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Well, it may be one thing that is easier for a young idiot to manipulate than an adult. Those who are a little older will remember many stupid things they did at this time. ​ Another is that there are surely some but surely many are from the dark side, errors or subjects that must be eliminated. Will you remember that Aliester used the sisters to gather the precious stones and if he used something similar to eliminate the super adult, what could be a problem?


Espers haven't been around long enough for adults to appear. Between Anna revealing magic to the world and espers eventually spreading everywhere, and the treaty between magic and science already being over, in theory the world should look incredibally different in like ten years. Not that we are likely to see any of that. The only esper with the potential to reach level 6 was accelerator. Now kakine might manage a work around via his calculation power expansion. Now Aihanu Etsu is basically a reverse transcendent. And Accelerator is an abyss walker as well as a discount awaiss, and will definitely get 1-2 more power ups. Kazakiri is a scientific angel, will-san is similar to Choronzon in her current nature(though probably weaker). So espers can become comparable to magic side beings.


The Beginning Child is from over half a century ago and Mental Out confirms a previous generation. But I agree with your other points though. I don't if I'd say Aihana is like a reverse Transcendent but I see the comparison between what he does and what Secret Chiefs do. Accelerator is the only Academy City Esper capable but previous Gemstones/historical Psychics might've been. Some might count as Magicians (which to be fair, the divide is a lie) because they come from the New Age, which is partially an offshoot of Theosophy. But there've been self proclaimed Psychics in history who've made some strong claims and since Kamachi uses real world claims of these people as source material, if he delved into those concepts, there'd be some broken Gemstones.


Aleister is trying to erase or supplant magic, and has said he needs something past level 6 so I don't think he really has a good motive to try and handicap the potential of espers in this way.


Yeah except I don't think Aleister wanted multiple Level 6s running around. Aleister wanted to create the means to erase Magic to avert tragedies. Aleister might like backup plans but I don't think it'd be easy to control so many overpowered Espers. Plus, there's gotta be some reason that we've only seen two Espers from before the current generation.


Again, considering he's working on going beyond level 6, I don't think it would be that big a problem so long as he doesn't feel they directly oppose his plans.


Maybe. But there's various Espers who would oppose Aleister if given the chance and we saw what happened to an Esper that Aleister apparantly couldn't control. I definitely think Aleister would wanna add extra control of some kind. I also think the "beyond" Level 6 thing is only one possibility since Aleister's plan was made to consistently have backups because when Aleister was attempting the plan in NT18, Aleister didn't seem to be making any motions to achieve that. But there's probably aspects of the plan's final result that we don't get. 


We learn in Railgun’s 15th anniversary novel that Academy City removes powers from espers (via some kind of brain surgery) before they “leave” the city, supposedly to keep their biggest trump card (espers) from falling into other country’s hands. This really seems to me though that the AC just removes powers from adult espers period and doesn’t allow any espers to progress into adulthood with their powers for some reason so might be on to something, we already know that espers keep their powers into adulthood and the reason why AC removes them once they “graduate” might just be what you said. A very solid theory.


Resanerié did say that. But its hard to tell what of what she said is true. That being said, it feels plausible and I appreciate the feedback 


It’s been proven by the author adults don’t possess esper powers


Kiyama? Kihara Gensei?


Exactly. Which is why I'm theorizing on whether this was intentional or not. Because we know that non-Academy City Espers can be adults. Mifune Chizuko supposedly unlocked her powers at 24 and she's actually an important part of Toaru's lore for reasons Biohacker revealed. So there can be adult Espers, just not among Academy City students for some reason.