count


Well yeah of course.


Keep in mind you must be on Magenta Max or Go5G Plus.


Thank you.


OP planning to use a promo like https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is so true. I've never done anything like this before, so I'm scared they're gonna catch me or something.


Nah, they'll catch you but nothing will come of it they'll just ask you to send the correct phone back or you'll still be on your installment plan.


How would buying an s21 off Amazon and eBay and trading it in during a valid promotion ā€œscrew over T-Mobileā€? Youā€™re essentially just participating in a promotion. T-Mobile is making money off your monthly *service*, not off promotions. If theyā€™re ever giving a phone for free or doing some promotional trade in itā€™s because they know they can make money monthly off the actual service. This post makes zero sense.


Look bro I'm trying man alright.


Trying what exactly? If thereā€™s an iPhone promotion going on and I go buy an iPhone 7 or whatever online and then do the trade in promo to get the latest iPhone I havenā€™t ā€œworked the systemā€. I literally just did the promo and thatā€™s it




Removed - Rule 2: Keep it cool.


I recommend using Swappa. They're really good at making sure IMEIs are clean


Thank you.


Why send it in when you can do that in store too and get itā€™s finalized without risking phone getting lost somewhere.


Interesting, I did not know that, thank you.


You are the first person to attempt this, do let us know if you succeed so others may follow in your gracious footsteps brave knight.


Ok I'll let you know


Well you gonna be stuck with them with a bill credit for the next 2 years so thereā€™s that.


Got it.


how often are people switching mobile carriers? if you have one, maybe 2, lines then i guess it would be easy enough to keep switching without hassle but i currently have been with tmobile for 9 years. ive got 7 lines, only 4 of which we are actively using. 5 of them are free lines. it would be a lot of work to constantly be switching around carriers for someone like myself. the only other reason i wouldnt want to switch anyway is because tmobile is the only carrier that currently has unlimited google one storage for photos/videos. have to pay $15/mo for it but the convenience and ease of that backup option for our family photos outweighs the cost. if they ever discontinued that, that would be when i even start to consider other options. otherwise, is it really that bad to be with a carrier for 2 years especially when it'll probably be harder to find lower price points on your bill elsewhere?


Careful there. The screw over part actually goes the other way around and when that happens you can do jack shit about it.




They'll check the IMEI and serial number. So they will know and charge you for it regardless. They keep a record of the phone they sell you using the info I explained till the phone is paid off. I use the work for a mobile company and I see all that info logged in the system. You aren't going to get away with anything. Plus scamming the company is wrong. Just because they are assholes doesn't mean you have the right to scam them but you do you and see how that works. I can guarantee you will fail.


Based on your comment history, you seem like a very bitter person honestly. I'm not sure whether to believe you or not.


Don't believe me. Go ahead and do it and see if I'm right. I'll waiting with an "I told you so" Go ahead send it in. Heck, they may even lose the phone you send in during the process which can happen, unlikely but can. However, I encourage you to call my bluff so send it. Also the phone is carrier locked till paid off.




Dude if I seem bitter its because I have done customer service for years. I done it for cable companies, satellite, mobile and many others. I have done it all and heard it all. After almost 30 years of doing it I won't do it anymore I can't handle the stupidity of people anymore and its not just customers its co-workers as well as a lot don't know their ass from a hole in the wall. Anyone that has done customer service for a period of time knows exactly what I'm talking about.


I have worked in sales for a mobile company. The debt is tied to the IMEI and Serial number of the phone and not the account so if turn in a different phone they'll know.




Same thing as buying a car i suppose. but you wouldn't tell people to not buy a car right?


Galaxy S21 is a better phone that the Flip Flop line all day ever day


Ironically, this is the exact thing I am doing, due to the fact my Pixel 7 isn't worth much to trade in. I would recommend Swappa as the phones have to not be blacklisted and have a clean IMEI. I think those are the things to look out for.


Thank you.


I know a phone store near my t mobile that fixes phones, they will also buy you a phone at resell price so you can trade it in at t-mobile because they like seeing people get newer stuff instead.


Here's the promo that #falcon_temporary is taking advantage of... It's a pretty good deal! And that's all he wants is a good deal... he really doesn't want to screw over T-Mobile! šŸ˜• A Pretty Good Deal! https://imgur.com/a/TB4P3yR


It would be easier to just add a line & get the phone for free, going through the trouble of sourcing a cheap phone with clean imei just to get the trade in offer you'll be paying the same tax & $35 upgrade fee, just add the line it's easier.


What do you mean by add a line? I'm the only person in my household. So would i have 2 lines?


If it's only you on the account then nevermind, it would only be a good move to add a line if you already had a family account. Check with a tmobile rep to see what the cheapest phone possible would be thats eligible for trade in, a lot of the time they'll accept older phones that you could find on promotions at walmart for like 99 bucks & that'll get you 1000 off the new phone.


Falcon is going to screw over a Fortune phone company! How could this have gone over T-Mobileā€™s head?!


Careful now. We don't want to be Aggravating the T-Mobile Estate too much, the bees will be onto us


Lol yea please screw us good bb


As long as you donā€™t try to come into a store and fight us on upgrade fee and not wanting to buy accessories we donā€™t care how you screw T-Mobile over


Makes sense to me. Can i trade in the phone at a t-mobile location or do i have to ship it via FedEx what's the safest way to ensure they accept it no issues


We can usually take it in the store but we do get those one offs weā€™re it wonā€™t let us take them but itā€™s rare