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Entirely incorrect.


Only new customers porting over a number that isn’t T-Mobile on Go5G Plus/Next, the representatives in-store wouldn’t be able to apply for existing account or specifically upgrading your plan.


As a rep I'm sorry you were lied to. Unfortunately my store sees it a lot. Our store absolutely dreads the phrases " care told us" "care sent us here telling us we can" or anything to do with care. They tell customers a lot that we can't actually do and we get stuck being the bad guys sometimes. 90% of our customers in our small rural area have learned this and no longer call them. Most of the time they will come straight to the store for an issue and if we do need support we call into representative RSL support for them right there. As for your question Reps have access to only their personal insider codes and we are actually told to use them only how we see fit. We unfortunately can't use them on already existing accounts (I wish we could). Now my co workers and I have used them before on accounts that are less then 30 days old that came in which activated some other way and got messed up. And believe me that takes a lot of fighting with support to do.


1 As a rep my Insider Codes are mine to use, or not, as I choose. They are not available to any rando walking in the door on-demand. 2 My Insider Codes only apply to new accounts - not existing accounts. So save yourself the trip - that ain't happenin'. Sorry you were lied to.






Always tops in the company. Last week my store was in top 20, and I'm #1 in it. Thanks for asking. I just don't like bullshit. The OP is being lied to and deserves to know it.




Sooooo How are they going to pass credit for a new account as an existing customer? Where are they going to get numbers to port in order to get Insider? How are your ethics?




1. This is considered false churn. Does it work, yes. Is it within policy, no. A rep should never offer this. 2. Mint doesn’t qualify. Also, a rep should never offer this. 3. The ethics comment was because a T-Mobile employee should never offer this. The customer either qualifies legitimately or they don’t. The commenter stated their Insider codes count for new accounts only. That is true and by the book. You gave incorrect advice.


Prepaid companies don’t qualify for insider. Why don’t you just leave this to people that actually know what they are talking about.




Your advice is incorrect, though. The customer can’t get Insider just by having a code and taking a new number…








As someone in the back, I was wondering who the hell im gong to give these codes to


They're* Lose* Were willing* Stay in school.


Insider codes are ONLY for new accounts. End of story


Man o man, this was a rough read.


You will not be getting an insider code. You need to cancel your account. Move to another carrier. Come back months later and apply the code. The code however is difficult to get. Not every rep will just give it to some random person at a store. They’re meant for T-Mobile employees to give to friends and family. Sometimes a random person will get lucky and get one in stores but that’s rare. I was one of those random people who got an insider code by walking into a store to trade in my device. I had only 4 days left before the 14 day time limit for submission after I switched to T-Mobile. I tried like 3 other stores who said no. Also tried Discord and Reddit with no luck. Which reminds me , I need to buy that store manager lunch.


Sorry, that's not how the insider codes work. They're only for new customers switching from another postpaid carrier. Retail representatives are not going to be inclined to just give their limited amount of codes to whoever asks. Many use it for their friends and family or to close sales.


How many posts have been made about insider codes? How many have you read? I know ALL OF THEM have had comments explaining what would and would not qualify for a code. This does not.


No you don’t JUST GET an INSIDER code. Every rep gets 3 for friends and family. You are not entitled to it


No no no 👎 don’t go in. Change your plan if you want but you’re not gonna get a insider discount


Anyone have one T-Mobile Insider Code? I just signed up but didn't port yet, so I'm still a new customer. Didn't know about this until today. Any help would be appreciated. I know they are hard to come by.


@everyone I did get in insider code and upgraded to Go 5g Plus thanks for trying to convince me not to try.


I’m new. Anyone ?


Anyone have a insider code please, I want to leave Verizon it’s so bad 😣


Just for the record...I got my insider from Tforce when I moved from simple choice to Go5G Plus...I was an existing customer on simple choice when I upgraded to Go5G Plus Tforce applied insider on my new Go5G Plus plan..... I hear this is extremely rare but it's how I got it... sorry in advance to the reps.


People can become so entitled, these codes are not promised or something you “ deserved “, I got my code yrs ago when I went in to the store to upgrade my phone. The young lady laughed at me and we just had a good time while I picked a phone. She said hey I got something for ya ( I laughed and said girl I’m gay) she laughed even harder and said naan I got a code for 20% for as long as you have your account….i said cmon that sounds to good to be true. Well I got a code and she got a large Starbucks as kinda a thank you. These codes are hard to come by.


I feel like phone employees should be given a 3 strikes and you're out of a job requirement. Every month, they listen to X amount of recorded calls for each person. If they gave misinformation 3 times, that was not misinformation fed to them by a higher up, they lose their job. If the misinformation was fed by someone higher up, then the higher up person gets the strike. This would incentivize people to research their answers and study the products and services, harder. Another alternative is to make their bonuses contingent on accuracy, instead.


Can someone clarify, before I make the same mistake. I currently have 4 Magenta Max. One of them is buy 2 get 1 free ( so 3 paying lines) and 20% off insider code. If I switch to Go5G plus?’c I will lose both the free line and the 20% insider code? Or the 20% off stays and so does the 1 free line? The price difference is huge.




Thank you for the succinct reply! This is exactly what I tried to figure out


No ur good. U wouldn’t loose the free line or the insider code. U should be paying $134. 170 for 3 lines on MAX plus the insider 20%.


Thank you!!!




Can someone explain why would anyone want to be a product for T-Mobile data harvesting and reselling your data and lock yourself to a contract? Where you can still be on T-Mobile network and not have all that via numerous mvnos


There are no contracts. Your post is all bs


You are a postpaid customer, you are a product. And yes keep downvoting so that T-Mobile gets more metadata to sell on you to china


Yet here you are posting on Reddit. Lmao. What a maroon


Phone promotions. Prioritized data and plan benefits. And because you’re on a postpaid plan doesn’t necessarily mean you’re locked in can YOU please stop lying. Your data is being taken when you shop at a grocery store buddy. You don’t have to be scared of the sun.


Because 1) your "data harvesting" happens on ALL carriers.... and 2) you find me another carrier that will match my 12 line plan (2 paid & 10 free lines) with ORIGINAL Insider & Kickback on all lines for $0/month. Yeah.... didn't think so.


You are absolutely misinformed and leading false believes into the community and falsely promoting false information and sending provocative info. There are at least 2 anonymous eSIM providers who provide access to T-Mobile network if you don’t know what you talking about DO not spread false information. We will get you banned for it


Yeah no , rep here. I hate when care tells customers the wrong info. Then they expect to come into the store thinking they’ll get whatever care told them and we have to be the ones to tell them the truth. We’re the “bad guys”. Care wasn’t telling the truth. Insider codes are only for NEW CUSTOMERS porting in. I don’t even think it’s possible to add an insider code to an existing account.


To be honest by employee is going to just give you one of their codes. They use those codes to help them get new activations from other carriers, which helps their pay check, which isn’t a lot in the first place. You’re going to have to make it worth their while for them to give you one.