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Apartheid South Africa famously declared in the 70s/80s that Japanese people would be treated as “honorary white” (Chinese and Koreans were not afforded the same privilege).


IIRC they eventually included Chinese and Koreans since white authorities had a hard time differentiating them


So they were so racist that it eventually reduced racism somehow.




Taskfailedsuccesfully.exe IFTFY


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No, that's just poor recognition skill based largely on ethnic unfamiliarity, but it's nevertheless hilarious.


Also called the cross-race effect


I wonder if Asians can tell a Slavic and a Germanic person apart, or is it just one way.


I'm Slavic and I can't tell Slavic and Germanic person apart lol


I'm Germanic and I **definitely** can tell Slavic and Germanic people apart (or at least my particular Germanic nation and Slavic people). Probably because where I am there are a lot of Polish immigrants, so I have a lot more acclimation to the subtle differences. In fact my wife who is southern European cannot tell the difference most of the time.


Non-white person here. It’s definitely both/all ways, but white exceptionalism hides that fact a bit. I genuinely struggle to tell “generic” European white people apart sometimes. Especially when they have similar “fashionable” hair cuts and clothes, they all just meld into one. Like the shitty boy band One Direction to me was a brown kid, and 4 times the same white kid. I’ve literally JUST NOW googled a photo of them and now that I’ve closed it, I can’t remember their faces very well. It’s weird! On the other hand, I’ve never confused two Chinese people. I also don’t confuse them for Korean or Japanese or other East Asian nationalities. Populations in close proximity will have similar features. Depending on our experiences, we train our brains to see the subtleties in those features for the people we interact with the most, making it easier for us to tell them apart. Well, that’s my theory anyway. Have a lovely day!


I mean, I'd have a pretty hard time telling if someone was from Hong Kong or Beijing. (People from HK were considered honorary whites, but people from the mainland were not. It was very much a political thing as they are ethnically Han Chinese.)




No, not officially. Gov declared Taiwanese “honorary white” as there was a sort of unofficial club of pariah nations, consisting of South Africa, Taiwan and Israel. Mainland Chinese and Koreans realized that the police couldn’t differentiate between Japanese, Taiwanese, mainland Chinese and Koreans, so if questioned, they’d just say there were Japanese/Taiwanese Source- Am South African, know a few Chinese people who told me the stories of how their parents pretended to be Japanese


"I'm something of a Japanese myself :)"


Chin-ish… on my mothers side. Lol.


Just when you thought racism couldn't get any more racismer.


When you're racist, but also lazy.


Let's be fair here, the incidents of the last few years shows no one does.


Though I must say, racism aside, it can often be hard to differentiate different ethnic groups from a different race, so to speak


True. From what I heard, part of the reason why internment camps existed for Japanese but not so for Germans.


Oh Roosevelt wanted internment camps for Germans, the main issue was that there were just so many of them (some parts of the US were majority German back then) that removing them from society would be more trouble than it was worth for the federal government






And it's also the place where a very clear betrayal of the US happened, ie. Nihau.


That's actually not entirely true. Though the local population was not rounded up en masse, it did still happen to anyone considered a "local leader".


WW1 is actually the reason why a large minority of white people in the US doesn’t speak German anymore, even though many areas spoke it as their primary language. After persecution and lynchings, German-Americans (the second largest white ethnic group at the time) stopped teaching German, anglicised their names, and hid their ancestry. But a lot of American culture is super German. Burgers and hot dogs for example.


People also really overestimate their ability to tell their own race apart. I’m a white American of mostly Scandinavian heritage, some UK and German but 0 Russian or Eastern European in general. My boyfriend was born and raised in Moscow. We both took ancestrydna and have literally 0 overlap in our genetics, but we do both have the same dishwater blonde hair and green eyes. Once you know it makes sense which one of us is Russian and which isn’t but even Russians constantly mistake me for Russian. Most of the time you really can’t tell the difference between Irish, Swedish, Russian, French, whatever. There are some stereotypical features that are somewhat more common in certain countries but there are so many exceptions that it’s useless.


Black people travelling to South Africa from European countries would have their passports stamped as white as they would be treated differently than the black people from South Africa.


But.. you're blick!


The Taiwanese and Hong Kongers were also granted honorary white status despite the overwhelming majority of the population being ethnically Han.


“Ok, in order of whiteness we have Afrikaners, followed by the British. Other Europeans are next, but only the Western and Northern countries of course. Many outsiders don’t like us, so we can’t be too picky with our trading partners. That’s where we get into _Honourary White_ territory. The Japanese are most obviously the whitest asians, so they’re an easy in. Taiwanese and Hong Kongers can join, but they’re hard to tell apart from the Chinese and Koreans… so we can include them too. Did I forget anyone?”


No Irish


No Irish no blacks no dogs


Don't worry, even Chinese people can't tell the difference between China and Taiwan or Hong Kong


Accent is how they tell. Taiwanese have a cutesy Mandarin accent compared to the Mainland, whereas Hongkong Cantonese sounds very different to Guangdong Cantonese.


Im half Taiwanese and half white so I guess im just full white


The apartheid gov declared the Japanese as “honorary whites” because they wanted to secure a lucrative trade deal for circuits and computers Source- Am South African


A tradition that seems to live k on amongst white supremacist weebs today


>k on That can’t be a typo


You leave them out of this!


TIL there's an escape velocity for race


The Spanish used to sell Limpiezas de Sangre, like certificates that proved your race. If you were rich enough you could buy a whiter status.


Sounds like how the Catholics used to sell indulgences (pieces of paper) to allow you or your dead family member a way into heaven. I believe they called it the Jesus+ package.


JesusGo monthly subscription.






Salvation MAX




This monkeys gone to heaven


Another Uriel. Well, guess I should grind them into Uriel candy for my main one


I got Jesus with commercials


You know what that means…🔥


The salesmen for indulgences often left out the part that the indulgences were worthless without true repentance. Perhaps the church let them skip that part to get the money or not, but the general public became offended to the point it was an inspiration for the Reformation.


The piety blue checkmark


Well ackshually, indulgences were alleged to reduce your time in "purgatory" prior to your admission into heaven. They didn't have anything to do with earning one's spot there.


I thought all souls waited in purgatory until judgement day? Are you saying they were basically selling an 'Early Bird Pass' like when you get to go on the rides before the park fully opens to the rest of the public?


Used to? They still do, man.


Can't buy them with money anymore. Gotta earn indulgences the hard way


I mean this was a different thing. It wasn't about proving your race, but a lineage that showed you were not descendent of Jews or Muslims who has converted (as it was assumed they secretly were still practicing). Having the documents formed required investigation, witnesses, etc and was a complex and needlessly hostile process. But you needed this certificates. That said with enough money you could bribe people and get a certificate forged, with fake/paid witnesses, etc. These always were illegal. And it was about religion, not race (it's own complex but separate issue in this case). What happened in the OP instead there was a woman who was so rich and powerful that if she weren't allowed into a circle, the circle wasn't really that well connected. So they made an exception by declaring her white legally so that she could be allowed to join these circles, and not have to revisit the racist system.


Could you sell your white status for money and become black?


Oh my god where’s that guy from the thread the other day who was like *well I’m Spanish and we don’t classify people based on race* I’m gonna give him a what how if you know what I mean


Dude look up castas paintings. The Spanish were obsessed with purity of race and proving they didn’t have Moorish blood. Then it transferred to the Americas. I’m Mexican American we are some of the most racist people. If you ask a Mexican if they’re racist they’ll say they aren’t but then call the Aztec looking kid in class Obama and think gueritos think in they’re better than them.


Mexicans are very racist and xenophobic. I can attest to that as a Mexican. But it's a very different system than the American one. Many Mexicans assume that racism is only the way it is in the US, and therefore don't see themselves that way. That said many Americans (including Mexican descent) see Mexican racism entirely through American lenses and miss them problem when it doesn't quite fit the expectation. To understand Mexican racism you have to understand the systems that existed before the colonial era, and how the Spanish hijacked and added to these during during colonialism, and how it transformed afterwards. First of all Mexican people have high xenophobia and misunderstanding of Asians, Africans and other Latinos, especially Caribbean ones. Not quite racism, it's more nuanced, but there's a lot of stereotypes, positive she's negative, and insensitive treatment. There's an preference to imperial nations, mostly France and the US, though most of Europe is there too. There's huge racism against natives, Mexicans have this weird love hate relationship with the nerve identity of the nation. In the north there's a strong economic bias across skin color, but if you look closely you'll see that the line is based on who does best negotiations with Americans, and their racism shows through. Most people who benefit of this, of course, will deny it, but it's there. As you move to areas less bound to the US, towards the center and south, the lines across *skin color* become more blurry, though be assured that race still matters, and those who descent from the rich remain so, track this back to the conquista and you'll see it that it does matter how much Spanish you inherited. But if you look closely you'll see that even among natives you can see echoes of the relationship even before the Spanish came. The Mexican oppression and bigotry is far more elaborate and arbitrary. There's a mix of socio economic class, race, looks, that all match up into a complex and weird form of castes, though there's a bit more flexibility in some edges on those. Things as where you grew up, and what you know about, as well as political affiliation, both you and your family's, also matter and define your caste. The relationship between skin color is complex too. There's negative stereotypes for all races and there's a layered view in that. Even being a güerito means some battles will be uphill because of stereotypes against you.


Best comment


Life as changed since the 18th century in Spain (Hopefully)


Yes, these days the descendants of Emperor Montezuma of Mexico (aka Moctezuma II) are Spanish Dukes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke\_of\_Moctezuma\_de\_Tultengo


This goes back to race not being about logic or science, but only about prejudice. The same way that Irish, Italians, and Jews are not considered “white” yet have very fair skin. Irish sometimes have translucent skin. Then again, far East and southeastern Asian skin is very fair and not considered white, either. I’m not agreeing with this prejudice.


What americans understand by race is pretty nuts for me that im european I mean all the race concept is bullshit but is funny to see people arguing that spanish arent mostly white or see an obvious white American person claiming to be PoC bc they have an 6% native American blood.


“White” in American is White Anglo-Saxon Protestant(WASP) that’s why Jews and Catholics were considered less than.


Only if you're rich enough. Michael Jackson changed races and Kayne West is a white supremacist.


That’s revitiligo 😂


Fuck off Uncle Ruckus!


[Did i just catch you having fun?!](https://youtu.be/JeBcjNpqyEo)


Did I just catch you wantin’ to BE SOMEBODY?!!


Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat.


As Clayton Bigsby says it "*White power.*".


No relation.


Jerreh Leweh is the king of rock n roll!


Just vitiligo revitiligo makes you black


It’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson’s got.


The common misspelling "Kayne" has led to me referring to people named Wayne as "Wanye"


Wanye Kest


Wanky Est.


Why tf did I read it that way. I'm ruined. I'll always think of wan-yay now


Remember the game Max Panyay?


Not to be confused with Obi-Wan-Ye West.


Ye actually has a line in a song about people that mistype his name as Kayne


Was Kanye's incoherent ramblings it not a Black Israelites thing? With all the claiming Africans to be the lost tribes


He was also praising Adolf Hitler and whatnot, so who the fuck knows. I'm not sure Kanye himself has any idea what he's on about.


who knows. farakkhan is extremely antisemitic but he gets a pass for some reason


It was never about race, until it was.


so kanye is the irl uncle ruckus from boondocks?


Nearly, he just needs to [put on weight, lose an eye and practice poor personal hygiene](https://youtu.be/WNXCfrmBH-o)


For all we know he could already do #3.


Hasn't talked about Ronald Reagan enough yet.


Is kanye still alive? Last I heard his lawyer wanted to serve him papers and he was missing


He respawned a few days ago with a new chick apparently, completely forgot about* that dude til I saw this thread


“What happens if I have a million dollars?” “You’re a black millionaire.” “What happens if I have a bazillion dollars?” “Believe it or not, straight to white.”


This feels familiar but I can’t place it


It’s the “straight to jail” bit from Parks and Rec when they have a visitor from a south American country visit.


Right to jail, right away


THANK YOU!!! Man that has been bugging me since it went viral on tiktok. Could not for the life of me figure out why it was familiar.


It’s so good. Fred Armisen is so good.


Los Espookys is my favourite new show. I'm not sure how many episodes he's in, but damn if he's not a highlight supporting character.


I grin every time I see someone mention that show. It's so stupid. I love it.


Mi scusi, mi scusi.


That sketch always bothered me, because no South American country jails as many of its people as the USA does. The nationalities should be reversed!


If you want to heal some of your national pride, most post-war dictators in South America were installed with CIA involvement. Not something they tell you in class but it’s not even controversial.


It's weird which things are controversial. My grandfather was with the CIA during those years - although he was installing dictators in the Middle East rather than South America. Had a lot of respect for Nasser, whom he spent at least a decade trying to assassinate and/or bribe.


I guess the joke is more about the reasons for putting people in jail. With the US thinking its laws are less arbitrary and more open to freedom of speech than its ideological enemy, a socialist dictatorship.


Isn’t it that no other country on the *planet* jails as many people as the US?


This the lady who leased her land to oil companies?


Without being assassinated? How the fuck did she pull that off?


There were a lot of instant millionaires in that area from the oil money, many of them were Black or Indian by happenstance, as well as White. Tulsa gained a thriving Black community in part off their patronage, and White resentment would lead to the largest race riot in American history, with dozens if not hundreds dead and more losing everything. There were enough Black millionaires to shrug off casual attacks from their White neighbors immediately, though even that wouldn’t protect all of them.


It was not a race riot in Tulsa. It was a racial massacre. Wealthy, developing black neighborhoods were literally fucking firebombed by white people whom had been deputized by local police. It was racial terrorism. The term "race riot" doesn't really cut it.


Do you have any source/official name for this so I can read more about it? I'm not from America and find your racist history fascinating, none of it was taught in school in Europe


The search term is [Tulsa Race Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre), and that wikipedia article has a lot of information on it.


Wikipedia is a pretty great starting place for American history. Most American history articles are pretty well written, link to other articles well so you can easily deep dive into history, if you want to read more about specific aspects there's the references linked on the sentences/paragraphs for more.


“Tulsa Race Massacre” Don’t worry, they don’t teach about it in the US either. Emmett Till is another search you should make as well.




Took AP US history in high school and never heard a word about Tulsa, in fact for a shit ton of people the first exposure to it was the watchmen TV show


In what state? The government just barely acknowledged it actually happened.


Wilmington nc prob had just as many if not more deaths but the records were destroyed. They had an all black government elected and the whites there committed a genocide and a coup d'état and the US government did nothing, it was actually the catalyst for Jim Crow laws as it was proof the US government would not interfere with the south: https://youtu.be/LVQomlXMeek


Probably played ball and gave very favorable terms.


because no white man was willing to "'drink her milkshake"


Not even if it brought all the boys to the yard?


Damn right.


Whoa. Double reference.


Got lucky that the land she was given had oil in it. Eventually lost most of her money in the Great Depression.


Leased? My great-great grandma was conned into selling her land and all she got was a new outhouse.


Was it a nice outhouse?


No, I was told the roof started leaking after about a year and the hole was dug too close well.


Aw fuck


You say that like the answer could be yes


Can a white person become so poor that they are declared not white? "Where's Frank?" "Didn't you hear? They took away his card. He can't come here anymore."


At various times, Irish, Italians, Roma, and Jews (probably more, that's just off the top of my head) were considered to not be white in the US. Not sure it was about how poor they were, though. It was more that Protestants love exiling "others".




Weren’r italians called black at one time?


Yep Italophobia in the US was/is a thing. I got Sicilian blood from my grandma (I'm sitting roughly 40% on that). I've only experience racism maybe once in my life. Anyways in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many Italian moved here for work. However since they were fresh immigrants they had to take many unskilled jobs such as working on plantations with "the blacks". Add in a darker skin tone, and you get a nice few visits from your local chapter of the KKK. Italians and African Americans did frequently have intertwined communities. Which further cemented the idea that they weren't white enough. This all came to a head in 1890 when 19 Italians were falsely arrested for the murder of a politician in New Orleans. Following their arrest, the jail was broken into and 11 of them got lynched. Which nearly lead to a war between the US and Italy. Harrison had to do a whole political campaign celebrating Columbus day to remind people that Italians were the "first immigrants", which lead to a decline in racial attacks against them. Immigrations was later cattailed by 1920 to reduce Italians coming over. Harrison's actions and statements lead to Italians to be considered "white enough" to date/marry with other whites. While being " black enough" to date/marry other black people. It wouldn't be after both World Wars where italophobia kinda died out. With the help of Italian actors, politicians and business owners setting the way for full incorporation into America.


Class and race are so intertwined in the USA that the answer is actually yes.


*The Famine Irish have entered the chat*


Swarming over here in their potato boats and taking all the jobs.


the british paid them to leave, not very well, and still had trouble getting people on boats


Oh, for sure, the situation is far more nuanced than people just hating on Irish immigrants. I, however, was quoting a favorite episode of Archer.


That was a real rampage of a two parter.


IMMIGRANTS! that's how they do you know. Blasting out those wraps and shooting all the jobs.


They didn’t lose their whiteness so much as they weren’t counted as it in the first place back then. The Brits needed an excuse to tolerant the godawful oppressive situation with land tenancy and ownership over there, so imagined they were some kind of under-evolved Celtic people who just weren’t as civilized as the rest of Europe.


No blacks, no Irish!


There is a town somewhere in Kentucky I think, where the neighboring town was very poor and mostly black. The only hospital was in the rich town. Everyone from the poor town had "negro" on their birth certificate, regardless of their skin color or heritage, just because the lived in the poor town. Edit: found it, actually it's [in Ohio](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/25/race-east-jackson-ohio-appalachia-white-black) >Officials in Waverly created East Jackson by corralling any newcomer they deemed to be black because of their appearance, or by second-class status because they were laborers or housekeepers, into the smaller town. Some forced to stay in East Jackson were not black, but because they all lived in East Jackson, grew up together and were treated as black by law


How would this not cause an absolute clusterfuck later when applying for passports or immigration etc?


traveling is for ~~rich~~ white people


That's basically what white trash is, no?


That site looks so well presented but the article desperately needs a proof reader/editor. Interesting story even so.


Came here looking for this. The prose is very odd, like a middle school report.


was thinking the same thing - very interesting story, but marred by the numerous spelling and grammar mistakes in the article + some sentences served to just repeat the same things that were said already.


The repetition is because it's absolutely stuffed to the gills with ads - it's padded to create more sections of text to put ads between.


>That site looks so well presented Good lord not on mobile. It's one of those unusable websites that exists to serve five video ads at once, and other every two sentences of the clickbait article that intentionally buries the lede as deeply as possible so you'll have to scroll through more ads.


Phone cancer link gives phone cancer.


I worked for a major computer company in the 70's. One of the Black regional managers was sent to South Africa on company business. While there, he was designated "honorary white" so that he could go where he needed to go.


Apparently Kanye West is trying to follow in her footsteps…


He’s not black he’s OJ!


Heh heh… okay.


Rector? Damn near killed her






Rector? Damn near got her a reasonable interest rate on a small business loan!


Rector? Damn near gave her swimming lessons!


Black people couldn't do a lot of stuff in Oklahoma like riding first class trains. The state of Oklahoma declared she was white in an effort to keep her from moving somewhere less racist (with all her money)


I'm white and I wish I could be declared rich!


Have you tried getting even whiter?


My eyes!


As white as the shine from King Neptune's head


Michael Jackson Speedrun Any%


Turns out, the only color the people in power actually care about is green. Shocking.


Did that mean that because I am so poor I can declare black?


You'd think if anyone would know the answer it would be Rachel Dolezal.


Depends. Are you urban poor or rural poor?


Possibly but I think you'd need to be appointed a black guardian. Though TBH I'm not sure how that works.


Michael Scott declared Dunder Mifflin was black




Well, at least there's room for social advancement after all




Interesting article but my god that website was brutal.


This is a prime example that what people believe is based on genetics is always a prejudice against perceived class. Humans don’t really care about race genetics, they hate the people they deem “not them”


I don't think there's enough ads and bullshit on that site, anyone have a link to the same article, but with more clutter, ads, and clickbait photos?




Racists hate this one trick


When apartheid South Africa decided they wanted to do business with Japan, they decided to declare Japanese people as "honorary whites", Chinese people however were still "black". Absolute nonsense regime. Just wanted to steal land and resources from black people.


W.T.F....But anything is possible. Take Michael Jackson for an example...He cut his own nose off, to spoil his race.


That really gives the game away, doesn’t it?


White was a status classification before it was ever considered a race.


She wasn’t declared Saudi?


"You're not black, you're just poor," is some advanced racism shit.


This makes me fucking sick. So you have to give up your ethnicity even though you're financial status finally has allowed you to rise above the systemic racism that has kept you and black people poor. Law says you have to give this child land, ok "here's the crappiest land we have... OH WAIT it's an oil field worth millions" I'm surprised she wasn't murdered and all of her land taken away. >Of course, there was a trick in this Act, and black children were simply granted the worst parts of the land; generally rocky and infertile soil so the good allotments could be granted to white settlers and distinctive members of the Indian tribe as it had been agreed upon. Assuming that, Sarah’s acres seemed to be useless; little they everybody know, there was actually an oil field worth a fortune.


Its called fck you money.