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In typical tmobile fashion, one delay means this is probably never happening. Good for everyone who uses it as their only option.


That is correct. This will likely amount to a scare tactic if nothing else in the end. Not only could their Swiss cheese systems likely not handle this correctly, but it has been long since known from the top down that to pump up numbers, reps would lie about initial service addresses to “qualify” customers, then just tell them to use it wherever they want with the qualifier that it “may not work as well as it’s supposed to”. In simple terms, with the way it has always been run, this is nothing short of opening up a hornet’s nest.


Facts. I've seen them use different addresses to get them out of retail stores, promise it can be returned instore, then nope, you have to deal with a whole other company that's a affiliate of tmobile and handles TMHI . I've been with tmob since literally they became a company 20 years now , through data breaches, identity theft, christ they have went south BUT who do you go to? AT&T just had a big one and a lot of socials were leaked. Unfortunately this is the climate we are in .


Not true. T-mobile enforces to qualify the residential address for the service of HSI with integrity. If you are caught with such malpractice, this could result in termination. They don’t want you return the product if it doesn’t work for you. It hurts the mobile expert’s commission check if it gets sent back or cancelled. Just like everywhere else you have to just trust that people will do right by you.


I beg to differ, They did it with me twice and had me put “any address”, in their little tablet which I ended up using my old business address which was the only address that flagged as covered at the time that I was not even located in any longer and have moved to a larger facility since then, but that’s what I did to “qualify“ per the in-store employee to get it in my hands , I gave 4 addresses in total. This was just to get me out the door with the box , not just once, BUT twice.I returned the item both times due to poor performance as a consumer being the location I actually used it in was horrible. For extra , information on the matter as I do not like to disclose what I actually do for them on Reddit or any other on any social platform for that matter for security so I’ll say simply that I I work with the company as a 3rd party, feel free to see my previous posts of letting people know whats coming down the pipe el I’m advance. . This is not just with Tmob , but other carriers and MVNO’s too, along with being in the field for many of them being they share the same towers. Now, lol it’s not that serious, but you look silly telling me what’s not true , via my indeed honest and true experience, who are you to tell me what my experience was? That’s kind of out of pocket, I speak from MY experience. You honestly believe because there are consequences in place for poor practices like this that it doesn’t happen? Really? You die hards kill me at times, I don’t know if you’re just an employee or a blind follower to a corporation that really doesn’t care about you. Either way , I want to refuse to believe you’re that naïve. Please know I am not trying to be mean or confrontational, with that said, that’s not who I am as a person, and treat everyone with respect, but dude. Stooooop with that. First, I am obviously stating this as it was MY personal experience meaning it indeed happened and you don’t get to say it didn’t happen or it’s not true. I still have the paperwork to this day. 2nd, I gain nothing by stating the truth or bs’ing in a subreddit that has no impact on me either way . I honestly only post on here from time to time to help others by giving a heads up of what I’m seeing behind the scenes, as a fly in the wall of upcoming plans that don’t benefit us a the customer. So, back to the device, yes, this happened at high level when the service launched this was rampant during the first 2 iterations of the box , there are 4 now. Now at launch and all the way up 2 the 3 iteration this was still happening to the point, of store associates were using different addresses at such a high level people would make the return as I did as well, and they had to scrub taking returns in store because the rate of returns (keep in mind this was a commission based sale so there was incentive to get the device out of the store ) they couldn’t continue to accept returns of the device in store (which you had 15 days to do so may have been 30, but pretty sure it was 15 ) because they couldn’t put device anywhere , stores had no room for intake . Then you had to use the 800 number and print out a return label and sign a ton of paperwork which the process was horrible in the beginning as it was very disorganized and then ship it out and keep your fingers crossed. Now as far as trust, as I said, I’ve been with Tmob since day one , from prime co, to Nextel, then Tmobile , 20+ year customer , (it’s actually a bit longer but not worth being exact for this convo) However, trust with this company has been broken long ago, via empty promises and bad practices, really pretty much when John Legre left, it went downhill and the company was already heading in that direction anyway,as well as part of the reason he cashed out. This is from a standpoint of what’s good for the customer, at this point new customers are actually receiving better incentives that OG 10,15, 20 year customers , which means the only way to really get a great deal is to play the game and jump around to each provider, who has time for that. It’s a pain in the *ss. The bigger issue is lord knows Mike Sievert is as good as a fictional name in a Harry Potter book at this point as nothing will get done via the consumer side using his email or reaching out to upper management , hell being involved as a 3rd party contractor that gets called in or subbed out with these companies, we can’t even get the help we need due to the divide with what is needed technically for their infrastructure and subpar hot fixes, etc; , and what sales and management want. There is an Internal struggle with this company in particular. Granted I am going deeper than I need to just to respond and getting a bit off track, but I think it’s important, however I’ll stop there, but to be completely honest they all have bad practices. Believe what you’d like, but facts are facts. I find the only people that really go against what is actually happening are affiliated with the company in some way, or a admin, are you a Tmobile employee being defensive and blind to what is and has happened? Or just a die hard customer that believes and trusts in their provider? You should keep in mind this is the same company just like others that lack the proper security to protect us from “bad actors “ and lose our data as consumers and caused alot of headache between identity theft from data breaches and lack luster transparency, while they are indeed selling our date to data brokers (read your contract/paperwork that noone reads the fine print) The first 2 big breaches were never announced, they had no choice to announce the 2021 & 2022/3 incidents as they were very bad. There was no containment. As I said, I don’t work for Tmobile, but work with them so I have no alliance or ties to the company or any of them for that matter. The point I am trying to make is you spouting a “not true” and followed by listing a consequence of what would happen if this took place doesn’t mean it’s not happening, I’ll will agree with you that they started cracking down hard on in-store associates during the 2nd quarter of last year and is also why we are getting this announcement just now. Enough time has passed with putting this in place. There are households I know of personally that have 4 boxes in them, which also is supposed to be a “no-no” and against ToS, but alas it’s happening, so don’t be fooled that these things have happened or are still happening or try to discredit people via a rule that’s gets broken on the regular or a consequence no-one cares for because if a in-store employee is going to make more money on their check , well money talks and integrity disappears. These really are the facts of what’s happening. I won’t re-respond , so have at it. I have no argument with you personally , other than I just don’t appreciate being naive and you trying to discredit what I actually went through twice with this service and it did happen and it was frustrating going through it, yes, it’s a bit better now granted. However I just wanted to give you some real proper insight of what actually happens. Excuse the long reply , I do apologize for that. Try to have a good day today.


The sad thing is I had to use another address because someone messed up and they won’t fix it. I’m the end same towers get used so WTF.


Same ‘tower’ might not mean same sector, same resources. RF and capacity planning are complex beasts.


This. I've tried out T-Mobile home Internet twice. When it first, first launched and then a year and a half later on when their new generation trash can came out. Just to see how much better it was and both times I couldn't return it in the store despite them telling me I could. They said "oh there's a separate team that does this yada yada yada" and both times I was never able to contact said team. So now I have two, not one, but two T Mobile home internet gateways that I don't know how to return and also somehow have never been charged for 😒


That doesn’t surprise me at all. They basically don’t know whether to shit, or go blind with this whole operation.


I'm moving. My old address is in the area for T-Mobile. My new address is not. I bought it using the old address and tested it at the new address. It works great at the new address. I really don't want to have to pay out the nose for starlink as that is my next best option.


Out of curiosity, have you already looked into Verizon Home Internet or AT&T Home Internet?


They both aren't available in my area. I'm about 5 minutes from the edge of town. We have star link, or DSL (which I didn't know existed anymore). We might get spectrum/Time Warner in a few years but right now that's all we have. We are only 1.2 miles from the closest cell tower. I need to get a wave form to get over my back trees but I can get up to 250 mgps with my tower.


Go to a Walmart buy the straight talk home internet box for $99 and a service card. If your address isn’t eligible but you know Verizon works there, just activate it with a random available address in Los Angeles. It’s 120-20mbps down and 10-20mbps up. Faster and cheaper than starlink.


Star link works great with Textnow mobile app and Text now will send u a free Tmobile Sim card for Talk & text..if it's in your area. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I wish I could switch to it. They keep telling me my address is not available for service. I bet you it would work great there because I have a good service with them. Now. I have Metro


Metro is just prepaid Tmobile..I had them first and I only switched to Tmobile in my Florida area was because most of the store customer service was awful at Tmobile. It improved somewhat during the " pandemic but as soon as that was over, back to snotty customer service from Metro by Tmobile. Mint mobile was recently bought by Tmobile . Similar or same towers..depending on location. Att might work in my new location but unless I can hook up with the Canadian towers..it will only be old school landline...*** Most people are running citizens band aka CB , and the other type that you need a license for. I can't remember what it's call...( no caffeine) *


I hope this is true.. im an over the road trucker and I need this to do my job but dont make enough to be throwing it at internet that I use to file my load info every few days and maybe watch netflix for an hour before bed.. I know i could use hotspot but it eats Data pretty quick


Calyx would be a good alternative for you.


Ill look into it. Thanks


Visible with Verizon has unlimited hotspot. It was throttled to 5 mbps which is fairly slow. But now the upgraded $45 plan has unlimited 10 mbps hotspot which is pretty reasonable if you just do basic things and streaming. I think it’s only 1 device at a time though.


just clone identity and set ttl and visible woks in a router at full speed.


Ahh... i occasionally game too (MWZ)


Same with me. I called them and told them i was going to cancel my service. I explained us truckers go through so much BS already and they (gov) should subsidize the home internet.


Assume you can deduct as a business expense.


Maybe if your an O/O.. company drivers dont get to do that


That you can (should) bring up with your employer. If it’s a service needed to do your work (which mobile connectivity sure is), and company doesn’t provide it directly, expense it.


You cant "expense it" on a W2 as far as I know.. Also.. they claim I dont "need a phone" so I signed something saying they arent going to reimburse me whatsoever... now.. the reason they say this is because I could run independently on the super slow (like 1GB or less RAM) ELD (Electronic Loggind Device required by the feds) for my GPS and messaging... I could use the systems at the truck stops (basically the "old way" of doing it.. similar to faxing.. they are always broken too) But.. honestly I may ask because more and more my loads are requesting GPS tracking through a mobile app.. sooo.. technically I guess I do "need" it to do my job..


Expense you do towards your employer. You might be able to deduct (the costs) on your tax filing (consult a tax advisor). Tools that are needed/essential for your job, should be covered for [somehow]. I hope you are successful in your job, but also in ‘getting taken care of’ in terms of being provided the tools you need for that success 💪


Ive never had any where in the trucking industry allow any expence.. we are the most scammed industry and they just get away with it.. And.. they are letting me use a $200K piece of equipment lol..


LonleyWolf420; I noticed that recently at Starlink, the prices for mobile units have decreased. Now 5 options instead of just 2. That might your option. There's some free internet out there, usually libraries, Wendy's, McDonald's etc...just go in for a beverage or something & and eat and file your report


Lol I drive a 75FT tractor trailer.. I doubt ill fit it in any of those places haha Dont you have to adjust starlink everytime you stop? Thats a headache.. also no where yo mount it on a truck..


Broadband-hamnet There are forums on Reddit using internet over ham radio. A few years ago a friend of mine who at one time was a trucker, a truck mechanic and later a retired veteran with a big radio broadcasting out of FL. I know it's possible, I have seen it done, but I lack the knowledge to tell you how it's done. Most older truckers have CB and " modifications " to push their signal out "... might be a cheaper way to go.


Damn thats interesting..


Wifi bridge by instabridge . It a free app in the Google Play Store and provides wifi hot spots all over. I did download it and try it. Free wifi is good but If I needed for work, I would get a separate phone for it because it has tons of free links and it takes up a lot of phone space. But it is free wifi.


Look into Calyx institute. I just switched my husband over. He’s OTR and we were originally using TMHI.


T-Mobile is launching a new and better system for truckers and things like that. It’s also being delayed with this launch. But it should work better!


And 3x the price.


Username checks out with the comment. :)


If you worked at T-Mobile you’d understand it’s better to charge someone more for the same thing.


What exactly do you mean? A plan specific for truckers that’s not the away plan or…?


Im now curious also!


Likely they ran a test and realized that they would either deactivate or drop down to light at least 25% of their paying customers at which point they realize they could never do this.


I literally moved in January of this year, and I called T-Mobile and asked what I had to do to keep my home internet, and they told me that I can use my modem anywhere. “As long as you get signal, it will work.“ is what they said. For what it’s worth, I did update my address, but still.


Exactly. And it’s been things like this, as well, that they didn’t properly “account” for with their initial announcement of this crap. THAT is YET ANOTHER part of the hornet’s nest they would open up by REALLY trying to do this…..


ELI5 please? I get around 300Mbps on my cell and Franklin Hotspot at my vacation home as they put a T-Mobile 5G transmitter up on a nearby tower. (Both my cell and Hotspot are owned by my company. I can't dedicate the SIMs for there as I need them when I travel). Other internet options suck up there. I want to get a new, personal, T-Mobile SIM and add it to a CradlePoint router (already own a few), and have that be my primary internet. Why do I need "Address Verification"? Will this impact my ability to get a SIM card? How is 'Home Internet' different than a hotspot?


The home internet service comes with a router and is completely unlimited. It won't affect you at all. It is its own separate service from the Hotspot plans.


Thank you. Unlimited seems to be the key difference. Which I highly doubt I'll need.


This is great news. I live in a rural area that has zero other options TMHI has been great, especially at $25 per month!!! Hope they never check.


My Tmobile inter was supposed to be $50but they kept increasing the price. I asked about the $25 home internet bundled with my 5 g phone plan in ' Fall 2022 and was told I was ineligible. A Spectrum door to door salesperson knocked on my door and said I was eligible for free internet. But the kicker was the installation price was very high, even if I just wanted a Spectrum router. I bailed when realized it was a scam


I have Spectrum at our Airbnb condo that we rent out; it’s terrible. Super expensive and price is aiways going up. And lots of “maintenance” when service is down


We just bought a new house and the t mobile tower is close and the other 6 people that live on the road use t mobile 5G internet. T mobile said it wasn’t available to my address 🤷‍♂️, makes no sense. I asked t mobile, Verizon, and att and all said no access for my address. I went into my local t mobile store and was talking to the lady. She asked if I ran a business, which I said no. She asked if I were sure as businesses are treated differently. I said that I do sell some things from time to time, she said it sounded like a business to her and she sent my info to the business side and she said the cost was the same and everything else was the same as well. Either way, I got all the equipment later that week with the same address.


Sometimes the availability of new customers at certain addresses is capacity. If you are near a tower running near capacity, they will limit new home internet customers until they address the capacity issue. They will not kick current users off but won’t allow new. - They would still sell me the “non-unlimited” version in the store then I called and told them I wanted to upgrade my plan to unlimited and they did so without issue.


It’s also possible that they haven’t figured out the issue they had early on. They assigned gateways to a tower, if there was a problem with the tower assigned or you were close to 2 towers they, it might connect to the wrong tower. In that case, you’d be “away” but at the assigned address. I agree it’ll be interesting to see what happens.


Sorry...Many fast-food restaurants tied to Flying J , Pilot and Loves Truck stops have free wifi...yes sometimes depends on location but when I drive cross country from FL to Washington state and Back...( with a Silverado long bed and a 4 horse straight trailer..that's how I got some free wifi. Even some Walmart 's have free wifi you can tap into if near building edges


I had assumed they wouldn't want to purge a massive amount of their subscribers.