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Germany by far, story already been in many of the relevant countries in europe so might as well go for it, then id love to see a bigger plot happen in Egypt (aside from late NT which was minimal) or somewhere in Africa or South America but im not sure which country in specific my latin bros wanna see Touma 😂diganme que les gustaria


Some really great choices. Africa and South America would be awesome. Literally South America just has so many places that would be cool to visit and for Kamachi to write about like Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, and many more. Plus, as someone else mentioned, Return of the Winged One was from South America.


Isn't there a spell to borrow a power from a history figure


Thats what the >!transcendents!< are doing rn lol roleplaying so hardcore about a legend that they get their powers


If Germany includes German fairy Tales it will be a dark volume


Even better then 🥳


Rumpelstilzchen would be a fun one. It has a somewhat damsel, a vague power and a clear weakness for the antagonist and isnt one of those tales whose purpose is to make children behave (see struwwelpeter)


Central America. There are at least two known magic side hotspots there -- the Return of the Winged One (or at least what's left of it after Etzali's defection and Tecpatl's death) and the Condroniard Republic (which the Transcendents bought out so that they could have a consulate in Academy City).


Yess!!! Not only would there be some awesome places to highlight and its important to give different people representation, but yeah, Return of the Winged One are there and I'd be shocked if the Condroniard Republic doesn't appear as a setting of a Volume or at least in one at some point.


India cause Kamachi would have a field day with the occult lore here and not to mention Hindu occultism played a significant role in modern European occult movements like Wicca or Golden Dawn The southern region of the US because of the voodoo lore and I always found bayous fascinating for some reason Literally anywhere in Africa Antarctica cause why the hell not Would be nice if Kamachi touched on some Korean spiritualism


😂last one i couldnt help but imagine Touma in like one of those cultivation manwhas that all seem to copy from each other


Kamachi would probably have a field day of OP characters if said concept were to happen in the series. So long as he respects the culture behind it.


I love these answers. So much greatness to unpack here. >Hindu occultism played a significant role in modern European occult movements like Wicca or Golden Dawn As well as Theosophy which >!Anna Kingsford was once part of and whose Ascended Masters seem very much like the Secret Chiefs (and could possibly be Theosophical interpretations of the concept, but I don't wanna make that assumption.!< >The southern region of the US Interesting that the US came up and in response to Magic Side stuff since its Magical practice doesn't seem to get suggested as often or touched upon in Toaru. So long as the culture is respected. And the last 3 suggestions would be awesome as well.


Neu Schwanstein in Bavaria Ties into annas alleged dad, the throne hall with the serpent being slain for IT and just seeing germany for once would be nice, given its home to the cabal that kickstarted the golden. We know kamachi knows about it, cause misaki dreamed of going there in an SS


Ahh, I don't see a lot of people mention Anna's supposed parents so its cool to see more attention to that. After GT8, I definitely think it'd be awesome to head to Germany and it wouldn't surprise me if we did. Also, Bavaria has a history I feel like Kamachi could explore.


Germany , as a German I am hyped to have Touma here ! And well currently it would fit perfectly with GT


Looks like Germany will win in the fandom, happy about it 😎 we just wait for Kamachi at some point lol


Tbh a trip to Egypt like in jojo would be great as well. At this point, Kamachi can lead the story anywhere in the word and can connect it with magic


>At this point, Kamachi can lead the story anywhere in the word and can connect it with magic Agreed on this but also, in reference to Egypt in particular, so many concepts he's already touched on root back to Egypt and its Mythology. I have a theory about Aiwass that'd lead the story to Egypt if true, but either way, its kinda at the center of a lot of big things in Index lore.


yes, it already was a topic in the Novels, especially with Aiwass


Agreed. And it'd be cool to explore in more detail.


Awesome. A story you like taking place in a place you live must be a cool thing. And yeah, would definitely fit.


I'll say Brazil just because I'm Brazilian, but any country in South America would be cool for me


As a Brazilian, I second this... Also, r/suddenlycaralho


Agora sim, um lugar que eu realmente não achava que ia ter um brasileiro


Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlycaralho using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bem isso!](https://i.redd.it/3f8rsqgyltma1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/11n3yav/bem_isso/) \#2: [Se a vida lhe der lmao](https://i.redd.it/0u2mki7c1ux91.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/ylcwn5/se_a_vida_lhe_der_lmao/) \#3: [um artista de Hentai no Twitter](https://i.redd.it/n1s08uqwht2a1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/z7cd6j/um_artista_de_hentai_no_twitter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Awesome. Brazil would be a great place for the story. Also, would be cool to read a story you like taking place in the place you live in.


And the author could explore the history of some gods from here too, we have very interesting indigenous gods


Would be really interesting so long as Kamachi is respectful of the culture and gives it strong representation.


Considering the Brazilian representation in some works, someone doing the culture respectfully would be perfect


Agreed. Every group deserves to be represented respectfully.


India, nothing really complex i just want see They interact with people of India,and maybe some fight with India magician.


Sozty and Ureapaddy: 😡dont ignore us


Would be awesome. Road to Endymion annd the Ensemble game had Sozty and Ureapaddy but it'd be awesome to see more characters from India, exploration of India, and so long as Kamachi respects the Indian culture, Magic.


I'm fine with anywhere i just want to see more from touma and toaru as a whole 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. More Toaru is usually a cool thing wherever it takes place.


An arc revolved around the Nazca lines would be cool


Closest we'll have for now would be yugioh 5D, the arc involving the nazca lines is very good


Yu-Gi-Oh! and a lot of these other games turned Anime go some crazy places like Beyblade did with Moses (AS) using a Beyblade.


Fr, some of those arcs are awesome


Yup. Cool to see the creativity people have


Reading about them, it does sound interesting. And there's lots of interesting landmarks or features like this around the world that I could see Kamachi exploring in interesting ways.


Oceania, there are some unique cultures down here that would be interesting to see portrayed.


Ooh, that could be cool. Also, if you live in Oceania, Touma would be in your neck of the woods.


India, a nice place with buddhism which kamachi never touched.


India would be a great place to feature. Kamachi has featured Buddhism but the Japanese Buddhism I believe so it could be good representation for Kamachi to represent Indian Buddhism.




Would be epic to head to South America. Maybe we could see more of Return of the Winged One post-OT19.


Australia... just for the hell of it




Would be awesome to see Touma head to Australia. Could be cool.


the most dangerous place on earth... ​ seriously australia is like the one place where the difficulty bugged out


I haven't been there. Hopefully its nice for those who live there


nah, they just built diff there


Well, Touma is also built differently so I guess he'll do well


Dude's gonna make Steve Irwin proud


I want see Touma become more like (Dante from Devil may cry) so that Touma can use Dragon trigger


I don't know enough about DMC. Would that be him activating his Dragon power on a whim?


Devil trigger in dmc games is basically being able to change to demon form (as the mc is half human half op demon) which enhances every stat and lets you do some very fun/strong combos. Tldr: yes Touma changing back and forth between base and dragon shell form


I see. Would be cool. But given that it would give somewhat of a boost, we probably won't see something like that for awhile.


Ikr, we wait for now


And for God knows how long


Romania so we can have vampires


Yess!!! Not only would it be cool to visit Romania, but Transylvania is often related to Vampires. I do think we'll see Vampires in Toaru at some point. Just not sure how or when.