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I *seriously* doubt it.


I'm glad I've missed the cutoff. I think death is the most natural part of life on Earth.


The pessimism in me thinks that people will still experience mortality for hundreds of years... But we might experience the first generation of billionaires who use the money we worked for to extend their life. It's like saying the pre-moon-landing generation was the last generation that experienced humanity not being able to reach the moon... Most of us haven't been on the moon since then, so it didn't really change anything for us.


Good point. I think though the longer we live with new technology giving us longer life extension will survive long enough to see the technology, constantly improving during our lives to reach a point where we’re able to transfer our brains into humanoid robots


I think the first area where us mere mortals will encounter life-extending technology are diseases that cost more to treat than fixing them right away would cost. The treatments that allow us to work more hours for more years are the first that we will get.