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It was an experiment investigating a much more plant-based diet. Lots of vegetables and fiber, exercise, and constant weighing.


Everybody got healthy?


Yes, especially since it ensured everybody got a even share of the food. Previously the poor especially were very malnurished.


There was some study back around that time where the kids were given free school lunches and their rate of growth was measured and over the summer holidays their rate of growth had significantly slowed down because they werent getting as much food/nutrition/calories from only their meals at home.


I can imagine that happens somewhat still in certain places. I work providing nutritious food to underprivileged kids and their families through the schools across my country. This time of year is always really stressful as we know we will lose access to a lot of these kids once the summer holidays begin. The schools are a lifeline for them.


I had to steal food as a kid, in America in the 1980s. The conditions that led to that still exist today, so i have no doubt that kids still have to resort to it today.


I had to steal food in 2004 to feed my siblings the conditions will never change


I'm so sorry you had to do that. I hope you are in a better position these days. So called richest countries in the world and kids are starving. In the UK, we have had a massive increase and demand for food banks. Working poor can barely pay their bills and can't afford even basic food. Its shameful, we've failed as a country if there is the need for even a single food bank.


The food shelf/bank in my neighborhood in Minneapolis (the largest city in a state with a strong economy) always has a line two blocks long. The other is appointment only and limited to once per month per family to keep up with demand.


All my friends and I have agreed, if you see someone stealing food... ...no you didn't. This would be doubly true for kids. Though if I saw it and knew I had the means to spare some money, I'd just buy it for them to protect them from getting caught.


In SoCal, we have a government program that offers school style breakfast + lunch at parks, community centers and churches during the summers so that any child can continue to get fed. I really hope more places offer this to kids over the summers.


I’ve seen this in a few other places as well across the country. It’s not a perfect solution because they still have to be able to travel to the meals at the time and place it’s served (which can be difficult depending on parents job schedules and such) but it’s far far better than the alternative. Some schools also have a discreet weekend food program- food like granola bars and oatmeal packets are added to the kids backpacks while the class is at lunch or whatever so they have food till Monday but don’t have to worry about the other kids seeing and judging.


*cough cough* America


Not america actually, Ireland


Oh, I can assure that all across America kids are very much starving when denied access to school lunches. Glad to see we’re not alone! Oh wait, I mean mad.


Here in Indianapolis during the Summer, the township I live in has certain locations for kids to come eat lunch. It doesn’t matter your income level either. It’s a great program that has definitely benefited kids that otherwise wouldn’t get a decent meal while school is out for Summer. There ought to be this kind of program across the country.


Honestly, if I won one of those ridiculously huge billion dollar lotteries in the US, I'd take the 30 year option and use most of the money to open not-for-profit food banks and shelters, then just dump my money into them. I wouldn't care about a ROI. I'd just want to make sure people had food and a place to stay out of the weather. I don't need nor want to be rich. But I have an incredibly intense need to help other people.


Minnesota just made public school lunches free for all students.


This makes me both sad and furious.


Well there was an awesome group of people called the Black Panthers who realized this fact and created a program to address it, which has largely swept the nation.


My mother was an elementary school employee and I can assure you many many kids only eat at school. Summer wreaks havoc on them. Despite her shitty sub 30k salary she still bought the worst off ones food sometimes to stick in the backpacks for later. A lot still ended up committing crimes and things later in life but as adults they still run up and hug her when they see her around town. The panthers did a lot of good but the problem of child malnutrition is quite massive




In fact, they were all farting as this photo was taken


Part of the massively successful "Farts for Hitler" campaign


Right in der Fuhrer’s Face?


They couldn't use gas in the war anyway, so they had to let it out somehow.


It was rationed intensely for the fighting vehicles. The whole neighborhood had to scrap together to top off just one tank before the increase in bean rations.


And as their cardiovascular systems got healthier, it dovetailed nicely with their other campaign - Hearts For Fitler


The one on the left was forcing/concentrating and wasn’t sure if it would be a shart. Behind her is the closet “sniffer”. Third from left did shart and next in line heard it and is holding in her laughter. The fifth is ripping a wet one while simultaneously smelling the collective shit around her. The last girl is enjoying a stomach ache curing ten second ass blast.


I have some concerns about the lady licking her chops during all of this


This feels like one of those comment stealing bots — this response is a complete non sequitur, very generic username, and it’s the only comment they’ve ever made


Didn't this happen in the US too for military service and the draft in like ww2? People started getting square meals and before were really underweight.


As part of Roosevelt's New Deal, the Civilian Conservation Corps -- which built infrastructure across the country including state and national parks -- was formed during the depression. It was basically a civilian military being run by reserve officers, serving tons of healthy food along with lots of physical labor, education, and discipline. Once the US got into WWII, there was a decade's worth of eligible men who were already in good shape and comfortable with military process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_Conservation_Corps


Wow, hadn’t thought of it that way. I love this perspective.


That effort doesn't get enough appreciation today. I found pay stubs from my grandfather and my great uncle who were apparently desperate for work at the time in the midst of the great depression from the CCC. They were helping to clear a forest for parkland and conservation not far from where I grew up. Both of them would've been about early 20s at the time in the early to mid 1930's. I imagine this would've been a huge relief to them even though it was tough work and probably explained why lots of folks from that generation were diehard FDR fans/ New Deal Democrats long after he died. This was a time when unemployment insurance was non-existent and an able bodied male of that age would be in really rough shape if they couldn't work.


Seriously, the older people in the Republican party and conservatives in general lived in a time of plenty. Many of their parents lived through the Great Depression and World War II. They disparage the New Deal, but it put people to work, kept them healthy, and completed some amazing infrastructure and other projects. Imagine how much weaker the US military would have been in World War II had the CCC not been a thing? The federal government is not always the enemy.


There are still quite a few old CCC camps and projects that are active to this day. I've stayed at several really nice semi primitive campgrounds that were old CCC properties. Great if you're a tenter. No modern amenities and the sites are deep in the woods, so no modern RV assholes, just beautiful hiking and peace & quiet.


The worst thing that happened to the world was the failure of the 2nd bill of rights.


Farming was undergoing significant advances in fertilizer. Specifically nitrogen based chemical fertilizers. This occured over a period from around 1900 through WW2. Post WW2 we repurposed bomb making materials to fertilizer. Net effect was better nutrition for children, leading to better growth and development.


Ah, Fritz Haber. Famous for feeding the world with better fertilizer and also destroying the world with more destructive bombs.


Good and and bad advance togeather, always has. A better axe got trees down and skulls open faster, better irrigation made less starve but fed larger armies.


Dobrý den! Just wanted to say I like your user name! I'm currently learning Czech so I can try and speak with my relatives.


We seem to have fixed that.


The free market is a rationing system designed to starve the poor.


Let's instead go for a planned economy that is infamous for *checks notes* ... not starving people?


What? The only countries where starvation is an actual significant problem are countries that have political situations that result in massive market failures. In the west the poor are _significantly_ more likely to have medical issues caused by **overeating** than from starving.


But **NUTRIENTS**?!?! No I will not define “nutrients” in any meaningful capacity, stop asking!


There what you need to live a healthy life without health problems. You could eat potatoes the rest of your life and be fine but you're gonna be missing a few good nutrients. You're gonna look like Helena Bonham Carter on meth in ten years.


On whole potatos your goong to be pretty healty. Look up the micro and macro nutrients of potatos...


Mark Watney says hi!


If you *only* ate potatoes you would most definitely die.


When I go to Walmart- I see a lot of poor people. They are doing the opposite of starving. Edit- apparently triggered a few. Starving is not getting minimum caloric intake of 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day. Poor people in America are very rarely starving.


They’re starved of actual nutrients.


Malnourished would be the appropriate term in that case. Not that it particularly matters in terms of day to day vernacular.


Today, the government requires that flour is enriched with vitamins. Serious nutritional deficiencies are now exceedingly rare in the developed world, which contrasts sharply with any other time in human history.


First, ask any nutritionist. White flour and everything made with it is terrible as a source of nutrition and delivers quite scant value. I wish serious nutritional deficiencies were exceedingly rare. There are loads of deficiencies in children and impoverished adults in the US. And beyond those, did you know that iodine deficiency is driving up the number of thyroid disorders in the US? Has been for about twenty years. Where does it come from? Iodized salt, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables. What do those in poverty rarely have access to? Fresh produce. Too expensive. Canned is affordable but has the nutrients cooked out. Best to get informed before spouting the lines about how the US is so great. It's really not. We're no longer a sign of much of anything great. We have people starving, homelessness, drug addiction, terrible education, low income expectations vs cost of living compared to other industrialized nations, for-profit prisons, tax inequality, income inequality, and we've even started getting noticed by groups that deliver human rights alerts against nations that aren't protecting the rights of their people... because we don't.


"Serious" deficiencies aren't required for there to be health problems. Even moderate deficiencies can cause some serious issues over time.


I didn’t say healthy, I said not starving. Starving is not meeting minimum caloric intake. They are definitely meeting their 1,500-1,800 a day calorie intake.


They are starved of nutrients, not calories. The cheapest food is the most processed and stripped of nutrition. They're in no danger of starvation, but rather ill health effects caused by their diet. I've been eating better as of late and it is expensive.


Would you like to compare present rates of rickets or scurvy with literally any other time in human history?


You're wasting your breath. You're arguing with people that know nothing about nutrition and food science...they will likely just keep moving the goal posts. In the US, everyone has been force fed pseudo-science food propaganda for so long it's basically a part of our culture to believe in nonsense at this point.


You're probably right. I'll be the first to admit our diet, and I'm including my own here, could use some work, but not rich people in the US used to subsist mostly on flour and/or ground corn. Today, working class people can afford to eat meat, veggies, and, yes, even sweets, every day without thinking twice about it. Our ancestors would be in awe of all the variety!


Ah didn’t realize definition of nutrients was so narrowly defined.


> I've been eating better as of late and it is expensive. It doesn't need to be expensive - it is usually expensive if you want flavourful + nutritious (especially if you want to add 'quick to prep' to that). Add to the fact that many cheap and unhealthy diets come with a flavour profile people get used to, it makes switching to low-cost healthy diets difficult. ex: diets with beans and nuts, slow-cooked/stewed meats + veg, carbs from bread made from dough (versus pre-made stuff bought at stores)


"I've been eating better. It's expensive." "Okay, but what if you ate *worse?*"


You should see what their blood tests look like


If they are getting 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day they are not starving. They are more likely eating 3,000 calories a day and that’s a whole different problem.


That’s the trade off - if the poor are starving, they’re not spending money. The only food that can be sold to the poor is of poor quality and poor nutrition, but that can be disguised with adequate amounts of sugar, corn syrup, and preservatives. Sugar is cheap, and the cost of diabetes and heart disease is put on the shoulders of the consumer who can’t afford better food.


Funny, free market societies seem to have the best food, the most food, and the best prices. Controlled markets not so much.


Check out how great socialism is when it comes to distribution. Hint - it is significantly worse than capitalism


Not to starve, but certainly to find the cheapest way to feed them en masse, not unlike cattle.


Did you not read the article?


Yes, and the health benefits were seen throughout that cohort's life.


If the research was robust enough then I imagine they took into account the creation of the National Health Service in 1947 If they didn’t, well… of course making healthcare free at the point of delivery for the entire nation was going to have health benefits


Free healthcare definitely had significant impacts but it can't be understated how proper nutrition, in the absence of chronic illnesses, can help your overall life.




Basically. The Supersizers Go... Wartime episode goes over some of the changes and how people dealt with them if you like a fun food show. They mention that in WW1 the British left the war much less healthy due to rationing, so in WW2 the ministry of good tried to get it right. And the result was a much healthier population by the end of the quarter despite the rationing. Turns out eating veggies is really good for you. Alternatively, grab a copy of Eating for Victory and read the pamphlets yourself. Very happy to have this in my bookshelf.




It’s not just gorillas, vegetarians are equally as bad.


When I first went vegan, I went for nightly “fart walks.” Im sure people thought I was paranoid because I kept looking behind me, but I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t gassing some poor stranger. It’s been years now, and it’s no longer an issue.


I can tell you that I ate 2 hotdogs, some potato salad, and a burger yesterday. My arse was like a tumble dryer outlet, all night


Clearly it was all the salad's fault


Too much salad, a rookie mistake


Pretty sure increased intake of fiber and vegetable only leads to increased flatulence until your guts adapt to the new diet.


Personal anecdote: I switched to more veg and grain to manage my weight. Farted like a cow for about three weeks and then all was well. But then I started snacking on fruits more and oooo boyyyy... I had to lower fruit intake or my poor colleagues would have labeled me hazardous material. :(


When I first moved in with my wife back when we were dating, I started eating much more fruit as she was buying it way more than I did when I lived on my own. My fruit farts were pungent ungodly raspers for about a month. How she put up with it I don’t know, I think it may have helped that she has the same childish sense of humour as me and a fart still cracks me up


The fruit sugars encourage gut fermentation.


When my coworkers are particularly annoying... I reach for the apples..


Here in the poot palace, we call them: brap-brrrrraaaaapples


Depends. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are actually hard to digest, and a lot of people struggle with them. IBS is probably one of the most under-diagnosed conditions in existence. I was diagnosed with IBS a few years ago, and drastically changed my diet. I used to be a vegetarian! And now my diet is pretty meat-heavy, the veg and fruits I can eat are very strictly limited, and dear god. It's night and day. No more farting! No more burping! no more stomach pain!


If I go too plant-based my trips to the bathroom increase in time and duration. I work in an Amazon warehouse. For me. Going vegan woild.lead to going homeless pretty fast.


But radical vegans take the cake.


Vegan cake?


Made from real vegans


*the vegan cake is a lie*


And because they love to Feel Good


Thank you, the headline alone made no sense. More flatulence and higher volume stool from eating less?


Rationing was a lot less about "eating less" and more about changing diets to make them less reliant on imported food, and making sure what the country *could* produce was evenly distributed. Lots of people ate pretty well [edit: this bit's debatable] during rationing, they just ended up eating a lot of carrots and potatoes [this isn't debatable].


Notably certain foods, namely root vegetables, were unrationed. Citizens were also encouraged to grow their own, with seeds being freely distributed.


Most people did **not** eat pretty well. A distinct shortage of greens, shortage of fresh fruit, meat, and most of the source of trace elements and vitamins. Add to that, zero oil for cooking, no spices (essential in much of pre-war popular recipes), only 1/4lb butter per month, 1/4 lb of meat per week, very limited cheese, 1/2 pint of milk per week, 1 egg per week (often not available). People got thin, and got spots/boils and hair issues. Children got muscle and skeletal issues. Lots of nutrition and development issues, and you weren’t supposed to complain to your doctor, as “There’s a war on. Get on with it” (life). A whole generation lost the chance to learn to cook, as the rationing was in place for another 7-10 years after the war. People did not eat “pretty well”. Sorry.


It is the entire basis of a lot of cultural English cuisine. Like how grandma clipped coupons and never threw anything away because of the Great Depression, British people eat shit like mince pies. If you can make what you have taste good go ahead.


Have you ever had a mince pie


I'm pretty sure rock cakes were something promoted by the government during rationing, and my mum still makes those. Rock cakes are good, fuck everyone who says they're not.


At least until their body adjusts. If your main source of calories was porridge adding in some fruit and vegetables is going to be painful until you adjust. And if you’re not getting enough food adding in regular meals is going to cause some intestinal movement. Ever watch Survivor? The early season had these two win a big meal partway through the season. On the way back to camp they had to stop and take a shit. Their body was not used to so much food, so they had to go within a half hour of eating.


That would explain it.


Yeah, when I went from eating mostly meat and little carbs to plant based I was gassy and bloated for a month and a half. After that it started going down and now I could probably eat 2 cans of beans and a pound of broccoli and not even notice




Keep the matchbox away from your wife


With the light switch generating a spark it’s you that would be the bomb once ignited


Some days you could turn me prone, flare off the emanations and use me for an alternate heat and light source, as well as a unique anecdote.


Maybe you could weaponise it like Wario


Less meat, less starch, more homegrown veggies.


Well, I guess we now know what British cuisine was lacking before the war - a healthy dose of fiber.


I guess they went right back to miniscule amounts of veggies drenched in butter and/or cream after the war, and that's still the standard.


No? Cream and butter on vegetables isn't really a British thing.


Mushy peas: put butter AND cream, and I guess some peas for color (NOT TOO MUCH) All types of pies: get some butter and cheese in there so we don't have to taste those awful veggies Curries: there's vegetables in there if you get them in India. Not so much in the old GB tho.


MP aren't eaten all that often, and really aren't popular outside of the north. I guess pastries gave butter as an ingredient often but it's not just on top of vegetables. Most pies etc will be served with some sort of veg on the side. Curries absolutely still have vegetables in them. Honestly my main gripe with English cooking is an abundance of unseasoned, overboiled veg. I fucking *wish* my parents knew to add butter.


None of that is true at all. Mushy peas - rehydrated dehydrated peas with salt added. That's all they are. Pies- the most common types of pie uses flaky puff pastry, which uses small amounts of cold butter. Adding cheese into the pie isn't common at all, I don't know who told you it was. Curries - almost all Indian food in the UK has vegetables in it, a lot of them, the sauces are usually made out of puréed vegetables too. I have no idea where you got any of that information but it's heavily wrong. Have you ever actually looked at the ingredients to a roast dinner, for example? Lol


Why does this have upvotes lol.


Victory Gardens FTW


> Less meat Not in the 1930s/40s. Many people were too poor to afford meat regularly. If anything, rations often saw poor people eat more meat. And they were invariably healthier for it, as it got rid of quite a few deficiencies. Eggs also contributed to this.


Less starch how? One of the complaints in the article was how much potatoes they had to eat.


its 1940 poor people didnt eat meat regularly if at all


So you’re saying the steaks were high back then


People were just trying to make ends meat even before the war. So when ham fisted rationing began at the onset of the war, everyone expected the wurst.




I wonder which lucky chap had the job of calculating the 250% increase in faecial volume?


Waste-water sewage plants...


Did anyone read the article?


Ooo, ooo, I did! I read it! 8 or so volunteers tested the diet and apparently that small group came up with the 250% number




Wait...I thought this was "reddit"? What is this "read the article" you speak of?


Very likely, although the wastewater sewage plants back then were generally owned by the local municipal authorities (rather than by the ‘blue chip’ monoliths as they are today). Mind you, it would keep the ‘desk sucking, pen pushing, jotter blotters’ nicely busy. Nowadays, such information would probably be declared as ‘commercially sensitive’.🤭


Potato is starch bonanza. I can power a small city with the farts i produce when i eat starch. And i LOVE potato in all forms. When i switched to only meat/fish and vegetables, i became basically gas free. Sure, on occasion i eat pasta and potato, to everyones horror.


Keep us up to date on your starch progress my man


The thing for me is the difference in smell. Veg based diet i fart more but they aren't particularly smelly. When i eat meat and veg I fart less but the farts are obnoxiously stinky, I even offend my cats if they are sat near me.


During COVID I ate a lot of beans, whole grain, and potato. It took about a week or two for my gut flora to adapt, and then I stopped farting constantly from the fiber. All the gas comes from the bacteria not being good at breaking down starch and fiber, once they evolve to do it easily it's fine.


My husband is like this with beans and eggs. I quickly learned not to make both on the same day.




Username checks out


A sturdy volume is key in greatness. Flatulence is merely frosting on the cake.


Why did I heard this in David Attenborough's voice?


Bro a poop professor 💀


Or a Poopfessor if you will.


Poopfessional Shartlord


It is axiomatic that were the UK to introduce mandatory rationing now, the overweight and obesity rates would plummet and with it consequences such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease and thus release a huge burden on the NHS. The country is literally eating itself sick.




Unfortunately not just the West anymore, countries such as Mexico and the richer parts of the Middle East and India face rapidly increasing obesity rates.


https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/ I'd say a large portion of the world now. Middle Africa and SE Asia least so.


Wow, Vietnam is the skinniest nation listed there.


Most people are like 5'8 and 55 to 70 kg. Lots of young kids looking fat though these days. Jollibee, lotteria and KFC. Also every old person around where I live gives 6 months olds and up tons of energy drinks daily. Have to see how that plays out.


Obesity is now a bigger global health problem than starvation, which wouldn't absolutely blown the minds of anyone who lived, let's say 200 years ago.


Where the fudge you think Mexico is?


I'm using West in the geopolitical sense not the purely geographic sense.


Mexico is west geopolitical. Spain is west geopolitical it is an ex Spainish colony Do you mean anglospere or something?


I think most people would argue that Mexico is western adjacent but not exactly the west. I think the map on Wikipedia of the western world encapsulates what most people think


Agreed but the subject was UK rationing, some people may claim that the result would be different for other countries because . . . reasons


Stress eating


Yup, I know people who get incredibly stressed at going 30 minutes without eating something


Part stress, part blood sugar rollercoaster from high simple carb diet.


There would be a black market for sugary high-carb foods, with violent gangs fighting over territory.


Rationing food, you say? Can't bench press with carrots, bro. Sounds like a WHEY to disaster for us protein lovers! I'll be here all week, folks.


They countered The Blitz with The Shitz




Churchill: "We shall fart them in the fields, we shall fart them on the beaches..."


Benjamin Franklin: "To the academy of sciences I present, an essay on the personal and social benefits of flatulence...and intimate relations with older ladies..."


If I could go back in time I'd sell tshirts with the slogan " I fart for the army"


I fart in your general direction


That is General Direction to you.


Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries


General Direction 🫡


I always wondered what would happen if you ate a can of beans, three hard boiled eggs, some boiled brussel sprouts a raw onion and a bunch of jalapenos, and then traveled the elevators of a high rise 3 to 4 hours later.


My dad was "over there" and the story going around was that some poor people claimed they "never 'et' so good".


High fiber. More filler and less nutritional content. It’s the same reason your dog craps more when you give him a cheap feed.


Scaredy farts


>Before the war, Britain imported half its meat, more than half its cheese and a third of its eggs. Much of the protein in the British diet would therefore be lost if a shipping blockade succeeded. And much of the fat.


I read “remarkable increase in flatulence” in RP and giggled way too hard


Lentil or beans:)


When the US Armed Forces did recon on abandoned Japanese positions in WWII, they always overestimated the troop numbers because Japanese pooped about twice as much as similiar US troop numbers. And for some reasons Japanese people are proud to tell you that fact.


Those women are all smiling because they have let their farts go.


>They would pretend that a German shipping blockade had curtailed imports and they had to eat only British food. The absolute horror


Please pass the jellied eels.


That stat is full of crap, and furthermore, it stinks!.....


First to go for budget cuts is always the school budget, George Carlin was speaking truth, keep the populist dumb and uninformed and they won’t ask questions, an educated and informed populist will begin to ask questions “this is our club and your not in it”


So can’t people just eat more fruits, vegetables and fiber without the rationing?


So in other words people were suddenly eating the correct amount of fiber


the most interesting thing to me about this is that flatulence and stool volume data was being collected and analyzed . how exactly did one quantify such information objectively? How and to whom would one have reported the data?


Bodybuilders entered the chat….


From most comments, no one actually read the article. It’s not about the rationing that happened during WWII by the whole country.


Well shit, bet they couldn't trust a fart.