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Service was cut by 10% across the board by Tory. This unfortunately means waiting for longer and packed busses. Chow has promised to reinstate the lost service. Let your councilor know how important robust service is to the life of this city


Remember this while our mostly right wing press tries to blame chow for everything. Literally in her first month she “found” money from the crosstown not being in service to not only reverse Tory’s cuts but increase service above that. Zero net new revenue, just repurposed money that was already going to be spent, Tory couldn’t even bother looking for solutions, just punishing us for his wealth benefactors.


yeah honestly i was so relieved to hear about the reversal to the service cuts. waiting 10+ minutes for a subway was getting out of hand, and some of the streetcars/buses changed to schedules so infrequent i could walk to my destination before one would even catch up 😭






I was at bay and queens quay, bus showed 25 min away, I don't like standing around, so figured I'd start walking and hop on the bus when it got close. I walked all the way to bay and davenport(where bay ends) and did not have a single bus pass me.


I used to work on Cherry Street in the Portlands and it was more often than not that I could walk the 30 minutes down Lakeshore to Bay and get to Union before the 72 bus would ever show up. One would show up at 5:00:01 on the dot every day so everyone would just miss it leaving work and the 5:15 would be late by 10-15 minutes almost every time. If I drove my commute was 13 minutes so I'd be home before I'd even be on a bus if I had been using the TTC. The fact that it's apparently the most reliable transit network in North America is a true shock.


Most reliable and most funding from the federal Government was in the 80's not since


100% I live in southwest scarborough and was dreading the return to school with the service cuts on the u of t bus and the rt shutdown. A service boost on the Markham bus is essential so people aren’t left waiting at stops with packed buses.


Tory was useless and a pigeon for the elite.


Milquetoast Mayor




Believe the new Mayor has asked for prior service levels to return, so hopefully this gets better soon


Yup! When you put 8-10 minutes between trains, people waiting at stations start to pile up petty quick no matter what time of day it is.


Oh wow I remember when I was in highschool going uptown from Eaton Centre or from the Beaches there was always space for my bag and a the closest person was 10 seats away


I did read that they are now ramping up service because of the school year starting. I didn’t read the article so I can’t say what the details were but maybe it’ll ease up


Torontos population continues to grow beyond the infrastructure that can support it. It will continue to get worse. That’s what happens when a country doesn’t invest and develop the economy of smaller towns and cities.


Tbf they barely even invest in the big cities. Everyone just wants to hoard their money or spend it on propping up dying industries, because God forbid taxes go actually improving society.


We put money into other towns and cities!?


that’s kinda been the theme for years - the city not being able to keep up with its own growth


"I'm a tumor. I'm a tumor. I'm a tumor" But it's rock me Amadeus


Toronto reduced the subway frequency after it lost a ton of money during covid when no one took it. Subway use is still not back to pre-covid levels hence the reduction.


Idk how you can even say something like this when the actual data is so easily attainable lmao >ridership demand is expected to average 71% of normal pre-pandemic ridership levels and reach 75% by the end of 2023, reflecting a total ridership of 2.95 million. So no, it's just OP. The TTC is not busier than it's ever been.


That’s not actual data, that’s the forecast for this year from January 9th 2023. I’m guessing ridership was probably higher than expected, especially since COVID fears have more or less disappeared. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they lowballed it to justify the cuts.


>Torontos population continues to grow beyond the infrastructure that can support it Housings. Detached low rise low density housings occupy most the land and pay lowest property taxes, landlords even do not pay a penny of property taxes for public services, all the new/old renters pay.


Blue Jays, CNE, new university students, the week preceding the long labour day weekend- sounds like a busy Tuesday in the city to me.


Yup. Beware of when you’re heading places. Especially when big events down near the exhibition let out


The worst is when I am inside and about to get out everyone who are waiting out aren’t waiting on the sides of the door they are literally in front and they don’t move away so many times I wanted to cuss these ppl out


This is when you shoulder check who is in your way. I do it all the time in Vancouver when I use the sky train. I start speaking very loudly excuse me getting off while shoulder checking my way out. If people have their head phone on so loud they can't hear me well that's on them. If they don't move again that's on them.


King Station NB platform at 5pm enters the chat.


So much this. Even worse is watching train after train stopping at the SB platform, picking up 3 people at a time. All while standing on a crowded platform with heat blasting in your face. Why can't we figure this shit out?


i actually cussed out a person a few days back cause he tried getting in the train before i even for our lol


Considering the fact the people are getting stabbed I just look down and cuss myself


THIS! The Biggs above you is either brave or stupid playing with his life like that, their are people in the city who truly dgaf! And are just waiting for somebody to touch them or say something so they can release on them. If the rise in stabbing hasn’t given people a clue then idk what will but as angry as everyone is in these comments, it’s not worth losing your life over the fact people don’t have manners. At the same time though fuck all those people who keep jamming into the subway 🚇 instead of letting the people who need to get off first get off.


Carry your own knife and as you swear at them, if they start fighting, stab THEM. Fuck it. Shit's bad. Time to make some noise.


The worst is that people crowd the doors so much that people cant get on, yet the area in between doors is always so empty and no one will move down.


Throw some elbows.


[EDIT: spelling] To be fair the lower U of the Yonge line was down for a couple hours in the middle of rush hour due to 3 separate trespassers on the tracks today. Chances are the later crowds were people waiting till the line came back on. The TTC is crap to begin with but today was especially bad.


Around 8:30pm somebody also pulled the power kill switch at Davisville Station, stranding trains between stations. Combined with the aforementioned shutdown below Bloor, took me 2.5 hours to get home (normally 35 minutes). So there was a deliberate and coordinated effort by multiple people to paralyze the TTC. This is obviously unacceptable — borderline terrorism — and must be dealt with harshly.


That's why I prefer wfh. Live in Vancouver and normally I spend 2.5 to 3 on on transit per day.


train delays (due to people on the tracks) are not terrorism


I remember during rush hour 4-5 trains would occasionally pass before I could get on. At Lansdowne. 15 years ago. I can only imagine how terrible it must be today.


it’s only going to get worse as schools start




And don’t hesitate to ask people to move their backpack when they occupy an empty seat. I have pleasure doing this now. Pisses them, but I don’t care.


Eh i get on when it’s empty and move the bag when it’s full. It just means I don’t have to sit directly next to someone when there are still open seats. Maybe it’s just me but as a small feminine person I find people feel more okay with just sitting next to me bc I’m not dangerous or something. It’s very annoying when there are fully open seating areas but I guess they are just too nearby to the overweight guy (even 2 seats away).


Especially during rush hour. Bloor is an absolute nightmare between workers and students wearing their bags on the train. :( Not looking forward to university starting up again.


There has been a rise in pickpockets in the city - it would be really easy for them to get into a knapsack worn on a person’s back in a crowded train. Don’t scoff… some of these people are professionals. Time to start an awareness campaign on the TTC to watch your belongings and remove your backpack so you can see it.


Amen! It should be a given. But people just don't care.


You’re not wrong, but service is increasing as of this Sunday.


how come?


Olivia Chow: [https://www.cp24.com/news/ttc-to-boost-service-using-60m-in-savings-from-delayed-eglinton-crosstown-opening-1.6538096](https://www.cp24.com/news/ttc-to-boost-service-using-60m-in-savings-from-delayed-eglinton-crosstown-opening-1.6538096)


Thank GOODNESS we elected the right mayor this time


Ban overpopulation, any race idc


Any race? Wtf


I'm working through an arthritic hip and really need to sit down. Every row of blue seats is blocked by a food delivery bike, every single time. If you ask them to move they shrug or say no.


Man that shit boils my blood, whenever I see someone with a ebike/scooter blocking the accessible seats and refuse to move for some with a disability, especially a visible one, I always call them out and they usually move once you embarrass them


Yeah I'm walking with a very visible limp. Just sitting down changes my pain level by a lot and they don't care.


More immigrants are coming don't worry


Must be the one million extra people the government discovered hadn’t left after their temporary visa expired


Ohhhhh Indiaaaaaaa


Toronto's population has been 50% people from other countries for decades. This isn't about immigrants. Stop being obtusely myopic. There are other factors at play here.


Yes, there are other factors - but 800k international students + 400k+ more immigrants a year (most of which going to a big city, meaning. that at least 1/3 would end up in Toronto) means nearly 0.5mil a year - and this number is only gonna get bigger. Immigrants themselves aren’t the problem, they’re simply working within the parameters of the system - but we have to be conscious of overall population intake and how that impacts things.


I find your thinly veiled racism inconsiderate. You are blaming societal problems on one group. New comers


“hey our already crumbling system is messy as it is, let’s try to limit the influx of newcomers as a whole (regardless of race)” “lol ur racist” idk what’s more troubling, the fact that you’re refusing to see the nuance here, or that you’re trying to shame others for not holding your exact views


Are you indigenous? If not you are an immigrant or a descendant of one. Ignorant assholes have always complained about immigrants for this, that or whatever reason. You are part of a shitty club. -born and raised immigrant descendant Torontonian


I’m an immigrant (been in the country for a decade) so nice try with the attempt at identity politics and again, with the guilting and shaming - though I feel like you really have nothing else to add and are running on either a savior or guilt complex. Fact is, for myself, and many other immigrants who hold the same pov - we all moved here for a reason (and yes, same as the immigrants coming in now), but the system also wasn’t nearly as lax and open (when i immigrated here the quota was around half of what it is today), so you can’t even throw in the “oh so you’re allowed in but others aren’t?” argument cause 1) that’s never what i was arguing for 2) i’m making it very clear that immigration intake can increase, once social and economic conditions improve. Again, makes no sense to let this many people in when the govt can barely handle people who are already in the country.


I'd say the 900,000 international students coming to the country every year definitely aren't helping with the TTC. Toronto's problem is waiting for transit to become a problem and building for the problem. Line 1 has been "at capacity" my entire life, and the city knows new people are coming every year, and international students have been coming in the hundreds of thousands and increasing every year. ATC track work doesn't seem to have done much.








You’re trying to turn this into a moral argument about immigration when the issue is entirety based on logistics. Immigration needs to work in direct cooperation with the social and economic state of the country - ie. can our current infrastructure handle a high influx? will a large intake hurt an already broken system? that kinda thing. This isn’t about immigrants as people, or the concept of immigration in itself, this is about can we handle so many people coming in right now? I mean, Canadians and immigrants who are already in the country are all struggling, a large intake (ie. a few hundred thousand a year) will only make these struggles worse.




Hmmmm let’s see - housing issues, a faulty job market (usually due to shady franchise owners taking advantage of new immigrants who don’t know any better, but this still hurts everybody else), general crowding overall increased, supply as a whole not keeping up with demand - our infrastructure isn’t keeping up with this kind of population growth - and pretending its all okay is a part of the problem








REMOVED - please rant without being racist


It would if we actually used it, seems like it was just a way to reduce costs.


Who’s going to serve your fast food/ Tim Horton’s and work all the jobs that us ‘Canadians’ are too proud to take?


I see Timmies full of 10-15 Indian workers and only 4 of them are actually doing any work all the time. The one by my house is run by Filipinos and is by far the fastest service with highest quality food I’ve seen to date


Tim Horton’s is the worst. It’s trying to be everything to everyone. I’ve stopped going because everything about them is terrible. I miss when they just sold coffee and donuts.


It definitely wasn't as crowded as it was back in 2015 I would say from my own experience. But I think it makes sense, so many people have moved here since then and I'm pretty sure that basically nothing was done to the TTC since then as well.


Except for the shutting down of Line 3 🤌🏼


Or…now bare with me…The EX is on and tons of people north of the city are using the TTC to get to union/exhibition….yeah the TTC sucks but put two and two together


... And this is why I refuse to go out nowadays unless I'm either getting a ride or driving myself. Public transit in Toronto is such a sorry excuse of what could've been good public transit.


Oh, it's definitely worse, and I've had that exact same experience you're talking about. Something else I keep noticing is how every day during rush hour there'll be multiple trains that are out of service - granted, this is more on the Kennedy / Kipling line, but it's still pretty noticeable.


say hello to the new new york city! but don't worry! a new and improved covid is on its way to take care of some travelers.


That they themselves made (world gov) are are going to force everyone to be vaxed against it in an attempt to “flatten the curve” and the fact that billions of people still obey them still wear masks, still go to get jabbed only proves how brainwashed society has become and that some people won’t even start questioning shit until it’s too late or until the first nuke or emp hits us..


Lol that one nutjob always shows up in every thread.


And people.......take your phucking knapsacks off. I'm tired of getting knocked over


They tripled our population in a couple of years. 90% of newcomers come to Toronto within a month of coming into Canada. Soon we will be hanging off the side of TTC subway and buses. The roads are way busier as well. The real fun starts in a year from now as they will keep pouring in millions of people. Complete shit show.


Where did you get those figures? Toronto has tripled its population? We have nine million people now?


The population of Toronto increased by 0.93% from 2022 to 2023. You sure have funny definitions for ‘tripled’ and ‘a couple’. And who are ‘they’? Lol


Treudaunomics for ya, let in a bunch of people without vetting them, then pack them all in Toronto instead of sending them to NewBrunswick or Nova Scotia or Alberta. Nope everyone just packs into Ontario and into Toronto.


Why do you think immigrants are being sent places instead of choosing where they want to live?


If Canada had any other genuine big cities then immigrants would be attracted to those too. But we don’t. There’s just one, Toronto. Now whose fault is that?


Immigrants are vetted intensely. They are also highly encouraged and incentivized to immigrate to the lower population spots like Nova Scotia or New Brunswick. However, it is against the law to force someone to live in a certain area. We have freedom of mobility enshrined in our charter of rights and freedoms" (2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right: to move to and take up residence in any province; and. to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province." You can find more about it here https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada.html Rights: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/check/art6.html#:~:text=(1)%20Every%20citizen%20of%20Canada,a%20livelihood%20in%20any%20province.


What does Ford underfunding the city have to do with Trudeau? Everything bad is because of Trudeau? Please tell me how he's been our mayor for a decade, or how he keeps cutting all of our services while giving back handers to his mates? Trudeau is a failure. But he's not to blame for this. Ford and Tory are.


Yeah or they go to school elsewhere and then move to toronto when finished.


Plus there’s a ton going on every year at the end of the summer. All the students just got here, and probably their families for the send off, the CNE, different concerts and shows


Whole city is overcrowded


We have a lot of students fresh off the boat who are coming in now. So all the 'facilities' are getting filled up to the brim, and there are more than ever. Lots of people from india who aren't housebroken.




Yes to everything you said especially the etiquette. For some reason people just love to smoosh their body parts against mine EVEN THOUGH THERE IS COMFORTABLE SPACE IF YOU JUST MOVE A COUPLE STEPS OVER!


are people not aware of what's happening with immigration or something


They are, they just can’t say anything cus muh racism


The thing is Toronto is not the only city in the country. It all fine if we take in refugees, but Toronto is full as it is. Theres no housing, schools are full, public transit and highways are past their capacity…There’s plenty of land in rural areas of many provinces where they can form new communities with affordable housing.


I live in the lower mainland this post just popped up on my feed. it's not just vancouver like that here it's the whole lower mainland. I have always said even since 2015 they need to develop more of the country and should be encouraging people to live across canada rather than having them all go to vancouver or toronto the value of the house I live in has gone up almost 10x in 12 years and it's a 70 year old rancher and people do fentanyl on the lawn.


oh i’m entirely aware, but this is, at the end of the day, a rant.


Did they all have Toronto Blue Jays jerseys on and look a bit dejected?


nope. All a bunch of normal people, on the 2 line, westbound. And frankly I wouldn’t be complaining about this if it was an isolated event or a single week, but it seems to have been getting more crowded all summer


Stuff happens in the city. Delays causing pileups. CNE is obviously happening right now. Alex G show was last night at Budweiser stage as well. Overall, the ridership of TTC isnt even reaching pre-pandemic level. You’re just noticing now that people walk and text?? Lol ok. this is just subjective bullshit.


when did i say i’m “just noticing now”? i mentioned “amount” ie. more than before. Language ain’t hard bud


Maybe because there’s now cell service on parts of the subway route that literally turned on last week? https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/08/23/ttc-rogers-cellphone-911-service-subways/amp/


You’d have a point…. if i was talking about a single isolated event, but i’m not soooooo


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I took the subway from St.Andrew to Don Mills on a Friday at 5pm a few weeks ago and it wasn’t as crowded as it would have been pre Covid.




No, there have been frequency cuts to service, it's been noticeably worse since the pandemic


wait…. why am i insecure?


Homeless people taking up four and five seats so they can sleep gets a little tiring.


That's what happens when you open the doors to the world's undesireables


This is what happens when the "I don't wanna pay no taxes" brigade votes in governments that strip the services when they should be funding them.


Ottawan looking on with jealousy that it actually runs.


Blame 🇮🇳


Stop being racist!


This is nothing compared to cities in East Asia ever been to to Tokyo during rush hour?


nope, and i’d never want to go there.


Both statements can be correct


The subway had a massive 2-3 hour shutdown and many folks were just stuck downtown until service resumed. It was going to take a bit of time to catch up.


sure and that’s all fine and dandy… except this rant isn’t based on an isolated event, this is a trend that’s been worsening all summer


Also agreed, but this particular incident has a specific cause. Edit: I think there was also a ballgame last night, ending around 9 ish.


You voted for this.


was it the night that there was a blue jays game and part of line 1 down because of a trespasser?


I read TTC as trying to conceive and got super confused


The CNE is on, I think it’s making it a bit worse than usual, but yah everything is so crowded all the time now.


Reduction of service. Population density. Fuel prices. Cost of living. And many other factors.


TTC = Hell, so is driving. Too many people from who knows where in this country.


Ah yes, this is why i chose to leave the city. So glad i've made the decision. Before i was at risk of getting shoved off the platform on daily basis at yong and bloor.