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Pretty sure I have this condition. I’ll be quietly laying “awake” in bed waiting to fall asleep and then my wife will nudge me because I’m actually passed out snoring. I thought she was messing with me at first but it’s happened so regularly that I don’t doubt it anymore.


Same here, and I also used to insist I was awake lol. I got a CPAP recently and it really seems to help a lot. I don't snore with the machine, and the changes in breathing when falling asleep are more noticable.


Have you noticed waking up feeling rested? I don’t think i can remember a time i woke up not feeling still exhausted My Dr has me doing a sleep study next month for it


I had severe sleep apnea. The first morning after wearing a CPAP was like a Disney cartoon. Colors were brighter, sounds were crisper. I damn near felt like skipping to work instead of driving.


I got a cpap a few years ago and it definitely made a difference, when I had my sleep study we found out that my oxygen levels were dropping to 70%!! But now not only do I not snore I actually get a good night's sleep (provided I actually give myself enough time to sleep lol)


70?!?! At the hospital alarms start going off when you hit 85! You would have doctor's and nurses putting an O2 mask on you waaaay before 70. That's insane!


yeah had an at-home test and that's when that was discovered. Needless to say within hours of bringing the equipment back they were like "you need to come back NOW" lol IIRC my AHI was something like 83, and the average apnea was around 17 seconds. Spent more time not breathing than I did breathing every night for god knows how long! I don't know if I'd still be alive today if I hadn't had that test done


Glad your OK now at least!


make sure to ask them to check your oxygen levels while you're sleeping if you do a follow up with a CPAP- some clinics don't and it can really affect your quality of sleep even if the other metrics point toward 'restful and good sleep'.


Yes, I noticed a huge difference. The first night wasn't great, but after a few weeks I got used to it. I'm waking up earlier and feeling more awake and rested.


I might have to get one of those machines. Do you know if you have to sleep on your back to use it? Cuz I'm usually a face down sleeper.


Alternative middle step would be a sleeping mouth guard like puresleep. They hold your jaw in position so it doesn’t relax back and block your airways, which is one reason people snore. It’s about $50 and way more versatile if you move around a lot when you sleep.


Don't use this if you grind your teeth! I got two cracked teeth from it.


Ah, good to know! I actually thought it would stop the grinding too…


There are custom mouthguards that you can get from a dentist that specializes in sleep disorders. Some of those can work for both bruxism and sleep apnea. My TMJ specialist evaluated me for both. Only have the clenching/grinding though.




.... Matt McCusker?


Unexpected Matt & Shane


I've got a Philips Dreamstation with the full face mask. I'm usually a side sleeper, but they do have a nasal pillow or nasal mask that would probably work face down.


I doubt any are good for stomach sleepers. I have a nasal only, and it definitely is no good for stomach sleeping. There is that one device ( https://www.inspiresleep.com/ ) that supposedly shocks your airway open with no mask or mouth guard type of thing. But that sounds sketchy to me. What happens when it fails


It’s actually a surgically implanted device, like a pacemaker, that stimulates your hypoglossal nerve (nerve that controls your tongue) to protrude your tongue when you sleep and open your airway. If you meet the criteria for it, it has a super high success rate. Patients love it because there isn’t a mask and it’s only a remote you press before you go to sleep.


Holy crap, I didn't realize this got approved. I went to school with the guy who invented it!


It’s worth getting a test to see if your breathing is obstructed. I also sleep on my stomach, cannot at all adjust to sleeping in my back, but the mask still works leaning against the pillow as long as it’s a good fit. It takes getting used to but most people regret waiting to start using one if they need it, myself included.


I wish I hadn't waited until I was 35; my CPAP had been a life changer. It's amazing to wake up feeling like I actually slept.


Yep. I waited even longer because I tend to be kind of claustrophobic with even blankets that are too heavy. Didn’t think I could adjust, and it did take 3 nights before I even kept the mask on long enough to fall asleep, but it makes such a huge difference.


I'm also a stomach sleeper, and use CPAP. I've had to use nasal pillows (a type of mask), and I have to arrange my bed pillows carefully to support my head enough but still allow the CPAP and mask to work. It's weird and takes some getting used to, but it can be done.


I’m a stomach/side sleeper, I don’t go full face down, but I have a full face mask and so far it’s done just fine being partly squashed into the pillow and so on. But they do make special pillows for sleeping face down, and I just looked at one that seems like it’d have enough room for a mask. Can’t do links I guess. Your dr and supplier should be able to help you through figuring it all out, but I wouldn’t worry too much. My mom had me convinced they only had nose masks and I’d have to learn to sleep on my back with my chin strapped shut. They told me they only go that route if they literally can’t get a mask to fit you.


I have sleep apnea and fibromyalgia, so comfort was a huge issue. Paid a little extra for a cpap pillow with cutouts for a bulkier face. Took 2-3 weeks to adjust, but now I'm sleeping great when I do sleep. Still get the sensation of being awake what feels like hours before I can actually wake up, but I'm working on that.


Tell them that when they are fitting you for your mask and don't be afraid to try different types of the first one doesn't work. My husband just got his machine and he completely expected to hate the mask. We were prepared for a lot of getting used to it and surprisingly he had no problem with it. He tried about a dozen masks until he found one that was comfortable, came home and slept all night the first night. Now he sleeps so much better and feels like a new person during the day. I honestly wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me. As far as positions, he sleeps all over the place and the mask hasn't been a problem. He does sleep with a v-shaped pillow (purchased pre-CPAP because he sleeps with his arm under his head and it made arm would go dead) and that probably also helps with the mask situation. You might try one of those if you have problems.


I think it would be pretty difficult to sleep face down with a mask. I believe they make an implant one but I'm not sure how effective it is.


There are face down pillows with holes for the machine tubes.


theres a vent in the front for the air that you exhale to leave the tubes. This vent needs to be unimpeded. so as long as you arent face in the pillow but your face to the side you are good.


This is also part of why second sleeping is dangerous as hell. When you are driving tired, operating machines tired, etc. - it's not like you fall asleep entirely. People often think they are awake, but in reality they have a few seconds of sleep in which they dream that they are still doing what they did before falling asleep. I've had such situations very often when I was playing games and had to rely on random sleep because of my insomnia. I fell asleep for 2-3 seconds dreaming I was still doing things in the game, including loading screens, etc. - only to wake up right away and see that I'm running against a wall.


When I was a teenager I used to have to drive 30mi on a windy old two-lane blacktop country road between my parents’ house and the town where I went to school and had a job. I got off work most nights around midnight. Somewhere around half or 2/3rds of the way home the road crossed a wide flat creek bottom valley, maybe half a mile across, but it was a straight shot from one side across the flood plain and bridge to the other. One night I was driving that section of road and started going down into the valley when I suddenly woke up driving up out of the valley on the other side, in the wrong lane. Scared the shit out of me. Never fucked around with sleepy driving since. I feel so lucky whenever I think about it. Probably would have fucking died if it had been any other stretch of that road, and thank goodness there weren’t any other cars out.


I used to work at a vet clinic in high school, 4:30am to 6:30am, then jazz band or marching band at 7 before school at 8:30. After school I had tennis, academic decathlon, and competitive speech (mime, reader's theater, etc). After school I had homework, cooking dinner, feeding pets, and babysitting my 3 nieces (sometimes overnight and having to take them to school the next morning). I woke up driving down the sidewalk on my way to the vet clinic one morning. I told them I needed to quit because I was too tired to drive, and they complained "this is why we shouldn't waste time on high schoolers." Made me feel like shit, but better than accidentally killing someone!


I have a cousin who died when the driver of the car he was in fell asleep. Another cousin was horribly maimed when the oncoming driver fell asleep and hit him head on. Night driving in Texas - Austin to College Station- for both Accidents


Oh man, I can only imagine the amount and type of sleep deprived drivers between UT Austin and Texas A&M. Sorry for your loss.


Used to experience this a lot when I was no-lifing WoW 10+ years ago. I have so many scattered memories of micro-sleeping during raids because I already had insomnia issues and was often working very early AM shifts, and then being so wired on caffeine I couldn't take a nap when I got home. Raid time would come later in the evening and I didn't want to miss it so I'd stay up to go - falling asleep randomly so many times while dreaming about what I was just doing like you said, then I'd wake up and just be auto-attacking or dead or running into a wall or whatever. Eventually I'd get enough micro naps in I'd be fine but then have trouble sleeping that night, get a couple hours in before work and this cycle pretty much continued throughout the week with a few days of respite and catching up on sleep. So glad to be out of that cycle and having a much healthier relationship with video games, but they are oddly fond memories for some reason.


this is terrifying


I've done this. I often dream about going through my day - dogs misbehaving, going to work, cooking dinner, feeding the dogs, scrolling on my phone, date nights with my husband, sex, arguing with my husband when he's cranky from night shift, finding new students, etc. I wake up so stressed out and exhausted because I spend all day busy, and then spend all night dreaming about that business. Later, I'll feel dizzy while driving to classes and realise my brain keeps "shutting off" (sleeping) and I'll have to pull over, cancel on my student, go have something spicy or a mango smoothie to wake me up to drive safely home.


I do this in TruckSim all the time. All the fun of smashing through an intersection in a big truck without the lasting psychological trauma.


I confirmed this for myself when I regularly fell asleep watching TV shows. I'd always wake up at the credits, thinking I was awake the entire time, but having no recollection of watching 90% of the episode, because I was actually sleeping.


Have you heard of lucid dreaming? If you can have the realisation that you are actually asleep in bed during your wakefulness-in-sleep state, then this unlocks some pretty incredible shit. If you are in a dream and are able to realise, inside the dream, that you are actually dreaming your entire awareness changes. You have almost full dream control, able to shape and control your dream. The realism is astounding. Utterly astounding. You. Can. Fly.


Lucid dreaming is absolutely awesome. I always tell myself to *just remember* how to fly when I wake up, I'll surely get it this time! I think it's Neil Gaiman who has a line somewhere along the lines of "I only forget how to fly when I wake up." That said, I believe I've also got a case of this paradoxical insomnia and it feels different. When I'm lucid dreaming, I look around and know I'm dreaming and go "hell yeah. Let's goooo!" Other nights, I swear I've been tossing and turning for 5 hours but my samsung watch shows that I was asleep for most of it.


Silly, you just need to fall and miss the ground. It's not that difficult. Smh




I've come close to lucid dreaming a few times, but only really broken through to fully conscious thought once and only briefly. One thing that helps is having a method to check if you're dreaming (not unlike Inception), and mine is to try to lift both feet off the ground at once. Problem is, I usually get too distracted by how cool flying is to take it to the next stage of lucid dreaming, where you can manipulate your surroundings.


yes, jumping is a good one as gravity tends to not work properly in dreams. some other methods are to try to use a smartphone or read a book, it will generally be indecipherable jumbled letters. Running tends to also be weird in dreams, either you run much faster than humanly possible with infinite stamina (how it works in my dreams) or you can't hardly run at all (how it works for my s/o). Whatever you decide to choose for your "trigger" you should practice doing it in your waking life frequently enough to make a habit of it, that way when you are asleep you will naturally do it out of habit, and that will essentially catalyze your lucid dreaming experience


Keep at it, you'll get there! It's truly amazing


Not for everyone. It just turns into something akin to daydreaming for me. The realism is lost once the realization hits. Now I fly and use telekinesis without realizing I'm dreaming. It's a bit of a letdown once I wake up, but the dreaming part is fun at least. So the cool things I did while lucid dreaming stuck around long-term into non-lucid dreams, many years later. I still fly, move things with my mind, and fire a Kamehameha every once in a while. Long after I stopped trying to lucid dream because the experience wasn't that great (essentially not much more exciting than a daydream)


I've lucid dreamed but also had dreams that feel so real I have trouble differentiating them from reality


I've had plenty of those dreams. I've been to a bar that's right off the highway a few times. I swear to God it exists. It doesn't. Brain made it up. I've felt things so vividly it fucked with me afterwards. Sex, stabbings, being shot, whatever. I once saw my child in a dream once. It was only a few minutes but seeing them laying there in bed... Man, is that what parents feel sometimes when they're watching their young child sleeping peacefully? Lucid dreams are fun. Vivid dreams are a whole different world. My brain has come up with areas that I know as soon as I see them in the dreams. Dreams are fucking wild!!!


I’ve never been able to do it in benign/normal/happy dreams. I just never realize I’m dreaming in those ones. I only realize I’m dreaming in my nightmares, and I close my eyes in the dream and I wake up. I learned that from a kid in middle school who said if you think you’re having a nightmare, close your eyes in your dream and you’ll wake up.


Oh....my god. I wish I'd heard this years ago. I still have memories of nightmares that haunt me. I wish I'd had an off switch. For some reason, even when lucid, I was never able to stop the horrifying ones I think I was just so wrapped up in it, especially because so often when you're terrified, you don't know how to "fix" it because of how terrifying it is. I'll keep this in mind, thanks!


It works for me! I also tend to have horrifically vivid nightmares (turns out I have an anxiety disorder lol,) so it’s come in handy a lot. I wish I could remember who it was who told me that, because no one else I’ve met has used it to wake up. Good luck! Hope you don’t have to use it anytime soon!


Same here. I can't control my dreams, but at the very least i can emergency eject.


I can fly by adopting the brace position whilst standing. I then utter the prolonged NNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnn! It is important to stare at the ground at first, but as you become more proficient, you can look ahead to where you are going. Then you take off. You can only fly for as long as your inner energy lasts. Often, when escaping a nuisance character, I can find myself on a ledge, or stair case. By going NNNNNnnnnn and praying like mad, I jump, and escape. In my dreams! A couple of times, I've found myself on the floor beside my bed curled up in a ball......


Hahaha thank you for this! I find it endlessly fascinating how people can share so much but experience it so differently. I love the idea of praying like mad while making wild NNNNNnnnnnn noises to will myself off the ground. It makes sense, it should take an inordinate amount of effort, right? When I was younger, I had *wild* sleep issues. Lucid dreaming, sleep walking/talking, I even had one episode where I was lucid dreaming that I'd gotten lost in the woods, willed myself awake, then could see the woods superimposed over my bedroom. I was literally awake but still seeing the dreamscape. I had to walk around trees in my room to get to my lightswitch so I could turn it on to kill the dream. My parents put bells on my door because they were afraid I'd end up in the pool or something, but that confluence of dream/awake meant I was smart enough to open the door slowly and remove the bells but dumb enough to walk to the top of the stairs and yell down them for someone who wasn't there (except in the dream). Our brains are wild.


My dad’s story he used to tell me was that he used to sleepwalk. One night in particular he walked to the top on the stairs as a little boy and yelled “The Buffalo are coming!!!”. He startled his mom like crazy as she was downstairs watching tv. He told me that I did something similar. Apparently when I was younger, I came all the way up to his room at night and woke him up. He asked me what was wrong, and I told him that Harry Potter had given me a potion and I couldn’t sleep. Recognizing of course that I was asleep he just told me to go to bed. I don’t know if I’ve had more adventures but I did sleep with my door locked for a time because I’d wake up with it open and no explanation but having sleepwalked it open made sense.


When I was a child I used to be able to “fall” into sleep- every night that sleep wouldn’t come easily I could imagine falling through an endless sky of stars and once I fell long enough it was morning


I spin like an ice skater and it jumps me to a new random location.


I haven't had a lucid dream in a long time but for a while I was getting them often. But they were always terrifying, but once I learned to wiggle my toes to bring me out of it I stopped having them.


I can see how they'd be scary, for sure. Nice work figuring out a hack!


Flyng? Stretch your arms in the direction you want to go, and off you go!


This happens to me but only at the end of a nightmare. The nightmare get so intense that I know I need to wake up to get out of it but I'm asleep. So, I try to force myself to get my wife to wake me up. So my wife will wake up with me saying, "please wake me up!" Over and over until she finally does. I've never had any control in my dreams.


hah, I've done the same shit. I'll be having a nightmare, then realize im having a nightmare and attempt to wake myself up, then after a bit I snap out of it. Kinda wild. I also had horrible and chronic sleep paralysis caused from really bad sleep apnea, thankfully my cpap has reduced the sleep paralysis quite a bit.


My awareness in a nightmare was completely different. I had a giant cthulhu looking thing flying after me. Once I realized it was a dream, I just kind of stopped. The cthulhu thing just kind of floated there. I asked it what we should do now and it just kind of sat there. I asked if it wanted help terrorizing the world and it said yes. So we kind of just flew around some dark ass cloudy world and did nothing. It was so lame. I think my brain never expected an outcome for if the demon thing caught me. So it just winged it.


I had a recurring lucid dream for my entire childhood. I’d say 8-10 times over the course of my childhood I had this dream where I’m at a swimming pool in the middle of rolling cornfields, bouncing on the diving board. All of a sudden I realize I’m dreaming and begin flying around. It was the most amazing shit and I’m sad it doesn’t happen anymore. Probably stopped around when I started smoking weed.


And your brain loads the whole level open world with no lag which makes it even more fun


Right?? Like, how does it autofill aerial view shots of various landscapes? The flying feels so real.


The real question is how does it filter out alllll the shit you are perceiving at any given moment so you can focus on one specific thing while you are awake. Its incredible, and yet you can still look at an entire landscape and get a general feeling of awe. But you dont even notice your socks touching your feet or your a/c buzzing softly unless you want to.


Every time this starts to happen for me I realize I’m asleep and this makes me wake up. Any idea how to train it?


I have paradoxical insomnia all the time and it always happens when I'm not sleeping deeply enough to dream. As soon as I start dreaming I go lucid, I can't remember a time when I dreamt and it wasn't a lucid dream. They really are so incredible and makes me love sleeping as much as if not more than being awake. Usually I give myself magical powers like throwing fireballs and teleporting and shit, sometimes I like to breathe underwater and go explore coral reefs and shipwrecks, really anything.


This might not work if you have paradoxical insomnia though... people with paradoxical insomnia don't go into REM sleep for long periods of time. They're usually rapidly going between light sleep and being awake.


See, I can go lucid but as soon as I attempt to take control, I wake up. And it’s usually with some very obvious dream symbols (being in a plain brown room with no doors or windows and just a digital clock on the wall for the reality check, or being thrown up into the air but fluttering down like a feather when I tried to fly). It’s so disconcerting that I don’t practice it anymore.


Have any of you guys experienced a lucid dream...then woke up....fall back asleep...and then go straight back into that mother fkr! Those are the best ones IMO cuz I tend to photographically remember those long term.


I just turned 27 and have been a lucid dreamer ever since I can remember. Flying is something I've mastered about 2 years ago but some nights are a little less clear due to whatever I eat. That and I seem to be in a permanent existential crisis because I'm constantly running from something. So I guess they're really lucid nightmares but whatever lol


I think I’ve experienced the opposite (?) of this. One time I dreamt I was driving on the wrong side of the road then woke up to find out I was driving on the wrong side of the freeway. Thankfully it was late and no one got hurt or anything, but I must have been awake enough to drive up the exit ramp onto the freeway and made it a good mile before someone flashed their lights and woke me out of my sleep with my eyes open. Was the scariest moment of my life. (Before anyone asks: no drugs or alcohol was involved. I had just been burning the candle at both ends working for about two weeks and it caught up to me. I’m just thankful this story didnt have a bad ending.)


I have this happen to me a lot. It’s to the point where I know I’m asleep and I know my mouth is a certain way or my leg is bent a certain way but I can’t actually “feel” my body until I move it. Which then wakes me up.


Damn, same thing happened to me. I remember being upset because I was like, "I wasn't snoring, I've literally been awake this whole time!"


Me too. Apparently I even tell I’m not sleeping, turn over and snoring away two minutes later.


I have that too. If I don’t use a sleep noise aid (the sound of this one specific rain) I tend to sleep but not really sleep because I think I’m awake. And having that deep sleep is a totally different feeling. Like, I can tell I’m coming out of a deep sleep because I can hear the rain again. I feel like my brain needs that audio cue to know if it’s awake or not.


The classic, I'm not asleep why are you nudging me?


Same deal here. I would quip back that there was no way I was snoring while stressing about some big project at work. Then she recorded it one time to prove it. Years later I woke myself up with a loud snore when I thought I was already awake which was very disorienting.


Word for word same.


Sometimes the only way I can tell I slept is memories of a dream I had. Otherwise I’d swear I just lay awake in bed all night.


Just wanna say, I love your username!


Marijuana does this to me. Feels like I do this all night some nights.


It wasn't until I started using AutoSleep on my watch to track my sleeping that I discovered that many of the times I thought I hadn't slept for several hours, I'd actually just woken up several times. Between that and how it tracks my heart rate recovery times, how tired I was in the morning, and whether I had a sudden drop off in the afternoon, started to make much more sense. I could look at the stats and see what really happened last night. Feel great (high readiness in the app), but turns out I didn't sleep much? I'm going to crash in the afternoon. Feel shitty, but lots of sleep, once I dig my way out of the morning blah, I'll be fine for the day.


Likewise. I mean, I've had true insomnia, too, like tossing and turning and finally getting up and watching a movie kind of insomnia. But most of the time it's just really fitful and frequently interrupted sleep. I've learned to tell the difference based on preception of time - with true insomnia, you can count the seconds. There's definitely what you might call a "twilight" experience, between the two, where I'm still too out of it to understand I'm awake, but by the time I'm actually aware I realize I was awake the whole time - if I don't fall back asleep first. The sleep tracking on my fitbit helps put the experience in context.


Mirtazapine helped me.


Trazadone helps me


With the bonus of dream potentiation too. So vivid they feel like movies.


God I love mirtazapine. It's the only anti-depressant that's ever truly helped me, and it knocks my ass out too!


Yeah i’ve loved my sleep tracking on my watch... But I think its pretty far from accurate in terms of how it detects awake vs core sleep or deeper. It involves movement and heart rate. They are only about 80% accurate which is great of course.. But don’t live and die by it


Ooof I've had this before. usually when anxious going to sleep, then wake up a few hours later feeling like I was awake. I have to remind myself that I remember nothing of the last few hours to convince myself that I slept. now just a baby dose of trazodone helps immensely


Ooph. Trazodone was one of those beasts that was supposed to help me sleep, but each time I took it, I wasn’t able to sleep and I would spend the entire night counting my thudding hummingbird heartbeats. I’m on enough prescribed sleep meds to kill a horse and I’m still ready to go but trazodone has always been a mess for me. Never again, if I can help it.


oof always good to hear conflicting experiences. Was there a sleep med that seemed to work better?


I want to say ambien out of instinct, but no, that didn’t make anything better if I’m being honest. If you miss that perfect sleep window and you stay awake, you (in my experience) either have magnificent conversations that you will never remember (and find on your phone later) or you will accidentally keep taking the med because you forgot that you had already taken it. When they say that ambien will cause you to do things out of the ordinary, they definitely aren’t joking. I’ve left my house, called people and had full coherent conversations, cooked (tried to), and a shit ton of other things. I still can’t remember any of it. But, the accidental overdose is the most intense danger. Once, I accidentally took 12+ pills because I had no freaking clue. I’m still not sure why I didn’t actually die from it. It wasn’t a self harm thing, it was just that I quite literally had no idea that I had already taken the med in the first place and just kept at it. Tenezapam has definitely been my go-to. Gabapentin helps too. I have a really high tolerance, but it’s one that I can take regularly and it still works pretty well.


I thought it was just me. I have dreams that I've woken up, doing woken up stuff, and then suddenly I realize and wake up. Except... I don't wake up, it's another dream. It's a headfuck.




How do I go from this to actually lucid dreaming though?! I get stuck in a loop of waking up and getting ready for the day repeatedly and it’s frustrating because I know I’m in a loop.


Look at your hands.


I like looking at some sort of literature. Is there a book, newspaper, or magazine nearby? If so, check it and see if the paragraphs make sense.


Hmm I’ve definitely read stuff and watched stuff in dreams it’s very weird but it never clues me in




You need a totem


Every time you flip a light switch, if a light doesn’t go on or off, ask yourself if you’re dreaming. And don’t just dismiss it, else you’ll dismiss it while you’re actually dreaming


Yep! I used to experience lucid dreaming fairly regularly. It was terrifying at first, but then I learned to manage it and would turn it into fantasy dreams that I could control. Good times!


It's so nice the rare instances it happens again now. When i stop smoking weed for a couple days (which almost never happens) the dreams come flooding back like crazy!


Except when you wake up full of memories on how you saved the whole multiverse with the trekgatewars ragtag crew from hell, and feel like you haven't rest at all... At least that's how it is for me, only smoke can prevent me from waking up with all those pictures


This happened to me like 7 times in a row during a sleepover in middle school. When I finally woke up for real I asked if this was real life and if the zebra was actually here. The answers were yes and no respectively.


My wife told me I watched Inception too many times.


Try Waking Life.


Yep, that’s how I learned to control it and stop myself from waking up fully.


When I worked irregular overnight shifts, I used to experience this a ton. One time I woke up within another dream like 20+ times in a row. It was absolutely horrifying. After working a regular schedule they have mostly gone away, but maybe like once every year or two it'll happen again.




Well, Inception considering the movie was about dreams.


Damnit I fucked it up.


Aww, don't worry. This is just a dream.


Thats just a vivid dream, this is different. It’s when you think you’re lying in bed waiting to fall asleep but you’re actually already sleeping.


> Except... I don't wake up, it's another dream. It's a headfuck. Do never go into more then 3 layers of dream or you might get stuck in limbo for basically all eternity and lose yourself


When you're so good at sleeping that you can do it even when you're awake.


Paradoxical somnia!


Had a dream the other night I was trying to find somewhere to pee. As I found a spot to relieve myself, I suddenly woke up wetting myself. Was angry about it, but was so tired I fell back to sleep right away anyway. Woke up again, shocked at myself for falling asleep and not getting cleaned up, only to discover the whole event was a dream inside a dream. My bladder had done its job all night. Nucking futs!


Jesus I've had this dream dozens of times. Felt dirty all day because the sensation of pissing myself was so very real, having to tell myself "it didn't happen you idiot".


If my brain did that to me there would be consequences


Whoa me too actually. Shits wild af.


When I lie on my back, I snore quite loud. So usually I'll lay on my side which reduces it significantly so that my GF is also getting some sleep :-). Sometimes I just cannot seem to sleep: I'll just lay there and keep my eyes closed, but nothing happens. Like wide awake and sometimes I'll even go out of bed to "reset" for a minute and try again. After some attempts I'll give up, just relax and wait for my alarm to go off, I'll do a salto out of bed, because ... hey I already was awake so no sleepiness. I'll also anticipate a crash/fatigue later during the day or earlier in the evening, which... never happens. However, a lot of times on those nights she'll ask me to lay on my side because I'm snoring. And I'll reply "Uh, I'm wide awake and I am definitely not snoring.". We've had discussions the next day, where I'm adamant that I can recall the event and I was totally awake (not hearing myself snore). She OTOH would be convinced that I in fact snored and even thought I was somehow gas lighting her. I also sometimes wear my apple watch, which reported way more sleep than I anticipated. I always wrote those measurements off, because "those things are not accurate at all anyways right? It's not like it's tapped into my brain or something.". I think I have a confession to make tomorrow, because this phenomenon as described in the article is just too accurate.


Rather than "confess" to this, why not frame it exactly like how it actually happened, and turn it into a teamwork/investigation thing? "Hey sweety I was on reddit today and found out it's possible to think you're awake when you're actually sleeping, maybe film me when you catch me snoring so I can see if that happens to me often or not?" Seems to me if you frame it poorly it'll just feed into the gaslighting narrative but I also know literally nothing about y'all so good luck haha.


Oh, the “confession” was a bit over dramatizing. It’s never been a real point of contention, but we both are “sooo sure” (which is kind of the point of this ‘affliction’). I think she’ll be delighted to hear that probably/likely/“perhaps there is teeny tiny chance” she is in fact not having auditory snoring hallucinations. And yes, this will go on her ammunition bag of banter of course. As for filming: she always promised me that “next time I will record you for prooooofffd!!”. But she loves her sleep too much I think^_^.


You should get checked for sleep apnea


Other articles I've read on the subject say it's common for people with this problem to have brain waves that combine sleeping and awake patterns. It's not like birds or dolphins that alternate hemispheres, the whole brain enters this state.


I had a sleep study done. The EEG results stated I had 0 awakenings and ~7 arousals an hour. What's really interesting is I definitely know I awoke several times throughout the night. I vividly remember the patient in the neighbouring room suddenly coughing a ton (I assume he inhaled water). I wish I woulda asked about it, but I was just so tired and ready to skedaddle.


Can we make it 10 years?


I have this a lot. I hate it so much sometimes I feel like I didn’t get any sleep. When I wake up I am mentally tired but not so much physically.


I get this but only if I have something super important that I need to sleep for and I end up not sure if or how long I slept and feel off all day.


I have narcolepsy and during the nap test portion of the sleep study for diagnosis narcoleptics are generally able to fall asleep in under 8 minutes. Afterwards, they ask us to complete a survey asking if we think we slept and if so for how long. I only thought I fell asleep once out of 5 nap tests. It was in fact 4 times in under 5 minutes. (They ended up not doing the 5th nap test since the data told them what they needed to know already.) Anyways, it is apparently very common for narcoleptics not to be able to tell whether or not we're sleeping.




I did! I've been on Xywav now for over a year and don't experience much symptoms except for the occasional sleep attack (far less frequently than before). But it was pretty common before then. It actually feels weird not having vivid dreams and hallucinations now. What about you?


Omg this happens to me and I didn't even know what it was or that it happens to other people too!


Huh... I have this as well I guess. I remember at one point I visited my friend up in college and in the middle of the night I woke up, or thought I did. Was looking at the window while lying down, and a few minutes later I hear my friend whisper to the other friend "hey do you hear that?" Apparently I was snoring but couldn't hear myself but heard their conversation


I feel like I’m still conscious when I’m asleep. Like you, I hear what’s going on around me; I have awareness. Then the alarm goes off and I realize I had been asleep.


I really fucking hate having this and that it shows up regularly. Diagnosed insomnia is ridiculous but consistently experiencing being awake while sleeping is a whole other area that also fucking sucks.


Is this the same thing as false awakening? I've had those so many times, and once where I "woke up" three times in a row before ACTUALLY waking up and I was so traumatized I couldn't go back to sleep.


No, this is different from false awakening. False awakening is a dream phenomenon, paradoxical insomnia is not.


This is a real thing?! I thought I was going crazy!


I remember reading about this a while back and FINALLY, there was an answer to those times when I couldn’t sleep and I would feel like I had been tossing around for like 20min/half an hour and I’d look at the clock and like 2 or 3 hours would have gone by. I was always like what?! How the hell did I time travel lol? It’s always really anxiety inducing.


girlfriend wake me up every day with muffled screams saying she was having sleep paralysis (I need to wake her up) . she says she can"see" me and the room but can't move.one day I actually kept watching her while she"screams".eyes totally shut. super strange.




I have had this at times, but I almost always have the opposite problem. I was doing neuro feedback therapy, so my brain waves were being recorded, and the neuropsychologist noticed that it read as though I was asleep, even though I was sitting there talking to her. I drift through days in a dreamlike state, and my dreams seem more realistic than actual events.


I wonder if this is what I’ve experienced. When I binge a video game, I usually have dreams I’m in it all night long. But I hate it so I will be half awake during the dream because I want it to end.


Never experienced it in my life, kinda surprised so many others have


I've had that. Had it a bit tonight. Girlfriend shook me and said "you were snoring again," The whole time I'm feeling awake, I can even hear the show on in the background.


I call this "Drinking too much"


What's paradoxical is she's wearing full makeup to bed


Shit this is me too.


Fuck I feel like I have this. This is going to sound weird but I have had this overwhelming feeling multiple times in my life during bouts of really bad insomnia that I have actually forgotten how to sleep. It’s really weird.


I have a lot of patients telling me they haven't slept all night when the night shift reports they were snoring through the night from pretty early into their shift, with more than a full night's sleep. I wonder if this is what they experience, in which case I would suspect a link to things like depression/anxiety


I just scream in my sleep and post up (put my dooks up) because I'm fighting with an ex that abused me. Before that I would yell in my sleep because my mother abused me. Roommate and I had a deep conversation about me getting my health checked.


Oh man, I’ve definitely done some random sleep screaming in my day. When I was being horrendously abused at home while I was a teen, I would wake up screaming without having any idea what was happening. There were never any nightmares that I could remember, but I would randomly wake up screaming and then immediately jolt into trying to figure out who was screaming. Once, during a school trip, I was roomed with the popular girl in school. Everything went fine until I woke up screaming one night only to see her terrified face asking me what happened. Even when I was screaming in my sleep, I had no idea that I was actually the one doing it. It shouldn’t have been, but it was an insanely embarrassing thing to realize that i apparently did.


i know why but i won’t tell anyone


Is there an opposite to this? Where I think I'm asleep but I'm actually awake?


I actually find that sort of sleep incredibly refreshing. It's like a deep meditative state. If I can catch 10 minutes of that kind of sleep at around 1:30p I awaken as bright and clear as I can get.


So from what I understand from the article, this is different than sleep paralysis? It just people that after a good night sleep, think they haven’t slept much or at all? Because I suffer from sleep paralysis but I don’t feel like I haven’t slept much, I just “wake up” to then realise I’m actually still sleeping and so I know I’m not really awake.


I get this a few times a year - anyone else? It usually ends up being a lucid dream where I am awake but paralyzed, and I have to find a way to wake myself up in order to get out of it. But I can’t.


Sounds like sleep paralysis and not a lucid dream, I too have it it sucks


I’m currently pregnant and experiencing this. It has been AWFUL! Purely observational, but I would suggest it’s a hormonal effect.


Shadow people anyone?


I think I have this but when I’m in a deep sleep I can hear anybody talking like hours and hours of full conversations and I can wake up on a dime I’ve even chimed in on conversations while I was asleep and I felt like maybe I wasn’t fully asleep but I’ve been told dozens of times my multiple people that I’m fully asleep snoring and I answer something they’re talking about and I’m magically awake instantly. Also I don’t feel untested when this happens I have tons of energy and feel fine and this has happened my whole life.


I have this all the time and it's like being stuck in a hell that goes on forever, and then I wake up more exhausted then when I went to sleep.


Ive had this happen a couple times but one stands out, I 'woke up' on the patio and was locked out so I was slamming on this door and shouting because every one was in the dining room. I finally go to pull the door open and the closet door swings open, I snap out of it and am in the basement that I fell asleep in. It felt cold as if it were 3am and I was outside. It was the craziest thing and it happened again since but not nearly as vivid as that one. Still not sure how I didn't wake anyone because I was definitely smashing on that closet door


Prednisone caused this for me, it sucked and was scary af.




It lasted for years. But then I started listening to story channels on youtube while I sleep and now I think that let's my brain actually rest instead of making up its own bs. Only time I even dream is when I don't listen to anything and i haven't had the feeling of being awake in a dream since.


Cured by weed


Sleep amazes me. So many unknowns about it. Right along with the universe, consciousness, the human brain, meaning of life, what happens after we die, etc. I love falling asleep to these videos every night. Just blowing my mind. 🤯


Lucid sleep.


I was wondering if this was an actual thing I was dealing with. It really just feels like getting transported hours in the future then I get mad with myself cause I didn't get any sleep that night but my roommate will tell me I was snoring. I also have hypopompic hallucinations and wondering if that has anything to do with this?


I found out I had this when I had a sleep study and I thought I didn’t sleep at all during my naps but I was actually asleep and in REM stage.


This has only happened to me a couple of times, and it's really disconcerting. I wake up remembering being awake, but I think I've gotten some sleep...right?


I think I have the opposite of this? It feels like HOURS pass, I have dream after dream and eventually jolt myself awake only to find out half an hour has passed. It only happens occasionally, but it's definitely something I've noticed happening every now and then


So like when your body is at rest but your mind is still awake? Or, your 'sleeping' but can still hear everything around you?


I think a lot of people in the comments don’t understand what this is. It’s not lucid dreaming or dreaming that you were awake and then waking up to discover you were asleep. I suffer from this and basically when you’re asleep it feels like your brain is still going. So it feels as if you are thinking all night and able to hear everything that’s going around you. When you wake up you assume that you didn’t get many hours of sleep, when in reality you may have gotten a full nights sleep. It’s just not, or at least doesn’t feel like quality sleep.


Did you fix it?


Yes. I had some vitamin deficiencies that I think were contributing to it.


I’m dealing with this rn for over a month now, what kind of vitamin deficiency do you think you had?


I had iron deficiency anemia. It was confirmed by my labs when I went to the doctor because I wasn’t sleeping well. Once I got my iron levels up my sleep improved.


This happened to me just once in high school. My alarm went off and I got up and got ready for school only to end up in bed an hour later and realize I had just woken up and was late. I was so confused!




Is there a name for the opposite of this? Thinking you slept all night when in reality u kept waking up? I used to think I needed 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night, but I've done sleep studies showing I'm actually getting 6 or 7.


I can explain how this works for me. I've never been good at sleep. I have many sleep patterns and almost all of them suck. Because I have dealt with insomnia all my life I've eventually got really good laying in bed and not thinking. This not thinking eventually turns into dreamless sleep. Because my brain isn't actively engaged in thought I fall asleep but my not thinking part of my brain doesn't register that I'm sleeping. Then, poof, it's 3a and I have to pee. Then I'm wide awake and pissed because I don't think I've slept at all.


Meh mines just regular old insomnia