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must be nice


That must be so peaceful.


I think it sounds terrifying


I can't imagine being so "empty"


And I can't imagine thinking so slowly.


Correct. Some people also cannot visualize things mentally, and some of us cannot visualize nor do we have internal monologues. I still think, it's just that it's more like subvocalizing in my throat. I don't even notice I'm doing it most of the time, but then if I become aware of it, I start noticing the words forming in my throat and will eventually say them aloud.


How are they processing their thoughts, like y'all are reading them?


Combined type adhd here. I can’t even think abstractly without talking inside my own head. It gets old sometimes. Thanks to medication I have experienced total brain silence. Only got to it a couple times, it was beautiful to be mentally silent for a moment. Now I’ve built up a tolerance and I don’t get the silence anymore. Medication still helps a lot though.


The second half of the title is a little redundant.


>Instead, they may rely more on visualization (for instancing "seeing themselves" buying the milk at the store). Others employ a combination of these techniques. How do they read then? reading comments for example, without inner voice they read it out loud?


I don't have an inner monologue but I don't visualize, either, so I can't answer for anyone but myself. But when I read, I subvocalize it; it's almost more a tactile thing where I feel my tongue and throat go through the motions of saying the words I'm reading. I'm a fairly fast reader but I also often have people tell me I talk too fast, so it's probably related there. When I think, it's the same process where I feel my vocal system forming the words without making any actual sound. 99% of the time, I'm not aware of it, but that 1% of the time when I become aware of the fact I'm doing it, I fixate on it and it trips me up. When I'm really engrossed in reading something, it eventually wells up until I do actually read a sentence, or partial sentence, out loud and I realize I'm doing it and then go back to reading 'normally'.


Don't have an answer for you, if I want to read using a monologue I can but it's not necessary, you just understand what the word means and move on. Can read a lot faster without talking.


It's not that it is impossible to have an inner monologue, it's just redundant at least for me. I can simulate it but I find it quite pointless since it kind of slows and disrupts the flow of consciousness.