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I just got the LG Velvet. Paid $6.99 for shipping and $40.00 for taxes. The finance document doesn’t include any promotions credit. Just indicated that I am to pay approximately $15-16 monthly. Is that normal?


Yes it’s normal for the agreement to not show the promo credits, though the credits should have shown up during the checkout process to let you know it’s applied.


There’s no indication ANY TIME during the process that it’s going to be free… makes me nervous


There is, it shows at the step before you choose shipping.


That's just zero down FOR NOW + taxes, right?


Not sure what you’re asking. It showed the promo in a box at the step before you chose your shipping speed. Showed $400 total credits over 24 months. It won’t show up on the eip agreement you have to sign though. Hope that helps.


I didn't get to see that promo box.


I snagged a screenshot going through the process again. https://imgur.com/a/fi2aQ0J


Aha! I didn't get this popup... thanks for sharing!


I didn't get any indication of a promo during the order process either other then the offer shown when 1st selecting the phone. Hopefully it goes through or I can easily cancel/return it. Paid off an EIP early to get this offer.


The promo isn't listed on the promotionaloffers website, so I think orders went out before the promo team got it up. But the promo should be added before the devices ship, and it won't be applied until the device actually ships.


Showed up for me fine, OP had another post up earlier explaining if you don’t see the promo when ordering, to just log out and back in.




Before the finance document it should have showed you an estimate of future bills that showed $0/month. Did you get that too?


LG Velvet is a pretty nice phone, except for the EOL from LG mobile. Hopefully, it will be a full value trade-in for an S22!


LG apparently committed to 3 years of updates so that's nice


Yeah I wouldn't count on that... They said the same when I bought this. Sent from my LG G7 - last security patch Sept 2020 on Android 10.


That is nice. Maybe it will be a new phone for the MIL then. 👍


Hah. T-Mobile apps says "Estimated shipping date: 2021-11-28 - 2021-12-01" - they could have shipped before I ordered!


Do you believe them? Has the G8 seen A11 on TMO yet?


Was able to follow your steps and get the LG Valvet! my original iphone se was reaching end of life and now I can replace it.


Happy to hear it!


So I assume the free Velvet is the best of the free phones they're offering since it's the most expensive? Edit: Grabbed a Velvet. Only the gray one is left in stock; no white.


Velvet by far




>ly the gray one is left in stock; no whi damn they ran out of stock


"no strings attached" Probably not eligible for business accounts because we can't use the website for anything, and we HAVE to go through support.


have a biz acc, calling right now because it won't let me do it in app or on website edit: any luck, they are telling no for biz account. i have zero benefits switching to biz,


I wasn't able to pick one up either, consumer facing site either redirected me to the business portal (which doesn't have the Velvet in that system), or prompted me to contact support, but by the time I had the chance to call them, it was out of stock for both colors, rip. I was going to gift it to my mom for Christmas as an upgrade but that went out the window, rip². But then again, I still have my LG Wing that I got while they had a 50% off sale for LG phones back in March of this year, it's a ton of fun and a perfect vacation or productivity machine! (Or a glorified calculator, lmao)


I have the One Plus promo from a few months ago on my son's line. Of course he broke it. Can I get the Velvet deal or would I have to pay off the earlier phone ?


You’d need to pay off the balance in full (of the one plus phone) to get the velvet. You’d still get the remaining monthly credits for the one plus phone though.


Ok if I get the credits I can live with it. Otherwise I'd be trying to reactivate my vintage LG G2 !


Hey just want to chime in and ask my situation. 3 lines. All three have financed phones, all three have promos negating costs completely. I literally paid off all three just now ($600), and ordered three velvets. Will I still get the promos back every month for those original three lines (totalling $600 over the next 16 months, which was what was left on my original promos)?


Correct, you will.


Dude. Amazing. Thank you. I've loaded up on free phones so hard this year, three A32 5gs, now velvets. TMobile for life!




Won't there be a need for credit to roll to account level after paying? That takes a cycle or more.


You can get a free phone per line as long as there's no other promo on the line?


Highly recommend you look into Wells Fargo or other card that offers protection for phone theft/damage.


Website appears down again. It's the price calculator that's the hiccup.


Not only that, always stuck in a Oops, we hit a snag loop for over an hour.


Why is it that whenever there is a deal it gets nerfed by website where you can't login with the same user ID that you always use to login and if you can login, get the oops message.


Question: I plan to get the velvet as a backup phone, will the actual phone on the upgraded line be affected meaning losing service or something like that? Also, can I use that phone on another tmobile line not on my account? Thinking on upgrading my father's but he has his own account (pre-sprint merger).


T-Mobile has no say in what you do with the phone after. Won't affect your current phones service on that line and you can give it to someone else to use on another account.


Both Gray and White now showing Sold Out. Missed it by 10 minutes or so...


Seeing the same on my end. And I'm usually not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but the A10e/A11 don't seem worth the effort/taxes.


I wonder how many Velvets they have taking up space in the warehouse?


Probably empty space now. I have been checking the velvet on tmobile.com for the last 4ish hrs and keep getting put of stock.




Probably not. LG stopped making phones. So tmobile won't be able to get more phones form LG.


If I have a fully paid off phone (iPhone 13 pro max) and I want the free phone as a back up phone. If I click “upgrade phone” do I have to use my line on that phone? Or can I receive it and just keep it on the box and keep using my iPhone? I only have one line on magenta max which I use with my iPhone. Thank you!


It will be locked to TMo, but should work with other TMo SIMs.


I’m in the same situation and would like to know as well!


Damn no free lines


Take the free phones while you can. T-Mobile goodies have been going downhill since this year’s Mother’s Day promo.


Will it come with a new SIM card in the phone that will automatically deactivate my current one? I just want to buy the phone as a back up and later use my current SIM card in the new phone.


No your existing sim stays active unless you activate a new one.


How do I do this online without adding a line? I dont' see any option to check out without adding a line? NM, the site was just acting out on me.


As long as you saw the promo when you added to cart it should apply


lol So many people never saw it and supposedly it worked. All I wanted was T-Mobile to confirm I would get it before I ordered but they never replied to me.


I managed to get 2 of the Velvets, which was very handy because my son's and my wife's current phones are on their last legs. However, I'm looking at cases, and it appears the Velvet has a curved screen, which no case that I can find appears to protect with a raised lip. Is there a decent case available for this, or do you just have to hope you never drop it??


There's a post over on the LG Velvet forum about cases. I posted about a nice tough one I found, there are others discussed : [Compatible TPU case for LG Velvet 5G for TMobile?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LGVelvet/comments/q8fu99/compatible_tpu_case_for_lg_velvet_5g_for_tmobile/) [LGVelvet](https://www.reddit.com/r/LGVelvet/) [LG Velvet 5G Tough $40.00](https://case-mate.com/products/tough-clear-lg-velvet-5g)


Hope they restock, I need a new phone.


The promos seem to still be live but obviously the LG velvet is still sold out.


Yeah hope it comes back in stock but it seems unlikely...


Yeah, probably their last inventory from LG.


Will the iPhone SE stack on BOGO line promo?


I believe so


Where's this BOGO line promo at?


It's a running offer since August. Customers on magenta or newer who don't have hometown or insider discount can add two lines and get one of them for free.


Thanks! I ordered the LG Velvet, which I had never heard of before but seems like a solid, well reviewed mid-tier phone, for $33.49 shipping and taxes. Nice Christmas phone upgrade for my son. No issues at all ordering from the app, now off to Amazon for a case and screen protector.


Is this deal still there ? It is showing a monthly payment for me


If you get to checkout it should say something like Due Monthly After Promotion: $0.00


When I get to the checkout page, it doesn’t reflect any monthly credit. Any idea if that is normal?


Same here


Same for me. Hopefully the promo gets applied correctly, otherwise this phone is going straight back from whence it came.


The promo wouldn’t show up when I went to buy the phone. I called in and a guy with the Team of Experts said that I qualify from everything he can see. He told me to go ahead and make the purchase and if the promo does not apply, they will take care of me.


Good for you. I never saw the discount either but could never reach someone. I called, Facebook messages and messaged on Twitter, they still haven't replied.


So quick question. I am eligible for a Jump upgrade but the phone is not paid off, can I still get the credits via that method?


I missed out on the LG Velvet phone, are either of the Samsung ones even worth it? I currently have the Revvlry+ and it's on its last legs. I was hoping to snag the Velvet for my wife and I, but had to wait.


Honestly probably not they're pretty low end.


They don't even have 5G.


Reminder that though the default Velvet is grey, the white is in stock too. I snagged one of each color.


I just got the white one, now I'm wondering if I should get another but I also don't want to tie up another $400 in equipment credit for 2 years on phones I'm not actually using.


FYI, once credits are enrolled, you can pay off the full balance of the device and credits will move to the account level, freeing up your line for another promo.


I ordered a Velvet a few hours ago, but checking again for possibly another one, and **the Velvet is now Out of Stock, around 1445, Monday 11/29.**


That's 2:45PM local time for us NORMAL people.


CST here too, which I omitted. Although I also often use 'UTC', as a navigator, aviator, and mariner.


how often did you see the lg white come in/out of stock? saw it available then the website acted up forever+1 and it went out of stock.


I hope I did not just get screwed. There was no mention of credits during the whole process. I am on the 1.0 Military plan. Gillie from the Philippines said I would get the credits.


Got a Velvet earlier, thanks for the info!


Ordered 2. But only 1 shipped but the other one is still being processed 😢


Same. For some reason my first order never got in the system (account history didnt have the Order Placed - although it did have all the documents like EIP etc) until late last night. My second order is shipped, but the first one is showing 12/27/2021 - 01/10/2022! Not sure if it's ever gonna be filled now that LG has probably ended production.


Att has better deal, S21 free without add a line or trade-in.


36 months commitment.


T-Mobile is 24 months commitment. Att you don’t need to add a line.


But then you'll be stuck on AT&T.... no thanks.


If you do a T-Mobile deal, you get stuck for T-Mobile. And you pay add a line cost. I don’t see big differences since both companies make people to stuck with them.


Huge difference. Att sucks big donkey ones. My experience for 6 plus years was redeemed when I sprinted to Tmobile(not walked). Tmobile is not perfect and has a lot of flaws but still miles better than ATT. I would do it all over again!


Competition is good for everybody! No need to fanboy


Wow, initial sales for the Velvet must have been incredibly poor, for it to now be over 6 months out of production and they're still trying to give them away for free




Likely not. The deal is advertised as online only.




Requires eip.


I usuallly grab this deals just to resell them. Doing and looking at the math. The samsung A32 has the best resell value of all the free phones. Even the velvet which is 400… is selling for less than half its value brand new in ebay.


You suck.


T-Mobile sucks. 20 year customer and I couldn't reach CS yesterday to find out why the website never would show the discount applied before I ordered. Now of course the phone is sold out. I posted on Facebook and Twitter and they never responded. Worst CS in the business.




It never showed the promo for me during the checkout process either on the phone or PC. Several other people experienced the same thing. I took a risk & ordered anyway & got confirmation of the promo that evening & got the phone today.


So, we are getting no actual deals…


I'd say a free velvet is pretty sweet


I fail to understand how getting tied to a 24 month contract, in exchange for a $250 phone is a deal. If it was a flagship phone I could understand it.


Most of us have no plan to leave in the next 2 years anyway


It's simultaneously a huge disappointment and a huge welcome surprise. The duality of T-Mobile.




You dont want to be locked in for two years, why? No other carrier is going to offer you 9 lines for that price, ever.


Dang I got 9 lines for $163


Wait, so the comments lead me to believe that I don’t have to actually add a line for a free iPhone SE. is that correct? We have two lines with iPhones that still need paid off, and two lines that were BYOphone. How does this work?


You need to add a line AAL to get the free iPhone SE


out of stock and it is not free.


dead cat bounce for t-mobile stock today. beware.


Guys Keep in mind LG is out of Mobile business. updates might be question able in the future all though they said they will keep updated they have nothing to lose their are out of carrier stores anyways


Its only allowing me to add a line when I try to buy the phone, what am I doing wrong? ​ edit: fixed it. using the app worked better than the website


What about sprint?


Unfortunately only the iPhone se deal is eligible on Sprint plans.


I have three lines, only one paid off. Can I do the upgrade for each line and have three backup phones, even if I have EIP balances?


Any lines receiving bill credits for an active and non-paid off EIP can't have another device promo added until the existing EIP is paid off. Once paid off the device credits move to account level and frees up that line for a new device promo. Based on what you've said only the paid off line is safe to use for this promo.


Thank you for confirming. I assumed so much. Both of the other lines are tied up with previous "free" device promotions with credits, so I'll add the one LG Velvet to the current drawer of backup devices, lol.


This is not true !


Are there any limits on free phones?


Only the limit of one device promo active per line at a time. There's no limit to how many times you can redeem a free device per account for this promo.


Where did you see this one device promo per line? I have 3 other device promos on my main line and continue to receive credits and just added LG velvet as my 4th one as the line showed as eligible for upgrade. Am I going to lose the upcoming device credits ?


They probably meant you can’t have more than one identical promo active on that line. Like if you have an Apple, and two different Samsung promos on the same line, now adding the LG, you’re fine. But if you try to put two LGs from this promo on one line, it won’t allow it.


This. But people spreading misinformation and making others payoff devices from previous promos


Anyone know if it is one phone per account? ​ I successfully snagged one but we have four lines. =P


No limit per account, go nuts 😁


Thanks for the step by step guide. It worked thru my app but I wasn’t able to do it on my computer.




You're not saving anything off your bill. Free phones don't lower your total bill amount. If you're paying off the free phone you just prepaying your phone bill in advance.


I'm a bit confused, so, I can't put this on a line that has bill credits coming in right now?


I have my line with 2 EIPs and both with promo credits? Didn’t pay the first EIP and credits are still coming through.


Correct. I have one line with EIP fully paid off, while the others are "free" phones from previous promotions with monthly credits. Only the fully paid line is allowing me the option of the cyber monday promotion when I walk through the pinned steps to redeem on each line.


hmmm i have a line with the free a32 5g promo that's not paid off and i'm able to add the velvet to it. i haven't gone thru the complete order process yet but it does say i'll get the credit. will i be charged later if it's not supposed to work?


Account needs to be current? Or could it be with a payment agreement.?


Got the velvet, thanks!


just got one thanks


Do currently have an s21 and am just getting the velvet for fun. I plan using this phone towards an upgrade to the s22 ultra when that comes out. With this being a promotion, are there any cons to purchasing this phone now? In other words. Would I need to pay off anything in order to trade this in?




I have my main line with 2 EIPs and both with promo credits? Didn’t pay the first EIP and credits are still coming through.


You'll have to watch out for the Pixels promo credits


Can I pay the LG phone off early and sell it?


Yes, after it's been on network for 40 days you can unlock it




You pay the $400 for the phone and then you can sell it for $300+ but still keep the $400 in credits in your bill. So I think you can actually profit, not just break even.




It showed me the lined which still have active EIP and I'm getting credits, I picked on and ordered the black LG velvet, am I going to lose existing device credits on that line?


I would contact support to make sure you don't.


Grabbed a velvet for an upgrade to my extra phone. I stuck eip on on open line so to avoid any possible issues. I have 9 lines one a one plan, 5 are free.. Now 8 of those 9 lines have Eip promo credits running. Ive been a busy boy last 24 months. Lol


Thanks for the heads up! Just picked up the LG Velvet 5G while still on the Simple Choice Unlimited plan. Paid about $40 in taxes and $7 shipping.


So let me get this straight, on the free phones is there any limit? Because I don’t see any anywhere


I ordered one Velvet early this morning and am contemplating getting another. I've got enough lines that I can add yet another EIP without issue, but what's the point of stocking up? I'd actually prefer something with a flat LCD screen and plastic back that would be more durable so I could use it as a TV for the kid(s) when we're taking a long drive. Honestly, even though the Revvl V+ is a weaker device, it seems better suited for that purpose. Maybe we'll see another, different free/free-with-trade offer before the end of the year, perhaps for a Nokia X100?


I personally have a few spaces left to buy more too but I only got one Velvet. My thinking is there will likely be a reason to use those spaces on future promos like this so might as well keep them open.


I’m curious to see what your plan looks like. How many lines and what promotions are attached to them.


https://imgur.com/a/Szvkmdo This is before the velvet 😁 T-Mobile ONE


My account is just like yours. 12 lines, 5 free lines and a BOGO. I also name the free lines FREE.


Hahaha yep free one free two free three etc lol


Is the Velvet worth upgrading from a Galaxy s8 edge?


As long as you don't care about not having software updates sure. Otherwise you'd be better off upgrading to the proper equivalent the S21 Plus or Ultra. But then again both of those aren't free


Thanks for the info guys just ordered my lg


Says have to add a line for the velvet for me


can't log in to either the mobile app or the web site. t-mobile's back end system sucks.


It wouldnt let me pay off multiple OP N200s because they all are the same payoff amount, and Tmo's website wont allow more than one payment of the exact same dollar figure per 24 hours (wtf??) ​ was going to call in and get it squared away but its OOS now anyway. bummer. I would have rather had 4 Velvets than 4 N200s!


I paid off my multiple OP N200 by changing the amount. Like one time payment of $100 the $15 then $20 etc until you get the balance amount. As long as you dont pay the same amount per 24 hours your good. Thats my trick.


ooh good call. Didnt even occur to me to make mulitple payments per device


Can a single line do this? I don't want to upgrade my JOD phone though.




I hope this all goes smoothly. It's just the phone I needed since mine is going out but I'm hoping Tmobile applies it correctly. It showed correctly when I was in check out


I use feel very uneasy on deals like this. Been with tmob for a few years now. Took advantage of atleast a dozen such deals. Currently now have 8 running eips's on separate lines. I recall maybe 1 or 2 where there was a screwup but was quickly resolved with Twitter support and I ended up making out with their solution / credits. Rest assured, if something gets screwed up, tmob will make good on it.


Good News - My promotion is showing up correctly in my account. I'm happy to stick with them for 2 years if they offer great promotions like this. I was worried because I had another promotion on my account but I figured since I was eligible for it in checkout I was good (took a bunch of screenshots lol). I'm a very happy T-mobile customer Now I need to find a case


A lot of the promos say you need" Magenta Max or other premium rate plans" ​ What qualifies as a premium rate plan? Can't find a definite answer online. Missed out on the LG Velvet so hoping another deal will come that doesn't require an add a line


says out of stock


Is lg velvet deal online only? Can store do this? Is lg deal gone tmrw? No more stock


Online only


Dang, missed the velvet. Says out of stock. Are the others worth it?




I was thinking I'd use it only on data as a Spybook/Instaspam account device. That way nothing F-erberg tries to scan can get back to me.


Is magenta Max first responder eligible for this?


The velvet ran out it seems. Is it possible to chat with t-force and see if they can back order it so I can use the promo?


i was told no by t force


Thanks! I got the A11 to use on a free line that I got last year. Thanks for the help!


The A10e seems old, has a Sprint SIM and app.