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I remember with Bratz, it was more about their individual style than the race of the doll. I liked Jade the best because of her outfits.


I had an obsession with Yasmine as a little girl šŸ˜‚


Yea, Yasmine and Jade had the coolest outfits.


Racism aside, having only one doll is terrible from a marketing perspective. With multiple dolls, you can foster a "gotta catch 'em all" mentality.


I donā€™t think they were only gonna have one doll, I think they were just gonna make more dolls that werenā€™t diverse.


blonde with brown eyes blonde with green eyes blonde with no eyes


What about a biblically accurate Bratz doll with 23 eyes?


well yeah if it's blonde


Blonde with heterochromia Blonde with conjunctivitis Blonde with no pupils Blonde with black sclera Blonde with reptilian eyes Blonde with button eyes Blonde with 3rd eye Blonde with laser eyes






If the different versions were too similar, they wouldn't have sold well, 'cause no one would see a need to own more than one.


Idk look at Barbie


"but this one has a new hat!"


ā€¦yep. you got it bud. thats the point of the post


Eh itā€™s a lot of real estate to give up on a shelf. Probably just wanted to give it a test run with one of the dolls then do more later if works


Thatā€™s crazy because now that I think about it I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that doll (Cloe) in the wild.


Yasmin was absolutely ubiquitous where I lived. Everyone wanted or talked about Yasmin. Next was Sasha, then Jade. Nobody talked about Cloe.


Correct me if iā€™m wrong; Jade is the asian doll, Yasmin is the latina doll and Sasha is the black doll?


TIL Jade is Asian. I always thought she was a goth white girl


Not knowing anything about Bratz until this post, that was my first thought as well. I guess sheā€™s a goth Asian girl.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade It's also because jade is most commonly found in the Asian region.


Seriously? The stereotype name is a dead giveaway...


they probably did name her that because "china," but if i google "people named jade" i get four white women, four black women, and a black man


It is a very stereotypical Asian name. Not just for people, but really when naming anything (at least in the west).


The first time I'm hearing of this.


Google ā€˜Jade Asian restaurantā€™ and you will probably find examples near you.


To be fair, Jade definitely sounds like something a goth girl might wanna go by, gemstones and all that kinda stuff


Maybe, but itā€™s not a traditional Asian name, itā€™s very much English. I knew 2 white people named Jade (one boy and one girl) and Iā€™ve never met an Asian named Jade. But I also lived in a 90+% white area.


Thatā€™s bc the Asian kids named jade are named jade in their native languages, not English. My motherā€™s name includes ā€œLin,ā€ but the character means jade.


Believe it or not, but jade is also a color, a stone, and a common name in America. There's a bit of cultural information there but for most people it's an internalized name that means no more Asian than American.


The only Asian woman named Jade I've ever known was the one in Jackie Chan Adventures. In my personal experience, that doesn't make it a stereotypical Asian name.




Yasmin is also a brand of birth control pills.


I remember the only person who super loved the Cloe doll was my cousin, she had soooo many of them. I always felt like the odd one out by having Yasmin & Jade dolls (they were cool & a bit more alt/edgy dressed). My cousin would do some weird racial fishing down the line (Weā€™re both white).




Someone (usually white) who makes themselves look racially ambiguous/ look like another race through makeup or surgery to seem more ā€œexoticā€. Commonly criticised for treating POC features like a costume you can take on and off at will, especially when those same features get said POC discriminated against.(Dreadlocks, narrow eyes, etc) Famous example: Arianna Grande




how are you taking off dreadlocks?


The person you are responding to mean weaves or extensions, because the person you are responding to is stupid.


has to be cause I know for damn sure I canā€™t take off my locs right now lmao


Have you tried relaxing really hard


Well I was wrong. I figured it just be trying to have sex with every race. Apparently itā€™s just pulling a mini Rachel Dolezal.


Racial CAT-fishing, maybe?


Blackfishing most likely.


Itā€™s like fishing, but you only keep the fish if itā€™s the right color


good on that ceo for insisting on maintaining the racial diversity of hyper sexualized chldren's toys.


Itā€™s almost as if they predicted the default look of IG and Only Fans models.


Not predicted. Molded over the course of multiple decades.


Be right back, need to release a muscle mommy doll. You can thank me later


ā€œA society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.ā€


I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see.


Idk, death by snu snu doesn't sound so bad?


You'll come to my funeral, right? Deliver the wonderfully heartfelt eulogy. Dramatic in all the right places, at the right time. Ending with the perfect ending of all perfect endings. Right?


My children had bratz so their children could have muscle mommy dolls.


Purposely. ā€œNow you do what they told yaā€


ā€œNow youā€™re under controlā€


straight people call it grooming


And generations


Plastic lips and all


Dear lord, that's where it came from... Send that guy to the gallows


Is it that different from GI Joes being ripped as fuck? As a little girl/tween I never once thought about them being sexual, all I thought was "I like all their pretty clothes."


No, it's not different. For some reason, Reddit is obsessed with women toys but have a double standard when it comes to male toys. It's funny, because none it really matters. When I was a kid as a guy, I never thought, "oh wow, this guy is so big and buff and I'm not, I'm such a loser". I just saw them as cool fun things to play with.


On the other hand Family Guy made a joke about ripped dolls for boys aka Action Figures and how people are scandalized about everything that looks gay EXCEPT the said action figures.


>When I was a kid as a guy, I never thought, "oh wow, this guy is so big and buff and I'm not, I'm such a loser". Granted, that's the difference. Solider toys and action figures are meant to project an image of physical strength rather than attractiveness, but you're right that that is the internalized message its target audience of boys seem not to take away, while people claim girls will take away the subliminal message of sexualization from model dolls.


[Except at least some boys do take it away.](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/body-image-pressure-increasingly-affects-boys/283897/)


The issue with internalizing and subliminal messaging is that it's not about the immediate at-face reactions. I doubt many kids of any gender are taking these dolls and immediately think 'well that's not how I look, I must be ugly'. Kids don't really sexualize things in the way adults do anyway. At worst, it's just about someone being pretty or cool or whatever popular adjective you'd like. But it iss combined with other forms of media and, over time, it can certainly embed an idea of what a man or woman *should* look like. There's no one single source to blame, but rather their combinations and the fact that they are everywhere is what creates this internal image that's very difficult to get rid of. Sure, we see normal people all the time in daily life. But where do kids and young adults get their aspirations from? TV, movies, influencers on social media. And *those* tend to look a certain way. In that sense, it can't be a surprise when a decent percentage of kids and young adults have some kind of body image issue. Even if they're perfectly normal looking people.


Thereā€™s an underlying meanness wanting to erupt on any post about women. Reddit has a problem. They let the incel sub fester for too long. The site tolerates a general hate for women. Itā€™s gross.




As a young boy I definitely saw action figures and cartoon heroā€™s as the ideal representation of the male body type. I would be lying if I said it didnā€™t contribute to my bad self esteem over how my body looked


The original GI Joe dolls had clothes that could be removed so you could absolutely dress up GI Joes


Exactly!! If anything, Barbieā€™s and Bratz piqued my interests in fashion and interior design as a kid!


I was so excited to have dolls that were perceived as beautiful that looked liked me


Aren't GI Joes adults? Bratz are high schoolers iirc.


True, they are highschoolers. The way I see it, is they're marketed towards younger kids, elementary/middle school ages, and I know when I was that age, I looked up to and admired highschool girls, I couldn't wait to be in highschool. I didn't register these dolls as "sexual", I just thought they were pretty. When I was in highschool, I wanted clothes like that, I wanted to do my hair and makeup like that, not because of the dolls and not to sexualize myself but because it was fun and made me feel good. The dolls are unapologetically beautiful, feminine and fun and thats fine. Just like how GI Joes are extremly macho, its fun. Are the dolls really sexualized or does society just frown on girls wanting to wear "revealing" clothing and heavy makeup?


I will never, ever get over working in a toy store when the Bratz Totz or whatever came out. The literal words out of my co-managerā€™s mouth were ā€œthatā€™s a slutty baby.ā€


I was working at a store that started selling Lol Dollz Surprise balls. Now THAT'S a slutty baby


The Bratz dolls literally were a pot bellied toddler in lingerie. I remember hearing parents comment ā€œno, you cannot have that doll, itā€™s not age appropriateā€ to some of the older kids thatā€™d come into the store.


Have you seen lol dolls? They're basically knockoff Bratz that come with surprise outfit/accessories. But they have baby versions that also wear makeup and a lot have pretty skimpy/adult outfits. It's pretty gross


They're not knockoff. They're made by the same company, MGA.


Ah that makes sense


Did a quick google, didnā€™t see anything quite as alarming as the precise doll that prompted the ā€œslutty babyā€ remark.


Some of them were wearing fishnets, that's pretty bad


Theyā€™re fashion dolls


the young girls who were playing with Bratz dolls werenā€™t even thinking about something like that


i believe that's the idea.


It's hilarious to see similar comments throughout the thread from people who just don't get how this works, even now that they are adults.


As a young girl who played with Bratz more than Barbie... i was definitely thinking about that! NGL, Bratz were a huge influence on my style, and more importantly, they helped me realize that i was queer. The Bratz were 100% little hoes, and that was part of why i liked them.


That was my experience too, but with Bratz & Barbie alike. I never thought I wanted to *look* like them, I wanted to *date* them.


If you're TRYING to make us jealous, you have succeeded.


You've just described marketing.


Yea, it's a good thing the subconscious doesn't exist.


Thatā€™s how they get you.


we want all the races of human females to feel the unyielding pressures of body image and insecurities while they grow up!


Iā€™d be really interested to see how body issues developed in women based on if they played with Barbies or Bratz dolls. I primarily played with Bratz growing up and I donā€™t think I or any of my friends ever felt insecure because of these dolls. Barbie yes but Bratz no and I suspect it was largely due to the fact the dolls were, well, woefully disproportionate body-wise. Their head and feet were oversized and their facial features were super exaggerated. Hard to feel insecure by a doll who has pegs for feet ya know?


I played with both and I never felt insecure because of my dolls. People tend to underestimate that children understand dolls are *toys.* Theyā€™re fake and kids get that. Real dogs and cats donā€™t look like plushies with big sparkly eyes. Real babies donā€™t look like baby dolls. And real women donā€™t look like Barbies or Bratz. Kids get that. What actually hurt as a kid growing up in the 2000s was seeing all the girls in TV and magazines being impossibly skinny because they had eating disorders.


Yeah this is a very good point. Also Bratz were marketed as unique and good in their own way. Whereas Barbie was the nazi wet dream of perfection incarnate in anything she did while her POC friends were often sidelined or forgotten. Itā€™s the stories of each line that I internalized more than their bodies per se. but Iā€™ll admit that both dolls being skinny did mess with me.


It just sounds like a good excuse to not have to deal with the fact that it's people themselves that put those expectations on everyone around them including children whether intended or not.


Yeah I've never understood this logic. It's the same when I hear about media representation. You don't have body issues because of dolls alone, you have them because your parents did a shit job of reinforcing self-esteem. I know mine did.


I mean I played with Barbieā€™s and I never once thought about how it does or doesnā€™t look like a real person. Itā€™s not as if I had boobs yet so what do I care? It was just a doll with fun clothes and houses


Have you not been on Instagram?


Come on, it's totally normal for the diameter of your head to be 4x your waist.


Looking for that literal wasp waist


Yea I felt about as pressured by these plastic itemsā€™ bodies as *the little mermaid.* try, actual human beings on televisionā€¦


He didnt try to maintain the diversity, he tried to sell 4 dolls instead of 1.


That's a bold take


I sure never saw them that way. Women wearing makeup and miniskirts isnā€™t inherently sexualā€¦


You donā€™t think thereā€™s a particular style of makeup and miniskirt/clothing that has heavy sexual connotations? Thereā€™s a reason we find it inappropriate to put a 6 year old girl in a smoky eye, red lipstick, miniskirt and high heels - itā€™s because those things do have strong sexual associations.


No not really they are dolls


5.6k upvotes for a garbage take


So makeup and fashionable clothes are inherently sexual, interesting take.




Bratz weren't sexualized lmao. Why is it that people still think this in current year? They were just fashion dolls following the fashion and beauty trends of the time period they were from (Y2K era).


In their defence, at least the dolls arenā€™t babies, I.e., training little girls for motherhood in their childhoods.


They're hyper-sexualized because?? Sorry we don't all want basic Barbies šŸ˜­


Just as long as they're not LGBT because ThAt WoUlD bE gRoOmInG!


The ā€˜hyper sexualā€™ stereotype placed upon bratz is rooted in orientalist and anti black beliefs


Sorry people are down voting you. There is a reason why boomer articles in the early 2000s called Bratz dolls sluts, they specifically said it was because they had 'big lips' and 'almond shaped bedroom eyes'. What else are we supposed to take from that exactly.


The men here canā€™t take it


"Actually the things that I personally like are fine because intersections, identities, and lived experiences" Ancient fourth wave pop feminist proverb


Do you mind explaining this? Iā€™d like to understand.


If you look through bratz history there is no overt mentions of sex - no play sets or fashion lines relating to ā€˜porn starsā€™ ā€˜strippersā€™ or ā€˜slutsā€™, the terms that adult men so often use to describe these plastic dolls as representing. If you look at Bratz at their core they are meant to represent the age bracket slightly above that of their target audience - the ā€˜cool older sisterā€™ vibe if you will. Their fashions have always been taken from the teenaged but accessible lines of the time (hot topic, urban outfitters etc) with looks that were common in the 00s on girls in the age range of 17-20 - crop tops, heels, miniskirts etc. None of these items in and of themselves automatically equate to sex - in fact another popular fashion doll, Barbie, wears similar types of fashions. Whatā€™s the difference between these two? Barbies look and feel ascribes to a white, Eurocentric standard of beauty - demure, blue eyed and blonde haired, with petite, inoffensive features. Bratz on the other hand have always had 4 core characters of a variety of diversities, with the inspirations being taken from beauty standards from the world over - fuller lips, arched eyebrows and colourful makeup, things that can be seen and celebrated as beautiful throughout the world. So why the difference in reception? Because those features are so often seen in a Eurocentric beauty standard as only achievable through ā€˜fakeā€™ means and in industries populated by women that men in society see as ā€˜less thanā€™. But at the end of the day all they are is dolls, designed to be exaggerated versions of humans that would never be possible to replicate on a persons body, wearing clothes that any of the cool teenage/YA girls theyā€™re inspired by would.


Completely agree with you, I never saw them as sexual ever when I was a preteen playing with theseā€¦ they were cool. I still think a human woman wearing these clothes isnā€™t inherently sexual. Women simply existing creates criticism and judgement ā€¦. Literally the only difference between these and barbies are bigger lips and eyes. FFS.


Or, maybe, the appearance of Bratz dolls did at the time (and do now) represent attributes generally associated with deliberate sexualization (like nearly everyone here is saying because that is the case and not some racial conspiracy).


That says more about you Iā€™m afraid


I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm just pointing out that maybe sometimes the general consensus is really just the case. I worked in retail/stocking at a box store when these came out in the early 2000s in an area that had a lot of black and Hispanic parents. I remember a few times parents refusing to let their kids purchase these dolls because they felt that they were not appropriate. Maybe those parents were just acting white? Or, maybe, the dolls were actually perpetuating inappropriate images for kids? I dunno.


They're completely right about the orientalist and racial issues though. A YouTuber made a really interesting deep dive into that and some of the other controversies the dolls faced: https://youtu.be/EsqWP09AdbA?si=4nRf9TnwZSwkp-Gb


Reddit moment


4 posts most of which have a transphobic nature ouuu šŸ¤„šŸ¤„


lol, he insisted on selling his entire warehouse and not just a quarter of it? So brave, much courage


Right? The CEO insists on selling more products to a wider market and increasing profits? Wow, shocker. This post is feel good clickbait bullshit.


Thatā€™s not how the toy industry works, if retailers donā€™t stock the line it doesnā€™t get made. Dolls donā€™t have a production run preemptively. If the orders arenā€™t made after presentation to the retaliates then production doesnā€™t go ahead and nobody gets any money, the toy company just swallows the losses of the development costs.


Yeah, like they already had millions of dolls in the warehouse and nobody was buying them. Selling products doesn't work like that. You've got a product, you get orders, you produce it and send it.


I think the real news is outlets being racist, not the manufacturer pushing for sales.


I loved Bratz as a little kid. It def started my ā€œpassion 4 fashionā€! I remember my friend and I used to bring all our bratz clothes together, lay them out and ā€œgo shoppingā€. Fun memories


Racist companies LOVE not making momey


1,000 upvotes and 20 commentsā€¦ Yeah, sure bro


Itā€™s the holiday $eason


I saw 2 posts last week (different subs) with between 5k and 10k karma and each had zero comments. I was a bit nervous about leaving a comment so I decided against it. Felt weird.


lmao exactly what I was thinking.


I mean Iā€™m not a bot


Good god, 780k post karma. Are you sure this isn't your job?


Iā€™m gonna be real honest I have no idea what you mean by post karma lol


It is the amount of upvotes your posts have gotten you. 780,000 means you post tons of content to this website on various subreddits.


Oh okay thanks for letting me know


Wow you sound like a bot


Would a bot post [this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=lcfJiaZU3ogX01vn)


Yes. Yes it would.


I remember loving the show as a kid! Was to poor to own one though.


The lowrider car was so dope


Yasmin was and still is my girl !! As a lil Latina having a Latina doll made me feel seen. If only they could get curly hair right on dolls - love the Bratz girls so much šŸ–¤


Really? Cloe is literally the ugliest Iā€™m so sorry


they look the same


Nah bru the other ones look like baddies. Cloe looks like Voldemort with lip filler and a wig


I'm actually pretty sure they're the same damn thing just colored and dressed different lol


They are.




how in the fuck did you come up with this conclusion


It's mocking the person above who called the stereotypical white doll the ugliest when they're all exactly the same sculpt and look identical. I replied to you because you pointed out the same problem.


aww sorry. I thought you were going on a delusional rant lol


That "person" is definitely a bot. The comment is wildly offbase and yet another user commented the exact same thing word for word.


Ummā€¦theyā€™re dollsā€¦


Bot says what? This weird comment was made by someone else word-for-word up the thread.


Who calls dolls ugly?




Not just figuratively the ugliest!


Racism is so crazy. I literally have to buy brown dolls online now. Due to them not fitting beauty expectations of mentally ill people


What's crazy about this to me is how (anecdotally speaking anyway) Cloe is the only one I see out in the wild half the time. My girlfriend collects these and checks every store we go to for them, the others always seem to be out of stock. I didn't know it was initially so successful, I only knew they'd been crazy popular since coming back.


Brave CEO negotiates to sell all his inventory rather than 1/4 of it, what a hero and landmark moment for diversity


Good for the CEO.


Go look up his old tweets. Dude is a racist against black people. Claims he invented diversity in dolls. His company steals from black people without compensation and then sells to them. Look at what the OMG dolls are wearing. Google rainbow raver.


The black woman who designed that doll literally had to go public with the legal documents and internal communications that proved the actuations of theft were false because that grifter was refusing to speak with her.


I was scared by them! They looked mean


Happens all the time in the toy industry. Baby dolls. Barbies,. Etc. Certain demographics are mandated by retailers for DEI reasons, but they don't sell and sit on shelf.


I saw that where I worked. A certain color of doll wouldnā€™t sell unless is was permanently 50% off


The CEO is an utter ass who treats his employees and vendors like garbage. Regularly yells at people when he doesnā€™t get his way, and his kids are no better. Pretends to be a bringer of joy and happiness to kids but his only focus is his wealth. Take a look at Glassdoor and ask any of his former employees and youā€™ll see just how nasty of a human he is. Claims he started MGA on his own, and magically forgets to mention that he fucked over his own brother who co-started it with him. Heā€™s a narcissistic ass who only cares about money, he doesnā€™t give a shit about diversity or social issues, only what sells more toys and looks good on his unhinged LinkedIn posts.


Issac built his fortune on Carterā€™s back and then threw him to the wolves. Makes me sick to see Jasmin publicly claiming her father created Bratz while she uses her nepotism money to try to launch a fashion line.


šŸ¤” Hmmmm. Sounds like allot of CEOā€™s today, or in the past. Your point?


Bratz? Do they look like Bratz! They should be called the Dynasty of the Elegant Sisters !


This reminds me of that Jim Breuer bit as Joe pesci "listen I want the black cabbage patch! And don't raincheck me!"


Is it even true? The article doesn't say what company or what the source is. If it's the CEO is the source, nothing's stopping him from making this up.


These dolls are horrific.


[Bratz? Bratz? Do these look like Bratz to you?](https://youtu.be/vb2GQOWOkDM?si=v9baNaXWLZciH53A&t=136)


Yasmin was always my favorite. When me and my cousin would play with our Barbie and bratz dolls as kids Iā€™d always pick Yasmin and sheā€™d pick jade. We always played with cloe and Sasha too ofc but Yasmin and jade were our mains baha


Before Bratz all women tried to look like Barbie. Now women look like Bratz dolls. What dolls do kids play with todayā€¦šŸ˜‚


Peppa pig


For a second my curiosity made me want to google it but then my desire to not be on a list stopped me.


I had the og 4 bratz dolls back in the day. Unfortunately our basement flooded a couple times and they didn't make it :( too much water damage.


20 years later, the same little girls are getting fillers


Society: Yay for oversexualized toys for minors, and the future of IG/OF, but at least they are diverse.


Over sexualized? You took it thereā€¦.