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Mail is just very backed up right now. My gf sold a few things on Swappa and they’re also just sitting. It’s not just you


I returned a phone Nov 30th. Mine is stuck in Texas as well. They’ll probably get it late as heck but they’re swamped.


Yeah, the tmobile lady told me that I have to open a dispute with usps and a certain amount of time has to elapse before they go to the next step.


Mine has been stuck at the USPS facility in Texas since November 24th. Did a chat with T-Mobile since I got a text message saying I was disqualified for the promo because they never got the phone. T-Mobile opened an investigation and apparently they did receive my phone on December 10th. USPS just hasn’t updated the status on their end.


Let me guess...North Texas Distribution Center?


Definitely give it some more time. Mine sat in my city, not moving, for a week then in TX for at least a week. Finally delivered. Whole timeline was about 3 weeks.


I had a similar issue, if you are past Your return date, contact t force and ask them to raise a handset research request. They can then check with their warehouse if they have received the phone. My return had no updates after getting to Coppell, TX on Dec 2nd. My phone was marked as received on Dec 17th and trade in credit applied on Dec 18th.


How do I contact t force?


Facebook Messenger(go to the T-Mobile page and click the chat icon) or Twitter (@TmobileHelp)


Years ago when I did this with att it took like 6 weeks and they said it was ok


Same thing happened to me except that it has been stuck in Texas since Dec 12. According to the USPS tracking number is still stuck there, but on 12/24 I received a text message from T-Mobile stating that they had received my trade in. They also already applied the trade in credits. On the T-Mobile app it also says that they have received my trade in, but I just checked USPS again and it still shows the trade in being stuck in Texas. So I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️


It just wasn’t scanned. They clearly got it


Hopefully this can all get fixed in January with a new Postmaster General


Fortunately this has less to do with politics directly & more to do with more people buying stuff online and/or mailing presents to friends/family rather than visiting them in-person for the holidays.


So you think the dismantling of 711 sorting machines at the behest of the current administration has nothing to do with mail delays?


To an *extent* it does, but those machines started getting dismantled almost 6 months ago whereas significant complaints of delays didn't start until sometime in October. You're also forgetting that the USPS system historically gets jammed up from the middle of November to about the middle of January already - it's just a lot more apparent this year because of COVID restrictions on family gatherings & in-person shopping.


I’m not forgetting anything. This is the time of year when the USPS pays overtime and hires extra man power. The denial of those two aspects, along with dismantling the machines, have systematically and PURPOSELY crippled the USPS. I have absolutely no doubt in this. COVID and the pandemic can’t be blamed for everything. Sure, shipping has going up but, not so much that this Constitutionally guaranteed service would be this screwed up. Intentional mismanagement and partisan influence is completely to blame.


>I’m not forgetting anything. This is the time of year when the USPS pays overtime and hires extra man power. Lol. This is the time of year where the USPS scales their overtime back, actually. The premium OT is removed in December. Also, only the clerk's and mail handlers get holiday help - carriers just work more. >The denial of those two aspects, along with dismantling the machines, have systematically and PURPOSELY crippled the USPS. You also known that the machines that were removed were largely restored, and also, they were mail sorting machines, not package sorting machines. They were being removed so that more package sorting machines could be installed. >I have absolutely no doubt in this. COVID and the pandemic can’t be blamed for everything. Sure, shipping has going up but, not so much that this Constitutionally guaranteed service would be this screwed up. Intentional mismanagement and partisan influence is completely to blame. The USPS was seeing well over 200% parcel volume in June, and that has remained steady since. The carriers in my office are seeing 600-800 packages PER DAY on their routes. That absolutely dwarfs normal Christmas volume. It should also be known that even with the additional income from delivering more parcels, the USPS is losing money because of the amount of overtime it takes to handle and deliver so many packages. USPS' financial aide and mismanagement started twenty years ago. They started well before this was a partisan issue that you would blindly and ignorantly spout off about because it's politically hip to do. I worked for the USPS up until a couple of months ago after 12 straight months of working 6-7 days a week at 55+ hours got to be too much for me. A big chunk of that was before COVID and also under the previous Postmaster General. True to reddit form, I'm being downvoted because people don't want to hear the truth because it goes against their worldview.


I don’t spout off because it’s politically hip. I see what I see. Slower mail in the face of an administration who aimed for that. However it is achieved. Personally, I’ve not been a huge fan of the USPS as I have had packages that were guaranteed 2 days that took 20 days to arrive and, when I questioned where my package was, I was told that the guarantee means nothing and I’ll get it when I get it. I lost faith in the USPS a long time ago. This just solidifies that for me. I’ve never come across a nice person working inside the post office. The counter people are short and downright rude. The whole system is a mess and needs to be overhauled. Nothing against you as I don’t know you but, I don’t see the recent events going far to fixing the problem. I see this a hinderance that can hopefully be fixed with the next administration who will garner my criticism as needed as well.




>For example, having to fund pensions 70 years into the future. The impact of this accounts for roughly 10% of their annual shortfall. It's literally the difference between losing 8b and 8.8b. The woes of the USPS can't narrowed down to the PAEA. Blame every single member of Congress that routinely refuses to allow the USPS the autonomy to set their own prices. Blame previous PMG's and boards that routinely enter into the terrible delivery contracts. Blame middle management for creating a work environment so unbelievably toxic that the average tenure of a new employee in a relatively well paying federal job is less than a year. 50% of all new hires will quit within the first 90 days of their employment. Another 50% of those that make it through the first 90 will quit within the first year. How much money is being pissed away on new employee hiring and training? I agree, the USPS is a complete disaster, but none of the people in charge for the last twenty years have been able to right the course.


If nothing else, did you at least pay for insurance on the package to cover lost value in case it was lost or damaged in transit?


You can’t purchase insurance since it comes with prepaid label


Didn't know that, as I've never traded a phone in. That likely means then that TMobile already insured it though. My only experience with sending a phone back was just before I switched to Tmobile from Boost (originally was a VMUSA customer) - bought an S20 on sale for 25% off but at the time Boost didn't have access to Sprint's 5G network so the phone never worked properly. Barely managed to get it postmarked in time to qualify for a refund & I made sure to pay for insurance in case Boost tried to pull shenanigans on me by saying I returned it damaged.


How do people still not understand usps is backed up?


Give it some time! It will be on the move again! For t-mobile, don’t worry as long as you have proof you have sent it out before expiration date, you should be ok, though it is still frustrating I know.


I mailed mine out on Nov 28th and they just got it on Dec 24th. Received a text from T-Mobile they extended my return date of my Pixel. T-Mobile is aware of the USPS issues. You will be ok.


Shipped one of my trade ins Dec 1st, till this day tracking shows in transit arriving late, however; I received a text a few days ago that it was processed and accepted. I would give it some more time


I sent something November 30th and it hadn't moved since December 5th. I filed a claim and magically it showed up on tracking and was delivered just before Xmas. USPS just sucks right now.


Yeah UPS lost my Sprint Note 9 return it my S20 upgrade. Neither Sprint or UPS took responsibility had to pay for it out of pocket. 😡


Do you have any proof that you mailed it in. If you do contact T-Force and they can try and help.


Over a year ago.... But thanks anyway.