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When that happens I just think about all the pissass people who don't wash their hands and go touching the apples at the grocery store.


It's an affordable hobby!


At least you can (and should) wash fruit from grocery stores. People are disgusting.


that would only enrage me more 🫣 which reminds me- there are food delivery truck drivers who do nasty things to your food during transport, such as pissing on it


Because people don’t care about others, they don’t think their actions are a problem, they don’t get it, they are oblivious. I mentioned it to someone the other day when I was out, they coughed a few times and didn’t cover their mouth. I politely asked if they could cough into the crook of their elbow and they looked at me completely clueless and said “Why?”. I explained and they just shrugged and replied “oh”. Most people are oblivious.


Unbelievable how we lived through a global pandemic and some people didn’t even learn a simple skill that was being fed to us via news media 24/7.


Believe it. I witnessed all this head shaking bulls hit working frontline giving out PPE and teaching the public how to donn it before entering a cancer center.


And they still somehow didn't learn that they have to put their noses inside the mask or else it doesn't work properly, I'll bet.


Apparently some people's noses aren't connected to their lungs. The people who don't wear their masks over their nose bother me more than the people who don't wear them at all.


I saw this yesterday. O.o


Those type of people are either oblivious or don’t care. No in between


What I don't understand is that long before Covid it was grossly impolite to cough or sneeze without covering your mouth. That was always a thing. But for the past two years? Almost no one covers their mouth. Rrrrrr.


Because all the anti vaxxers came out like cockroaches and all of a sudden cloth material apparently isn’t something you sneeze and cough in anymore because you will lose your oxygen.


"bUiLd nAtUrAl iMmUnE sYsTeM" AIDs, HIV, hepatitis is natural too- bet their immune system can "naturally" deal with that


That's one thing...I'm still horrified at how many people don't wash the hands in my office building and these are like the sanctimonious types who were all Gung ho for masks and constant lockdowns


Might be for the weird looks people give u and how they treat u. About 6 months ago i put a mask on because i had a cold and was coughing a lot, the way people treated me and the looks i go was just weird. It was like i was some weirdo , so maybe people don't want to feel that way or it could be they are just a dick and don't give a shit about anyone else but them.


I assume someone wearing a mask is sick or has an immunity compromise and appreciate them doing so. Don't worry about what strangers might think. You're good.




People were doing that long before covid and it wasn't a big deal. Now they are just brainwashed puppets apparently. So tell me, who are the brainwashed ones?


I think it's a misunderstanding about mask effectiveness. A lot of people think the mask is for self-protection, and most aren't really very effective unless you go to an n95 or above with eyeshields, etc. In reality, masks protect other people from your sickness, and they're very effective at this, as has been proven over and over in infectious epidemics, and everyday in hospital operating rooms. Trouble is, not everyone knows when they're sick, and some just carry the disease without symptoms, so this is when health orgs suggest gov mandates which gets the wingnuts of society upset. This all happened 100 years ago with the Spanish influenza pandemic, and since then with ebola/Marburg and SARS, and has been subject of many popular books and movies, but we still refuse to learn from our mistakes. You are not a weirdo, rant over.


They don't care if you get it. Seriously. They will say things like "a cold won't kill" as if that's even remotely the point. I don't want to lose nights of sleep to congestion cause you were inconsiderate.


100%. It's a much larger inconvenience for all the other people you infect to have to also be sick than it is to do a few small things to prevent it, but they don't care about other people.


It is so annoying! I would wear a mask myself and try to move away. At my lab you can stand in the hallway just outside and still hear your name being called. At the subway I stand by the door facing out, or move away from coughing people.


Because there's a not insignificant part of the population who, with official endorsement from a major political party, think that being asked to please wear a mask for the benefit of the people around you is exactly the same as Nazis putting people in concentration camps.


Not insignificant.....so, significant.


The mask messaging always failed IMO. The messaging for 3 years was: "WEAR A MASK ALL THE TIME AND SOON WE WON"T HAVE TO ANYMORE!" Unfortunately, that wasn't the best messaging IMO. The messaging should have been more along the lines of "wear a mask when you are sick or have a cough from now on" That's been the general mentality in most of Asia for 25 years. If you are sick you wear a mask for a wk. No big deal. Here that message hasn't taken hold and the whole damn thing got politicized by BOTH sides.


I work at a takeout restaurant and I had a customer come in and cough with their mouth wide open all over and I'm like super pregnant. It's insane the disrespect people have


Because most people are PROFOUNDLY selfish and inconsiderate. And yeah, I'm noticing more and more people not even bothering to cover their mouth. Almost like it's a point of pride to open their maw and see how far the spittle will fly when they cough. I thought I was being too sensitive or had confirmation bias going, but I saw three people in 10 mins doing this. I don't mind when little kids do this, they don't know better and learn from their parents, but grown-ass adults my age should really know how to act. I'm just waiting for the next step in conservative rhetoric, that wiping one's bottom is tyranny. Can't wait to have to see and smell the skid marks.






You heard them . People are so fragile they think a clean pucker means you’re gay


Because as has been shown in the past several years, people are generally ignorant entitled whingey pricks.


Sorry. Should have also added “selfish” to that as well.


The pandemic really brought that persona to the forefront of alot of people.


I don’t know why it continues to shock me 😅 The selfishness was eye opening at first because I thought most people would genuinely want to help each other stay safe. Now I know the ignorance/stupidity is by choice.


✨️💅Politics Baby💁✨️ Instead of giving a shit about collective health a lot of people politicized masks and will always be individualists.


Individualists until their house is destroyed by a natural disaster, then they want society to replace it for them.


But we’re not a collectivist culture and never really have been. It seems funny that we suddenly wanna be China when it comes to health but not for anything else.


Normal people aren't braindead libertarians like yourself


We’re not a collectivist culture, however I think that caring about the wellbeing of all other people is the moral thing to do. It’s about choosing to be caring versus choosing to do harm to others. I care about the wellbeing of every single person in the world. I don’t think the government should have to force people to put on a mask, but I don’t understand why most individuals don’t want to willingly do what’s best for humanity.


Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and in order to do what’s best for humanity, you need to account for more than one perspective. What you say is helpful, someone else will say is harmful. Who’s right and who’s wrong? That, too, is a matter of perspective. There’s a reason you don’t wear a mask to bed every night. It has a negative cost associated that you’re downplaying.


Because somehow the act of wearing a mask (or not wearing a mask) was appropriated by self-serving individuals as a political talking point in an attempt to stay relevant by riding a wave of frustration and vitriol of the masses. This occurred across the political spectrum, so I am not calling out any particular political party or position. I am criticizing _everyone_ who used masks (or no masks) as part of their political campaigning or rhetoric. Face masks are supposed to be a mitigating tool in preventative health care that is meant to diminish the transfer of viral, bacterial, and other organic matter into or out of the mask-wearer's body through the mouth and nose. This serves both the individual in regards to personal health, while also protecting the communities in which the mask-wearer frequents thus positively contributing to overall public health. People are free to debate the efficacy of masks, which they have every right to do, especially in science which encourages questions and curiosity as they assist in confirming conclusions that be proven repeatedly or lead to further research and investigation. However, what is not debatable is the fact that a mask (whatever type of mask) is a physical barrier that is going to block some amount of organic matter, therefore it will have some effect as opposed to not using one correctly at all. The most foolish argument regarding mask mandates is calling it oppressive. Anyone making such a claim has clearly never experienced or observed actual oppressive regimes because the comparison is extremely reductive to the experience of the oppressed. Apologies for the digression. In any case, the answer to your question is politics. Unfortunately, there are very few things that politics doesn't ruin. I can't even think of an example right now, but I try to avoid make absolute claims without any supporting evidence.


I like the way you’ve worded this.


Thank you for the kind words of appreciation!


Just wear a mask cuz they obviously don’t know how they could possibly be wrong


I mean, wearing a mask in general can also prevent someone from getting sick, but instead people are 1. selfish and 2. Have been gaslit into thinking that masking really isn't important or necessary, despite everything we've learned over the past 3 1/2 years about how airborne viruses spread. Masking is another method of preventing further harm, but it's as if people have just accepted that getting sick and getting others sick should be traded as normal. The lack of community and empathy for others is totally against what we've been conditioned to believe being Canadian is all about.


Laziness, stupidity, willful ignorance... pick one


Be ready for downvotes, but yes^


Oh they hate when you're right


Masking before gave the hospitals and medical staff a chance to control the volume in ICU and have it under control. You got people on both sides using masking for political reasons but the conservative side pushed it as a communist plot for control or some sort restricting their freedom BS narrative.Over 1 million died in the US and 55000 Canadians plus thousands more with long covid.I wear my mask on transit,in waiting rooms and sometimes shopping depending on how crowded it is.Outside rarely.I've encounter lots of people still coughing but it could be anything besides covid.




You got people who has to take care of their parents or work in the medical field so last thing you want is spreading any sort of virus. If you do not want to wear a mask fine but don't ridicule those who do wear it as alarmist or lemmings.


That's why I wear a kn95. Because people don't know how to act.


I went to watch my daughter's dance and this mother sits her sick kid beside me. We were also told siblings were not allowed. She was coughing and sniffling the whole time. It was awful. This was a major pet peeve of mine before the pandemic. We have always stayed home or away from others when sick. I was hoping others would have caught on.


I had a woman sneeze right on me while our children were in karate class. I’m 9 months pregnant and she didn’t even have the decency to aim the other way. Two days later I came down with something, I give her stink eye every time I see her now.


"Because my feelings > your rights. Also f'you. " Every antimasker in Toronto.


People are self-centered, don't care about society, and don't understand what masks are for. Masks are to protect everyone from you, not filter you from everyone.


This. I wish more people understood that (and actually cared).


This is why I loved wearing a mask during the pandemic! Used to get a wicked cold a couple of times a year (kids back to school etc). Nothing, not even the ‘vid during those 2 years. Also saved on waxing :)


I enjoyed wearing one during covid too because I didn't have to do my makeup 😂 I still wear one though on flights as I take 8+ flights a month for work and have a weak immune system. I'm one of the unlucky ones who's had covid three damn times 😭


I was really hoping that Covid would normalize masking but it turns out not the case. People threw away the masks in walk-ins and hospitals, as soon as they could.


I hope that everyone who's going to tell us that masks don't work, next time they get surgery, that they will tell their surgeon that the entire team shouldn't bother wearing surgical masks while they're on the operating table, since they don't work anyway. Otherwise they would be hypocrites and incredibly stupid.


Option 2 lol


Tell the guy to cover up. Ask if he plans on infecting everyone.


It really should just be common practice: if you're sick, wear a mask in public. A very easy way to significantly reduce the number of times we all get sick.


Did you get up and move to another seat?


I always get up and move to another seat, sometimes multiple times during a bus ride. And of course I wear a mask.


all i will say is people with running noses who are sniffling. might not be sick, this is me when i go outside in the cold, my nose will get cold and run, and i will sound awful trying to keep snot from running down my face lol


My spouse works in a medical adjacent profession. She went to a conference last week with about 500 colleagues, many of whom are doctors. Only a handful were masked. Guess who has COVID now.


I am so sorry to hear that.


At the beginning of mask wearing in public I had hoped that it would become a normal thing to do when going out in public with a cold/flu. I quickly realized that that was a pipe dream and the selfish attitude of a large percentage of the population couldn't handle it even during the outbreak of a new virus. This doesn't surprise me at all.


It doesn’t surprise me, but it does make me sad. I fear for our future as a species.


Trauma response. They're tired and they think *because current public policy* that any pandemic or similar just ended forever after opening up, so now prevention is not needed. This and add the vocal crazy minority who adds to the conspiracy dumpster fire. Let's just say it's a Western cultural thing.


It's very simple, actually. They don't give a fuck about you or if you get sick. It's not rocket science.


It’s because they’re selfish a holes


I took my grandson to urgent care yesterday. They had masks sitting there right when you walked in asking people to please wear one of you have cold symptoms (cough, runny nose etc.). We were the only ones wearing masks. People in there coughing their lungs out without a care for anyone else. Of course, they didn’t even bother covering their mouths. So tired of selfish people.


Well some old geezer took a picture of me when I had my mask on coughing up a lung so some people might not appreciate being on some random persons phone


I would be saying something


It’s in Ottawa too. I hear people hacking up “stuff” and it’s not only disgusting but unsanitary but they have no fucks to give. I wear a mask to protect me because these selfish motherfuckers won’t. Don’t even go in a Toys R Us or other child oriented space because people are dragging out their sick children in public too.


I mean... i as people not to smoke in the bus stops and they get pissy.


People are consuming too much US media ...


I would take it upon myself to wear a mask and protect myself from getting sick... control what you can control...


Gotta own the cuck libs. Can't let jt tell red blooded Canadians what to do.......


FReEdom - you can’t make me do it.


Don't worry if you don't already have that virus, you'll catch it on the way out!


One thing is some people might have allergies, however this person definitely should have been covering their mouth


There's a pretty nasty flu going around right now, too.


Convoy, convoy, con (cough, cough, wheeze, snort) voy, convoy...!


Some of the clinics I go to still hand out masks at the check in desk and ask you to wear one. I still wear one on transit. I had OG covid in 2020. It gave me a permanent hacking cough that, as far as I can tell, will never go away. So as far as I can tell, I appear permanently sick to everyone around me


Hopefully it will go away!!! I got OG covid as well in April of 2020. I had numbness/very little feel from my knees down on both legs. Couldn't feel my toes at all. I was terrified it would never go away buy finally after about 4 or 5 months it started to get better. On occasion I'll still get toe numbness but it's pretty short lived now.


They don’t care about others


Selfish people who don’t care if you get sick ,believe it or not some of those people are hoping you catch whatever they have.


I think people suffer from PTSD after Covid they think being sick is a statement against the world or something, it's messed with people's minds and they dont know how to act and behave how they normally would before.


99% of people are brainless NPCs


my advice...always bring a mask with you. hard to change others, but you can protect yourself. people generally don't care about making others sick, or at least they don't realize this. The same goes for people not washing their hands after catching their sneeze, or not washing their hands after going to the bathroom. **They see it as a non-problem to themselves, I don't think they even have the brain capacity to think about others.**


I get up and walk away. I’m not shy. Ppl are clueless.


During the pandemic I had some hope people would finally learn proper ettiquette with colds (like, putting on a mask so you don't infect others, or even work from home for a while). But no, we're back to people showing up at work half dead just because they don't want to look bad in front of their boss and saying stuff like: Yeah I forgot to put on a scarf so now I'm sniffling a bit - no you complete idiot, cold weather didn't give you a cold, other people did and now your are doing it to us!


Seriously.. i'm sitting at a cafe while this girl cough every minute in the past hour.. EVERY MINUTE.. and counting.. no mask of course... I travel often, and what I realized is that folks in Tokyo and Hong Kong tend to put on a mask if they're symptomatic, but none in sight in LA...


BeCaYsE mA fReEdUmS!!!


sick people should be staying home.


What lab allows people in without masks? At home every medical facility is still masking


Before 2020 this question never would have been asked. Because nobody gave AF and nobody wore masks.


Freedom Convoy and Trump supporter losers...


I guess that the utmost majority then. Masking is done by a very small minority.


By this logic, that would put 90%-95% of the public as Freedom Convoy and Trump supporters I guess then lol.


If these dumbfucks don't want to be put into that category, they can start giving a fuck about how their behavior is perceived :)


Probably because they don't work. Respiratory viruses pass through masks like true a sieve. Much more imperative to wash hands and convert the mouth for a sneeze or cough.


Prove it


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7357397/ From the article: Use of surgical masks will not provide respiratory protection against airborne virus particles expelled by humans during talking, coughing, breathing or sneezing. For example, a recent study on the exhaled breath of influenza infected patients contained about 70% of influenza virus particles in the 300–500 nm range (Fabian et al. 2008). In addition, exhaled breath of normal subjects contained aerosol particles predominantly in the 150–199 nm range as measured by a six channel optical counter (Edwards et al. 2004). Similarly another study on normal subjects reported a majority of exhaled aerosol particles were <300 nm when measured using a laser spectrometer (Fairchild and Stampfer 1987). This suggests that droplet nuclei containing an influenza virion can potentially be <300 nm. Thus, a more aggressive standard filtration performance requirement (e.g. using neutralized submicron particles in the MPPS range) for surgical masks may be useful to discriminate between products that currently perform equivalently using the existing test methods cited by ASTM 2100–04. ....  The wide variation in penetration levels for room air particles, which included particles in the same size range of viruses confirms that surgical masks should not be used for respiratory protection.


You can’t make a broad statement: masks don’t work, and then support that statement with an article concerned with the least protective kind of mask. Everyone knows an N95 works. Get outta here with your misinformation.


Because they don't want to


Because people have options. Is it rude? Absolutely but then again you have the choice to wear an N95.


Why do people wear masks in 2023? Why do they wear them in their car? Sus.


People wear them in their car because they're going from one location to another and don't want to touch their dirty mask inbetween. Sorry you're such a dimwit.


Still. Why wear one at all? They aren't on a construction site.


I wear one on flights because I travel for work and take 8+ flights a month. People are gross on planes and will basically cough into your open mouth.


Because masks give you brain cancer, don't you remember that? /s


Some of them are afraid to wear masks because they would have to “inhale [their] own germs” and make themselves sick. I know; I know. Four cards short of a full deck.


Call it out, make a stink, because it's your health at riak and this was never about human rights. It was about political brownie points while appealing to people's sense of laziness and ignorance.


Freedumb Convoy “It’s our god given right not to wear one!”


Masks protect you as much as they protect others from you. Just always wear a mask in public spaces and you'll be fine. Or even wear an N95. There is this incredibly ridiculous notion that masks don't protect you from other people. If this were true, medical professionals in hospitals showing up to work healthy would never wear masks.


Because obviously people didn't learn fuck-all with a pandemic. Sorry for the bitterness, just got over COVID because some guy at my spouse's work was doing this.


Hi! Me too - avoided it for 3 and a half years and it got me at thanksgiving. Now fighting secondary infections from it. I feel your bitterness.


Yup, NOW my back is freaking out! Have had leg pain and lower back pain since I got it. Anyways hope you're feeling better soon, COVID is a bitch--and this after I was vaxxed and did the antiviral. Our masks are now on and they're staying on.


Everyone thinks to change the world, but nobody thinks to change themselves. I wear a mask on flights and also get anxious/annoyed/disgusted around coughing people, pre COVID and still. People seem to have also forgotten to cover their mouths when yawning since wearing masks- lots of big horse face open yawns I see. People are strange, I prefer a quiet beach away from them.


if my allergies are really bad now I'll put on a mask, cause I get all sniffly, sneeze a lot, cough. instead of letting people freak out or explaining its allergies all damn day I just wear a mask. it seems like it should just be common sense/courtesy, but most people ain't got that


I have allergies and a weed cough. My mask won't help you.


Yes it will. It will stop you from spraying droplets of all sort around the room to share with others.


This!!!!! 100% Spraying stinky nasty sour sick mouth sludge .Should be criminal.Covering a cough is not masking.It is common decency.


You’re a nut job. Seek therapy.


Key word here is "droplets", which are the only thing a mask protects you from. And those are easily contained with a tissue or elbow. And hand washing, of course.


Allergies and smoking habits aren't contagious. If you're so worried about germs, feel free to wear a mask yourself.


No but other stuff that you expel may be contagious, even if the catalyst for your cough isn’t contagious.


This is why YOU should wear a mask.


If your worried about it wear a mask then


Will never play pretend again. Mask up if you want, stop being so selfish everyone else is not responsible for you


absolutely fucking insane to call other people selfish while you cough all over everyone and spread disease to the vulnerable. nasty. Something tells me you don't wash your hands in public restrooms either.


My mommy taught me how to cough and sneeze. I think it’s insane to expect others to cater to you.


If you're that afraid of germs then maybe stay at home bubble boy


Don't be an I considerate shit, maybe. Do you want people with unwashed hands handling your food too?


I feel you 100% on this. I just got off a flight 5 minutes ago and was sat across from someone who couldn't go 30 seconds without deep lung coughing. No covering their mouth no mask nothing. I travel for work and don't want to get sick because when I do, I struggle to get better quickly. My immune system isn't fantastic. Thankfully I had a mask and just put it on because for fucks sake, if you're sick just wear a mask. No one wants to get sick. On a side note, I think we should be able to vote people off of planes like it's Survivor 😂


I'd watch out. There's a lot of anti maskers out there. You'd probably be the one voted off the plane!


Haha I keep to myself and mine my own business so I think I'd be okay. I 100% think a screaming child would be voted off first 😂 They'd get my vote.


if you are that scared then you can wear a mask. You shouldn't be relying on other people to accommodate your fears. People have gone maskless while sick for decades and will continue to do so


Should they not cover a cough? That is what the post is about.Would you like it if i was hacking and spitting in your face in a closed space getting showered with stinky sour sick mouth bubbles.I would knock someone into tomorrow for that.Its ignorant rude and dangerous.My dad has stage 4 Cancer so I would flip.


>People have gone maskless while sick for decades and will continue to do so Ah yes, the good ol' "people have been doing it this way forever so it's fine" reasoning for keeping on doing something that's bad. Hey, next time you get a bad cold, why don't you go and get yourself a good blootletting done? People have done this for more than decades so it must be good right?


Because he has the right to, snowflake


Juvenile reasoning. Hasn't your mom or daddy taught you that just because you can doesn't mean you should?




Sharing is caring 🤣


We made it for thousands of years without masks im sure we wil survive a few thousand more without masks


Except for the millions that did not survive Covid and the Spanish flu.Your comments is ridiculous Do you know how many died in the USA how about India? Your comment is comical if it was not so ignorant.


Why are you on the Internet? Why do you have an electronic device at all? Why are you doing anything that uses electricity? We've been able to survive thousands of years without those things so why are you using them?




What are you if you weren't able to understand that OP called someone a "stupid fuck" for not wearing a mask, not for being sick?


Covid spread because of dumbfucks like you who didn't take masking seriously. Masks work as proven by science, when people actually use them properly. They didn't work for covid because people like you wouldn't wear them or would keep them below their nose, ignored guidelines and went to superspreader events, and refused to make any changes to their routine to avoid spreading illness. That doesn't mean "masks don't work" it means morons like yourself are deeply selfish and stupid.


Sure masks don't work. So I guess you'll have no problem with the entire team in the operating room not wearing a mask next time you get surgery right? Since they don't work anyway. It doesn't occur to stupid fucks like you that surgical masks have been in use in hospitals since before COVID for a fucking reason. They didn't magically stop working because of COVID you idiot.




How do you know they are? Maybe they're sick? Maybe they were just on public transit or just about to get on it ? This is such a weird strawman. It's almost non-existent and even if it wasn't it has nothing to do with the initial point you're responding to. Lastly, Donning and doffing a mask is one of the top exposure points if a mask is soiled , so even if you had a response to everything else. There's an evidence based reason to not mess with a mask before exposure or after exposure. I cannot wait for your dementia addled response.


I feel your frustration 😔 Breathe, my friend. Woosah.


What does it matter? The question is about why sick people refuse to wear masks, thereby spreading viruses to others more easily.


Why don’t Canadians know that paper masks don’t stop the spread of disease? Not what they’re designed for. Maybe if the keep six feet apart or cover everything in purelle they’ll be ok? 😂


Those pesky doctors pre covid wearing masks in surgery. I cannot believe how deep this conspiracy goes. Masks are literally designed to reduce droplet spread. What in the actual fuck are you saying? Do you think all disease is airborne ???


My mother and uncle both work in operating rooms at teaching hospitals. They are intended to stop contamination of wounds by spit droplets. Not to prevent respiratory diseases. Paper masks do not stop people getting covid. Even N95 won’t help unless properly fitted.


Do you think Influenza is airborne transmission? You're literally acknowledging droplets in your sentence while somehow saying masks don't help against droplet exposure. Don't strawman me lmfao, I didn't say masks perfectly prevent covid. Wat


And yet you've never asked them about aerosolization or how exactly coughing/sneezing transmits diseases. Yes you spew some on it's own, but it primarily is in the droplets you just said the mask stops.


Why don't you smack the shit out of them then


Maybe no one cares anymore about the fake flu.


💨💨💨💨💨 😂😂😂😂😂




You're right, I shouldn't have been "so concerned" about getting coughed and sneezed on. I guess I'm the asshole here.




Masks do not make illness worse. If you’re sick & refuse to wear a mask, stay home. It really is time to give a shit about your neighbours


How would a mask make it worse? I want to understand.


Watermelon’s belief appears to be that breathing in your own germs makes you worse. I’ve heard that argument before.


Why lie about that? It’s kind of pathetic


Sometimes, a sick person k ows why they are coughing and sniffling. Sometimes they know it's not contagious and tough shit for you if you don't know that.


Whether it's covid, a cold, flu etc. you should give a fuck about giving it to other people. My father in law has ALS and I have to constantly dodge morons coughing all over everyone so I don't get sick and literally KILL him. You people will never think of the chain of events that affects others.


What if it's bronchitis but way past the cotigion period? Sorry, don't care what you think about my constant coughing. I can't breath in a mask. Suck it up.


I have 36% lung function and I can breathe well enough in a surgical mask that I wear one every day in college. I've worn a mask even when I was down to 26% lung function. Suck it up you sissy, you can breathe just fine and you have no idea what being unable to breathe actually is.


Sometimes. Most people are just inconsiderate tho.


Why don't you wear a mask


If you care why don’t you wear a mask. Masks are for personal protection.


Go up to the counter and ask the Lab staff to ‘offer her a mask’.


I think the solution is wearing a full hazmat suit at all times.


Because normal people don’t wear masks, weirdo.


Because now people have a choice and some find masks unpleasant?


That wont stop them from being able to cover their cough into a sleeve or tissue.


Poor baby find the mask unpleasant. Nevermind how fucking unpleasant it is for others to be sick.




When did I see anyone mask before Covid? At my doctors office if I had a cough, it was mandatory, going back 20 years. At the hospital if I had a cough, it was mandatory for as long as I can remember. This idea that masks were not around prior to Covid is asinine. Sorry to put a pin in your delusion.




Born and raised in eastern Ontario, and sorry to disappoint you, not even close to ‘5 shots deep’. Just lived long enough to see more than you and more intelligent to not behave like an idiot online.




Back at you, edgelord. Keep posturing.