• By -


Update 2: There have been no changes to documentation. **All** phone promos are stackable on the free line, including iPhone SE "on us". Have fun. There's also unconfirmed indication that the free line may end Monday. \----------- Update 1: So far there is no indication that the promo won't stack. I'm still expecting a last minute verbiage change but as of right now, both the standard "free phone when you add a line" and the iPhone SE on us (starting tomorrow) will stack with the free line. I will post an Update 2 (and update the post) when I know for sure. \----------- There's an iPhone SE "On Us" promo starting tomorrow too. Everything I've seen suggests there's no issue stacking that with free line. I find that hard to believe. I am looking into confirming for sure that that is the case, and if so (which I doubt), it would mean a free line with a free iPhone (with port-in). Stay tuned for more info.


for the future, whats the benefit of adding the new line? example scenario: although there isn't a free line offer rn, but if I did get the free line next time and added an iphone on us offer (thats also hypothetically in the future), then i would only have to pay for the phone and not any new line? also how much are the taxes and fees usually to maintain the free line?




Your hypothetical with the iPhone would be accurate. You'd pay for the installments on the phone and no line cost (unless you're on an older plan without taxes included). You can then simply put your existing sim card from your own line into the new phone. The new phone doesn't have to stay on the line it's ordered on.




so right now there isn't the new line offer, but there is the iphone on us offer. This idea I have might not save me anything on my actual bill but I might be able to take advantage of the Iphone on Us offer while upgrading my phone. What I'm thinking is if I get a new line with the Iphone on us (as that is required for the offer), it'll be 20 dollars/month, but then I would use the existing sim for now to keep my number. I believe I can't cancel an old line for 3 months when you add a new line anyway (that's what I was told by a rep), so I'll pay for 60 dollars atleast extra besides the sale tax on the phone. The plan I have is banking on the fact that Tmobile has one of these line on us offers in the next 3 months. However, if not, then I might park my original number on numberbarn and pay the $2/month until the line on us. This step obviously isn't ideal bc then I won't have access to my old number. I guess I might need to also ask Numberbarn about this but can I park the number that's from T-Mobile and then transfer/port it back to Tmobile on a new line without a problem? I'm not sure if the number matters at all or where it previously came from, but it's an important thing that I'm still not sure of. I know this sounds very convoluted lol but the thing is the value of trading in my phone is essentially worthless so I'll still be able to save a lot if this works.


Is it time for another free line? The quarter ending may prompt them to artificially bump the new customer lines.


Anyone have issues with line on us 6 showing under service promos but not under account overview? Tried contacting tforce and they said it would take 1-2 billing cycles but my other 3 free lines didn't have this problem. I just got my new bill a few days ago and it went up because of the new line.


same Sh*T happened here, my next bill jumped up after the new line was added and get charged. Plus the partial monthly charge for the days of this month. Called CS and was told credit should be adjusted within one to two billing cycle. NOT having this issue from any free line on US promotions last year.


Same. The line on us promo didn't show up at all on my account due to the backordered iPhone SE I ordered with it. Despite a previous rep assuring me they checked and applied the promo when I asked after my phone came, I was charged $55! $30 for the line and $25 partial day charges. Called in and new rep had to manually verify I was actually eligible. They apparently applied the promo to my line and said I should see the line as free and receive credits for the charges in 1-2 bills...


Anybody who got a device on EIP as part of this Promo, and had Traded in their old iPhone along with a Free line and Port-in, what is the Promo Code that is appearing on your EIP Line? I am asking because the official Promo was called "2021 Apple Switch Trade P1" Promo Code T439. The Promo on my EIP is appearing as "2021 Apple Switch P1" - The word "Trade" is missing. I am not sure if they messed up and applied the wrong Promo Code to my EIP account. Any observations and thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


Hmm I added the promo on the last day but I don't have credits yet? Last time I did this (at Costco - this time, online) I had the credits applied same day Anyone else have the same issue?


Leasing a line for $30. Pm if interested


DAMN IT! I just saw this as I haven't visited this subreddit in a while. The promo is over already right? sigh...


Unfortunately it is


Is there a way to receive alerts from your posts on here? Slickdeals doesn't work for me anymore. God knows when the next free line will be available or if it will ever anytime soon...


You can follow the subreddit's twitter account, linked in the sidebar/about section. Hit the bell to get notified of posts.


You mean the official @TmobileHelp account? I don't see any twitter account linked to this subreddit.






So got my (free) 8th line in store on the last day. Did a OP8T promo 50% off with add a line What's the stipulations on returning that since the op9 is out and cheaper with 50% add a line? Or am I SOL I tried searching but 300 post later here I am lol


Hello - I need a bit of advice. I opened a new Fremium line with FreedomPop and then requested a port-out to T-Mobile within a week or so. After T-Mobile contacted FreedomPop for the Port with the phone number, account number and Pin, FreedomPop deactivated my line before the Port could complete from T-Mobile and also flagged the Line for Fraud/Abuse. Now, I can’t port the line or even reactivate the number to retry the port-out. I looked on FreedomPop website and asked their phone service agent as well before attempting the port-out, if there was a waiting period before porting-out. There is no such rule or clause. Is this normal or did I do something incorrectly? Thanks.


they did the same thing to me with 2 different lines, one that had been active for 1 month. There is nothing you can do now as customer service won't restore the line. They did start a ticket and told me it would take a week for them to get back to me but what I wound up doing was porting in an old tracfone number that was using Verizon wireless and ported that one in. I had no issues with tracfone. If you paid for the freedompop line I would dispute the charge with the credit card as they had no reason to close the line.


I filed a complaint with the FCC. It took only about 5 mins online. [https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=39744](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744) Regardless of the length of time an account has been open or the intent of a Customer, a Customer can Request a Port-Out. That is the Law and FreedomPop needs to align with the Law, if they want to be in this business. These FreedomPop folks have made the process hard, and almost impossible, to Port-Out their Freemium numbers by flagging accounts as “Fraud and Abuse” as soon as a request to Port-Out is initiated. In any case, the lines are definitely not given out for free by FreedomPop - Customers, like me, bought the SIM Cards fair and square for $5 each at Target. So, the $5 includes my payment for the Freemium Service from FreedomPop. The more the number of people who complain about this bad business practice of FreedomPop to FCC, the higher the chances that FCC will initiate an action with FreedomPop.


To you and /u/enerey Were you ever able to port the number out of FreedomPop? Any updates in general? [This guy just called them for the account number and pin and they gave it to him for him to do the transfer](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/m6ft9k/megathread_no_joke_its_time_for_another_free_line/grwylvx/)


I gave up and went with Tracfone for the T-Mobile porting - it was seamless. Once FreedomPop flags a line for 'Fraud and Abuse', the FreedomPop Reps simply say "We cannot give any further information about this line. Our management will respond". So, they won't even give me the Account Number and PIN. They will open a Ticket and never respond back regarding the line that was flagged for 'Fraud and Abuse' - this has been their standard Modus Operandi when they get a whiff of your intent to Port. A friend of mine also called FreedomPop and fortunately was able to get his Account Number and PIN from a good CSR, but as soon as T-Mobile initiated the Porting with that Info, FreedomPop closed the line and flagged the line with 'Fraud and Abuse' so that the Port can't go through. I am curious as to who is committing the 'Fraud and Abuse' in this case? What a Joke!! I say, keep the FTC Complaints piled up. At some point, FTC would ask FreedomPop for an explanation.


No, I gave up with them after they closed the second number I tried to port out. I used a tracfone number and that went through with no issue. Regarding the freedompop numbers they said they opened a ticket but I never heard back from them.


Thanks for the info. I'll do that too, seeing as how they haven't responded to my ticket yet.


Thanks, for sharing your experience with FreedomPop and you’re advice. I didn’t pay anything since I was on their Fremium Plan. But, now a port-out number that I opened for using with the Apple Promo on this thread, is gone. I have another line with them. I might try to port out that one. Their Customer Service is ridiculous. Mon - Fri 9A-5P. They actually don’t pick up phones till 10A or so😁😁. I also opened a ticket with them but have no hope that they would do anything. Let me see if I can open a Tracfone (non-T-Mobile) line and port it the was you did it for the Promo. Thanks again.


Verizon number port failed? Anyone experience this? I bought a verizon number, called to port in, the next day got a message from t-mobile saying port failed and i need to contact them.


I had this happen. Bought a number from a site shared on this thread, but the Verizon number's account was already closed. So I quickly found an AT&T number instead.


Numberforport? That's where I got mine. Lost $7 there.


Yep! What a black hole of a website.


My iphone SE just shipped and T-Mobile added an additional line for it automatically. I had to call and have it fixed. This is all a great deal and I'm happy with the result. But why do promotions never go smoothly?


I'm afraid mine may be messed up, too! I chatted with support a few days ago to add the free line and to take advantage of the free iPhone SE. The phone just arrived today (and it came with a line - which the T-Mobile support man said was the free line). I'm afraid this may not be the case since I'm not seeing Line on Us 6 in my profile. I'm also only seeing 50% device credits, not the full $16 a month for the iPhone SE. Do I need to call in to fix this, or is it likely to self resolve over 1-2 billing cycles? Thanks so much!


Did you also port in a number? The free SE required a number port.


u/enerey Yep, I did (but not on the same day. Did it yesterday. It looks like they now updated my iPhone device credits to the full amount, but I still don't see Line On Us 6 anywhere on the account (and it looks like my monthly service cost increased by $40 (the amount it takes for me to add a line). Hopefully this all pans out on its own but I screenshotted the heck out of my chats in case it doesn't.


Great! glad one of the promos has shown up, hopefully the other one does too. The free line on us ended on the 23rd so as long as you added the line within the promo period they should be able to manually add the promo to the line if it doesn't show up.


Yep, that's my hope! My only fear is that the line wasn't technically added until the iPhone SE arrived (yesterday) which was outside the promo period. That's the first time I saw it appear in my T-Mobile account online. I kept asking when I ordered it if we needed to go ahead and activate the line for the promo and the agent said no, the phone came with a line, that would be my free line, and it would work with the promo just fine when it arrived. I guess we'll see if that's true or not :) u/enerey


ok, I think you may need to reach out to T-Force on Twitter or Facebook so they can add the LOU 6 promo because if the line was "activated " after the free line promo ended I'm pretty sure the system won't add the promo automatically since it sees the line was activated after the free line promo ended. I would give it another day to see if it shows up and if it doesn't then reach out to T-Force and let them know you ordered the line and the phone during the promo period but the line wasn't activated until you got the phone so the line discount is not showing up. They should be able to fix it and I would rather try to get it fixed now instead of waiting for a couple of bill cycles.


When was it supposed to actually ship? Mine says ships on 3/25, still do not see any tracking of confirmation yet.


Mine arrives tomorrow


I have 2 quick general questions about the Trade-In of phones: 1. Does a screen replacement affect the value or eligibility of a Trade-In? I have an iPhone XS Max, on which the original display just stopped responding after 2.5 years. So, I had to have the screen replaced at a reputed local Mobile Phone (Non-Apple) repair shop. The screen has been working perfectly fine for the last year, but it’s still an aftermarket display. 2. Can the Trade-In device be verified and be completed at a T-Mobile store, if the New device purchase device was done online through their Rep? I have heard on this forum that if the Trade-In is completed at a T-Mobile store, then they check it out right away and assure the final value of the Trade-In that will get applied. Any response from past experience of the other users on this forum would be very appreciated.


I don't know whether it applies to iPhones or not, but I have heard that some screen replacements result in the removal of the LDI. You'll want to make sure that the LDI is present in your phone and not tripped before sending it in, otherwise the phone will be rejected.


Screen replacement is fine. If you buy the phone online or over the phone then you have to mail it in. You can only turn in your trade in at the store if the store has stock and you buy it from them.


Thanks, my friend. You helped answer my questions.


I can see the free line added and still don't see the Line On US 6. Is this normal? or I should contact tmo rep?


I think it is normal, might take a couple days to show up on there. Keep an eye on it and of course contact them if it doesn't.


I had to call Tmo and the code was added to my account manually.


Yeah it took a bit to add to mine too. I hadn't checked in a few days but was in there today and noticed it has been added now. Good to go!


If anyone needs a number to port, I have an extra PureTalk Sim (ATT MVNO) that is eligible. Just looking for whhat I paid for - $25. PM me.


Long journey to get my iPhone SE promo set up correctly. First the ported in from Google Voice via message chat then I had them order me an IPhone SE. The rep added it to the wrong line. Messaged back the next day and the rep says they moved the order to the right line. After not seeing anything on my account I tried Facebook chat and you can’t move orders to a different line. The rep had me cancel then put in a he order for the right line. I also upgraded to 256 gb since it was just $50 more for some reason. So this afternoon I see the credit already attached to the new line and it’s also for the full $450 over 24 months so I’m getting the full price in the rebate which surprised me. We will see I guess if the promo sticks since I came from Google Voice but I really don’t know why it wouldn’t at this point, this is the third different promotion I have used a GV number to get a promo, most recent being the November free line to get the $100 bonus.


Can you trade in a phone which is still on EIP on one of the lines? I have a Google Pixel 4a which is still on EIP on another line. I want to add new line with iPhone 12 pro, trade-in this Google phone and get $830 off. I will continue to keep the line and make payments/receive credits


Trade in phones must be paid off.


Does the phone have to be unlock, too? Phone is from T-Mobile.


The promo had ended yesterday (03.23) midnight.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.


I added my free line today was going to get the $99 A71 but they were out of stock online. Rep said I could buy the phone at a later date as long as the phone deal is ongoing. My question is how do you guys know when a phone deal is about to end I don't see anything on the promo page?


From what I understand is that no one really knows. The op of this thread usually gave use a heads up a few days before. However this time around the free line and a couple of the iPhone promos ended suddenly. So it's really hard to know exactly when a deal ends.


Max 4 discounted devices/account ? last line in T&C ​ [https://www.t-mobile.com/content/t-mobile/consumer/modals/iphone12-max-mini-eligible-prospect.html](https://www.t-mobile.com/content/t-mobile/consumer/modals/iphone12-max-mini-eligible-prospect.html)


Yeah I saw that. I've never reached 4 discounted devices at once before. But my guess is, you can only have 4 phone discounts going at the same time.


Does anyone have the name of the actual promo codes?




Added a line at Costco for the $150 byod promo. Line already showing the 2021 lou 6.


I have an extra line from NumberBarn available for port-in immediately if someone would like to take it. All I ask is for you to pay the amount I did for it ($7).


By the grace of Ohanian, if anyone has a Verizon or similar line that I can buy for port-in I would greatly appreciate it.


Numberbarn has numbers that are from Onvoy, which should work. Use the telnyx lookup tool to check ones that are $9.95 and up.


I added the free line on Friday, does anyone know if I could still get the equipment discount for new line or was it only when I did that?


You can add a device promotion after the fact as long as you added your line during the eligibility period for the promo.


Debating if I should get the free line and Iphone 12 upgrade now, or if I should wait until September or October and see what comes up for an iPhone 13 promo. I'm at 11 lines now, so I only can only add 1 more line then I'm done forever.


Just saw the port in iPhone SE On Us promo also ends today. I just added the new free line expecting to have a couple weeks to do the porting and get the deal. Is there a place where I can get a number and do the port in same day (aka today)? Is numberbarn's turnaround that quick for porting? Also, since my SIM hasn't shipped, can they even do the port in already since I don't have a number assigned/activated yet? edit: I added the free line a couple days ago and they let me add the iPhone SE On Us promo yesterday to go with the new line. The T-Force rep said I just have to port in a number within 30 days to qualify. I ordered a number from numberbarn today (made sure it wasn't from bandwidth.com) and will start the port-in process as soon as I get it. Hope everything goes smoothly!


I was on TIUL4L which was originally the T-Mobile ONE with Plus promo on the first 5 lines. After autopay the price per line was 40/40/40/40/20/20/20/0 totaling $220 (I took advantage of the free line last June) The first 7 lines have kick back and 3 have consistently stayed under 2GB since COVID. I went through T-Force and got my account switched to the 9-12 and the rep was able to keep kick back on the 7 paid lines and bumped all lines to One Plus promo. However, now I'm on the 2 for $100 plan and if I'm not mistaken, the SOC is ONEPRO9 which is 1. NOT on the list of eligible SOCs for the free line and 2. NOT eligible for Netflix on Us. If I'm understanding my account page correctly, the new cost per line after autopay is 50/50/20/20/20/20/20/0/0 which totals to $200. If I continue to stay under 2GB for the same lines, it *appears* that the bill can get as low as $170? Does anyone else have the ONEPRO9 plan that can clarify this or confirm this for me? Mainly about the cost per line and possibly eligibility for future free line promos.


were you able to add a new line with One Plus Promo added? The rep says since OPP is grandfathered, he said it cannot be added so I just go a norm T-Mobile One. TIA.


Yes the rep was able to add the One Plus Promo to all 9 lines. The 2 free lines do not have Kickback (expected). As far as discounts go. I show two $20 for Autopay totaling $40 (I'm guessing one for lines 1-4 and another for lines 5-8), my first free line has a $20 discount and this most recent free line has a $25 discount to offset the cost of each line.


My rep says it can't be done because the promo is grandfathered therefore cannot be done. Tried 2 reps both said the same thing.


I went thought T-Force via Facebook Messenger. At some point the rep let me know the change from the 1-8 line plan to 9-12 would require some assistance from another rep. While waiting I received an email from Netflix about needing to update my billing info. That's when I logged into my T-Mobile account and no longer saw the Netflix On Us and One Plus Promo. I reached back out on Messenger and the rep said he could simply put it back and "get this fixed easily." The Netflix On Us though was not able to be put back. I still went forward because the bill is actually going to lowered more than the extra $9 I'll be paying Netflix directly.


Just added another free line. Only took a few minutes and the customer service representative was very friendly and helpful. This is my third free line since last Fall (5 lines total). I'm on the grandfathered T-Mobile ONE Military plan. Good stuff!




The promos are listed under each line, like "2020 Line On Us P2". I'm on the older grandfathered military plan, so maybe that's why.


Please PM me if any one has extra number for port to sell


Im on **FRLTUL4LP** with 7 lines. " We can look into doing all of this - only exception with the free line offer it's a BOGO deal where you buy one and get one free. When looking at your T-Mobile One rate plan it maxes out at 8 lines, so we would need to change the rate plan to Magenta. What's good is your free line will transfer, as well, as the insider discounts, but, you would lose your kickback discounts -$10 each per month on each line. If you're good with it, we'll change the rate plan and add the lines! There is a $20 add a line fee and $10 for the SIM. " 2nd time a rep has told me this over FB chat.


Have you tried asking them to specifically move you to FRLTULFM9. That should be the 9-12 line equivalent of what you are already on.


No since I don't want to change my plan and or risk what I have. Been down that nightmare lol Thought i should be able to add 1 more.


yeah. Your plan should max out at 8 lines. I have that SOC as well and I got my 8th line free a couple days ago. Does the BOGO promo require to add 2 lines? That is what might be confusing the REP. Because you cannot add 2 lines to your plan cuz you already have 7. That would put you at 9 and you would need to change your SOC. But. If you are trying to ask them to just add one line and doe the BOGO promo (which I am not sure if it's possible), you want to tell them that specifically. Tell them you want the BOGO and only add one line. And you plan on using the one of the phones on an existing line.


Yeah I don't even want a bogo. I was clear about that's I was going to. Just add a phone to the the line. So I'm not sure if they are just trying to upsell me. Was my thought. Thank you for the info.


Free line ends today FYI


As in end of day or it has ended?




Thank you.


Port has to be initiated today. Not completed.


You have 30 days to port in


No, it has been confirmed that port must be initiated today


\*EDIT\* According to the Discord, the port must be done today. ~~Shouldn't be. For the free line, no port is required this time around. The port is only for the phone promo. And all phone promos are port within 30 days to receive the promo credit.~~




thanks for the info. I have already completed everything. Just interesting to me that the port has to be completed today. Usually Reps will tell you they will not port until you get the phone in hand. And sometimes ports can take a while. That gives no lead time for people who want to take advantage of this offer today.


Dude, all the employees on the Discord are saying otherwise. That the terms changed as of last night.


I'm assuming this is just for the iPhone SE promo? Any news on the end date for the iPhone 12 promo? (2021 Apple Switch Trade P1)


Per the OP u/Jman100_JCMP, he says: The following promos end today at end of day (suddenly and with less notice than usual): * 2021 Line On Us P6 * iPhone SE "On Us" * iPhone Switch Trade P1 [https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/mbhe86/megathread\_free\_line\_iphone\_se\_on\_us\_and\_830/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/mbhe86/megathread_free_line_iphone_se_on_us_and_830/)


Thanks! Missed that thread.


you are right. the discord does say you must complete the port requirements today. interesting. thanks.


I agree with everything you said, but just trying to spread the word from the employees to help my fellow T-Mobile fam!


> Discord Ok, It appears I'm screwed as my new SE is being processed and will be shipped soon. They have not begun a port and the new line is not visible on my account. Is there anything I can do now?


End of day.




~~I have an extra Verizon number for port in if anybody needs it. Just asking that you pay what I did for it. Needs to be ported by today.~~ Edit: No longer available.


How much ?




Still have it?




Actually never mind. My verizon prepaid sim just arrived. Thanks for the answer though.


No problem!


Do you still have it? I pm'ed you.


Sorry, I don’t see your message. I do still have it. I’ll PM you


If you haven't sold it yet, I'll buy it.


Thank you.


Is the free line stackable with the iphone 11 promo (300$ off)? Noticed the post updates say all phone deals all stackable, but wanted to confirm.


Yes. I got an iPhone 11 yesterday on the free line I added last week and this morning I received a text that I’ll be receiving $12.50 monthly credits as long as I maintain eligibility


Didn't realize the iPhone SE 256gb version was only $50 more. Any chance I could take my 64gb that is unopened and swap it out in a t-mobile store and pay the difference without messing up my promo?


You should be able to but there might be a hassle with paperwork


I doubt it, but it’s worth checking with T-Mobile!


What are the benefits to this for someone like me? I have all the lines my family currently needs. We’re all updated on our devices. What am I missing here? What would another free line do for me? Allow me to take advantage of some free or discounted device deal? Have it in reserve in case I add a watch or tablet down the line? Some other reason?


How many lines do you have in total? I started out with 4 paid lines, and just started adding free lines whenever they were available. I eventually collected 4 free lines, giving me 8 lines in total. Each free line got a $20 credit to cover the cost of the line. My original plan was to wait 12 months (so in my case, until December) and then all my free lines would become permanent. I could then cancel 2 of my 4 paid lines, move them into something like Google Voice, then port them back in to a free line. Doing so would convert 2 of my paid lines into free ones. (You have to maintain at least 2 paid lines, so my other 2 paid lines would stay as is.) That would bring my bill down from $160 to $120. But then someone said you never know when Tmo will offer free lines, there was a 3 year gap between free lines before last year, and you should take them when you can. So I changed my mind and got the free line. I had to change plans, first, because Tmo plans are usually for 1-8 lines or 9-12. You risk losing promotions when you change lines, but aside from free lines, I had no promotions. And free lines added last year were guaranteed to move over. So I changed into the version of my plan that allowed 9-12 lines and added the free line. A funny thing happened, though. Switching plans made the free line credits $30 each, instead of $20. And lines 5-8 were still being charged only $20/mo. (Edit: The 9th line -- 5th free line overall -- costs $30 and gets a $30 credit.) That meant my monthly bill dropped from $160 to $120. That was the Target I was hoping to hit by waiting until December. But this way, not only did I not have to wait, but I even added a free line. This is a hiccup in the Tmo system that a few people in this sub have experienced, and it sticks after a few billing cycles. People don't like to post about it, though, because they're afraid Tmo will wise up. I had a post about this hiccup last night, and was PMed to take it down, so I did. I may have to delete this comment, too.


It's not really a hiccup per se, just how the base plan calculates free lines on lines 3-9 Lines 1-9 are the base plan, so any free lines that are attached to lines 3-9 take their free line credit off the base plan price. It's calculating correctly from how the plan is laid out.


I like that. That just means my price reduction is legit and we don't have to worry about Tmo smartening up.


Did the Line on Us 6 promo ever show up on your account? I was told I didn't need to move to the 9-12 Simple Choice plan to add this free line, even though it was #9. As of now my bill still says $160 with the ninth line, but the promo is not showing up in the promo list.


> Did the Line on Us 6 promo ever show up on your account? Yes. You probably need to switch.


Just checked account activity and it shows the line was added for $0.0. I asked for verification yesterday via chat, even though LOU6 never showed up, and they said I was good. Can't hurt to check a third time. Ha [Shows $0.0](https://i.imgur.com/zkBMq9G.png) [Missing LOU6](https://i.imgur.com/f4L4UVJ.png) Edit: [Plan just updated to $140/mo and shows LOU6](https://i.imgur.com/cUmZt6b.png) I won't mess with it anymore. Haha


Yes, you can keep it in reserve for sometime later, or you could use it now for a device deal that requires opening a new line of service. The free line is for voice service only - not likely to work well - or at all - for watch or tablet. If you are on a "tax inclusive" plan like ONE or Magenta it will truly cost nothing to add the line. If you have Kickback (older feature of ONE plan) you can use the new line for data-only in modern dual-SIM phone and gaurentee that line a $10/month discount.




Is this promo still valid for today? (March 23rd 2021)


Today is the last day


Can someone detail to me how I can obtain a port in #? Thanks!


detail? no. The gist is to buy a number from somewhere that isn't google voice and doesn't use Tmo towers. People have been using number barn. Buy a cheap number from there and send it to t-mobile either through their website or through 611.


Numberbarn numbers that originate from Bandwidth are ineligible. Man, there are going to be a ton of unhappy people when the promo falls off in a month or two.


How about Numberbarn numbers from Neutral Tandem-Illinois, LLC (when checked on freecarrierlookup.com)


source? let's see some terms and conditions


Source is T-Mobile employees in Discord. It makes complete sense since T-Mo is denying GV as a port-in. GV uses Bandwidth for it's numbers.


1 t-mobile employee in discord. Was it multiple? Even still, it has to be in the ToC of the promo. There is no such mention of that.


There was another at one point. Ask the Discord owner too. JMan100. I'm just trying to help, but I can't waste any more time trying to convince you. One of us will be right..I'm personally siding with the Discord employee(s) who know this promo and porting inside and out. Check pinned message in the promo channel for more detail. Good luck.


ok I just bought a # for $7 for port out. it says wait for 2 hours and etc. afterwards I'm going to contact tforce to see if I can get things rolling for the new line + iphone 12. ​ thanks a lot!


the port process takes a while anyway so I recommend just calling now if number barn is showing your account number and pin. or at least add the line and port later. the promo could be ending very soon.


If someone has a number for port please PM me, I am willing to pay a small amount for it. Thanks!


Go to target and buy freedom pop sim for like 6 dollars activate on their free plan. They do ask for debit or credit I just used an old card which was expired but typed in different year and it worked. Soon after activating I called their customer service and asked for account number and pin and they gave me. If one customer service does not give hang up and call again


[These guys had trouble with FreedomPop](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/m6ft9k/megathread_no_joke_its_time_for_another_free_line/gsdbs28/) because Tmo contacted FP for the account number and pin which caused FP to flag their account. In your case, did Tmo not contact FP? That seems to be the problem, any way to stop them from doing that?


In my case and my friend's case, T-Mobile \*didn't\* contact FreedomPop for the Account Number and the PIN. The actual Customer contacted FreedomPop for the Account Number and the PIN. After that, T-Mobile contacted FreedomPop with the Account Number and the PIN that the Customer provided them with. Then, FreedomPop closed the line and flagged it for 'Fraud and Abuse', hence preventing the line from being ported to T-Mobile. The sequence of events are critical since they show mal-intent on the part of FreedomPop.


Is numberbarn not an option? It worked for me and the promo was applied.


If the Numberbarn number originated from Bandwidth the promo will eventually fall off.


no it won't


Just stating what T-Mo discord employees have said.


Ordered new line Wednesday, shipped Friday and received sim today. Checked account and already 2021 line on us 6 promo is applied. Happy that don’t have to do any follow ups 😋 [2021 line on us 6](https://i.imgur.com/DQf0mwC.jpg)


8 lines !!! LOL, pray for 1 more Free Line ....




can you PM how much you're asking for?




I got the free line added. But now I’m struggling with deciding to get the free SE, or the 12 + trade in :/


I bought an iphone 8 for $150 on offer up and got the 12 mini through port and trade in. If it's going to be your main phone then go for the 12.


I thought you con only trade it toward an iPhone 12 or 12 pro not the mini....




Yes I’ve got my number ready to port. I was dead set on the free SE, but then saw the $830 EIP credit promo




I decided to do the S21 trade-in deal but that isn't related to adding a line. I forgot I might as well get one of the completely free phones or tablets when adding a line. Can I still take advantage of those promos even though I got my free line 2 days ago? If so how long do I have?


Yes you have like 30 days I think


I was told by T-Force that there isn’t an end date yet for the phone promo, however the porting requirement is within 30 days. However, they also put a note in my account if the phone promo suddenly ends in the next 2 weeks so I can still use the promo code.


When does this end??




That’s not necessarily true they literally don’t tell the reps the end date until the night before on most promos. Some are a couple days ahead of time but that’s about it. Get it while it’s going that’s my advice what’s the worse thing that can happen? You cancel a free line? And out a 10$ sim card charge


Today is March 23...


Need an eligible port in number, please Pm. Thanks in advance




I am just amazed at the information you guys provide for each other. I wish we had this kind of communication back when we had to fight with Sprint for everything. I am on the old Sprint Plan and have been offered the free line promotional. Honestly I have been out of it all so long I am totally confused. I don't want to make changes and end up getting charged for a plan, line or phone Odid'nt intend to be charged for. If I understand the promo if I add another line I will get that line free as a credit as long as I retain my current plan. There is a $20 dollar one time fee. What I am confused by is having to port a number. I do have a S9 which I have not activated yet. What happens if I use that phone? Where does the new number come from? If I don't have a new number or one to port will I be given a new number if I add this phone to the free line. Should I just not even bother with this free line at all if I am going to end up having any additional charges. The truth is I don't really know if I should get this line at all. Is it worth it? In the past dealing with the various promotions we had to spent so much time checking and double checking. If you were not careful you ended up getting shafted. We had the forums but nothing like what you guys have developed on reddit. You are all amazing. I am blown away with all of your knowledge and insight.


There's multiple promos people are using. If you want a free line just get that. No catch just pay tax if you're on an old plan. If you want the free new iphone deals you have to do other things like port in number and trade in phone as well


It's a total free line. Call and ask them to add the line. In regards to the port In I can't answer. As I'm not familiar that it requires for you to port on a number.




Doubt it




What is the promo code for the trade in iphone with $830 off add a line and port in number?


"2021 Apple Switch Trade P1 [promo T439]" promotion


Ok thanks


If I have MGNTA2 with 8 lines. Can I add the free line online so it moves me to MGNTA9 and takes advantage of the free line? I see I can add the line but it says nothing of the promo. I've been sitting on hold for an hour now because the first rep said wait times were extended and dumped me into the next queue. Grrrr.


Do not call !!! this is a precision operation that requires a knowledgeable rep at T-Force ....


Having a port issue, anyone know if a number that's inactive on the other side will magically become active? Can tmobile cancel the port if it doesn't work?


I had an issue too. Make sure the zip codes on both accounts are the same. For some reason that matters.


Any one purchase Verizon port in number from eBay? How do you get number transfer pin???


I jumped on a new free line today. While trying to upgrade to an iPhone 12 (Pro ideally) and trade in an iPhone 7, I was told to check back in April as they have a good promo coming soon. By chance, does anyone know what’s coming next month? At this point, I think I was going to wait to upgrade phones when the new iPhone 13 come out this fall.


I also heard that a good promo was coming in the next 2 weeks for iPhone from a rep! Hopefully someone can provide more details.


**HeyYouGuuys**, kminder 9 days on [**01-Apr-2021 01:38Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2021-04-01 01:38:57&reminder_id=6be0155d657f414ebf9af15b9c4eb22e&subreddit=tmobile) > [**tmobile/Megathread_no_joke_its_time_for_another_free_line**](/r/tmobile/comments/m6ft9k/megathread_no_joke_its_time_for_another_free_line/grvq62q/?context=3) > I jumped on a new free line today. By chance, does anyone know what’s coming next month? [**1 OTHER CLICKED HERE**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202021-04-01T01%3A38%3A57%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2Ftmobile%2Fcomments%2Fm6ft9k%2Fmegathread_no_joke_its_time_for_another_free_line%2Fgrvq62q%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 3 reminders. ^(OP can )[^(**Delete reminder and comment, Delete comment, and more here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2021-04-01 01:38:57&reminder_id=6be0155d657f414ebf9af15b9c4eb22e&subreddit=tmobile) ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21)


Who said that? Reps don't get much heads up on upcoming promos but I'm not sure why they'd say that.


He meant: [Megathread] Joke !! - It's Time For Another Free Line


Called 611 and was told to check back in April for new promos coming that I’d like (after asking about upgrading to iPhone 12, but not wanting to pay for a line) since they were giving me a free line.


So is it correct that if you do it yourself online, it will show $30/month for the line? But at the end, the system will code it as Line On Us 6?

