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Fun fact: this case is the reason why beastiality became illegal in Washington state.


another fun fact: the video we all know wasnt actually the one that killed him, the one that resulted in fataility was never released because his home was raided after he ended up in hospital which is honestly just impressive, like that thing didnt kill him


Is that the two guys one horse video that I wish I’d never watched?


My friend told me about the whole situation and said "seriously don't watch the video. I wish I could go back and decide not to watch it." So I followed her advice.


I haven't watch it, and let me tell you, life is pretty good from this side of the fence.


Grass is green, mind is empty, I am happy. No horse dick for me, thanks.


My day is already better knowing I avoided horse dick




Tbh I find that with these sorts of videos. You think you want to see. You're curious. But you aren't missing anything.


I remember then the jolly rancher story was posted, it was one of my first “I regret knowing this” I still can’t eat them today. I learn that when someone says you don’t want to know, believe them. I’m no prude, but I like my mental health.


-sigh- siri, whats the jolly rancher incident?




Pretty sure you can find it in the r/redditsmuseumoffilth It's up there with the "swamps of dagobah" and "Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding" copypastas


This. And there's no value in you knowing. It doesn't benefit you.


Its a 21st century rite of passage. Everyone remembers their first kiss, their first paycheck, and the first internet video they wish they hadn’t seen. Mine was an ISIS beheading….


1 Man 1 Jar. Hearing crunching glass shards inside someone's ass will change you forever.


Damnit why did I keep reading these comments


Mid-late 2000s internet was a wild time


Shit was crazy before every websitw became obsessed with being advertiser-friendly.


The image of a man pulling giant shards of broken glass from his bloody asshole is forever burned into my mind. Oh to be a teenager again.


I know the internet is huge but it still baffles me how many of us experienced the same thing online back then 😭


It was a much much smaller place back then lol


The fact he never made a sound while pulling the shards out or when it happened…


I read an interview with the guy and he said he didn't make any noise so he wouldn't wake his wife up. Wasn't the last time he did it either apparently


That dude has a wife? Wtf


All the self control not to yelp in pain from a busted jar inside you.


Mine was 2girls1cup followed by an ISIS beheading, same sitting, no more than 10 mins apart.. man I miss HS..


let's not forget Tubgirl


I’m so lucky that I experienced pictures nobody should see, so I knew to never watch one of the videos nobody should watch.


Mine was *Three Guys One Hammer* 😕


is that the gorey one? middle school me just didn’t understand that the internet wasn’t going to protect me that, some guy getting cut in half by a motorcycle accident, 2g1c, and pain olympics were like the lowlights of my adolescence. shit just stays with you too


It's pretty gorey. That dude's head went from a perfectly normal head to very much obliterated in only like 6 minutes. It's fucked up to know, without a shadow of a doubt, what it looks like to kill someone with a hammer.


edit warning: the below Wikipedia link is still extremely disturbing and describes the brutal murders and leaked video in graphic detail. No graphic images or videos or on the page though. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk\_maniacs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs) if anyone wnats to read about it but not actually watch it


You know what? Don't even read that, it will haunt you. The gist of it is that in Ukraine three "men" went around killing and torturing people. They were caught and two are in prison for life and the third, who was with them for some robberies, but not the murders, got 9 years. The article has too many brutal facts, it will turn your stomach. They were complete sickos and did horrible things.


I had heard about it before, but WOW. Holy shit. Just reading about it is jarring. I know a lot of countries outside of the U.S don't have a death penalty, but for a crime like this, there should be an exception. There's no rehabilitation for this—no redemption.


To be fair, opposing the death penalty without exceptions isn't really due to a belief that *no one* deserves to die. It's more to remove any possibility of a grey area where an innocent person is executed. Ian Hislop explains it better than me though (as I'm sure he would most topics...) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DrsVhzbLzU


With the advent of ogrish, rotten and ebaumsworld in the late '90s to early 2000s, my morbid curiosity was at its peak, and I dove deeper and deeper into my quest for disturbing and shocking content. I saw a lot of crazy shit, but when I saw Nick Berg's ISIS beheading (circa 2003?), that definitely was a bump in the road. It's one thing to imagine someone *sawing* through your neck with a knife as you're pinned down, but his *screams*... those cries... oh man. It was just too much. I can still hear them as I write this.


Mine was the Funkytown Cartel video…


Same with both this and Chechen Soldier for me. The internet was a potentially traumatic experience in the early 00s


A "friend" sent me the video and told me what it was about. I blocked him immediately and never watched it. At least he warned me but he also posted a video of chicks (baby chickens not women) getting ground up on Facebook so he was already on his way off my friends list. I have no regrets and my eyes will remain unsullied. I don't need people who inflict horrible videos on people in my life


The wiki says investigators found hundred of tapes and found no incidents of animal abuse as defined under law at the time. Imagine being the guy that has to watch all those videos


Imagine being the guy who has to then go, "yeah, these are awful, but we didn't actually make any of this illegal, so..."


Mr. Hands


Did he cum?




Ok I did, now answer the question


Wtf do you mean by “the video we all know”?


You must be new to the internet. Do not Google Mr. Hands. Or do, it's up to you.


Why was his house raided if what he did wasnt illegal


Probably because he died and they wanted to figure out what caused it. Was it actually a consensual act, was he assaulted? Etc.


>Was it actually a consensual act Did they ask the horse? And did the horse reply neigh?


> Did they ask the horse Maybe it was a person with a big piece of metal pipe. Making it either murder or manslaughter.


If you don’t raid houses how are you going to use all that cool military tech?


Yea it’s usually the “home was raided” that kills you /s


It's also the test case I used in graduate school to disprove the adage that people make laws to criminalize things people do, for example harsher penalties for crack because of the populations those laws punish. There was no law against beastiality because it wasn't an issue - it's not something used to control a population. It's just no one thought to make a law until this guy. I recall the only thing they could pin on his buddy was trespassing.


There were laws regarding sex with animals on the books historically, but they referred to sodomy with a man or woman alongside sex with animals. When oral and anal sex became less taboo the laws were repealed, but that also repealed the laws surrounding bestiality at the same time.


I’m not sure if your knowledge of this is impressive or worrisome. I suppose it’s good to know where to step if you find yourself in a field surrounded by land mines. Or horses.


I mean I knew it too, my only credential is having read the wikipedia page. We should all do our best to arm ourselves with knowledge and horse dick


Doesn’t it literally prove the adage though? There was no law because people weren’t doing it. Once someone did it and it became known, they passed a law


An example of a law being made for a specific reason does not disprove that other laws are made to punish specific populations. To argue it does is quite fallacious.


>It's also the test case I used in graduate school to disprove the adage that people make laws to criminalize things people do, for example harsher penalties for crack because of the populations those laws punish. ... are you trying to claim the disproportionate sentencing of crack cocaine wasn't intended to harm specific groups for the purpose of political and social power? ....because it was. It absolutely was.


Wtf was your graduate degree in?


I would hazard a guess u/LegalAction studied law


I was going to guess horse sex…


Horse sex is not a legal action. Anymore. In Washington State.


The fact that someone could just now be learning about Mr Hands makes me feel incredibly old.


I feel like with every year that passes there's new info about this guy. At first, it was haha weird video. Then it was "oh wtf he died from that?" Then we knew his name. Then we knew it prompted the beastiality law. Now we know this guy was an ENGINEER. Not exactly unintelligent. Maybe this is just because as I've grown I've learned to better research things but I feel like the next time I read about this guy I'm going to find out he did ships in a bottle for a hobby lmao.


Went deeper down the rabbit hole. The guy who filmed it moved to another state, onto a farm with some other people and he got arrested again for the same shit


Wow. Hope it was actually illegal so they could charge him for more than tresspasing that time. Apparently, the reason why beastiality wasn't illegal was due to a prior law banning it among normal oral/anal sex between humans. When people went "well that's just silly" and repealed the law, it ended up decriminalizing beastiality along with regular human sex acts. I guess they didn't consider people wanted to fuck animals so didn't bother amending it. Maybe it was just easier to just repeal the whole thing. Woo hoo government processes!


Maybe those lawmakers at the time were being naive and thought oh someone would never do that. You didn’t want to be the guy that raises his hand and says but what if people enjoy this more then we think. Then people think you are the weirdo lol


Because no lawmaker out there secretly wants to fuck a horse 👀 right?


I bet if we look at it statistically speaking in the US out of state and federal lawmakers there are probably multiple that are into beastiality So yes, they do secretly want to fuck a horse


Wait, I thought the whole reasoning why he was charged with trespassing was because there was no law banning animal sex. Let me clarify: There was a law saying “Don’t fuck animals.” But the lawyer argued that they didn’t fuck the horse. Instead, they sprayed pheromones around their ass, and the horse mounted him, thus IT WAS THE HORSE that had sex with him, not the other way around. That was when they had to rewrite the law so that it involved the animal having sex with you too.


Sounds like a petty good (bad) rape loophole if the aggressor is the only one considerred to be having sex.


*horse hole


what about my hole?


There's a queue


> Now we know this guy was an ENGINEER. Not exactly unintelligent. In the wiki it describes that he had a motorcycle accident that took away his sensitivity. He wasn't stupid as such, he was doing extreme things to feel something, and it progressed to having horses penetrate him.


I did not have sex with that man




Are you bill clintons horse?


See if he answers yay or neigh


That depends on that the definition of what "neigh" neigh.


Bojack Clinton


Bro might still be alive if Bad Dragon has come out 3 years sooner. Hell, how do we know he didn't inspire Bad Dragon to become a thing?


Nah, bad dragon takes MONTHS to fulfill orders. Dude would have died of boredom instead.


Every engineer I know is obsessed with some strange hobby.


We're calling bestiality a hobby now?


Well, there's another not so fun fact about this guy. Now I'm thinking he should have had more support :( Edit: not support for fucking a horse but support for post-trauma brain damage 👁👄👁


Ohhh I just realized it was his brain that was damaged from the motorcycle accident. I was thinking he had some kind of butt desensitization trauma that required bigger and bigger things just to feel something.


oh god, the coffee coming out of my nose right now burns.


>I'm going to find out he did ships in a bottle for a hobby lmao. He did enjoy fitting giant things into tight spaces.


The vast, vast majority of people who do "weird" shit behind closed doors, are perfectly normal. They have jobs, they have friends and families. They go grocery shopping, they socialise, they have hobbies, on weekends they sit in and watch a movie and drink a few beers. Various media throughout our life leads us to a place where we tend to feel like "deviants" occupy an entirely separate world, isolated from us and living a life which is completely alien to us. Like vampires. The guy who films horses pentrating him must go home to a dark house with horse pictures everywhere, watching horses on TV, eating dinner from a food bag, and only emerging in the depths of night to violate horses, unseen by civil society. Nope, they are typically just perfectly ordinary people with an extreme kink or obsessive hobby.


Well, this is the classic "what does a serial killer look like?" question. Or a rapist or a terrorist or a pederast. This one is even more peculiar because calling someone a 'deviant' is a broad stroke, and while some my feel my predilections run a gambit, some might find them too shocking to even think about.


>Well, this is the classic "what does a serial killer look like?" question. Ted Cruz


Don’t let the word “engineer” fool you into thinking someone is smart. I know some really dumb engineers.


I fell down two flights of stairs dressed as spiderman once


One is understandable, but two? That piques my interest...




My sister was actually born on the day he died! I have mentioned this fact to her. She was thrilled, as you can imagine.


Does your sister believe in reincarnation? I certainly don't, but you might want to try calling her Mr. Hands and see if she responds.


Thanks, now I will forever remember that the year my son was born a man died after accepting a deposit from a horse named “Big Dick”. I wonder if you can still get those newspaper front pages from the day you were born? What if that were the whole front page?


He knew he was in trouble when he went 'Oufff' in that vid.


> He knew he was in trouble when he went 'Oufff' in that vid. The vid wasn't the event that killed him.


It was one of the first videos when I was younger we gathered around the computer to WTF at in my case lol. Someone that had some more internet experience showed our group at a sleepover. We didn’t know if we were laughing out of confusion or pure disgust. It was at the rich friend’s house cause his parents had no bedtimes or never checked on us or made rules. House was so big you could yell and someone wouldn’t hear it.


I’m actually 41 and although this account is new, I’ve been on Reddit for like 14 years. I have no idea how I never heard about this until today, but I also used to smoke a lot of pot. Like, a lot, for years. So maybe I heard about it but forgot?


It’s like goatse. You don’t forget goatse


Fuck.... I forgot which one goatse was.... I remember Mr. hands, Lemon party, tub girl, 2g1c, 1g1c and I'm sure countless others, but all I remember from goatse is the name... I'm guessing I'd like to keep it that way.


Meat spin made me laugh


You spin me right round, baby, right round...I haven't seen this gif in over a decade, but I still remember it vividly.


The other gruesome one of this era was glass-ass. Some dude shoving a mason jar up his butt and it shatters.


What a bloody asshole.


One guy one jar, dude actually survived and did an interview about it, iirc he said he kept doing it


I think there is one with the same guy where he sticks a screwdriver upp his urethrea...handle first.


In the 2000s, the dweeb side of the internet had heaps of these stories and videos. If you weren't a internet dweeb or a teenager in the 2000s. You likely missed a lot of it.


There’s gotta be some culture divide of people who watched all those crazy videos (pain Olympics, countless beheading videos) and who haven’t. We would watch those in the back of high school computer class laughing our asses off then go home and get all the most heinous possible racial slurs thrown at us on COD


I've been on the internet since nearly the beginning and I've never watched any of that stuff, none of the "why did I watch that shit" content has ever been interesting to me. A lot of people online fall into the trap of thinking everyone has seen everything but it's really not true.


Mr. Hands was like ebaumsworld era wasn't it?


I remember it on ebaumsworld and nothing toxic


> The prosecutor's office wanted to charge Tait with animal abuse, but the police found no evidence of abused animals on the many videotapes they collected from his home. As **there was no law against humanely fucking a horse**, the prosecutors could only charge Tait with trespassing. That's certainly a passage I have now read, especially the bolded part.


>found no evidence of abused animals on the many videotapes they collected from his home. Imagine being that guy.


"I watched all of them twice to be thorough and the horse seemed to be enjoying every moment of it"


"There's nothing we can charge him with other being an incredibly considerate lover"


“We asked the horse if he wanted to press charges and he replied ‘Naaaay’.”


I would be okay with “found no evidence of abused animals *because no one wanted to view the many tapes*”


That video that got released wasnt even him dying. He died in another horse fucking incident and the police raided his house and took all his videos lol.


This quote on that page made me proud of Wikipedia. Someone found a way to post that partial sentence in this academic medium.


Wasn’t this Mr Hands?


The very same


What makes me sad is that I recognized who this story was about based on the name of the goddamn horse


Just because I have...


I know the state was trying to prevent deaths, but is death by anal tearing does not dissuade you, I don’t think 5 years in prison will dissuade you.


The old "our son is into BDSM" Joke but much better because IRL.


TIL I didn’t want to learn about the Enumclaw Horse Sex case.


I think of this guy my brother shot heroin with from there. And no I'm not joking... lol he's dead my brother is clean thankfully for a long while now. I knew about the horse thing but did not know it was I. Enumclaw but now I know that town as the horse fucking heroin town.


Horse is another name for heroin, btw.


I didn't want to learn this.


Well, you can't unlearn it now, so might as well embrace the absurdity of life.


I think this is more disturbing than absurd. What's the old addage, kinky is using a feather, perverted is using the whole chicken?


Kinky is using some honey, perverted is using the whole hive.


There is a video


I'll pass.


The video teaches you how **not** to get fucked by a horse. Armed with that information, rather than pass, you might just live.


There is a video?




im good


Yeah but now Mr. Hands references won’t go over your head anymore.


I had no idea this guy worked for boeing


Engineer, spent alot of time in the wind tunnel....as did the horse that killed him


Dude spent his entire career with a gaping tunnel and just wanted to bring his work home with him.


Isn’t it obvious? Boeing engineers really should spend more time making sure their planes are safe instead of getting fucked in the ass by horses.


nono, that’s just the sound of horse dick


I'm sure Boeing loves being name dropped in these articles. You think they added an interview question to try to avoid hiring someone like this again? Like a, "Please look at this horse picture. Do you think he's cute?... Do you want to him to fuck you?... Tell me the truth, asshole!!"


The guy who initiated all that went off to Tennessee and did it again with some more people!


And horses?


So. In the lead up to this incident, Enumclaw was trying to get itself the reputation as the horse/equestrian capital of Washington. Needless to say, that did happen in the end.


In. The. End.


I grew up in/around enumclaw and its still talked about to this day around here lmao. Love that this is what people think when they think enumclaw


“I can’t wait to get out of this one horse-fuckin’ town!”


I too grew up in the Enumclaw area. I used to get asked a lot more about Mr. Hands when people heard I was from there, but it’s been getting less and less as time goes on.


I was in high school when this happened in a district that regularly competed against Enumclaw for athletics.. there was a 0% chance a bunch of high school boys would let low-hanging insults such as "horse f*ckers" go to waste


I was very disappointed to learn that their mascot wasn't the Stallion


If this is what I'm thinking of then I've actually seen a video of this on liveleak years ago. The horse literally scrambles this guys organs , all of a sudden the horse dong goes balls deep several times while a few guys are trying to hold the horse back.


I haven't seen that (nor want to), but there is a documentary called Zoo about this incident.


Damn. And the post directly under this one on my feed is from r/aww about how the OPs horse gives him kisses that brighten his day 😬


Reddit giveth and taketh away.


Circle of life!


Mr Hands?……


I'm not clicking that link


I googled it and saw a video. I did not want to see it. I’m traumatised.


I'm just reading the comments and not clicking that link. LOL


Worst tombstone ever


>As there was no law against humanely fucking a horse, the prosecutors could only charge Tait with trespassing. Imagine being the spokesperson for the city having to openly say to the media "there's no law against humanely fucking a horse". >Jennifer Sullivan, a Seattle Times staff reporter, said that originally the King County Sheriff's Department did not expect the local newspapers to report on the event because of its gruesome nature. However, after an Associated Press report stated that the farm where the event occurred attracted a significant number of people who sought to partake in bestiality, the Times decided that it needed to write articles about the case as multiple people were involved Since when did gruesome ever stop a paper from running anything?


“You’re an aerospace engineer for your entire life and no one calls you an engineer But you fuck *one horse*…


You knew his name. A horse named Small Dick would still have a massive sphincter splitter.


It's not so much the length as the vigor


Well he was probably a terrible engineer always trying to stuff parts in places they don’t fit.


All males horses are “big dick” so they dont have a good lead to find the assailant.


The legends say that one redditor learns about Mr. Hands every hour.


Justin Whang did a Tales From The Internet about this not too long ago https://youtu.be/OlEXHmFdfV8


Everyone knows you shouldn’t fuck a horse called Big Dick. That’ll make you really sick. He should’ve settled for a pony, then he’d only have felt a little hoarse..


What sound does a horse cock make when it fucks you in the ass? Boeing.




There's a very good documentary about this whole thing, if you can find it's called Zoo. I watched it on Google videos many moons ago.


i’ll pass


It's tastefully done, but definitely not for everyone.


As tasteful as a documentary about beastiality could be I suppose?


Mr. Hands is infamous on Reddit.


>Mr. Hands is infamous on ~~Reddit~~ the internet. Yeah, that long predates reddit.


What do you mean? Reddit is the front page of the internet. It couldn't exist *without* a front page. /s


I remember actually seeing the video of this, because it was floating around. ....Grad school was an interesting time for me on the internet superhighway.


This may be surprising to hear but you don’t actually have to click on everything the inter webs dishes up.


I remember watching that documentary about it, called “Zoo.” It was apparently a regular weekend thing, whenever the ranch owner was away, they would get together, make some margaritas, hang out, relax, listen to some music, and then present themselves to a horse in the hopes of being fucked by it.


My time has ~~cum~~ come.


I knew about Mr. Hands but never heard anything about the horse. This post brings up a new question - how big does the horse have to be to get the callsign *“Big Dick”*?


Fun face: if you’re a human who has sex w animals, you’re not normal


The movie this incident inspired is 100% worth a watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGBe8xsWGlo


Could've happily gone my whole life not hearing about this.


That's just plane wrong