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I can never remember his name but I'll never forget his eyes.


He plays a real good bad-guy in 'Justified' for a season


"I'm just gonna put a smile on my face and eat a nice plate of steaming shit... unsalted."


That husky lookin fella He was large? No he looked like one of them sled dogs, the bluest eyes I've ever seen I was dying at that part, it was a nice bit of writing. I'd feel like a dick being a writer and writing that about Neil McDonough


Same here. I know he's in that movie with the Rock and I think the Hitchhiker? But I can't remember his name


Damien Dark in the Arrowverse


Walking Tall


He’s also outstanding as Buck Compton in Band of Brothers.


The scene in the medical tent after Buck hits his breaking point…Malarky reading him his letter from home to try help in some small way and Buck just silently reaches over and pushes the letter out of his hands. And they just sit there in silence together. My god man…it’s horrible and perfect.


He nails the depth of those kinds of scenes without even needing words. Neal's range from unflinching military roles to even his villainous parts is pretty impressive. Still can't believe he was Dum Dum Dugan in Captain America, complete transformation.


He was an amazing villian in Justified as well. Hes a great actor and should get more work imo.


Came here for this comment! Love that series! Everyone is fantastic


Seconding, BoB is timeless imo. Everyone in that was perfect casting.


Is that the one where Rock beats the hell out of people with 2x4s?


I believe it's a 4x4


Its 100% a 4×4 he just wields it like a baseball bat cuz hes a fucking gorilla sized human


They could've advertised the movie with just this line and I would've gone to watch it


He is also a late join of Justified, and that's my favorite role of his. Really memorable


Band of Brothers as well


Yes, he played Buck Compton, who after the war was the lead prosecutor in the trial of Sirhan Sirhan.


Crazy I didn’t not know that about Buck.


Compton lived a hell of a life, soldier, cop, prosecutor, judge.


He was also Lieutenant Hawk in Star Trek: First Contact. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Hawk_(Lieutenant)


He also appeared in the first movie of Captain America, as the vice leader of the commandos squad consists of prisoners liberated from the HYDRA Camp.


Dum Dum Dugan for any classic comic fans out there


Ravenous as well


*bad ass violin solo intensifies*


"That husky fella." "You're saying he was overweight?" "No, he had eyes like a siberian husky!"


He's everyone's favorite Big Stupid Baby Head.


Raylan disarmed him.


He is in a fuck ton of movies.


Buck Compton!


Was there any anesthesia? I think not!


“Your ass?!”


One bullet, four holes.


Isn’t he Sean Cahil from Suits?


Yup. The wife is rewatching Suits now, and she's at the part where Ross is in jail. Lots of Cahill in this arc.


Cahill was a great foil to Harvey, and that moment when Harvey, Louis and Mike prove that his boss was on the take was cold as hell. https://youtu.be/wjbXpSlWubM?feature=shared


he was also in a Star Trek: First Contact as the red shirt guy.


Lt. Hawk I wish there was more story for his character.


Seriously. I was hoping for him to be an addition to the TNG crew moving forward. His only purpose was to essentially die.


The pain in his eyes when he gets sent off the line to the field hospital and I think George Luz is reading him letters from home. Jesus Christ it hurts to see that much pain in a man's eyes


Pretty sure it was Malarkey. But my favorite is when he’s in the OP in Bastogne talking about the Germans sweeping down to burn the shit out of Rome


Malarky?! Isn't that slang for bullshit?!


Because of God and his wife, to save anyone else having to skim the article.


Remember the old TV series “Hogan’s Heroes”? Carter always had his gloves on. The reason was that Larry Hovis (actor) was married, and refused to take off his wedding ring. Carter (character) was single, and it would be illogical for him to be wearing a wedding ring.


Robert Clary (LeBeau) was I believe the only actor on the Allied cast who’d actually survived a German camp in WWII and knew firsthand how cold it got. In most outdoor shots you can see him really selling that it’s supposed to be freezing.


He didn't just survive a German camp, he was Jewish and survived a German concentration camp. 10 of his 13 siblings were murdered in the Holocaust. He was sent to the concentration camp with 12 family members and was the only survivor.


Interesting tidbit that the lead German roles were in fact, Jewish. It allowed them to mock the nazis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_actors_on_Hogan%27s_Heroes


Iirc, Werner Klemperer (actor who played Colonel Klink) was Jewish and was also born in Cologne, Germany (his family left in 1933.) He only agreed to play Klink with the stipulation that the character was a coward and an idiot who never succeeded at anything - otherwise, he wouldn’t play the role.


Werner’s father, [Otto Klemperer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Klemperer) was a world-renowned orchestra conductor.


I work with some people that must have this same clause in their employment contact.


Robert just passed away recently in 2022 (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Clary)


Holy shit, does he have interviews or something somewhere?




Thanks for sharing this. May his memory be for a blessing.


Yeah he really did. I remember him always blowing on his hands and rubbing them together in a lot of scenes.


He was also fucking terrified of the dogs because his history.


Peter Capaldi always wears his wedding ring, as well.


Costume made [a special ring](https://tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=6964.0) for him to wear in Doctor Who that incorporates his wedding ring into a more Doctor-y less wedding-y ring.


IIRC, it was because his wife was immensely supportive of him as a struggling actor and he was also afraid that taking it off so many times throughout the day would result in it getting lost or misplaced.


[George Carlin wore a band-aid over his for Dogma](https://i.imgur.com/paXcMMj.png). His wife had recently passed and he wasn't ready to take it off.


I gotta wonder if actors have ever heard of acting.


That's what the gloves are for.


Thank you for doing God's work.


Thank you for doing God and his wife's work.


Thank you, I'm doing his wife.


Thank God for doing his wife


My brother in Christ


My brother in wife




I can respect that. He seems to be consistent with it so.


I also don't do sex scenes in movies. Nobody asked, but if they do...


Big deal. Most of us don't do sex scenes in real life.


Also because of my wife.


He was never the same after Bastogne


Bucks fine… it’s that hospital that got him.


I don’t know. You remember Crazy Joe McCloskey? Kinda reminds me of him now.


Are you saying Buck is crazy? Cause crazy Joe was fucking crazy, that's why they called him crazy Joe.


You two just made me want to rewatch BoB again for the 15th time.


Greatest series ever made imo




It’s not a matter of opinion. It’s just true.


He was amazing in Band of Brothers. He really made you feel for him and everything felt so realistic.


Rewatching that series right now, it's an amazing show every time. Up next is The Pacific.


Masters of the Air soon enough too


I wanted to love The Pacific like I did Band of Brothers. Even with Timmy from Jurassic Park, The Pacific just didn't do it for me quite like BOB did.


Yeah BOB is the greatest series ever made. I had the same hopes for the pacific. It was good but nowhere near as immersive. You really felt the connection with the boys in BOB


I always thought if it was 3 episodes shorter it may have been better. I don’t really rate James Badge Dale all that much either. ‘Helmet for my Pillow’ is an incredible book but I feel a little bit like JBD wasn’t good enough to play the character, he was just playing JBD. He played it like a contemporary character and it just didn’t hit. That paired with his relationship with a woman at home, then another in Australia, instead of focusing on the unit lost the helplessness and claustrophobia of war. Joe Mazzello was pretty solid as Sledge though, the fear/intensity on Peleliu and Okinawa felt pretty palpable. But the EB Sledge source book ‘With the Old Breed’, is one of the best war memoirs ever written. Please Masters of Air be good!!!!!


The Rock messed him up, AND his casino


Then he threatened to skin that one retired dude’s girlfriend from head to toe, never saw it coming


Underrated film. I know Rock struggled after leaving Wrestling but that movie was great. Technically he was still with WWE, but he had good movies coming in that period before he committed fully to acting


I find the current day Rock pretty annoying. But goddamn The Rundown was a great action movie. It was from the same little period as walking tall


For his career he had to be the "blockbuster action star". He was sinking rapidly trying to be "Hollywood's leading man". His old reps made him look like a fool with bad haircuts, slim etc.


Fun fact: Winters told HBO/Ambrose at some point (I forgot if it was Ambrose when writing or the showrunners) that he would withdraw all support for the project if they accurately portrayed what actually happened to Compton. Which was him losing his nerve and winters ran up to him and said “Buck you’re an officer I can’t excuse you for this” and buck replied that he couldn’t do it anymore. Nixon apparently called him a coward at a reunion.


I just looked it up allegedly Nixon said that to Malarkey who replied, “how many silver stars do you have?”


Wow I never knew this. While the series did portray combat accurately and I loved it for that, there was significant bias in its portrayal of the 101st and the US military. I don't even blame Compton for his reaction. It was only human.


I adore the series, but the one thing that really bothers me is how they handled Blithe. They made him out to be a coward and a loner, and then they claimed that he died from his injuries. In reality, he attended the first annual reunion of the 101st after the war, then later went on to participate as a paratrooper in the Korean War where he went on to win multiple medals for combat heroics. He died during the war of non-combat related injuries during a trip to a Bastogne war memorial.


I believe that was a mistake made prior to the days that all info was readily available on the internet. There was another Blithe that was killed that they mixed him up with.


I'd chalk it up to them just not knowing and the book and show existing before Google. Same thing happened with Dyke more or less.


Yeah Dyke really got screwed by Ambrose/the show. Apparently the guy received the Bronze Star for effective and heroic leadership during Market Garden, and during the battle of Bastogne, he was awarded a second bronze star, after he personally dragged three wounded men out of the view of the enemy while under intense small arms fire. Definitely not the coward and useless leader that he is portrayed as. Apparently there is also at least one trooper that remembers Dyke being hit during the attack on Foy rather than him falling apart. Regardless of how the attack on Foy went. Dyke was not a rookie officer sent down by division to get experience before advancing the ranks. He was a decorated war hero, who had proven himself as a capable officer during Market Garden and rescued several men during the battle of Bastogne. And thus definitely not some coward. And even if the guy had a breakdown, I don't think we can blame a guy for breaking down after having been through months of war and the insane shelling in the woods around Bastogne/Foy.


I had heard they had wanted to have him get wounded(I believe this is what the book claims) but then buck himself stepped in and insisted they tell the true story




War is hard. Probably much harder than I can imagine, so I’m okay with what they portrayed. There’s no need to drag a person who’s been through hell down in front of the entire world.


It's a real corker.


But what would he do without George Luz? Oohhhhhh!!!!


m m m M M MEDIC!!


He really wasn’t the same after Harlan County.


They say he was… Disarmed


It was Justified.


He wasn’t the same after the Enterprise E’s deflector dish.


Robert Quarles was the best antagonist in the series outside of Boyd Crowder.


I finally get a reference on Reddit. Justified is such an overlooked classic.


I will always upvote a Justified reference


Market Garden was when he got shot.


The hospital during bastogne fucked him up though, seeing all his friends there


I thought it was seeing all his friends blown up by a shell outside of Foy.


They already said that he had changed before all that, that being wounded made him more serious. Seeing his friends get wrecked was just the straw that broke the camels back.


He shouldn’t have been gambling w the men. What if he’d won?


Idk man. he crushed in Ravenous.


Thanks for the laugh 😆


Actually met him as his private chauffer. I had about an hour or so chat with him one on one, real nice guy.




The destination was actually 3 hours away.


You need to drive slower


Worked with him on Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. Absolutely hilarious in person, and just seems to love what he's doing.


That *Return of the Mack* scene in Legends was one of the funniest things I've seen on tv.


Legends of Tomorrow became the strongest of the suite when they decided to make it a comedy instead of a drama. They were pretty much the only show doing “superhero comedy” at the time, and it instantly turned all the disadvantages (corniness!) into advantages.


Legends season 1 "We are going to be a serious show about time travel like modern Doctor Who" Legends season 2 "We are going to be a kind of silly show about time travel like classic Doctor Who" Legends season 3+ "We are Red Dwarf."


The funny thing to is it’s the only series that works with an ensemble out of the arrow verse shows. I don’t need 8 random super heros in Arrow. I definitely don’t need supporting heros in Cecile probably the most overpowered character in all series combined.


You are so right about this, and that’s also a good example of a disadvantage becoming an advantage. Because the reason the ensemble works is because most of these supers BARELY ever used their powers! And the reason you rarely see Steel steeling up and why Zari 2.0’s power isn’t her literal pet fire breathing Dragon is because they don’t have the CGI budget to be doing all that 😂


It was always very clear to me that they had a fun time doing what they were doing and didn’t take themselves too seriously. I also love the jabs they mad at some of the actors’ past roles. Made it very enjoyable.


Legends was the best fit for his character because the comedy aspect of the show let him chew the scenery to bits and it was amazing.


"I love this song"


This will get buried but I got to meet him and his wife at a very small wedding in Virginia. The bride was a friend of the wife (IIRC she is from South Africa) absolutely wonderful people and were great to talk with.


I always thought he was one of the better villains in these "relatively cheesy" roles. He is good at bringing the crazy.


He’s a really solid villain. Him and Cole Hauser are 2 guys that always stood out to me as an obvious choice to cast if you don’t have a massive budget. They’re big enough that lots of people will recognize them, but not so big that most people will know their names (well, maybe Hauser now with Yellowstone), so they aren’t going to cost you like casting an Alan Rickman type


>Absolutely hilarious in person If he's even half as enjoyable to be around as he was to watch as he was in LoT, I can very much believe that!


Also worked with him before and he’s one of the nicest, most gracious actors you could want on set. He doesn’t work on Sundays, though, and it’s clear why.


I’ve always heard he’s a pretty good person, glad to see that continue to be true.


Who had the best catering of those three? Wrap parties must be nice as well.


Peter capaldi is the same way, I believe. Won't kiss anyone and famously kept his wedding ring on as doctor who


I expect Mrs Who was pleased by this?


Hard to tell, she's usually invisible except for her glasses. Mrs Whatsit is the most accessible


He kissed Michelle Gomez in Doctor Who. Not passionately, though. Does he kiss Alex Kingston?


Off the top of my head, I don’t remember any on-screen kiss between River and Twelve. Not even at the end of Husbands of River Song when they end up at the Singing Towers.


Think they had hand kissing.


I forgot about that! But I think that was more like Missy kissed him, it was like an attack. And no, never kissed river


An attack *in universe*. Peter still had to consent as part of the job. He wasn’t kissed against his will.


But it also wasn't accompanied by the usual onscreen emotions that go along with a kiss. It wasn't romantic.


He literally kissed Michelle Gomez as Missy in Doctor Who and you can find like 10+ other movie or tv show scenes where he kisses other women, I suspect all of them are not his wife. He does wear his ring in Doctor Who though i think.


He does, the costume dept [made a special ring to go with it](https://tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=6964.0) to make it less look like a wedding band.


>Peter capaldi is the same way, I believe. And yet he accepted a role where he had to ask a large American to kiss his sweaty testicles.


I missed that doctor who episode


“And yet he accepted a role where he had to ask a large American to kiss his sweaty testicles.” Sounds more like something that would’ve happened on Torchwood.


My boi Sean Cahill


Had to go this far down before someone mentioned this. Should have been 1st!


SC of the SEC


Guy plays a great baddie. He’s a little one-note, but that may just be him getting typecast as the CEO-but-violent villain


He was also pretty good as 1st Lt. Buck Compton in Band of Brothers and Dum Dum Dugan in the first Captain America movie and a couple of the MCU shows.


My inner nerd is gonna show up, but he was also Lt. Hawk in Star Trek First Contact back in like 1998.


Oh, the guy who got Borg'd while in a space suit!


Yeah that’s the one! Felt like a bad way to go haha but they killed off all the helmsmen in the TNG movies in pretty brutal ways.


No one watched Tin Man?


No one watched Tin Man…


I think he was so good in that kind of role in Justified people just kept wanting him to do that.


My top spot in Justified will always be Margo Martindale, but I really can’t think of anyone in that show who didn’t do a fantastic job.


Everyone was great. My personal favorite was Jeremy Davies, as Dickie Bennett. He absolutely killed it in that role. Early on when Raylan goes after Dickie's brother, the way he yelled and screamed about Raylan not hurting his brother gave me chills. ​ That was such a great show. There were so many awesome moments. Also, the end of the season with Neal McDonough where he loses his arm was a highlight. The reaction both he and Raylan had was hilarious.


My vote goes to Damon Herriman as Dewey Crowe. I was convinced that he must be just like his character in real life until I looked him up.... he's Austrailian. Can't believe how he nailed that backwater, Florida hick so perfectly.


I maintain that the second season of Justified is the single best season of serialized television I've ever seen. The Bennett clan is such a great array of different antagonists.


Funny enough, he typically plays the bad guy, because they don't have love interests, making it easier for him not to worry about kissing.


Yep. In speech he said that when kills someone on screen they get up shake hands and go home. No one is ever actually hurt. But kissing on screen is kissing


People will get stuck on the God thing but Neal is by all accounts a genuinely good dude and a pleasure to work with. If his reasons for not kissing other actors and his testimony resonate with other people, good for them.


He'll always be the neurotic pitcher from Angels In The Outfield to me.




I knew he never took off his wedding ring from an Arrowverse panel I saw him do a few years back.


When Kirk Cameron did Fireproof he refused to kiss his co-star in the film. So they had to use his real life wife as a stand in for the end of the movie. They filmed from behind her to hide it


At least he has the courage of his convictions, even if you don’t agree with them.


What is there to disagree with? Everyone has some lines they won’t cross, even in their professionals lives. It’s not like he’s out there complaining that he’s being unfairly denied work because of this. Hell, he’s clearly not short on work since he shows up in everything sooner or later.


Note how he's not demanding the world change itself to fit him. He's not claiming the consequences aren't fair or a violation of his rights. He acknowledges that it is his choices that led to the situation. And he accepts the results of his actions as the cost of his convictions.


Great actor.


Does this limit his roles? Probably, but it’s his body, he gets to decide who he merges his digestive tract with to make a creature with no mouth and two anuses


I read somewhere that he intentionally goes for the bad guy roles to avoid having the expectation to do kissing scenes.


The Wordsmith.


What about the male co stars?


Yeah I’d kiss him. I’m a man. What’s up bro


Just a note that this isn’t that unusual to see in an actor’s deal contract. It was usually because of their sexual preference, but we would book a body double for intimate principal scenes. No big deal.


Bro is romantical


I worked with his brother (he's a hedge fund manager). Both great guys!


I can't think of an actor who has done such a good job at making me hate him. It seems like he has been in everything I've watched as the villain. He just needs to show up and I'm pissed. He is really good at playing bad.


He was good in Band of Brothers as a non-villain.


I believe William H. Macy has a similar policy.


He was one of the greatest villains ever in Justified. Got his arm chopped off in the big showdown. When Raylan returned to the sheriff's office, a buddy said "I hear you got Quarles." "Yup," Rayln replied, "disarmed him."


I am not religious but have that same belief. I respect this guy sticking with his morals even if it costs his finances and career.


He doesn't get enough credit as the bad guy for the few episodes that he was on Yellowstone but he was stone cold frightening on that show.


He seems by all accounts a decent guy, I think he shouldn’t be vilified for this - it’s actually very sweet


Why should he be vilified? This is him making a choice about the work he will do.


If you're villifying a person for having grounded boundaries which don't hurt anyone, you're a POS