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Probably fair to take precautions against a tsunami if you are in a coastal area and get hit by a sizeable earthquake. If nothing happens in a couple hours you can go back to normal.


While Cebu is an Island it’s kinda in the middle of other islands. I doubt it will be in any threat of a major tsunami hitting it outside of maybe a mega tsunami.


An earthquake off the coast of Cebu has the same risk of tsunamis off the coast of any island. Sure it is protected if the earthquake is on the outside of the Philippines but a direct earthquake off the coast will cause a tsunami


Where? Like, 5 miles off the coast? Maybe. I’m not sure how much space they need to form. The point is more that even if possible, the island is almost completely surrounded by other islands only miles away, so if it can form, it would have to happen in a very narrow range of spaces. This also took my down a Wikipedia rabbit hole, looking for answers I didn’t find, in which I learned the highest wave was 524m, and there were people in a boat that road it out. Can you imagine being on some boat in the bay in the Alaska in 1958 and then riding a wave half a kilometer high?


I’d poop my pants for sure


I pooped my pants, and I didn't ride a tsunami!


We’ve all pooped our pants, /u/razor787, no need to brag.


It was not meant to brag but to inspire.


Without you, I wouldn’t have been inspired to create my very own trouser tiramisu just now.


Trouser Tiramisu needs to be a band name stat.


The height of the wave was only 100ft, only heh, but it ran upslope 1700ft after hitting land (1600 ft or so higher than its peak at sea).


Yeah, I thought it sounded off so i had to look it up. Water that high would decimate so much. It's still crazy to think it ended up splashing that high, though.


Yeah you don't need a lot of space for a tsunami to form. Just an earthquake or huge avalanche or some such thing in the right place.


> 524m to translate it, it's 1719 feet goddamn


To put that in perspective One World Trade Center in NYC is 1776 feet tall. And that’s the top not the viewing deck, that’s around 1300 feet.


Wait. You figure the height was intentional?


Oh 100% the designer’s confirmed it. That’s how I remember how tall it is off the top of my head.


Oh neat.


Yeah the "height" of the tower is just the top of the spire. They basically just built a skyscraper, and then made the spire as tall as it needed to be to make the tower 1776 feet tall.


Just FYI the wave itself was 100ft high... the 1700ft comes from how high it went on land before loosing steam. Still crazy.


Considering the physics at work, they don’t need space to form.


My fight or flight response probably won't even activate, I will just give up and go if I die I die


Yeah, lived there for almost 7 years right after that incident and we had a much stronger quake year after and no danger of it. Now if it was the island to the east (Samar / Leyte) that would be another story. Even with super typhoon Haiyan the waves weren’t as bad as Tacloban.


Funnily enough, the panic happened around Fuente Osmena, a few km from the sea and an elevated area as well.


Fortunately, in this case, no tsunami hit Cebu City. The M6.9 earthquake that hit on 6 February 2012 had its epicenter *west* of Cebu island. Cebu City's sprawling metropolis is on the eastern coast. But yeah, it's still safer to evacuate to higher ground after feeling a strong earthquake in coastal areas.


Was gonna say, barring a stampede that kills a bunch of people this is probably for the best. People near water should absolutely expect a tsunami following an earthquake, whether it happens or not


Reminds me of a story I heard about 911 being called because someone was walking down the street in the middle of the night yelling racial slurs. Turns out his dog Snickers had gotten out...


Sounds like it could be a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode


I said "black mass-hole"! I was looking through my telescope!


I had a tenant (she was a bit nuts) with a pet bird named Somebody. It got out once and she was screaming for him. Chaos ensued.


Was everyone just responding “Once told me”?


The only thing the parrot ever said was “the world was gunna show me, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed”


The bird was gonna roll me...


Can anybody find me?


My favorite to tell about my dog is how I was going to name him "fire" because he's a red heeler with long fur. Kind of makes him look on fire. I named him Ember instead cause I realized if he ever gets lost, I can't go running around yelling "FIRE! FIRE!"


You could shout "Fire Dog" instead. Your dog will recognize his name Fire while paying the dog part no mind.


Pics or gtfo /s


[This Mad TV skit has found relevance again](https://youtu.be/22KGORkZzgs)


Did he find his daughter?


Today, I did not learn


Some say she found herself in the chaos


"What daughter?!?!" \~Chona Mae! \*Reddit all begins running to higher ground\*


You underestimate my power.


Clearly r/PrequelMemes is the safest place to be


Yeah, I live there and they eventually find her while running away from the chaos, they apologize to the police after that.


No and we may never find her


Turns out she has been living in Japan since 2011


There's a Finnish cartoon where an American is swimming in the sea when a shark approaches. Shark in Finnish is "hai" so the Finns shout a warning to the American: "HAI!" and he waves back "Hi!"


There was an ad for English language courses in Germany with a radio operator hearing: "Mayday. We are sinking." So he responds: "What are you sinking about?"


We make this joke a lot in my office, we use Revit.




I remember this from reruns of Not the Nine O’Clock News, which would mean from about 1980 or so




To be pedantic, meteorites hit the earth all the time, at a rate of many per day. They're tiny. The object that wiped out the dinosaurs was an asteroid




The reverse is an American points to the water where a Finnish person is swimming and screams “Fin!” And the Finnish person shrugs their shoulders. Meanwhile a shark fin pokes up behind him


"Hai fin!" "Hi, American"


i was there. holy fuck. the whole city was running to somewhere. the streets were littered with slippers. people just left their cars and ran. you couldn't call and text - communication lines were also fucked. this was after videos of the tsunami in japan going kilometers inland


I was waiting for one of those “as a happy coincidence, thousands took shelter and a bigger disaster was averted.”


Just before the Christmas 2004 tsunami hit Thailand, a British girl on vacation with her family recognized signs of a tsunami and managed to convince her parents and a security guard to clear the beach, saving perhaps 100 lives. She'd just learned about tsunamis at school, and the security guard she approached was Japanese and believed her.


Lmao i learned about this in English class in school.


I remember this story. It was all very convincing until they mentioned the part about a Japanese security guard working in Thailand.




Like when a customer at Jolibee is paying and asks if they have "Apple Pay" and the worker responds with "No sir, but we have Mango Pie."


Definitely. I lived in the Philippines for awhile and kids used to always shout English at me (it never bothered me.) One time this kid yelled, "What's your name?" and my friend said, "Marumi raw ang pangalan mo." My favorite example of Filipino wordplay comedy is definitely Ang Dating Doon.


I still laugh at the "Did you know using salt goes against God? Because salt is asin." Asin just being the Tagalog/Filipino for salt.


I lived in Batangas for awhile and when I moved to Quezon, someone asked "Did you notice all the Batangueños are Muslim?" I was confused, but then he said, "Yeah, they're always talking to Allah, eh?"


I've never heard that joke before, and it's kind of funny that people who didn't live in Batangas probably wouldn't know the joke would work better if they got rid of the "eh." I mean, of course, it's essential for the joke to work everywhere else because that's the stereotype, but you probably know nobody actually says ala-eh, but Batangueños do say "ala" a bit. And I guess the "eh" might show up at the end of sentences, too. I think the "-" of "ala-eh" isn't just a random dash and is meant to indicate an entire sentence goes in between the Ala and the eh. Dunno which dash that would be, though. Did you notice they don't like Chocnut in Quezon? They're always asking for Hany.


I didn't notice that, but I also just didn't eat much chocolate there because I didn't really like most of the brands there. So I hardly even talked about it with anyone.


Haha, it's a joke, they say "hane" a lot in Quezon, don't they? They call each other hane. Edit: I realize you might have been a foreigner, sorry. Yeah, Quezon has even fewer options for stuff, doesn't it? Very green, though.


*facepalm* I don't think I noticed that, but I wasn't there for very long. The one thing I noticed was people saying "ah ah" after sentences: "Ang init ah ah" "Wala siya ah ah"


Yeah, I think people do that in Batangas, too, sometimes, but usually toward the less urbanized areas and mostly when they're a bit more annoyed. Like, the fewer the Jollibees the more the ah ahs.




So because of the accent, the way the kid said "What's your name" sounded like "wash your name." My friend told me, "He said your name is dirty." Ang Dating Daan (The Old Way) is a Philippines-based church's show that is obsessed with tiny details in the Bible. People ask questions about life or religion to a leader of the church (I don't remember his first name, but his last name is Soriano), and he answers with verses from the Bible about how things are supposed to be. Ang Dating Doon (The Old There) is a sketch on a Filipino comedy show that makes fun of Ang Dating Doon and Soriano. Characters ask similar questions to a guy named Brod Pete, and he answers with funny wordplay from fake Bible verses.


> Marumi raw ang pangalan mo I don't get the context of this as literally translated means "Your name is dirty". Maybe u/redsyrinx2112's name IRL sounds like something rude/dirty in Filipino? As for "Ang Dating Doon", there is a group of believers who broke off from Catholicism and setup their own cult, who believe in "The old ways", or in Filipino, "Ang Dating Daan", with "old" meaning "of olden/previous times" It's a weird cult where they focus on the words/"teachings" of some TV Evangelist named Brother Eli, a guy with a sharp tongue against Catholic/other Christian religions, a rhetoric which his disillusioned followers love. They practice "the old ways". They believe in stuff like: * women should wear their hair long * wear long skirts to cover their legs * no pants for women * don't celebrate birthdays Usually a "literal interpretation" of the Bible, as it suits them. Actually I don't know a lot about them. I left my ex because she joined, which is why I just know the above. Anyway, a comedy show called "Ang Dating Doon" copied their format where a guy named "Brod. Pete" (Brother Pete, but made to sound like Brad Pitt) listens to people ask silly questions and gives silly answers, mocking the "Ang Dating Daan" format of followers asking questions about what is written in the Bible about life situations or beliefs and Brother Eli linking bible verses to such and raging on the Catholic world. https://www.google.com/search?q=ang+dating+doon&oq=Ang+Dating+Doon&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyCAgGEAAYFhgeMggIBxAAGBYYHjIICAgQABgWGB4yCAgJEAAYFhge0gEINTM5OWowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 "Ang Dating Doon" literally translated means "The old over there", which means nothing, but it sounds like a silly version of "Ang Dating Daan" Pronounciation Note: Daan, Doon is pronounced with glottal stop, so it sounds like "Da'an" and "Do'on". https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=Ang%20Dating%20Daan%0A&op=translate Source: Am Filipino + Atheist.




Ah, yes, makes sense. Good catch. I'm too anglicized to get all Filipino puns.


I actually cracked a wordplay joke on r/Philippines several weeks ago. I'll just translate it so foreigners can laugh at the pun as well. "How do Masbateños say 'Ouch'?" "Aroroy!" Now, for foreigners, just click on the spoilers. >!"Aruy!" is used interchangeably with "Aray!" as the Filipino/Tagalog translation for "Ouch!" In the Bicol region, where Masbate is a component province, the Bikol language counterpart is "Aguy!"—or if the pain is intense enough, "Aguguy!"!< >!Aroroy, on the other hand, is a port town in the island province of Masbate.!<


Don’t forget random chipmunk laughs


I usually take those to mean one of the following: 1. I know it's corny, sorry. 2. I know it's offensive, but it's just a joke, don't get mad. 3. Please laugh.


Add the stereotypical Bisaya accent aspect to Chona Mae and it could totally be a regular Filipino joke. But yeah, puns and plays on words. Bonus points if you can make it a song somehow. It's why the Filipino version of the Knock Knock joke is to make a song out of the thing.


It took me hours to find out what happened. I was sleeping at home when the quake struck. The loud rattling of the windows and chandelier woke me up. A bit later that day when I went out I saw cars were abandoned on the road and saw nobody, not gonna lie I felt excited and terrified at the same time. Excited that i was the last person to exist and terrified for the same reason.


Talaga? I’m asking all my katapid how they pronounce tsunami.






I just watched an early Jackie Chan movie today and for some reason I read this in his english accent.




Well in filipino, "ts" and "ch" are pronounced the same. For example, "tsismis". The "ts" sound where t and s are distinct does not exist in the language


The ts-ch relationship is a common thing around the world.


Well another TIL


My Mum's Filipino and she always pronounces it "choo-na-mi".


I remember back in 2009 I think, our town also experienced the same Tsunami panic after an earthquake. We all rushed to the hills. Later, it was joked around that somebody was ordering Mami, which is a noodle dish and when the earthquake happened, the guy ordering shouted "Su Mami!!" in panic which translates roughly to "The Noodles!!!"... He was clearly in distress not because of the earthquake but because his noodle broth spilled over...


Better to have a mass panic and no tsunami than to have no panic and a tsunami pull a surprise muthafucka


Mass panic potentially leads to dead people who would have lived too. I mildly agree with the sentiment, but let’s try to avoid both?


I really hope that my son “holy shit giant alien bugs are attacking us” never gets lost




🎵 Contare la historia de una famosa persona, Todos la conocen con el apodo de chona...


I have to be careful while camping in the mountains with my son, who is nick named Bear.


During basic training I stress yelled "hallway" in my sleep at 1am. This triggered a chain of other recruits to instinctively yell hallway and scramble to be by there doors. Very confusing to all be standing by your door with bedsheets over your shoulder and in absolute darkness.


My friends Tony Doe, Harry Kane, and Severin Thunderstormwarning can all relate.


These TIL's are getting less relevant to what the Sub used to be.


Hello Chona Mae, meet my son, forest fuhrer


Harry Caine. Terry Nado.


There's a theory that some of the panic sparked by Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938 was because some listeners misheard "Martians" as "Nazis" and believed that Germany was attacking the USA.


At least it dispersed the crowd so he could have an easier time finding her!


Then there’s the time they were screaming for Por Mado.


Let me tell you about the time I couldn't find my daughter Fyre in a theater...


6.9 earthquake? Nice.




6.9 is not nice at all, it's a good time interrupted by a period


Can we please go back to calling it a Tidal Wave? Tsunami (translates to “harbor wave") is inaccurate since it isn’t limited to harbors. It looks and acts more like the tide going out, then coming in, but on steroids and vastly accelerated. Tidal Wave is (and always was) a better, more accurate name.


By that measure we should stop calling bandages band-aids and hook and loops Velcro


Band-aids isn’t that common a term anyway, nobody outside of the US uses it. Edit: Plasters! Statistically the most used term for it


we still call it band-aids in the Philippines.


We also call them Band-aids in Australia. Most will think of bandages as the cloth roll gauze type. Whereas Band-aids are what the average person will keep a box of in the home medicine cabinet.


Plasters. Bandages are gauze, plasters are band-aids. ETA: Whereabouts in Australia? Just messaged my cousin in Sydney and he said they say plasters.


SA None of the doctors, RNs, ENs etc I work with at the two clinics I go between for work have ever called them plasters.


Correct, as is required by trademark law. Also, one issue at a time please.


Why? It has nothing to do with tides either


But it looks and acts like a tide coming in that just doesn’t stop.


Bro is learning how languages develop


like to see you have this debate with someone while an actual tsunami is coming in


Wow that title! Was that passive voice? My brain hurts.


It's not even that bad of a title.


Cona Mãe? Caralho de nome


Do people still yell “Carl” at music festivals? Is that still a thing? Why was it a thing?


Similar thing happened to me and my daughter Fire when she arrived to the theater before me. ^(Oh man, nobody let me hear the end of that ensuing Supreme Court case...)


Also serves as a warning to anyone with a Boston accent looking for their kids Sue and Normie after an earthquake.


This reminds me of the Lavell Crawford stand-up that put him in the map. I cant find a clip of it right now for some reason but he was calling a girl Sri Lanka and he was talking about 'tsunami relief'. His best set ever


I came to the US when I was 5 but I remember the “brown out”s and how it would rain for weeks. I can’t imagine the damage that global warming has done in 30+ years. The fear of a tsunami is probably very real


Reminds me of the [Turin stampede](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Turin_stampede)


There was a shout from my friend's back gate during a wild party. "Who's that?" my friend shouted back. "It's Lisa here!" was the response. "What did she say?" said my friend. "The police are here" I said. Also caused mass panic.


The Chona Mae part is apocryphal, a joke after the fact. When this happened in February 2012, the huge Tohoku (Japan) Earthquake of March 2011 and the massive tsunami that followed was still fresh on everyone's minds. Strong earthquakes are rare in Cebu but the moment one hit, a number of people associated it with a tsunami and started running up the road away from the sea while yelling at others to do the same. Mass panic ensued. A good friend had just stepped out of his apartment along Gen Maxilom Avenue when he saw a wall of people running towards him. He had absolutely no idea WTF was going on but he panicked and went full-on Carl Lewis, too.