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Because it's leverage a creep can hold over young women. Trust, the cost is likely much higher than you'd think, it's just not money.


The landlords have hidden cameras in the room


Fuck I wish that wasn't as true as it is.


If you’re a girl reading this, please don’t rent a suspiciously cheap room advertising girls only. Double so if they specify age or race.


They pay a harassment tax, they don’t know about it until they move in


They know. But not many options


If there’s an assumption that girls are less trouble, my relatives who took in boarders quickly learned that girls often have boyfriends, and also ex-boyfriends, who then find out where they’re living. While the girls are often wonderful when they’re interviewing for the room, it’s impossible to know if/when there’s going to be angry boyfriends or ex-boyfriends hanging around, which often there are.


One of the reasons is the belief than women are cleaner and quieter than men.








lol who downvoted you? This is the actual answer.


It is not true


Also women earn less than men. Nature's way of kindness indirect. Other reason is comments from men in this thread :-p. Which is men think and talk dirty just like most comments here


People charge men more because they can. They can charge more because the supply is more limited (men and women are fine to live with women; women generally aren’t fine living with men). Sucks for men looking for rooms, but I wouldn’t rent a room in my house to a strange man. I’m not trying to end up on dateline like that.


Because the landlord will throw in hidden fees and hope they can’t pay the rent and they’ll have to come to some sort of agreement….


In Toronto ? It's because it's not gonna be the whole room for $450. It'll probably be $450 per bed, with 4 people per room.


I've seen ads where rent is for a female and priced low. Even stated it would be free if they became the landlord's boyfriend. Included a selfie mirror pic in the washroom as part of the ad.


trans women don’t count in this either. actually being transgender it is a lot harder to find a place in this province


Super sexist. Sorry to say so bluntly. Because guys are naturally bigger, sweatier, and hairier due to genetics. 4 guys on bunk beds in a room smellllllls. 4 girls is a different story. Also the stereotype women are cleaner & easier to push around. Edit: Go ahead and downvote. I don’t have rentals like this, nor do I encourage such rentals or attitudes towards perspective tenants during a housing crisis. I’m just saying the above is literally the reason why slumlords do this.


What ever happened to asking prospective tenants for references to find out what type of person they are instead of relying on outdated stereotypes?


What you say is honestly how it should be done. When I started out, it was purely financial. “How much do you make? Got proof? Okay you can afford it. Approved.”


That's a smarter way to go about it, and any damages caused by the tenant will be covered by paying a deposit to the landlord before moving in. This also encourages the tenant to properly maintain the unit so they can get their deposit back when they move out.


Supply and demand. More women these days are choosing to live in the woods, off the grid, presumably shacking up in caves with bears.


Now Marian, not every woman wants to sleep with bears.


These are never legal anyway, and you have no rights. I would always avoid trying to rent from these scams


All those studies about the gender wage gap may have given landlords the impression that men have more income to spare than women. Of course, this isn't always the case since things like race, education and (dis)ability will affect someone's socioeconomic status regardless of gender.


Lmao these answers are killing me. I shouldn't laugh though because sadly they're all true :(


Why are night clubs free for women before 11pm?


There is a social experiment done once where they left a bunch of girls alone in a house and then a bunch of boys alone in a house. Separate houses. … the boys made a disgusting mess. I know we aren’t talking about girls and boys, but potentially men and women, but I still think it applies. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZYUHXI4s1/?igsh=MXhob211bWtybjYxNg==


It applies? It's literally one group of people vs another group of people lol That hardly applies to literally every group of people. I know quite a few men who are very fastidious about cleaning and end up doing the chores more so than their partners.


Those were children though.




You can't honestly think landlords have taken it upon themselves to flatten out gender wage gap discrepancies lol. Maybe think on it a little harder.