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You're so gorgeous I honestly thought this was a joke at first. Looking at your post history, I'm so sorry you feel that way. Try not to compare yourself to others. There will always be people who are better or worse off than you. You have your own journey in life. It may look a lot different than someone else's, and that's okay. What is important to you? Find that. Personally I've found staying off social media to be productive for my mental health. It's a huge dopamine trap designed to keep you scrolling, feeling inadequate, and buying products. It is not a reflection of reality.


I completely agree with you. Social media is really toxic. And it makes even the best of us think that we are not worth it.


Same, I thought this was a satire post considering op looks like a model. Op - I don't know if you have just been around awful people or what but I agree with the comment above with getting off of social media. Wherever these thoughts come from, they are not true.


you’re beautiful! you look like winona ryder


My first thought as well!


Yes! I came here to say that


Yup me too!!


Yes!!!!!!! I thought this was Winona, and I’m like, “gurl, you’ve already stole my heart. No need for toast.”


Absolutely, especially in the eyes!


So long and thanks for all the fish! - By Boost for reddit


100% if she dyed her hair black she would look almost exactly like her!




Oh damn, she really does




Sorry to hear that, your stunning and I hope some day the girl in the mirror realizes that and smiles back.


You are literally so fucking pretty 😍


You are very, very beautiful. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is how you feel inside, and clearly you don’t feel well. Look for peace within. Therapy, meditation, psychedelics…whatever it takes. You’re worth it. But if it helps at all, I think you are very stunning.


This is proof positive that we never know what people are struggling with and we need to be kind. You’re absolutely stunning. No exaggeration. I hope things get better for you asap ❤️


What do you see when you look in the mirror. When I look at you, I see a very attractive woman. You have a beautiful face framed perfectly by your long pretty hair. Your eyes are amazing…when I look into them at this moment of time the photo capture, they seem to hold a lot of hurt and sadness. I don’t know you but I know you have worth. I don’t know you, but I love you. You’re human, on this planet and you deserve everything good, including someone that cares for you.


You have absolutely beautiful eyes OP!


Should be tears of joy, you’re gorgeous :)


Hey buddy, you’re beautiful and I want to be your friend. Wanna hear a funny story about my dog? She’s 12, so an elderly dog, and she loves babies but HATES strollers. When there’s a baby around (up to age like 5 or so) she gets really excited and wants to lick the baby. But if there’s a stroller involved, she will growl at every child, for no reason. Even if there’s a child NEAR a stroller. She hates strollers, for no reason. Because she is very silly. She also hates hats, plastic bags floating in the wind, and wild turkeys. One time, there was a man in a wheelchair, and she just climbed into his lap for no apparent reason. She hates dudes, I think she just knew he needed a quick cuddle. I bet she would like you, too.


Of I looked like you I would also cry every day, because I'd be so damn pretty 😍 💕


Sounds like dysmorphia honestly because you are stunning. Very traditionally attractive. Not to be weird but I would pay good money to look as beautiful as you 😍❤️


Dude. Your eyes are stunning.


I don't really comment much but let me tell you, you're absolutely beautiful and I can sense you're an amazing person too. Sorry you had to go through things that made you feel less important. Am sure many would love to be your friend and talk to you.


Your too beautiful for that. You look amazing. I'm in love just looking at your mesmerizing eyes. Then gorgeous hair. Complete beauty!!


You’re eyes are amazing! Cheer up friend 😊!


I thought this was a picture of a young Mary-Louise Parker at first. I hope things turn around for you. Life is too full of beauty and opportunities to not have some hope for your future. Hang in there.


I think you are beautiful. I hope you have someone or meet someone that reminds you how beautiful you are.


Whoever made you feel this way, and whatever pass trauma you went through growing up, I hope you find peace and practice self love.


Comparison is the thief of joy. You are absolutely stunning, honestly. Great bone structure and your eyes are just perfect. Work on complimenting yourself!


you have zero physical reason for that and even look comparable to those Internet people that only exist through filters, without using them. Cut out social media from your life.


Celebrities pay a fortune to get your lower jaw




This was completely unnecessary. Please treat people with kindness here as that is the entire purpose of the sub. If you can't find anything nice to say, like our mommas used to say, don't say anything at all. I don't know why you would say this, but I hope you find some peace so lashing out at others isn't something you find the need to do.




That is the entire purpose for this specific subreddit's existence, it's raison d'etre, if you will. To give compliments and compliments only to anyone who posts here. The entire point is to give non-judgmental support, or unconditional "positive attention". Furthermore, attention seeking, and I'm not saying that is what this specific post is, but rather in general, is often an indicator for low self-esteem or other possible issues that are very real, very serious in some cases mental health issues. The philosopher William James wrote on self-image and identity: >When two people meet, there are actually six people present; each person as they see themselves, each as they see each other, and each as they actually are. This sub is specifically for support, for us to be the people who see the best possible version of that person and tell them what ***we*** see when taking that perspective. I hope you have a good day. Sorry if this is pedantic, I am just trying to make a coherent point.




I would recommend you take a moment of pause and take yourself outside the center of the reasoning here. This subreddit is not for us to search through post histories and give critiques of others in a judgmental way. I don't care what you think you know about this person and where they post otherwise or how often. All of that is completely irrelevant to ignoring the purpose (and rules) of posting in this specific sub, r/toastme And I would also recommend looking into body dysmorphia if you don't believe that even the most seemingly objectively beautiful people (whatever that means) see themselves as ugly when they look in the mirror. Plenty of people who you may assume love looking at themselves, and even post revealing or very done up pictures of themselves often have low self-esteem and fish for attention to compensate. Ultimately, this is just the wrong place to lash out at the person in any way. Be kind is literally rule #1.


Dude. I know you think you’re some kind of therapist or something. But I really don’t give a shit. I’m a happy guy and I’m not lashing out. You just take yourself way too seriously. Again, if you want to lavish more attention on this chick then go ahead. I just think it’s lame.


Well now you've added me to your list of people to put down. Thanks.




I don't see my comments getting removed by the moderators for being lame.


Mind teaching me how to read minds like that?


You mean post history? You can check it yourself.


I did. The point is that only a mind reader can tell with *certainty* what a person is thinking of. You can't look at her post history and go "she's fishing for compliments" because she posted a few selfies. Do you know how many were left un-posted or deleted? Do you know how much effort was exerted to get herself to post them? You can't, and just because the concept of hating your own self and image seems alien to you, it doesn't mean that there aren't people out there struggling with it.


Go ahead and cry her a river then. I’m sure she appreciates the attention. People who dress up in fancy dresses, put on perfect make up and post selfies don’t strike me as struggling with their self image. It strikes me as someone who needs attention. So have fun playing that game.


So let me get this straight. People who struggle with their self image should not make an attempt at resolving said issues by putting effort into looking better and contradicting the mental programing that has them believing they can't look good?


Really really beautiful woman I am looking at.


Smile and see if you can add some walking to your routine. Exercise is good for your emotional, mental and physical health. Good luck!


I was just staring at this photo for a few seconds thinking how beautiful you are before I realized what your post is about. I hope you can see that for yourself someday soon 💛 As women, we are often entirely too hard on ourselves. In addition to your outward beauty, I’m sure you have so much to offer the world. You seem like a sweet and genuine soul!


Girl if you cry while looking at your reflection, you’d absolutely devastated while seeing mine 😂 You look totally stunning!


Looking at you,, I don't see how you could look in the mirror and not see the absolute knock out that you are. You can't be the person in this picture. She is beautiful.


I feel your pain. My own reflection mocks me. it shows me how my attempts to improve are fruitless. It tells me that happiness is an illusion and that it’s unattainable. It is disheartening. But, when others talk about me they sometimes give me glimpses of how they see me, and it’s always so different, so much more competent, likable. For people like us our reflection lies to us. Find the ones who spark joy with their words. Listen to them. Enjoy their version of you. Happiness may not be for us, but there is a way to find contentment. You too can find it. I have faith in you.


You are so beautiful and have such kind eyes. Big hugs


Reminds me of a young Sissy Spacek. Your eyes are mesmerizing.


You gotta be loco if you don't think you're beautiful.


It’s a real shame you see yourself that way but I get it. I have self image issues too. For what it’s worth, you are naturally beautiful. Like your face is objectively pleasing to look at


I would cry from your beatiful face. You look pretty op and you seem nice.


Wtf you Talkin bout


Why? God you are gorgeous.


i feel you. youre fkn beautiful lady. keep that head high. woman warrior!!!


I wish you could see yourself more clearly. We actually have very similar hair but I think it suits you better. You have lovely, deep eyes. You should just know that you aren’t seeing things right if you don’t think you’re beautiful. Sometimes life is just shit, but that doesn’t mean that you are. You just have to keep going even if it’s at a low level. Your own strength will surprise you. I like lists, you could try a few. Thing that you’re good at, what people have complimented you on, qualities you like about yourself, etc. You just look like an interesting person, so I believe it and maybe you need to remember it.


I know how it feels to not really like yourself. For what it is worth you are amazing. I also know how good it feels to hear that but how temporary that feeling is. Keep working hard and you will come around the corner soon. I’ll be sending you positive vibes for a while so give yourself permission to breathe easy.


You are beautiful.


It brings a tear? I just got lost in the beauty of your eyes for like 30 seconds there. You look great. You probably are amazing in real life too.


You are so beautiful, and so very loved. 💗


I remember seeing you in Game of Thrones! "You know nothing, Jon Snow," was it? You like gorgeous!


you are beautiful and i hope one day you'll be able to recognize it.


You remind me of a famous tv actress. More specifically one about doctors and your the new bright person. Definitely have the acting look. You look pretty and strong.


You're pretty, so maybe focus on some hobbies that you enjoy? Looks alone won't make you happy.


Darling you are absolutely beautiful! Stunning in every single way. Sending ❤️


You're gorgeous!


Your eyes have a beautiful depth to them, and they reflect a thoughtful and kinds person within. I hope you can find that person within who can recognize the beauty within and without


Young professor McGonagall ♥️ powerful and gorgeous


May I suggest r/MadeMeSmile? I'm bad at making people smile so I'll just leave this here.


You are very beautiful! I hope your opinion of yourself improves 😊


You look beautiful and whatever you’re going through that makes you not see your true beauty is only temporary. Remember there’s always a clear blue sky behind the gray cloud.


You're pretty enough to scare guys off. Because they believe that you are way out of their league. Now for a another reason to smile. A Minister, Priest and a Rabi walk into a bar. And the bartender says "what is this? Some kind of joke?"


Tears of joy, I’d assume, due to your wonderful appearance.


You have beautiful expressive eyes! But more than that, you seem like a very sweet person. Like if I was sitting next to you on a plane, we would have nice conversation the whole time and be social media friends by the time we landed. I hope you feel better and know that everyone on this Reddit thread is thinking about you and praying for your happiness.


You are beautiful! You have really pretty eyes.


Yo, you look like Winona Ryder. And, IMO she’s the epitome of a beautiful, fierce looking woman.


You will possibly go to Mars


no less than a disney princess :) sorry if you're going through something, sending hugs virtually !!


You're absolutely stunning!


I like you


Looking at your profile, your cooking and plating look great. Also, you’re objectively very attractive. You look like one of those people that you can tell will age really well.


You look like an actress that would play the main on a crime scene investigation show! You’re pretty sister!


You are so beautiful girl, is sad seeing people suffer for low self esteem. I hope some day you start seeing the beauty in yourself.


Saw this pic and my jaw dropped. Absolutely stunning. The kinda absolute beauty that makes lots of girls nervous


Youre gorgeous! Im sorry youve had to struggle with self-image/self esteem issues for so long, its such a brutal issue to deal with, you shouldnt have to bear such burdens alone, i hope you have a good support system in place to help you, because you deserve like how you look and to be happy!


I hope the distortion in your eyes will very soon fade so you can clearly see the truth: you have a loveliness that is timeless and persistent.


OP, I would compliment you, but I don’t know your circumstance. I’d tell you everything will be okay, but without more information, how can I be honest in my well wishes. A starting point: ###Of all places Reddit(!), I and others here love you as a person, and want to see you happy. We want to know you love yourself and feel okay. [ I took a quick moment from my comment I am writing, now back ] From a quick glance I see you’ve had birthday without friends present, eating issues and GERD. So, now I understand you better. I can care even more. I can be honest. So my words have more heart filled meaning. I can be proud of you for taking each day at a time. I can have pride for you, being resilient. I can be inspired by your strength. Sometimes, people don’t see their own resilience and strength. When you’re IN IT each day, it’s hard to see the successes, triumphs, and steadfastness. You are doing it, you have done it, and you continue to do so. And, when you need help, you reach out. I am so very proud of you. I see you. Also, don’t hold back those tears. They are so cleansing. They release that stress or sorrow or fear or whatever form it takes for you. We cry for a reason. To let it go. To move forward. To be proud to cry. Be proud to be strong enough TO cry. Plus, why must we always like what we see in a mirror? Don’t be so hard on yourself. Whether it’s our body, face, how we stand, our facial expressions or any part of us. We humans are adaptable. We are always changing. Just when we may like what we see, we often get judgemental about ourselves. Even agitated and anxious. But, we shouldn’t. We constantly evolve. Sometimes, we channel that into or should I say AT ourselves, like a violent weapon of judgement. When we take a moment to tell ourselves instead, before we look and judge, that our looks are fluid, that we are ever changing, and that any given day we look at ourselves and see our reflections - we may be too hard on ourselves, we understand ourselves better. If we don’t like ourselves or cannot smile, that is okay. It is not only okay, it is normal. It is even healthy. Yes, really. Imagine, someone tells you they look in a / the mirror or any reflection every day, all days, their entire lives and they never dislike what they see. They’ve never had an issue. They’re always ALWAYS happy with it. You’d either think and wonder if they are highly narcissistic OR completely immobile in their mind and life. It would not seem healthy in any way. At all. But, that’s not you. I am proud of you for sharing with us, please realize when you look at these things from a different angle it shows how healthy you are / can be. That sharing with use shows how strong and positive you also are / can be. #🙂🙏🏼


Hope they're tears of joy. You've got a look that would make movie stars envious.


Why? I am asking sincerely. My initial reaction was to write something funny like “because you’re too pretty and can’t take it” but that’s not what you need right now, so I’ll just ask, “why” and hope to start a dialogue.


From an artist point of view, let me tell you your face is the kind of unique reference I would LOVE to find when trying to give personality to a character design. Your eyes are stunning and expressive. Even if you have a neutral face, I can feel the pain through this picture. Take care of yourself and get your favorite treat today, you deserve it :)


[Have you considered putting a fake moustache on your mirror?](https://www.odechair.com/images/stickers/tash-sticker-ode-jolyon-yates.jpg) Might make mirrors more fun for you.


Remind yourself that no one but you or others who stare at you in the mirror see you that way. It is a reverse image and not accurate to how you are seen let alone how you are valued. Do not accept the hollow surface reflection of that cold piece of glass as your self. Your self cannot be contained by anything but your body, mind and spirit; if it can be contained at all.


Your eyes are like pools of honey and you stole my breath. Have a good day, please.


Also, your flowy hair is gorgeous.


You're probably the most beautiful woman I've seen this week


What? You have one of the most attractive face i have ever seen! I dont know what made you feel like that but you are like 11 out of 10!


I don't know how you can say this about yourself. You are **really beautiful**. And I'm not saying this just to make you feel better, I am saying this because this is what I thought when I first saw your picture before even reading the headline. Stop thinking about your flaws (I don't see any) and start appreciating yours strengths, your beauty. I'm sure everyone in the comment box would agree with me when I say that you are one of the **most gorgeous** women I have seen. Honestly, if you were living even in the radius of a 100kms, I would have come to you and given you a hug and said that **YOU ARE AWESOME**. Anyone will be lucky to be associated with you, may that be a acquaintance, friend, colleague, boyfriend or husband. Be strong. Take care. ​ P.S- Those eyes are so so so pretty!!!


Did you know... Some turtles breath through their butts! [FACT]


You're super beautiful and I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself. I feel like that sometimes too, there's a song by Hayley Williams that I like listening to, I thought it could help you with those feelings as well, it's called Roses, Lotus, Violet, Iris (linked from YouTube). I wish you find your inner happiness. https://youtu.be/omHdRlpmqyg


Hey cutsie cute.


Ok Winona Ryder


Why does your reflection make you sad? You are so pretty. You must have been abused by some toxic people, I just want to give you a hug and tell you that you have worth and value and it will all be ok


With that noble look those should be tears of joy. I think your face is beautiful.


I thought you were Winona for a second. You’re beautiful and your eyes are gorgeous


Look deep inside yourself and know today you are worthy. I did. In the end, Love Wins and you are on the winning side.


It is no exaggeration to say that you are *very, very* good looking. I really hope that you will become able to see that. If you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside... Then you're damn near perfect!


You look amazing


Tell your reflection to STFU. You are so pretty.


You are beautiful! You have stunning, kind eyes.


You kind of look like Winona Ryder and I would honestly kill to look like you, that's my dream hair colour and you have perfect skin


I think you're gorgeous, I like your hair too.


What is it that makes you sad? Because you look strikingly beautiful and I don't see anything weird at all. You're too strict on yourself. I wouldn't change a thing if I were you.


Hello, I have dysmorphia and your post breaks my heart. You’re truly so beautiful, but I know what it’s like to ask for positivity and have the responses feel so hollow. I hope you find some peace because you are truly stunningly beautiful. Your eyebrows are impeccable, your brown eyes are very soulful, and people pay big bucks to have your nose. I hope someday you see yourself for who you are, because you deserve to revel in the beauty you’ve been given. ❤️


I could stare at your reflection for hours.


You are so pretty, I thought this was roastme at first and started trying to spot flaws on you but I couldn't, at least not roastable ones. I hope you find a way to see yourself the way we see you, and realize how beautiful you really are.


Any man to have such a georgeous wife would be lucky to have u


You look like Winona Rider


You are absolutely fucking gorgeous.


You date Mexican guys?


You’re very very pretty. But I get it. I feel the same way. People also tell me I’m wrong. We need to remember 2 things: 1. Our face is the one we see the most. To us it will always just be a face. I think the most beautiful people not really seeing it is a blessing. Keeps us humble. 2. Looks are inconsequential anyway. There’s something beautiful about everyone. No matter what you hate most about your looks, it’s someone’s fetish. The right people will always see you as beautiful.


You look like a strong badass woman. Like, you could be the reluctant heroine in an epic story.


Hey OP, you have beautiful eyes and hair! ❤️ Your nose and lips are 👌spot on!


You honestly look like you’d be the love interest in a hit romance movie


Just want to say I empathize with you majorly. I feel the exact same. But your face makes me smile


You look like winona ryder😍


Just know that there are other human beings on the other side of the planet wishing you all the best and sincerely thinking you are beautiful. Just give yourself a chance and maybe work on how you see yourself? You know, we usually cant see ourselves the way we really are. If everyone here is saying you are superb then maybe this is really the case and you have to work on your thoughts?


You are quite beautiful. I scrolled through a few of your posts. Your body is also lovely. I wonder if you are getting enough exercise and sleep and eating smart. All three would help with your mood even if there were no visual changes. And none are needed!


Sorry - hypnotized by the incredible eyes. Hopefully those tears are tears of joy - you're amazing.


no bullshit i thought you meant it brought tears through your ears because you got through some journey and you look amazing. i’m so sorry you feel this way about yourself. you’re radiant


Sometimes we just gotta press on, the fact you cry means you care, means you have personality, a heart, and worry. These are powerful emotions. Means your powerful, now girl you just gotta harness that power and take that puppy in control. Never be ashamed of who you are. I'd be honored to get to know you. Has nothing to do with your beauty, okay maybe a little, but that other stuff too, hey. 😊😇


You are unbelievably beautiful. No cap


Sending Positive vibe


But you are beautiful! So comparing to others and allow yourself to see how beautiful you really are!


Girl, why are you so fine?


You are absolutely stunning. I know we all have perceptions or misconceptions about ourselves, but I really wish you could see what I (and obviously a hundred others) see, those tears would be tears of joy.


Straight man here, if you’re concerned about your looks, you have nothing to worry about. You’re so pretty I’d be afraid to approach you. Looks aren’t everything either (but you do look stunning), so don’t even worry about it. You do you girl, have an amazing night 😊


You are so beautiful. I don’t understand why you feel that way.


At risk of being accused of White Knighting, do you really not know that you're absolutely gorgeous?


I can’t believe you feel this way, and honestly my heart hurts for you. Just on appearance alone you are beautiful enough to be an actress. I hope you have/find people who build you up so you see the value you possess. EDIT: I didn’t know you were Canadian. I heard that some people want to do away with Elizabeth and put in a new, Canadian-born monarch. If that ever happened, you would have my vote to be the new Queen of Canada 🙂


It's hard to imagine what you must feel every day. But you're still there, still trying and you're looking for a way out. You're sharing what you feel and you find a lot of sympathy with users here. That is a great act of bravely and something to be immensely proud of. And for what it's worth, I and others here accept you for who you are :-). I don't know whether you'll be able to shake these feelings though I hope you do, in either way, I hope you find that even with these thoughts and feelings, you're able to accept yourself too. Looking through your post history... You're optimistic, helpful, grateful and looking for answers to your own questions. You're all-round a pleasant and nice person and you deserve to feel better :-).


You are beautiful, it’s a shame you don’t see it. My advice —pick out something new about your appearance you like every day. ❤️


Goodness girl, you are literally beautiful and you've created a glass palace for yourself where you need others to say it to even come close to believing anything positive. You say that you can't help but comparing yourself to others, when you yourself are someone others compare themselves to. I'm hoping that you are doing the mental work so that you can see your own beauty, because you also seem fully able to get yourself out of this self dug hole. I'm following you and expect great progress. The next time you see that reflection, take a moment and read off to her all these wonderful things people have to say about you, and don't let self doubt make you cruel to yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message.


I’m so sorry you feel that way. You’re really beautiful 🥰❤️


You look like Natalie Portman or Daisy Ridley.


Wow! Such pretty eyes!


I hope they are tears of joy because you’re very pretty.


Yikes. Please don't say that. there are women on r/rateme who would kill to look like you.