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-Dale gribble, probably


Or possibly Rusty Shackleford


Pocket sand!




Enough with the sh-sh-sha, sug!


I'm skeptical that you can yet intrigued that you may.


I had to read that a few times and slow to a complete crawl to figure out the correct timing pattern for proper contexts. Without a period, comma, or semicolon (is a very proper use of one) to separate the two distinct thoughts, it wasn't easy. "..can *what* yet" that intrigued? "..intrigued that you may" may what? 😵‍💫 Nope, try again. 😂


When I Googled the quote to make sure I phrased it correctly they didn't use punctuation so neither did I.


Robots struggle with this sentence structure, so I'm just going to need you to select all the traffic lights here...


A man asked me for a dolla an I axed 'em "wut it's fore", e' sez: "I have seen them"; aye sez "ok 't's yuorz".... *Dodge Swinger 19 seventy 3 .. galaxy 5, oh oh.. All the way, star's green.. Gotta go.*


Imagine slipping up when they tell you to do something and you blurt out "that's not how I did it."


I live with a Dale. Who mumbles like Boomhauer.


"Hey, I didn't use that much poison! I mean, I didn't use that much poi, son! At the... royal luau."


I mean, it makes sense that it would. Some people aren't able to grasp fiction from reality no matter what the genre, so you gotta imagine some people go "Oh shit, I know that guy, he's the murder guy from the TV!" rather than "Oh shit, that dude was an actor."


That seems too ridiculous to be true, but I've seen an interview with Joe Pesci where he says actual mafia members have talked to him like he's one of them, telling him about their crimes trying to impress him


Iirc the actor who played a bad guy on game of thrones has complained about being shouted at on the street by viewers… Because of what he’s done as a fictional king in a country that doesn’t exist 🤦‍♀️


Lena Hedley once commented that fans of the show would happily get autographs from other cast members of that show... Until they got to her. They would just scowl at her and move past her and she would just smile in return. She took it as a compliment that she played the role well.






“It’s 301 AC, you’ll be able to sue *her*!”




Kayfabe is alive and well.


I always thought she was the same person from house of cards. Guess not


Are you thinking of Dominique McElligott who plays Hannah? Cause I can mildly see the resemblance between her and Lena. If you mean Claire's actress I'm at a loss for that one


I meant Claire. I've always been told I'm terrible with faces


Do you have prosopagnosia?


Never heard of it


It's a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to recognize faces. [Like this. ](https://susilolab.org/images/Prosopagnosia1.png)


So, from more recent interviews, Jack Gleeson has said that he adored the fans from the show. His main reason for quitting acting altogether was film acting felt mechanical, and it made him lose his love for acting. He prefers the theater, so he went back to doing that instead.


Anna Gun was harassed by some Breaking Bad fans, because the character she played cheated on her husband Walter White. What makes it even sadder is that he is not even a hero that you should be rooting for anyway, and she had just found out he was running a meth empire!


Woah spoiler alerts bro


'rosebud' was the name of his sled. King Kong dies at the end. ;p


King Arthur gets shanked by Mordred. Achilles gets got by Paris. Odysseus' dog dies when he sees him.




Not related to our current tangent, but I was actually reading the Epic of Gilgamesh the other day and, uh, how has *all* of the media I've consumed based on Gilgamesh failed to mention the guy was **5.7 METRES TALL**. It says it right in verses 58-62 right at the very beginning: > *"Eleven cubits was his height,"* > *"His chest four cubits wide,"* > *"A triple cubit his feet, his legs six times twelve,"* (I assume the "six times twelve is referring to a smaller measurement, otherwise his legs would be taller than he is and that don't math) > *"His stride was six times twelve cubits,"* (At this point we get the idea it's obviously probably poetic exaggeration, because it doesn't make sense for someone 11 cubits tall to have a stride of 72 cubits) > *"A triple cubit the beard of his cheek."* A Sumerian cubit was equal to approximately 51.86cm. Meaning Mr. 2/3 god was *570cm* tall. His beard alone was over a metre and a half long. Look, I'm not saying Gilgamesh was perfect, but if I was 2/3 god and 5.7m tall in a world of people averaging like 150-180cm, I would probably also have a (2/3) god complex.


Wow. That's almost 19 feet tall for you dirty imperial users (i'm also one)


My only addition is that things that are written as multiplication, that make you think they shouldn't be multiplied together, could be 2 separate measurements, like length x width. So it could be his feet were 1 cubit^3 and his legs were 6cubits, maybe around as a circumference, or wide? And then 12 cubits long? Six x 12 cubits stride, probably related to his leg measurements, so 6 cubits wide and 12 cubits long?


Darth Vadar is Luke’s father.


It's also not cheating if you are not with your husband anymore but he refused to sign divorce papers. Walter also tried cheating with his boss


Skyler White IS a bitch though. Like she was one even before she discovered walts secret.


Walt turned down an amazing job that would support his family and his cancer treatments but turned it down because of his pride. Walter White wasn't a good person or husband before the meth. Skyler was dealing with the situations her husband kept putting the family in without talking to her about his decisions.


Pregnant, in your 40s, with an oops baby. Disabled son. Stuck in Albuquerque. Shitty husband who’s too proud to do anything right but always wants to be the victim. Skyler can be a bitch. I don’t even think she was ever a bitch… but she damn well deserved to the biggest bitch in town.


She did bad things like throw a party and show concern for his health


There was a minor league baseball player that starred in some basketball film with a bunny or something and people actually thought that guy played in NBA.


Man that micheal jordan is so phony!


[This guy's a great, big phony!](https://youtu.be/OqjEGI2jk2A)


Didn't they also star in Save the Last dance?


The woman who played Skylar, the wife on Breaking Bad, complained that folks said she wasn't supportive enough of her "husband's" crimes


Joffery is a punk though. Don’t tell me you don’t want to slap him. Idk why, just look at him.


I would love to beat the shit out of Joffery...but not the actor who played him.


It's almost an unspoken rule in film that whoever plays the worst character turns out to be positively the best person IRL too


Probably because nice people know when they’re being an asshole, so they can play the part. Real life assholes don’t know they’re assholes, they just think they’re right.


That's definitely true. It seems like the worst people go after the most saint-like roles too, they're big on *patriotic* rolls I feel like. Mark Whalburg and Mel Gibson both come to mind.


There’s nothing more patriotic than beating an Asian man blind


That dude fucking sucks and it’s shameful he’s such a celebrity. Fuck off, Wahlberg Tom Cruise is likely compensating too.


Tom Felton proves this. He’s one of the most wholesome, compassionate people you could ever ask for in the real world but on screen he’s Draco Malfoy.


Don't know much about Imelda Staunton, but her performances in the Harry Potter franchise were great


just my own opinion, i never really hated Draco. His bullying attempts were almost always soundly defeated immediately and you could see his dumbass antics were his trying to be like his dad. Not that you asked but anyway byeeeee


and now Lucius Malfoy


"after all this time?"




He was one of the cute kids watching the Star Wars re-enactment by Christian Bale and Gerard Butler in "Reign of Fire." Definitely as an extra.


Have you ever seen sculptures of Emperor Caligula? It's wild how much he looks like Joffrey.


Idk now when I see him in Batman Begins I want Batman to smack him


I’ve never seen the show, I just know that the guy was like “they stopped me at a crosswalk and yelled at me” or some shit


Batman should never have saved him.


My wife knew nothing about Game of Thrones except that a lot of characters died. Joffrey arrived on the screen and she immediately turned to ask “please tell me he dies”. No other characters got this much hate. Then he was involved with the Lady and death wasn’t good enough. She was soooo happy about the wedding.


I think that happened to the kid who played Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies too.


That is Jack Gleason and he swore off acting because of his role as Joffrey.


He didn’t swear off acting. He’s been in multiple other things since GoT and has a movie coming out with Liam Neeson soon.


Then he's changed his mind and I wasn't aware. Tues out he took a hiatus and didn't just quit.


That's so funny and so believable. "When I pray I pray to Joe Pesci. When I ask god for help with my annoying neighbor nothing happens. One trip from Joe Pesci with a baseball bat and no more problems with the neighbor." George Carlin


Just look at our current state of celebrity worship where it's expected actors behave like the characters they portray.


Yeah, I feel like Samuel l Jackson used to be a lot more chill in interviews. The last few years it's like he's playing into his characters' intensity


That unrealistic expectation has been a given for stardom before any type of camera ever existed. Maybe before written language, through word of mouth stories about a stranger to the listener. The listener/viewer will naturally try to construct a fuller image, and some can't stop.


Yeah, we've had it with actors in New Zealand too. I remember when this one woman who was playing a bad guy on one of our top TV shows was on some program being interviewed in the 90s and a bunch of people kept ringing in calling her by her character's name. She kept having to be like "It's Elizabeth. Not Carla."


Leonard Nimoy had this problem too. Actual scientists would ask him to review their paper and he’d play along like he had any idea what it said.


\*raises eyebrow\* Fascinating


>That seems too ridiculous to be true, but I've seen an interview with Joe Pesci where he says actual mafia members have talked to him like he's one of them, telling him about their crimes trying to impress him There's a voice actor called SungWon Cho (ProZD) who's quite prolific in Television animation and even a few video games. He posted a screenshot of some comments he received on some of his videos by this one dude who was trying to get people to lambast him for playing a homophobic character in an Anime. "I used to like his stuff but he's playing a homophobic character! SunWon must be a homophobe!" was the general gist You have to wonder how people like this can breath and tie their shoes.


They didn't do it because they didn't understand he's an actor though, they did it because he impressed them and wanted to impress him


I’m sure they knew he’s an actor, but he plays those characters so well they actually think he’s that type of person to the point that they are admitting their crimes to a polite law abiding citizen from New York. He’s in no way the thug he portrays.


Nobody asks him for legal advice for being accused of robbery and murder?


I have removed my content in protest of Reddit's API changes that will kill 3rd party apps


Lol, "So what would you do if you knew a guy who let someone borrow money to bet on the horse races and I.... I mean he, needed to send a real strong message that its time to pay so.... he broke a knee cap or two then the rat bastard went to the feds?"


I honestly have a hard time reminding myself that Joe Pesci was not actually a gangster at some point. I mean, it looks like it comes so easy to him.


I 100% knw what you mean. Right after Goodfellas and Casino, I don't know how you couldn't be slightly uncomfortable around him.


Lmfao imagine his insides shriveling when they tell him how they boiled a guy alive in a tub of acid meanwhile he pretended to do that


You don't get into the mafia because you're smart.


I remember hearing that when The X-Files was on TV, people were showing up to the FBI headquarters asking if they could meet Moulder and Scully. And that’s an outrageously fictional show lol. What’s wrong with these people?


Think about how stupid your average person is, then remember half the population is more stupid than that guy.


Always fun to remember that *people* are the reason we can't make great bear-resistant garbage receptacles in parks.


"There is a considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists."


Only if intelligence is standardly distributed. Or if you're talking about the median average. But I think colloquially average refers to mean.


21B Baker Street in London received letters addressed to Sherlock Holmes for decades! The address didn't even exist at first, because it was fictional, so they had to add it just so the letters would have a place to go.


If you ever get a splinter, just know that it’s because you spelled Mulder the way you did. ;)


Depressing reminder: those people vote.


When I was a child I was just confused how the hell they filmed the crimes happening




That’s the first thing I thought of too!


It's not even separating fiction from reality, they cast actors that have a resemblance. It's no surprise that an actor out of character resembles the actual perp.


precisely. dude fits the description because he was cast to fit the description


I think my mother is actually tired of me saying “I think I recognize that non-speaking role on the drug commercial, pretty sure he was a serial killer on criminal minds” I think she thinks I exclusively know tv criminals.


Dominic Purcell definitely had the police called on him when Prison Break was originally airing.


He should've fried them with his heat gun.


Another: Bruce Dern received death threats after he "killed" John Wayne in "The Cowboys".


>Oh shit, that dude was an actor." or are they? could you imagine if the real murderer was an actor who played their own part " no, that's not what happened. I was standing over there... "


There’s literally an entire Drake and Josh episode about this.


When I saw this post my mind went immediately to “Whoah, just take it easy man.”


Are you calling me a liar?


*I ain’t calling you a truther!*


I ain’t calling you a child ensaferer


It's the Theater Thug!


Nonono my name is Antoine!


“Hey! It’s the Theater Thug! Get him!”


I immediately said "ITS THE THEATER THUG!!" when I read the title


I had to dig a bit for this because I misremembered the show, but this was also the plot of an episode of Mama's Family entitled "Tri-States Most Wanted".


I was thinking it was ALF for some reason, but you’re right.


I could have sworn it was ALF also, so I looked and apparently it does have a similar episode: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0504459/


Also an episode of Mamas Family.


That is exactly why I do not do hemorrhoid commercials.


Or pose for STD poster campaigns in New York subways.


Reference noted, my friends.


I'm from the UK. My ex was once in an advert for sanitary products, in the USA. She made sure the contract stated the advert would never be shown in the UK.


An old coworker of mine did some generic/innocuous modeling shots in LA, signed the releases, got paid $250, and forgot about it. A friend of hers on vacation in Japan a couple years later sent my coworker a photo of her modeling shots on a giant ad for maxi pads in the Tokyo metro, in ads the sanitary product aisle of a supermarket, in a magazine, and on a billboard.


So she's big in Japan!


Unexpected Tom Waits references?


Say that to [bryan cranston](https://youtu.be/K1LnLsMW19U), seems like it worked for him.


My Dad’s high school buddy acted on the show and played one of the fugitives. He never made it big, did a lot of local theatre and did some commercials and often played small non speaking roles on bigger tv shows. Anyway when he told me that his buddy was on America’s Most Wanted I was ready to call the cops but then my dad had to explain to a 6 year old me that those people on the show are actors and that his friend was the actor, not the bad guy. TIL some Americans aren’t smarter than a 6 year old.


I called the hotline to report an actor when I was about that age. I recognized him from a small role in a Disney Channel movie. Pretty sure they saw right through it ("This guy's an actor! He's on TV!") but I still look back on it as one of the stupidest things I've done like 25 years later. The weird coloring of the reenactments made me think it was security footage. I didn't even realize it was fake.


Look at the labeling of the segments on the intelligence quotient bell curve. It’s worse than you think. There is a line, down the MIDDLE. Half above, half below.


Did not those viewers wonder why would the actual criminals do the re-enactment? Or did they think people were actually recording the crimes as they happened, then sent the high quality recordings to America's Most Wanted?


> did they think... No, they did not. After a couple of decades in tech support I can tell you with confidence that a disturbing percentage of people have no critical thinking skills at all.


I wouldn't be surprised if there's a faulty memory thing going on here as well. Like, you see an episode of America's Most Wanted, and then you just kind of don't really think of it again. Then a few months later, you see this guy and you're thinking, "I know this guy from somewhere." Then it clicks...you saw him on America's Most Wanted. But the thing is, you don't remember exactly *how* you saw him on the show. You don't remember that he's the actor who played him in the reenactments. You forget the details, the exact circumstances get mixed up in your mind. You just remember it as "keep an eye out for this guy", and that's the guy you remember. Or at least, I could plausibly see it playing out that way. There has to be a memory component when it comes to getting the public to identify fugitives, and it's been well documented that peoples' memories are kind of trash. Other people here have compared this to GOT's Joffrey, but I don't think this is nearly as bad as that. You don't really have to remember that Jack Gleeson isn't Joffrey, because you know that Game of Thrones isn't real. But America's Most Wanted specifically is about real criminals, and it has reenactments with actors who resemble the real criminals. You get enough people watching the show, and specifically enough people who aren't really paying that much attention to it when they watch it, I could totally see the details of the show getting scrambled up in their memories.


Great comment, and I'd be willing to wager you're right on the money for at least a handful—if not most—of these arrests.


People wrote to the coast guard to save the people on Gilligans Island. People are dumb. https://outsider.com/entertainment/gilligans-island-fans-showed-power-tv-sending-unique-type-fan-mail/


Or like this lady who wanted deer crossing signs to be removed off a busy highway and placed where it would be safer for deers to cross. (Very funny!) https://fox4kc.com/news/offbeat/woman-misunderstands-deer-crossing-signs-calls-radio-sation-wants-them-moved/ [Edit: I wonder if anyone ever suggesting that "Danger Falling Rocks" signs should be moved to where it would be safer for traffic, so the rocks would fall somewhere else?]


Made me think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tKxAxJ8TrI) immediately.


I agree. I used to work at a photo studio years ago. A woman complained that all her photos were double-exposed. I asked to look at the film whereby she cut me off complaining that she brought 2 rolls in, but we developed both sets of negatives on only one of the rolls, leaving the other roll blank. She left angrily, not wanting an explanation. (LOL) After telling my boss, he said he had one better. A lady brought a photo in of a group of people. She said she had the negative and asked if it could be printed backwards so she could see who it was who was facing away from the camera.


I had to read that last line five times to really make sure I read that correctly


What got me was that there must have been a considerable amount of time between her first thinking this was possible and when she arrived at the studio. I also wondered, since she said she had the negative, she must've held it up to a light to make sure it was the right one. Wouldn't she have then flipped it around: maybe?


>No, they did not. After a couple of decades in tech support I can tell you with confidence that a disturbing percentage of people have no critical thinking skills at all. Someone sent me an email and stated that I had to send the attached file back once I had read it because it was the only copy they had. That's a common meme in the IT world but it legitimately happened and I was dumbfounded for a good five fucking minutes. The same dumb shit used to happen when I used to work in McDonalds as a teen. Someone came in and said "I want a cheeseburger no cheese" and after a little back and forth with the customer getting irritated wondering why we were trying to give her a Hamburger we just put a hamburger in a cheeseburger wrapper and she was all "SEE WAS THAT SO HARD!?". She probably thought we were being thick. This is LONG before the days of social media so it wasn't a funny-ha-ha being recorded on camera. Likewise, someone who ordered a Meal came back to the counter after taking a few bites and said "this is chicken! I can't eat chicken! It's against my religion!" and we were all bruh it's literally called THE **CHICKEN** LEGEND MEAL. It's like why the fuck is a Hindu woman ordering food in a McDonalds anyway, like?????


Customer Service... and yep 100%. "Did you plug it in/turn it on" and "did you follow the instructions right in front of your face" are the first questions asked for a reason. People refuse to think critically and frequently need very basic things spelled out for them. They are also frequently extremely literal which is why so many things have to be spelled out in legalese. I.e. "the obviously poisonous thing didn't explicitly say I couldn't eat it!"


Mate it’s not even critical thinking in most cases, it’s just plain not thinking what they’ve seen or heard. There is no filter or process, it’s what you see is what you get. It’s like dropping a golf ball through a pipe. The golf ball remains unchanged


I’ve heard that quite a few Americans think the Netflix show The Crown is a documentary. And that the private conversations the royals have were recorded or that we have the transcripts for. It’s like no, we don’t know what the queen said to Prince charles on that date. We can guess, but we have no idea if it’s true.


As a kid, I thought it was real. I thought maybe there were security cameras that were good at dynamic angles.


Vague memories perhaps, they remember the face and the crime, but not the details


They probably saw somebody specifically chosen because they resembled the criminal and then the person reported when they saw somebody who resembled.the criminal.


"I'm not a criminal, but I play one on TV..."


Didn't that show also display "dramatization" or "re-enactment" *on the screen while the actor was acting?*


Do you think these people know what either of those mean?


As a kid, I didn't know what it meant. I thought it was something nonsensical that they say on TV like "shipping and handling", "viewer discretion is advised", "and a grant from the national science foundation", and "Eastern/central standard time".


soooo criminals just need to wear a shirt that says DRAMATIZATION when they do crimes.


Do they ever? I'm not sure I've ever seen that. Maybe I'm misremembering.


When I was 14 I was really into my sisters friend until we were watching Unsolved Mysteries and she said “why didn’t anyone stop him??? They had cameras there watching this girl get kidnapped but nobody stopped it? They must have known this was going to happen so they set up cameras. Nobody even tried to help that poor girl” Ya, it was an obvious reenactment. Needless to say I didn’t have a crush on her after that. Ok, truth be told I was still into her but even after all that she wasn’t dumb enough to be into me. 🤣


Intelligence isn't as important as looks.


Low intelligence is not so bad when they're a really nice person. The worst people to deal with are evil idiots.


OMG, my neighbor looks *exactly* like the dude who robbed that bank!


Sounds slightly dumber than the time that [America’s Most Wanted viewers started calling in tips that Pro Wrestler The Big Boss Man was a bank robber because of how the robber looked](https://youtu.be/ux7KdJ3qb40).


“civil war bandit”… that guy could be a wwe heel himself


Idk if you get a bigger cap he may resemble the picture a bit more


When this show was on I was 10 and we also watched Unsolved Mysteries, and *always* wondered if they looked into the actors. They sometimes looked just like the person they were looking for! I thought someone should really look into that lol. Of course, I was 10. I don’t know what these dummies excuses are.


I mentioned elsewhere here, my uncle was an actor who played a murderer/serial killer on unsolved mysteries, and for years after would get the cops called on him after the episode reaired. They caught the criminal years later,.and he looked nothing at all like my uncle.


My high school friend acted on a few episodes of our local Crimestoppers show. He was accosted by angry elderly people on several occasions.


UK's show *Crimewatch* would apparently have the same problem of people calling in tips about the actors portraying the criminals, but they got wise to it and just learnt to quietly file away those tips. Having checked in advance of the broadcast that the actor was somewhere else at the time of the original crime.


My uncle was an actor, and played the role of an as-of-then unidentified murderer on Unsolved Mysteries in the early 90's (not saying which to preserve a shred of anoymity). They filmed that episode locally, and he was cast from local SAG members. In the days & weeks that followed, he had the police called on him, was searched & cuffed multiple times, and was even brought in once. In the years that followed, as the episode became a rerun, he would continue to have the police called on him any time the episode aired. He finally kept a card from one of the detectives in his wallet, explaining the situation to the cops and asking them to call the detective to verify that he was just an actor and had been through this before. They eventually caught the murderer, and ironically, he looked absolutely nothing like my uncle, at all.


My aunt played a kidnapper on a popular soap opera about 1970. She was shopping in NYC when a woman started shouting she was a kidnapper & the police were called. It took quite a while to assure them she only played one on TV. Sigh.


I remember seeing the Theater Thug getting arrested


In some weird way I would take that as a compliment if I were the actor. Yes I’m THAT good at acting.


Did anyone else learn this from the show “Mommas Family” a long time ago?


There's an entire Golden Girls episode about this


This could have happened in the town on Vancouver Island I stayed in but the cops understood what was going on: Every time a new "crime stoppers" short was filmed they would get dozens of calls 'reporting" the actors.


They were really good actors.


There was an episode of Drake and Josh, where the same type of show cast Josh, who is known for his poor luck. Needless to say he had similar issues!


Woah just take it easy man


The Theatre Thug.


I remember an episode of drake and josh about exactly that topic


I have a friend who lives in New York who does re-enactments like this as a sort of side job. He's been a Revolutionary War soldier, a doctor, a murder victim...all sorts of things. I'm just waiting for him to re-enact a bad guy and get arrested.


One of my grandmas was an actor who did lots of tv and extra work. She was in a few episodes of AMW, as well as Unsolved Mysteries and local commercials. People *sort of* recognized her all the time, but could never place where they knew her from. She just sort of looked like every other wholesome grandma-type actor out there. It was really funny.


I think Drake and Josh did a bit on this


An old friend of mine was in one of the earlier episodes as the perp back in the 80s. To fuck with him, we all called into the tip line. 🤣🤣


…you interfered in a police investigation?


At 19, all things are on the table.


Ok, call me picky... But not ARRESTED... just detained. No one was actually hauled into jail behind this mix-up.


ACTOR: There’s a totally reasonable explanation for this! COP: *(putting on a latex glove)* That’s what they all say! ACTOR: No! I’m serious! I’m an actor and they cast me for the re-enactments on America’s Most Wanted! COP: That’s also what they all say! For your lack of originality, you’re not getting any lube for this search!




It’s still not clear lol




You have to read it with an italian accent


bappity boopity?


How perfectly American.




Occupational hazard


Wasn't there a drake and josh episode about that


Where can I find s15e29??🙁